
时间:2022-11-05 12:47:55 | 来源:语文通


怀念儿时的日子 篇1怀念童年的日子 篇2怀念上学的日子 篇3怀念小燕子的日子 篇4怀念那段在青岛的日子 篇5怀念小学的日子 篇6怀念童年的日子 篇7

怀念儿时的日子 篇1


Li Zeyang


There are days in life that people miss, and the days I miss are the days of my childhood.


I remember when I was a child, the sun was hanging in the sky that day, the birds were singing happily, and the flowers were in full bloom. It was a summer morning.


I was playing, when suddenly a bee flew to the flowers to collect honey, but I didn't know that it was a bee. I thought that a bee, like other insects, could not bite people. I saw how beautiful it was, so I grabbed it. I didn't think that my hand was like being pricked by a needle. How painful! He cried loudly. When my father heard the cry, he came to me and asked me how I was crying. I pointed to the bee and said, "This insect bit me. It hurts!" Dad looked at it and said, "You were stung by a bee." I thought it was serious, so I cried again. Dad said, "It's OK. I'll wipe you with potato chips." I still cried if I didn't believe it


However, the pain soon passed away.


Another time, my father took me out to play. When I got to the place, my father got off to pick up things. I was bored sitting in the car and looked at the steering wheel. I was curious about what it was like to drive, so I went to turn the car key on the steering wheel. When my father came back, he heard a noise in the car. He was relieved to see me playing with the steering wheel. But when he saw the car key was turned, He dared to pull out the key quickly and slapped me. I cried because of grievance. I don't know why I was beaten. My father picked me up and said


It's very dangerous. If it really starts, the consequences will be unimaginable. Since then, Dad has also remembered to pull out the key as soon as he gets out of the car.


There are many memories of childhood, happy, happy, wronged memories, I really want to return to the carefree days at that time.

怀念童年的日子 篇2


Wang Yixin


Can this feeling be remembered? It was just that I was at a loss.




I miss the clouds in the past. They are clean and free from any flaw. The sky in the past is blue and clean, free from any contamination, mixed with the seasons when warm wind floated. I miss the simple self, the "child" who has no confidence when there are difficulties and the self at that time.


Childhood is very interesting, it may be the best stage of life, because it gives us happiness and endless memories. I remember when I was in the first grade, I saw someone learning dance, so I wanted to learn it myself. Later, I begged my parents, and they agreed; At the beginning of the test class, I cried loudly when I saw that it was difficult to learn the moves. I said I didn't want to learn them. Finally, they scolded me and I started to learn. When I learned, I was happy from unhappy to happy. Finally, we found a secret: "When you study, as long as you pay attention, you can learn all the dances, not just dance, but also learning and life." As the saying goes, "Nothing is difficult in the world, but you are willing to climb.". As long as you pay attention and put your heart into it, you don't have to be afraid. Even if the process is difficult, you will succeed; Because the kung fu is no longer intentional.


When learning dance, we will have many problems, such as grade examination, spot check, performance... Who doesn't know when performing and grading? One minute on stage, ten years off stage.


Memory is a pot of tea, a pot of dissolved tea cut with emotional boiling water; Rolling, ups and downs, and then cooling, quiet, like ups and downs, joy, grief of life eventually belongs to all things look away, and the light is just beautiful. The memory is the spring wave green under the Sad Bridge, and it was a sudden dream from the startled goose. Memories are not all the thousands of sails, the light pulse water is leisurely but heartbroken. Memories are pictures, old pictures that turn yellow and fade. Silent gaze, childhood no longer. Tears fall down, there is no way to speak, no way to know.


I admire my courage and the courage to give up at that time. Who wants the past to be gone forever? Just like Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry".

怀念上学的日子 篇3


Huang Hailu


As time flies, I have quietly grown up for 12 years, entered junior high school life, and left primary school. In school, although we have to accept multiple tests, those cheers and laughters also erase the negative emotions in ordinary days. But now, because of the novel coronavirus terrorist attack, we have to sit at home and stare at the screen to learn.


"Ah, I can't stand this way of learning any more!" I shouted to my mother. "But what can I do?" I had to remember my school days to appease my hunger.


