作文清明节的来历300字 篇1作文清明节的来历300字 篇2作文清明节的来历300字 篇1
“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”一年一度的清明节来到了, 爸爸妈妈带我给阿太扫墓。我们将墓地周围的杂草拔净,落叶扫尽,供上鲜花食品,表达追念之情。
"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession, and passers-by wanted to die." The annual Tomb Sweeping Day came, and my parents took me to sweep Ah Tai's grave. We uproot the weeds around the cemetery, sweep away the fallen leaves, and offer flowers and food to express our remembrance.
My mother told me that the origin of Tomb Sweeping Day is related to the historical figure Jie Zitui. In the Spring and Autumn Period, more than 2000 years ago, Chong'er, the prince of the State of Jin, lived a hard life in exile. He followed Jie Zitui and cut a piece of meat from his leg to satisfy his hunger. Later Chonger became the king of the State of Jin and rewarded all his followers. Only Jie Zitui refused the reward and took his mother to live in seclusion in Mianshan and refused to come out. Duke Wen of the Jin forced him out of Shaoshan to prevent fire, but he burned his mother and son to death. In memory of Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin ordered that no fire should be lit on this day every year, and that every household should only eat raw and cold food, which is the source of the Cold Food Festival. The ancient people often extended the Cold Food Festival to the Tomb Sweeping Day. As time passed, people combined cold food and Tomb Sweeping Day into one, and the Tomb Sweeping Day became a Tomb Sweeping Day to commemorate their ancestors.
作文清明节的来历300字 篇2
Today is Friday. We went to the Martyrs Cemetery in the third grade to visit the cemetery. When we entered the Martyrs Cemetery, we felt very gloomy. A gust of wind blew, and trees and weeds made a "rustling" sound. When we got to the tombstone, we opened a large wreath. Three students followed the teacher and put the wreath in front of the tombstone. We came to the tombstone, where there were many people, including the New Star Group, the police, officers and soldiers... After a while, the big brothers and sisters from the Experimental Middle School also came.
The tomb sweeping started. First of all, we began to mourn in silence. We lowered our heads and thought about some sad things. After a while, the youth representative of the Experimental Middle School began to speak. After making a speech, the police uncle gave the flower basket to the martyrs. They were very energetic even when they walked. It must have taken a long time to practice like this.
After sweeping the tomb, we went to visit the Martyrs Cemetery, which is carved with some scenes of the Red Army fighting, as well as many martyrs' tombstones. After reading, we went back to school.
This time, we learned that the Red Army exchanged its blood and forehead for today's China.
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