
时间:2022-10-28 13:07:29 | 来源:语文通



神奇的胖大海 篇1观察小金鱼的日记200字 篇2观察日记 篇3观察含羞草400字 篇4有趣的蚂蚁 篇5神奇的胖大海 篇6名副其实的胖大海 篇7

神奇的胖大海 篇1


Chen Yinkai


Today, I want to introduce a magic Chinese medicine, which is called Panghai.


Fat sea looks ugly. The two ends are sharp, smaller than walnuts, and like a small football. Wearing a brown dress, they feel uneven. There is no smell in the distance, but there is a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.


Now I want to soak Pang Dahai in water. First, I put Pang Dahai in a cup. The cup makes a sound of "ding dong" and "ding dong". Then I pour boiling water into the cup. At first, Pang Dahai floats on the water, as if swimming, and still spits bubbles. After a while, Pang Dahai slowly undresses from both ends, revealing brown hair, and the water slowly turns brown. Gradually, Pang Dahai's skin was all cracked, and he was as hairy as a ball. And the volume of Panghai is getting bigger and bigger, which immediately fills the whole cup. The skin of the jellyfish like fat sea has been completely lost. At last, Panghai had filled the cup, and the color of the water had turned brown.


Fat sea has many functions, such as cough, toothache, red eyes, internal heat, lowering blood pressure, cold. Such an ugly fat sea also has so many functions. It's amazing!

观察小金鱼的日记200字 篇2


Today, as usual, I came to the Science Park to fish. I caught a big red robe - a small goldfish.


This little goldfish is very beautiful. It is wearing red clothes, a white hat and snow-white glasses. He looks like a handsome boy.


But it is also a naughty ghost. One day when I came to the fish tank after eating, I gently touched the tank, and the fish immediately splashed water on my face with its tail. I was angry. I took the small stone in the fish tank and threw it at the fish. The fish immediately ran to the bottom of the flower, as if to say that you are coming to hit me! Come on! I left reluctantly. Like a victorious general, the little fish nibbled the stem of the flower and swayed its beautiful big tail to walk leisurely in the fish tank.


My goldfish is so cute!

观察日记 篇3


Thursday, October 1, sunny


Yesterday, the teacher asked us to go home and cultivate bean sprouts. A big question mark came into my mind: Will beans really sprout when they are put in water? I started the journey of cultivating bean sprouts with doubts.


Soybeans, as the name implies, are yellow beans. How they look like wearing a yellow coat! Most soybeans are round. Soybeans are small and much larger than mung beans; Soybeans are big, and the largest diameter is only about one centimeter. They are round one by one, like yellow pearls. They can roll back and forth with one hand. They are very flexible.


I grabbed a handful of lightly shiny soybeans and put them into a basin filled with water. They lay quietly under the water and dreamed sweet dreams. I said to the little soybeans, "soybeans, soybeans, do you really grow tall? If so, then grow up quickly!" Mother came to me and said, "It's no use crying like that. You should take care of it carefully and wait patiently for the growth of soybean."


In the evening, the soybeans have changed. It was originally round and wrinkled, but now it has become oval and fat after "eating and drinking enough"; The color has also changed from yellow to light yellow, which is really lovely! I really want to know what soybeans will look like tomorrow.


Saturday, October 3, sunny


Today, I was surprised to find that soybeans sprouted early in the morning! They are different from the day before yesterday, with lighter skin color and much larger size. They burst their coats, revealing tender new shoots. The milky bean sprouts protrude from the middle of the two pieces of bean paste. They are long and short: the long ones are more than one centimeter long, and the short ones are nearly one centimeter long. Some of them are straight, like soldiers with their heads held high and their shoulders held high; Some are crooked, like an English character "S"; Some drag a small tail, like a cute little comma


The soybean sprouts are so cute that I dare not pick them up for fear that the sprouts will break if touched; I dare not breathe hard, for fear that if I do, the buds will be blown away. I was afraid that they would be burned by the sun, so I covered them with "big quilt" - gauze. Pour enough water on the quilt again. I murmured, "Little bean sprouts, drink more and grow up quickly! When you are strong, I can get close to you. In this way, we can become close friends!"


Wednesday, October 7, sunny


I haven't seen my bean sprouts for three days. What surprises will they bring to me today? I opened their quilts with curiosity. Wow, it's really a big surprise! The thin and weak bean sprouts used to grow so tall and sturdy! They stretched their necks and rushed out to enjoy the beautiful world. The highest soybean sprout is 8cm, and the shortest one is 5cm!


At night, I went to see my soybean sprouts before I went to bed. As soon as I opened the small gauze, I cried excitedly: "Mom! Mom! Come and see! The soybean sprouts have changed again!" "Oh, this is the root of soybean sprouts." Mom came over and looked at it and said. Ah, how white and long roots at the bottom of soybean sprouts look like Grandpa's beard! At this time, I said while watering the soybean sprouts: "Soybean sprouts, you should absorb more nutrition and grow up quickly!"


I didn't expect that a small soybean could have such great and magical power. Relying on a little clear water, they kept growing hard and finally grew into sturdy bean sprouts. The plant world is amazing!

观察含羞草400字 篇4


There are several mimosa plants on the lawn in our community. Because they are different, they arouse curiosity, so I pay special attention to them.