The brain seems to open the gate of memory, playing scenes after scenes, recalling: when we have no questions, we go to consult the teacher. Every time, the teacher takes the trouble to teach us, thinking of the teacher's amiable appearance, playing and playing with the students during the break, jumping together, fighting for a win or lose is red in the face every time, and also discussing problems with the students, striving to express their views. It's wonderful to think about it now.


When I was a child, I envied my life after growing up, and when I grew up, I missed my carefree childhood. Just like now, I stay at home every day, and the other side of the computer is talking. This side is listening, and I have also lived the dream life. I have free time, Internet, and mobile phones, but instead I began to miss the days before school, and I am eager to play with my classmates again, and I am eager to catch up with each other


I don't know how long it will be, but I'm really getting tired of this life. I silently calculate that more than 20 days have drifted away from the sea, and the school day has emerged on the sea. I often fantasize about the scenes when my classmates meet and the smiles on their faces.


The day of school is nothing more than a song, a song worthy of aftertaste. The happiness is nothing more than the laughter of the students, the pain is nothing more than the failure of the exam, and the emotion is nothing more than the students helping each other, aftertaste this song, and appreciate the true feelings of the world.


I miss school days and colorful campus life

怀念小燕子的日子 篇4


Wang Qiaoyu


For a time, when I saw the swallow, I felt guilty and could not calm down.


That afternoon, my cousin and I picked up a swallow under the eaves of a hardware store. This little swallow is very thin, with gray hairs on its body. Its small claws are dry, like dead branches. We looked at the eaves and saw a nest made of mud and grass, in which several small swallows with black and shiny feathers kept shouting. Needless to say, the thin swallow was squeezed out of its nest by its brothers and sisters.


My cousin and I tried our best to get the little swallow back to his home (maybe if the swallow couple fed him more food, he could grow beautiful feathers like his brothers and sisters!). We put it in a conspicuous place and waited for the swallow couple to bring their suffering children back to the nest. However, it is puzzling that no matter how pitiful the little swallow on the ground is, the swallow couple just refuse to pay attention to it, and just block the mouth of the little swallow in the nest with worms back and forth.


We can only work in a hurry, but we can't think of a way, and we can't let the little swallow go. We can only wander in the street.


Later, an uncle in the hardware store moved a ladder to help us put the swallow back in the nest.


In the next few days, when it was dark, there was always a group of children playing in the street outside (that is, the street where we picked up the little swallow). Strange. Didn't you hear children playing in the street when it was dark... or did I not pay attention? My heart suddenly tightened: My cousin and I lingered under the bird's nest for a long time. Someone must have noticed us. Could anyone have noticed the bird's nest we were looking at Little Swallows, what's wrong! I missed the swallow for a long time before I fell asleep.


When we saw the swallow again, we were shocked: half of the bird's nest under the eaves had been removed! The swallow inside was put into a paper box. What about the swallow whose feathers haven't grown up yet? It lay on the ground, dead! Fortunately, the swallow couple did not abandon their remaining children and still fed them. How much courage it took! But who destroyed the swallow's nest!? My cousin and I are extremely frustrated, but there are also our reasons. If we don't interfere with them, no one will look at the swallow.


In fact, as long as no one bothers them again, the little swallows can grow up healthily, but things are not over! When I visited Little Swallow for the last time, I found that the family was broken and "people" were dead. My head buzzed. I didn't dare to take a closer look. I turned around and ran away.


The glow is burning warmly behind, but it casts a desolation on the earth. Does the person who took out the swallow nest feel guilty?


For a long, long time, I always walked around when I passed there. I told myself not to make the same mistake again, and to respect the strict selection of nature. At the same time, I will often miss the lovely swallow.

怀念那段在青岛的日子 篇5


Cao Ziying


Let me be a passing dragonfly, leaving behind the process that can be remembered.




What I miss about Qingdao is the endless sea and the May 4th Square at night.


Sea Blue


When you really come to the seaside, the water looks blue from a distance, just like a pool of blue oil. The sea embraces all rivers, which makes me open - minded and refreshed.


The sea water is amazing! It looks blue on the surface; It looks green when you get into the water; It is white and flawless.


I felt cool in the water just after drilling, and soon I got used to the temperature of sea water. When the water just overflowed my chin, I swam. Hold your breath and drill into the water. Open your eyes and watch the sea water. Listen to the sound of the water around you and float on the sea with the waves. It feels good.


