
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:32 | 来源:语文通



中秋节有感作文 篇1中秋节有感作文 篇2中秋有感作文 篇3中秋有感400字作文 篇4中秋有感作文 篇5中秋有感800字作文 篇6中秋节有感作文500字 篇7中秋节有感作文500字 篇8中秋节有感作文 篇9中秋有感500字作文 篇10

中秋节有感作文 篇1


It is said that in ancient China, emperors had the ritual of sacrificing the sun in spring and the moon in autumn. In the folk, during the Mid Autumn Festival in August, there is also a custom of worshipping or sacrificing the moon. "The moon is round in August and 15, and the moon cakes are fragrant and sweet." This famous proverb tells us the custom of eating moon cakes on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival for urban and rural people. The moon cake was originally used as a sacrifice to worship the moon god. Later, people gradually took the Mid Autumn Festival moon appreciation and tasting moon cakes as a symbol of family reunion. Slowly, moon cakes became festival gifts.

月饼,最初起源于唐朝军队祝捷食品。唐高祖年间,大将军李靖征讨匈奴得胜,八月十五凯旋而归。 当时有人经商的吐鲁番人向唐朝皇帝献饼祝捷。高祖李渊接过华丽的饼盒,拿出圆饼,笑指空中明月说:“应将胡饼邀蟾蜍”。说完把饼分给群臣一起吃。 南宋吴自牧的《梦粱录》一书,已有“月饼”一词,但对中秋尝月,吃月饼的描述,是明代的《西湖游览志会》才有记载:“八月十五日谓之中秋,民间以月饼相遗,取团圆之义”。

The moon cake originally originated from the food for the military to celebrate victory in the Tang Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty, General Li Jing won the battle against the Huns and returned triumphantly on August 15. At that time, Turpan people who were engaged in business offered cakes to the Tang Dynasty emperor to celebrate his victory. Gao Zu Li Yuan took the gorgeous cake box, took out the round cake, pointed to the bright moon in the sky with a smile and said, "You should invite the Hu cake to Toad.". Then he shared the cake with the ministers. Wu Zimu of the Southern Song Dynasty has already written the word "moon cake" in the book "Dream of Liang Lu", but the description of tasting the moon and eating moon cakes in the Mid Autumn Festival is only recorded in the West Lake Tourism Annals of the Ming Dynasty: "August 15 is called the Mid Autumn Festival, and the folk heritage is moon cakes, taking the meaning of reunion".

到了清代,关于月饼的记载就多起来了,而且制作越来越精细。 月饼发展到今日,品种更加繁多,风味因地各异。其中京式、苏式、广式、潮式等月饼广为我国南北各地的人们所喜食。

In the Qing Dynasty, there were more and more records about mooncakes, and the production became more and more sophisticated. Today, moon cakes are more diversified, and their flavors vary from place to place. Among them, Beijing style, Soviet style, Cantonese style, Chaozhou style and other mooncakes are popular in the north and south of China.


Moon cakes symbolize reunion and are a must for the Mid Autumn Festival. On the festival night, people also like to eat watermelon and other fruits for reunion, praying for a happy, sweet and safe life for their families. How beautiful the moon is tonight! The round face of the moon looks like my lovely little brother. When the moon saw many people looking at her, she hid her body behind Mother Cloud shyly like a little doll. Mother Yun saw it and said, "Don't be shy. Go out and play. There are many children waiting for you." After repeated persuasion by Mother Yun, the Moon Doll finally poked her head out from behind Mother Yun bit by bit, showing a happy smiling face. It was so naive and lovely. We cheered again! Who knows, in our cheers, the moon doll was shy again, half of her face was exposed, and half of her face was hidden behind the cloud mother.


I anxiously looked and looked, looked and looked... After a long time, it was late at night. It was strange that the moon was still shy like a baby, hiding behind Mother Cloud and refused to come out!

