
时间:2022-07-15 13:49:42 | 来源:语文通



In our lives, there are countless times that they have been caring for others. They have been engraved in my heart and become a wave of waves to indicate the memory that cannot be lacking.A wave of waves is part of my life. So far, because I can't forget the wiping, a warm smile.


I still remember that in the fourth Thursday, which started in the new semester of the previous year, the temperature was very sluggish, which was really bad. I was wet all over my body, as if I just took it out of the water.I was uncomfortable, all of them were ghosts of raindrops.As soon as I arrived in the classroom, the teacher gave a new class and had a few world mathematics problems in the class. I have been coughing and runny nose because of the lecture, so I have no intention of listening to it.verb: move.


I have been thinking about the process for so many years, or I don't understand the process, I have worked hard to think about it."Hurry up, the teacher said that you need to pay it!" Then, it was enough to think about the year of the pig. I was anxious and felt that mathematics teaching meant debt collection.ah?Didn't you notice that I didn't want to do it?


How can you notice me?I still belong to the introverted type in the class. I do n’t have much superiority, and even a good friend has only one.what!I'm crazy, what should I do!


"Forget it, mix cold dishes!"


By flooding with water vapor windows, only the dark one was seen, and only the sound of noisy rain and the "mosquito sound" of the students.I feel that the tree under the building is the same as me!In the storm, it was really frustrated and couldn't help falling to the ground.This made my heart more irritable, and a while of cold blowing through the human body asked me to look aggressive.


I want to ask for help, but they are all releasing pressure. Hey, forget it, my eyes became red, my ears were hot, I couldn't help crying, I was sad. When I was here, Xiao Qian suddenly went up and asked, "Did you finish writing, I am not easy to teach you!" His warm smile, and in a smooth language expression, I feel like my father. In his eyes, I felt that he had already wanted to tell me how to do the question. I felt that I couldn't hear the sound of the surrounding sounds for a moment. During the serious language expression: "How do you do this question? Write again." I understand that he is to better be better, so I also listen to his allocation. Holding the pen in one hand, holding the book in one hand, and shouting the manuscript, the areas I don't understand, are particularly careful to look at it. Many customers who have experienced experience in the processing factory must know the keywords of the raw materials. I It was really moved, how warm the kind of caring was. Finally, I finished writing in more than ten minutes. He exposed a warm smile on my heart, and my heart was always identified. It was a unique smile.


When a breeze blows over, I want to get warmer and get warmer immediately. I saw the great sunlight hanging in the sky through the window.In the land, I think they are also caring!Since they believe that the sun always spends in the wind and rain after the wind blows, they will change the warm sun in the wind and rain.


And I do the same, because of such faith, I asked me to care.



1、心里:心里读音为xīn li,是指1.胸膛里面。
3.犹心中。心里 xīn lǐ(1) [in the heart; at heart]∶胸膛里面 心里发疼 (2) [in (the) mind]∶犹心中 记在心里心里 xīn lǐ(1).胸膛里面。如:心里感到不舒服。 (2).思想里;头脑里。《北史·突厥传》:“帝享之, 处罗 稽首谢曰:‘臣总西面诸蕃,不得早来朝拜,今参见迟晚,罪责极深。臣心里悚惧,不能尽道。’”《儿女英雄传》第一回:“ 玉格 这话很是;我也这个意思。这些话我心里也有,就是不能像他説的这么文诌诌的。” (3).犹心中。 巴金 《家》十三:“老太爷看见眼前许多兴奋的发红的脸,听见搳拳行令的欢笑声,心里更快活。” ...心里怎么造句,用心里造句»

2、记忆:记忆读音为jì yì,是指①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。记忆 jì yì词语解释:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。分词解释:记忆犹新:犹:还。过去的事,至今印象还非常清楚,就象刚才发生的一样。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。过去:时间词,现在以前的时期(区别于‘现在、将来’):过去的工作只不过像万里长征走完了第一步。有些:1.有一些。表示数量不多。 2.犹有的。表示其中的一部分。 3.略微﹐稍微。...记忆怎么造句,用记忆造句»