
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:16 | 来源:语文通



狗的作文 篇1关于狗的作文 篇2有关狗的作文 篇3小狗优秀作文 篇4有关狗的作文 篇5

狗的作文 篇1


That afternoon I was reading a book, when suddenly a "bird" called from the room, "Did I fall into the fairy tale world? Impossible, impossible!" I thought to myself. Listen carefully again, it's a grunt!


At first, I didn't care too much and continued to immerse myself in the book. But the noise was getting louder and louder, which made me a little upset, so I jumped up and looked around, but I got nothing! I was determined to find this strange sound, so I held my breath and suddenly found that the sound came from the "foot warmer". But there was only Dudu who was sleeping inside. I couldn't help wondering: "Can dogs snore? Haven't heard of it! Maybe I heard it wrong, but don't wrongen the good dog!" I crept close to it. Suddenly Dudu made a noise, and I stopped walking for fear of waking it!


It's good for Dudu. He simply fell asleep again with his white belly exposed. I can't help feeling it! Curiosity urged me to walk to Dudu gently three steps at once and two steps at a time. I only heard the snoring of "wheezing" coming out of its nostrils rhythmically. "Haha, it's really you who are snoring!" I couldn't help laughing. Doodle was awakened by my laughter, and the snoring disappeared with it!


Later, my father told me: "When a dog is in the wild, he will keep alert and guard against attacks from other beasts at any time. Only when he feels safe, he will sleep with confidence and even snore!" It seems that Dudu trusts us very much. Although he didn't say anything, I know why? Because it can snore!

关于狗的作文 篇2


This dog is the dog of Aunt Liu Min's house in our hospital. I took these two brown and yellow "elves" home and put them on the ground. He shook his tail and looked around. When I saw this gesture, I said, "What a lovely animal! The dog's loveliness is more reflected in its playfulness and eating.


Dogs are fond of playing. Once these two dogs are released, they will not go home. They can play for a day and a night. No matter who calls them, they will not go home. As long as there are children playing with the ball in the yard, it will grab the children's ball and roll on the ball, as if it were performing acrobatics.


When a dog eats, the owner takes out his favorite dog food. They are also choosy about not eating dog food. The owner takes out the meat slices, cleverly makes a fuss and violently pounces on them, grabs the meat away and gobbles it up, fearing that Doudou will snatch it away. The host gave Doudou another piece of meat, and immediately let Doudou take it away and eat it. The host beat it with something and said, "What did you eat for Doudou? Doudou kissed the host's foot, as if to say," Don't make a fuss. It's not intentional. Forgive it!


They are really two cute and clever puppies.

有关狗的作文 篇3


Everyone has Christmas gifts they want. My brother wants a new baseball glove, so he can play baseball with his good friends after school; My sister wants a new set of novels, read them to enrich herself; My sister wants a lovely teddy bear, so she can sleep with it every day; What I want most for Christmas is a new and versatile robot dog.


Since I visited the robot exhibition, I have been looking forward to having a fully functional robot dog, a robot dog that can talk and play with me. I want him to accompany me and chat with me when I am bored, so that I will not be lonely; I want him to help his mother do housework and share her hard work so that she won't be too tired; I want him to study with me and accompany me to learn and grow happily. I want him to be my friend and stay with me all my life.


Although the robot dog may break down, I will take good care of it. My robot dog and I sometimes play ball games. How happy am I to throw it and catch it! Sometimes I will run with it and let it follow at my feet, just like a small attendant! Sometimes I will dance with it, I will spin it and jump, immersed in the beauty of the dance! When I am sad, it can accompany me, so that I will not be so lonely, so sad.


Why do I want a robot dog? Because robot dogs don't need to eat feed or drink water, just wipe oil. The robot dog has no hair, no fleas, no money to buy a comb to help it comb. There is also a robot dog that does not need to defecate or urinate, saving my mother's money for toilet paper and the time I take it out. How can people dislike and don't want such convenience?


Robo dog can bring me laughter and joy. I think there is no gift that is more pleasing than a robot dog that can bring joy. This is my most wanted Christmas gift - a versatile robot dog.

小狗优秀作文 篇4


My family has a smart puppy called "Pratt", which my father gave me on my birthday.


Pratt's eyes are like black glass balls. It has short limbs, but it runs very fast. Its tail is very short, and sometimes it keeps swinging its own tail. Its hair is even more peculiar, it is light yellow.


He likes swimming very much. In summer, he will go swimming alone in the pond near his home when I don't pay attention. Several times, several dogs came home to steal their food. When they came back, the rice plate was already empty. At this time, they pushed the rice plate over and pretended to be pitiful. I promise you will laugh when you see it. At this time, I said angrily, "Hum!", It seemed to understand my meaning, and immediately turned and walked away in frustration. But who knows, it seems to have super power, which can make people soft. I said, "Come here!" He immediately ran over and pushed the rice plate over again, pretending to be silly and cute, which made people want to love him. I immediately helped him to put a big push on the bone. no


Sometimes, he was also very dutiful. At noon, he sat alone in front of the gate in the scorching sun, with water and dog food beside him. If a stranger comes, it will raise its head and shout as if to say: "Master, master, someone is coming!" If acquaintances insult it in front of it, it will never open its mouth to others. It is always so docile and even plays with people.


My "Pratt" is really smart and dutiful. It is really fascinating.

有关狗的作文 篇5


Before, I hated bitches the most. Every day I have to shout crazily for a long time, which makes people impatient. Every morning, the neighbor's bitch "woof! Woof!" I can't sleep because I keep shouting. That's enough. But what's more hateful is that every day when I come home from school, it keeps shouting. Let's do math, and my ideas for solving problems are all in disorder; Do English, dog barking annoys me too much to look up the dictionary; Write a composition, all ideas are gone! How can I do my homework?


Once, when I came home from school, I heard the dog barking again. I hate that dog! So I grabbed a handful of stones on the ground and threw them at it. Suddenly, the cry stopped. I thought proudly, "You can taste my power!"! How dare you shout again! I'm just happy! The dog suddenly darted at me. I was scared and ran away for a long time, but it still refused to let go. Fortunately, I got rid of it by adjusting the "dog" to leave the mountain.


But just last week. I changed my view of it.


One day when I came home from school, I walked home by myself as usual. Suddenly, the familiar barking of the dog came from behind. It must be the dog again. I'll look back, eh? Isn't it my cup? Why on the ground? Because I ran too fast, the cup fell to the ground, and the dog called me when he found it. I thought to myself: It has no revenge! It seems that I have wronged it.


Recently, I learned from my neighbor that the dog barked because its puppy was running around in the yard. I didn't like it after hearing it.


In this way, I changed my view of bitch. From the past hate gradually become now like. And I want to see it and hear its cry every day on the way to school and home.