中秋节有感作文 篇2


When the round and big moon rose, the Mid Autumn Night came. In the small courtyard surrounded by three buildings and a wall, bright moonlight scattered from the sky and covered the courtyard like day. The yard is extremely quiet, but who knows, our family has already fried.


But I hope my aunt and uncle will come back. Wow! They bought a lot of delicious food, and the big live fish jumped desperately in the pocket, as if to learn from the small carp! A lump of pork kept shaking, as if to say to us: "Come and taste me!" Bottles of beer rattled in their pockets, as if they were arguing: "I was drunk first!"


The house is very lively! The mother, who never cooks, ran into the kitchen and was ordered around by her father. Grandpa slept soundly in the hut and wanted to have two more drinks with us at the table. Grandma, aunts and uncle performed magic tricks on the panel - making dumplings. I also went to join in the fun. In fact, I couldn't help but make things worse. Grandma never said anything about me. Only Brother Long is leisurely playing on the computer in bed.


It's time for dinner. The food on the table is very rich! The red carp lay quietly on the plate, with juice on it. A few green coriander matched it, which was more fragrant than the fish in five-star hotels. Each dumpling is shining silver in the basin, like a small fish. It's very cute! At the dinner table, everyone held their cups and shouted, "Happy Mid Autumn Festival, cheers!" Looking at the bright moon in the sky, I couldn't help thinking of Uncle Wu Gang who cut the osmanthus tree in the myth, the beautiful and lonely sister Chang'e, and the lively and lovely Jade Rabbit. I suddenly had an idea to invite them to come down to see our rich and beautiful motherland and the earth shaking changes of New China in the past 60 years. The Guanghan Palace is so beautiful. After all, it is "extremely cold at high places"!


I would like to invite Uncle Wu Gang to visit the original forests of the Great Khingan Mountains and enjoy the lush forests of the motherland. Even if it is necessary to cut down, it is also the mechanized operation of uncle loggers! I would like to invite Sister Chang'e to visit Guilin's mountains and waters, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Huangshan Mountain, and then go to the treasure island of the motherland to see the Sun Moon Lake, so that she can "enjoy the moon"! I will also let the Little Jade Rabbit visit the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, watch the Wushan Goddess, and then go to the Inner Mongolia Prairie to let the lively Jade Rabbit sahuan run long enough


The yard is so quiet, and the blessing sounds from home... I like this happy Mid Autumn Festival!

中秋有感作文 篇3


When the moon is full again. The bright moon is in the sky, the dark clouds are gone, and a few stars fall on the eaves. The moon shines for thousands of miles, like the silver white water sleeves that Yang Guifei waved when she danced, and like the Chang'e in the Guanghan Palace, a long river of tears flowing from her husband. No matter how time flows, only the bright moon can keep its appearance and color unchanged. In the long years, the stars shine brightly.


In this full moon night, I met you, I remember you. Of course, I won't try to pick the moon. I want the moon to come to me. Like you, it's mine. Natsume Soseki translated "I love you" into "The moonlight is beautiful tonight". I want to share everything I like with you, and the moon is no exception.


Some people say that this wonderful thing in life, but romantic. I think the wind is a song that never stops, blowing through the high platform; Flowers are broken branches, pink, and three hundred poems; Snow is accumulated accounts, decorated with fine, carved bow lazy open; The moon is a clear night, and this night is hard to come again. But it's just that the world is for the public and I'm for the mother. I want to fall in love with the world. Those who come here are general, and they go there unimpeded. They continue day and night. They are miscellaneous and non inquisitive.


If people drink, they know how cold and warm they are. The words "The moonlight tonight is beautiful", I don't know how much courage to muster. Li Bai is so bold and unrestrained, and he has to take care of his clothes and boots when he attends the banquet. While he bowed to Yang Yuhuan's skirt, he wrote only one sentence: "The clouds want to dress and the flowers want to look, while the spring wind sill helps Revlon.", Know that there is no future, then express your mind. When Liang Sicheng asked Lin Huiyin "Why me?", he did not know how complicated it was. When Lin Huiyin said, "I need to spend my life to answer this question to you", he was ecstatic. Countless guesses were lost at that moment. Maybe in Liang Sicheng's mind, no matter what happened in the past, her answer was enough.