Unconsciously, the sun has set the sea level. The afterglow of the setting sun reflects the sea. The glittering sea level and the afterglow of the setting sun set off each other, which is very beautiful.




The May Fourth Square at night is quite different from that in the day. It is decorated with lights, and it is unforgettable with dazzling brilliance.


And this sea is the mirror of that high-rise building. Every detail of that light is reflected in the sea. It's so beautiful!


More beautiful are the words in the sky: Long live China! He just stopped in the sky and changed from time to time. Curious, I can't help wondering what will be changed next time?


This brilliant light, this gorgeous and colorful high-rise building, and this microwave sparkling sea, no matter how to shoot, are undoubtedly a beautiful work of art.


Time flies, time flies. I miss the sea and the lights, and that scene makes me unforgettable.


That time was like a boat full of candy, toys, laughter and endless happiness. I miss that beautiful day.

怀念小学的日子 篇6


Zou Xiangyu


After that intersection, you can see my primary school, Laishi Affiliated Primary School. I spent five years there, five years of wind and rain.


In carefree primary school, we began to become sensible from ignorance. In the five years of primary school life, the most unforgettable thing for me is the teachers and students.


During the morning reading, some students spoke loudly, some students made up homework crazily, some simply slept on the table, and what was more annoying was how to ignore them. In class, the front row and the back row are two worlds. Sometimes the teacher will arrange self-study classes for us. At this time, the classroom is in chaos. I don't know who shouted, "Here comes the teacher!" The whole class immediately calmed down and became active again after finding that someone lied about the "military situation". The paper balls all over the world, with several people's fonts on them, really can be called "the essence of heaven and earth".


Not to mention after class, some people jumped up and down, and some people played popular cards. Over time, they formed teams and played happily.


After school, everyone left the campus at the fastest speed, and the five years passed quickly day by day. Thinking about five years of campus life, I not only learned cultural knowledge, but also learned self-discipline and self-improvement from the appearance of our Yangfan class.


After graduation, we were inseparable. I remember the day when we left the campus, my good friends and I went around the campus for two more times, and then wrote down the details of our five years of primary school life. I hope my alma mater is getting better and better, and I will come back to see you when I grow up! Primary school time is my eternal happiness harbor!

怀念童年的日子 篇7


Liu Fusheng


My childhood is golden, it is also beautiful.




Immersed in the joy of childhood, people often forget that they are growing up slowly. Childhood, like the colorful spring, makes me infatuated; Childhood looks green all over my eyes like summer, which makes me energetic; Childhood, like autumn, brings me joy and smiles; Childhood is like snow in winter, which makes me feel pure.


When I was young, I liked drawing very much. Wherever there was a pen and paper, I could draw it. I always took paper and paint with me when I went out to play. Once when my family went to Shanghai to play, something interesting happened. Let's listen to it!


One morning before dawn, I was dragged up by my mother early. When I went downstairs, I suddenly remembered that I was going to Shanghai today. I immediately went to wash my face and take a bath. It was summer. It was very hot. I heard that Shanghai was even hotter. So I took a lot of half sleeve clothes, a jacket and my favorite marker. After arriving at the destination, of course, the first place to go is the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. It was evening when we arrived. Due to the heavy traffic, we had to let Dad buy tickets first, while my mother and I waited outside. When I looked at it carefully, I found its real beauty. The huge sphere, decorated with colorful lights, was dazzling and very beautiful. I thought to myself: How about painting in this period! My mother and I sat on a big stone. I took out my marker and concentrated on painting. Just before the painting was finished, a little brother ran over and a child about my age was chasing him. He just heard a "shout" and he got all my pens to the ground. I immediately became furious, reached out my hand to use violence to solve the problem, and thought for a moment that it was wrong to hit someone, but I raised my hands. If I put them down directly, it would be too humiliating. At this time, my brain took a stroke, patted him gently on the shoulder, and said, "It's OK. Pay attention next time." He nodded, said sorry, and then helped me pick up the pen.


I stood on the square to enjoy the perfect scenery. As I was about to leave, I found a statue of a golden bull beside the square, shining with golden light. I quickly took a picture with my mobile phone and returned to the hotel to complete the painting, which was named "Golden Shanghai".


Childhood, those lost days, will eventually become beautiful memories.