Some people like the beautiful and elegant lakeside, some people love the lively and extraordinary bund, but I love the beautiful Tangjiahe.
The mountains of Tangjiahe are beautiful.When we arrived at the Tangjia River, it was under the setting sun, and the mountains in the distance were green, dark green, dark blue, light yellow ... each other reflected, colorful and beautiful.My friends and I were stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of me.
Tangjiahe's water is clear.In the morning, I was awakened by the sound of "rushing" and went away: a small river presented in front of my eyes, the river was clear, and the fish in the water swam swimming happily, and the stones in the water were clearly visible.We can't wait to jump into the shallow water area, the river is cool, cold, and very comfortable.There are three or five children in the distance, some catch small shrimp, some grab small fish, some pick up stones ... laughter and laugh, so happy!
There are many small animals in Tangjiahe.Little monkeys, giant pandas, wild boars ... After we climbed the mountain, we encountered a little monkey in a small pavilion, which was interesting.Dad threw a peanut for the little monkey, and it ran over, and picked the shell and ate.Uncle was eating, it saw it, and ran over to grab, scaring the uncle to throw off the food and sprinkle with his legs.
"The thick spring clouds are light and smoke, and it turns green to the side of the river." The Tangjia river mountains are beautiful, and the Tangjia river is clear.I want to become a dew, moisturize the grass and trees of Tangjiahe; I want to become a puppy, guarding the Tangjiahe day and night; I want to become a bird, freedom over the Tangjiahe RiverFlying.
I love you, Tang Jiahe.
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