Mimosa sprouted in spring, green and tender, but only 10 cm to 20 cm. In summer, Mimosa has luxuriant branches and leaves. The leaves are very unique, like a thin stem. There are some thin things like needles on both sides, which are very similar to the leaves of metasequoia glyptostroboides. In autumn, Mimosa blossomed one flower. The small flower was hairy. Although it was very small and inconspicuous with pink oil stains, when you carefully observe it, you will find it beautiful and lovely. It was a kind of delicate beauty and very attractive. At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, Mimosa produced my photos. There was a green shell outside and a hole inside. After a period of time, the shell turned brown, and soon the seeds jumped out of the river and fell in the soil, waiting for the next year to take root and germinate. This generation after generation of reproduction continues. When he goes to the mountains, JJ is no different from other plants. It makes people wonder why it is cold when he is touched? I couldn't figure it out, so I had to check the information online.


It turns out that there is a liquid storage bag on the top of the petiole of Mimosa mimosa, which is like the oil cylinder in the hydraulic press. At ordinary times, the bag is filled with liquid, so that you can touch the leaves. When you see the sample, the leaves will flow to the upper part and both sides of the leaves. Under the action, the leaves will close and wait for a while to calm down. The liquid will be slowly plastered from both sides, and the swallows will be unfolded again.


Sometimes I deliberately touch them and joke with them.

有趣的蚂蚁 篇5


Chen Xuan


When I was riding a bicycle to rest, I suddenly saw a pile of black things crawling on the ground. I looked at them in a calm way. Oh, it was ants!


God knows why ants have such perfect bodies! The round head, the standard small waist, the buttocks are bigger than the head, and the long, thin legs. Ah, you have a good figure that everyone envies. How did you do it? Do you wash your shiny black coat many times a day?


Ants are really interesting creatures! Have you never seen ants carry food? That scene is spectacular! Look, a large group of ants are moving under the biscuits. They are swarming around the biscuits in an orderly line. The largest ant is crawling over the biscuits, like a commander in chief, commanding other ants. At this time, a few small ants came up not far away. After whispering with them, they turned and ran away. After a while, the army of ants came to support us, carried the delicious cookies at home and shared delicious food.


Ah! Ants are really interesting animals!

神奇的胖大海 篇6


Jin Yuxiang


Today, the teacher asked us to observe the fat sea. This is my first time to observe the fat sea.


Not to mention how ugly the fat sea looks - water drop shaped, dressed in a brown coat, and only as big as an olive, which is rough. The veins feel like rows of saws on the hind legs of crickets, and also like wrinkles on the face of the old man. Smell it. It tastes like traditional Chinese medicine. If you peel off the skin, it will taste more serious.


What will Panghai look like when put into water? I grabbed two fat seas and put them in the cup, making a sound of "Dong Dong". I poured hot water into the cup, and the hot water rushed towards the Pang Hai Sea, which rushed to the surface in an instant. At the beginning, Pang Dahai's clothes slowly broke. After a while, Pang Dahai split up! The clothes were completely torn, and some "nets" appeared from the clothes, which also slowly fell down. Gradually, the water in the cup became less, brown, less transparent, and the fatness of the sea became larger, filling the whole cup, as if it was covered with a layer of curtain. It was wonderful.


The boiling Panghai has a fragrant smell. I picked up the cup and took a drink. A smell of medicine came out in my mouth. It felt like an indescribable taste, as if it could remove all my troubles. It seems that although fat is ugly, it is extremely useful! Fat sea can prevent constipation, cure toothache, and also clear away heat and thirst!


Fantastic Panghai, do you like it?

名副其实的胖大海 篇7


Zhong Huijie


Why is Panghai called Panghai? Are you curious? Let's explore together!


Pang Dahai is small, and does not touch his name at all - it is brown, fat in the middle, sharp at both ends, like water drops, like olives, and like a fat man in a brown vest. The surface of Panghai Sea is uneven and very rough. The lines on the skin are like a world map, like a dry tree trunk, which feels uneven. In fact, Pang Dahai is not fat, just as big as his thumb. There is also a flesh colored thing on the top, like a crescent moon. There is a smell of Chinese medicine, which smells like Ganmaoling.


The teacher picked up two fat seas and put them into the hot water of nearly 100 degrees. Just after being put into the water, Pang Dahai floated on the surface of the water, and a layer of small bubbles appeared on the skin. The tips at both ends of the skin split first and became "pens". The outermost layer of skin became loose and soft. After a while, Pang Dahai swelled, like a fat man in a brown sweater, and the water seemed to be dyed by Pang Dahai and turned into light yellow. Gradually, the fat man became fatter and fatter, and the hair on his clothes became thicker and thicker. Some of the hair sank to the bottom of the water, and he seemed unwilling to play with the fat man on the water. Finally, the original pure hot water was covered with a layer of gauze, and Pang Dahai was also covered with that layer of gauze cage, which filled the entire cup.


Now the fat sea is really fat like the sea! Although this fat man is ugly, he has many effects! Look, it can help restore voice, cure colds, toothache, and lower blood pressure. It is very effective in clearing away heat and toxic substances.


What a fat sea!