
时间:2022-11-01 12:49:55 | 来源:语文通



数学的作文 篇1关于数学的作文 篇2关于数学作文 篇3关于数学的作文 篇4数学的作文 篇5有关数学的作文 篇6关于数学的作文 篇7

数学的作文 篇1


On a sunny weekend, my parents and I went shopping in the mall. "Ah! The mall is so big!" I can't help admiring. I came to the toy store for the first time. The dolls here are really small and cute. Suddenly, I found some very strange shapes. I ran like an arrow on the fence rope. There are really many beautiful things there, and various shapes appear in front of my eyes. At this time, my father pointed at the figure and asked me, "What figure is this?" I said anxiously, "It's a cuboid!" Dad asked again, "Do you know the formula of cuboid?" I frowned and thought for a while, but I still didn't know anything. At this time, a simple and bright voice echoed in my ears. It was my mother. Mom said quietly, "The formula of cuboid volume is very simple. If you don't believe it, you can take an example. Look, if you use V to represent the cuboid volume, A, B and H to represent the length, width and height of the cuboid respectively. The formula above can be written as: V=ABH." My mother's voice dropped, and I suddenly realized, "Oh, I see, the cuboid volume formula is the same as the cylinder volume formula, which uses length, width and height." "My baby daughter finally understands that she must think about her own problems and do it carefully." With that, my mother couldn't help shedding tears. This day's shopping made me understand a lot of reasons.

关于数学的作文 篇2


Sister Sa stood on the platform shaking an exercise book and said calmly, "Today's homework is five minutes at most, so I printed an additional paper for you..."


Well, I did the "five minute" homework for a noon, but there was still one question with no owner. Looking at the other questions, there were a lot of children and grandchildren, and I was left alone. I felt sad.


Well, although I can't answer this question, there are still four mountains on the paper waiting for me to climb - why is it so hard? So I resolutely turned my eyes to the paper that seemed thin and weak, but actually weighed a thousand pounds.


But when you look carefully, it is a basin of cold water pouring down: Hum, the four mountains are actually four groups of mountains, of which the mountains are high and the mountains are connected. The vast force is continuous, and spare no effort to exert the power to vomit blood for the students. The unpredictable moving point light is comfortable for itself, running forward at all costs, ignoring us who are chasing after us breathlessly; Those who are cunning and mean seem to be critical critics, and they are also like a life threatening curse. They almost break people's hands, and their pens die of blood; There are many relationships between 45 ° and 30 °, but the required line segment is always like an Indian girl, standing in front of you alive, reaching out to touch, but wrapped in an iron veil, which can be touched but not obtained.


A hundred thoughts, a thousand thoughts, are helpless to complain. Thousands of words can not be said, bored, ten railings. Zhuo Wenjun missed Sima Xiangru's sad face, and it was unexpectedly appropriate to place it on the students who were tortured by mathematics. My mind was full of thoughts, but it was always like the peerless big feet of Cinderella's two sisters. Even if my heels were cut off and bloody, I could not wear small and delicate crystal shoes. They can not always be consistent with the teacher's thinking.


Math! Math, when can you let me go?

关于数学作文 篇3


My math teacher is a male teacher.


The math teacher was very serious about us little kids at the beginning. However, I found that the teacher was very kind to us and didn't like to leave too much homework, which would give us enough time to play.


After a while, the teacher told us his QQ number, and I added him about a week later. When I saw the name, I laughed, "Who am I?". Who do you say you are, my dear teacher!


Joe told me that our teacher must admire Jackie Chan because Jackie Chan made a movie called "Who am I?". I said: Don't talk nonsense. We don't know why the teacher would choose such a strange name. Joe knocked me on the head with a music book and said that I was so strange, even more strange than Mr. Zhou. He was really a fool.


As early as two weeks after the beginning of school, we found that the teacher loved to tell us big truths. No matter how big or small a lesson is, where the topic is, he can talk about it.


After half a semester, I found that the cover of my math book was already full of the truth of that "philosopher"!




I like my math teacher more and more!


He will tell us jokes or some philosophical stories in small classes. Let's fall into deep meditation.


On one occasion, Joe and I heard Tao say that the teacher was very fierce. How could it be? Joe and I said firmly at that time: "It's impossible! The teacher is very kind to us. He's very humorous! Don't listen to him. Neurotic!"


The teacher will let us play!


A few days ago, it snowed. It was Friday afternoon. There was a labor lesson. The math teacher came. We thought we would be busy! Who knows, the teacher waved his hand and said, "Let's go down and play!" Suddenly, a group of students rushed down like arrows. It was a spectacular scene!


After playing in the snow for a while, I felt a little cold, so I took a rest. At this time, the teacher came down. As soon as he saw him, the whole class surrounded him with a loud roar and wrapped the teacher up.


The math teacher is like a child king, bringing us a lot of happiness.


