
时间:2022-07-13 13:38:51 | 来源:语文通



This year, I have a very excited thing, that is-Shenzhou twelve flying sky.


From 2003 to 2021, Chinese aerospace technology created one miracle after another.From Orient -1, unmanned plane, rocket, manned spacecraft.It surprised the people of the world.


At 9:22 am on June 22, 2021, Shenzhou 12 was launched at the Jiuquan Launch Center, carrying three astronauts. They were Liu Boming, Tang Hongbo, and Nie Haisheng.


There are more than 100 kinds of food and other daily necessities on the Rockets.


Rockets are connected with Tianhe No. 1 core compartment and Tianzhou -2 freight ships on space.This is also the first time that China has entered our Chinese space station.When I heard this, I jumped up happily. The classmates were talking about this. The teacher also talked about it in class. I thought I was very excited.Essence


I also saw the astronauts on TV and said to the people of the country: "Shenzhou 12 flew to space, thank the people of the country for their support." They would fly for 90 days in space, and I look forward to the day they return.


In space, when the astronauts were eating, the food flew into Tang Hongbo's mouth. I was laughed. It turned out that space life was also very interesting.


As the flowers of the motherland, in the near future, we must make future aerospace technology greater.



1、十二:十二读音为shí èr,是指1.十分之二。 2.特指税率或利率十分之二。 3.形容数量多或程度深。十二 shí èr词语解释:1.十分之二。 2.特指税率或利率十分之二。 3.形容数量多或程度深。分词解释:税率:计算课税对象每一课税单位应征税额的比率。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。特指:[认为某些事物所属的] 指定范围或角色。十分:1.按十等分划分。 2.犹十成。 3.充分,十足。 4.副词。犹全部。 5.副词。非常,极,很。表示程度高。数量:1.事物的多少和长短。 2.指事物的多少。...十二怎么造句,用十二造句»

2、飞天:飞天读音为fēi tiān,是指佛教壁画或石刻中的在空中飞舞的神。梵语称神为提婆,因提婆有‘天 ’的意思,所以汉语译为飞天。飞天 fēi tiān词语意思:佛教壁画或石刻中的在空中飞舞的神。梵语称神为提婆,因提婆有‘天 ’的意思,所以汉语译为飞天。分词解释:石刻:1.刻有文字﹑图画的碑碣或石壁。亦指上面所刻字画的拓本。 2.镌雕石制品。梵语:一般指古印度的书面语。因提:相传为上古时代的纪年单位,十纪中的第八纪。意思:1.思想;心思。 2.意义,道理。 3.意图,用意。 4.意志。 5.神情。 6.情趣;趣味。 7.心情,情绪。 8.情意;心意。 9.引申指代表心意的宴请或礼品。 10.意见,想法。 11.迹象,苗头。 12.象征性的表示。...飞天怎么造句,用飞天造句»