I swear, I will never be against God in my life! Because God has given us a humorous and intelligent teacher!

关于数学的作文 篇4


Saturday is another sunny day. Seeing that the weather is fine today, my mother and I are going out for "shopping". Just as we are excitedly preparing to go out, a difficulty like a wall stops us: how much money is enough? We can only put down the "excitement" and think about it.


My mother and I both frowned and thought to ourselves: I'm afraid that less money is not enough, and I'm afraid that I can't help spending money when I have more money. This question puts me in a dilemma! I thought again for a while. Eh, here we are! My mother and I can first list the unit prices of the things we want to buy and the things we want to sell, and then use the estimation method to estimate how much it will cost! Good! That's it!


I told my mother what I had just thought, and she agreed with me. So my mother and I quickly listed the things we wanted to buy and their unit prices on a list.


Then, use the advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced advanced. Soon, my mother and I were finished.


I gave a long sigh of relief and said, "I can finally go shopping!" Mom had a rest and went to get the money quickly. Then we went shopping happily!


In fact, mathematics has many uses! Don't believe it? Try it!

数学的作文 篇5


In life, there is mathematics everywhere. As long as you are good at observing, you will be able to find the infinite mystery it contains.


I like mathematics very much. I usually like to explore. Mathematics is a part of my life and my only hobby. My dream is to become a mathematician and a great mathematician.


In the fourth grade, Mr. Zhou, the math teacher, taught us the law of quotient invariance. When I first learned this law, I was curious, and some did not believe it.


The law of constant quotient is that in division, the dividend and divisor are expanded or shrunk by several times at the same time. The quotient will not change, but the remainder will change.


I carried out experiments around this rule. I did the experiment with two numbers, 40 and 6. 40 divided by 6 equals 6, and the remainder is 4,. I multiplied 40 and 6 by 100 at the same time, and changed them into 4000 divided by 600. I calculated that the quotient is 6, and the remainder is 400. Its quotient has not changed. The remainder has expanded the same multiple of 100 to 400. I was surprised that Shang didn't change, it was still 6, but the remainder changed.


I still have some disbelief, and tried again with 50 and 4. 50 divided by 4 equals 12, and the quotient is 2. This time, I doubled the number of 50 and 4 at the same time to 100 and 8100 divided by 8. The quotient is 12, and the remainder is 4. The quotient has not changed, but the remainder has been doubled by the same factor to 4. I was completely shocked and once again experienced the magic of mathematics.


In the fifth grade, I came into contact with the equation, which actually contains WWW.BAIHUAWEN CN ★ The equation of knowing numbers. After learning the law of constant quotient, I became interested in equations again. I found many equations to do, and learned to find rules from them.


3X? 2=302 is calculated by subtracting 2 from 302 to 3X=302-2, then 3X=300, then dividing 300 by 3 to X=300 ÷ 3, and the result is X=100. Unexpectedly, it only takes a few steps to solve this equation and get the answer.


I found another equation to calculate. 5X-6 ÷ 3=38, first calculate 6 ÷ 3 into 5X-2=38, and then calculate 38 ÷ 3? 2 equals 40, so the formula becomes 5X=40. Finally, divide 40 by 5, and the result is X=8.


Maths is like a peak, soaring into the sky. When we first started to climb, we felt very relaxed. But the higher we climbed, the steeper the mountain became, which made people feel scared. At this time, only those who really love mathematics will have the courage to continue to climb. Therefore, those who stand on the peak of mathematics love mathematics from the heart. Those who stand at the foot of the peak cannot see the peak. Only by finding and feeling mathematics in life can we broaden our horizons!


Let's explore the mysteries of mathematics together!

有关数学的作文 篇6


Today, we had a math test. I got 98 points, but I didn't get 100 points because of carelessness. My mother said I didn't do well recently and criticized me. My mother said that we must get rid of the bad habit of being careless and not serious, otherwise we can't do anything well in the future. I think my mother is right, and I must get rid of this bad habit.

关于数学的作文 篇7


I have a math teacher. She has long black hair, big bright eyes, and a mouth that can teach. She is my math teacher, Xu Lili. She is very gentle to people.


Once, I made a mistake. The teacher told me once in class. I changed it and told me how to write it. I went home and changed it again. The next morning, I handed the wrong questions to the teacher. After class, a classmate came to me and asked me to go to the math teacher's office. I was so worried that I sat on the chair like an ant on a hot pot and thought: Will the teacher make me noisy? If you keep bothering me, I'll be finished? I had to walk into the office with my head down and face red, but I never thought that the teacher not only didn't disturb me, but also gave me a serious lecture in a gentle tone. The teacher said it again and again, but I didn't understand the meaning. The teacher said it again and again, and I finally understood it. Look, my math teacher is so great!


This is my math teacher, a gentle and patient person who loves us. Do you like it?