Mom, in fact, I would like to say to you that the moonlight tonight is beautiful. It has nothing to do with romance, only with you and me.

中秋有感400字作文 篇4


Since ancient times, the Mid Autumn Festival has been a time of full moon and reunion. Although it is raining these days, the shops on the street are still filled with all kinds of moon cakes and pomelos. Many families go to the streets to prepare barbecue utensils and barbecue materials, so that everything they need is ready to welcome this beautiful day.


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. I thought that I could not see the moon. Fortunately, the weather was beautiful, making the moon very round and bright today, and the wind was blowing gently. It was very refreshing. My family chose to watch the moon on the campus of Taiwan University. We talked happily and happily. Although there was no fish or meat, we were happy and at ease. At this time, Grandpa peeled the grapefruit and a pungent smell came to us. The fruit inside was fresh and juicy, and tasted like ice cream; It is smooth and smooth like soft candy. In a word, it is like a grapefruit that can be eaten by immortals. While I was eating, I watched the moon and thought about the story of Chang'e Jade Rabbit. When I was in the trance, my sister shouted, "Pick it up and go home." That ended a wonderful Mid Autumn night.


When I got home, my mother said that it was good that we kept the garbage clean. Otherwise, if someone threw it away without knowing how much they love themselves, it would create a messy environment. So every time after the Mid Autumn Festival, everyone had fun, but we should also be careful not to turn the garbage into the biggest problem.


The Mid Autumn Festival is a folk festival in China. I think it is a very meaningful festival, a symbol of our strong human feelings. Therefore, traditional customs and some sad, beautiful and touching legends are retained, and passed down from generation to generation, so that generations of children can cherish their blessings.

中秋有感作文 篇5


When I was a child, I ate moon cakes just for taste. But now, when I eat moon cakes, I have a different feeling. Mr. Su Dongpo said, "I hope people will live a long time and share the beauty of the moon." This sentence has become a quatrain, but the quatrain also has its own profound meaning. At this time, when the Mid Autumn Festival is coming, the whole family is sitting around the table eating moon cakes to enjoy the moon. The delicious "taste" makes people feel very happy all the time. However, some people can't taste this delicious "taste". They still endure the pain of not being able to reunite with their families and "fight" in their jobs. Who are they? They are border guards who defend the territorial integrity of the motherland. In winter, they are patrolling every day under the cold weather of 40 degrees below zero. The wind is a drink, the snow is a song, and the cold in the frontier is nothing to me. Hungry, eat snow; Thirsty, take snow as water. It doesn't matter that we suffer so much. We are willing to. We feel extremely honored for our duties. In order to protect the territorial integrity of our country, it is worth our while to die. In the south, along the long coastline, the sunset reflected the busy figure of the soldiers. Speaking from their heart, they also want to go home. Speaking from their heart, they are not stupid. Maybe the old mother in the family has white hair, but the soldiers know that only when there is a country, there is a family. As the military song of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army says, "To protect the motherland for the people is to protect the hometown.". They know the ups and downs on their way to the army. Since they have come to the army, they know the glorious mission they are carrying.


The history of China's border defense has written their immortal glorious history. China has a long border and mainland coastline, as well as vast sea areas and numerous islands, which are the gateway of the motherland. Here, I say to all the border guards guarding the motherland: "You have worked hard, and I also wish you and your family a happy Mid Autumn Festival."

中秋有感800字作文 篇6


The 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the traditional Mid Autumn Festival. Because it is in the middle of autumn, it is called Mid Autumn Festival, also known as Mid Autumn Festival, Reunion Festival, August Festival, etc. The Mid Autumn Festival is a symbol of happiness and reunion, a festival full of joy and harvest.


After dinner, my father and I went downstairs to watch the moon in the pavilion early. Looking at the distance, a bright moon is embedded in the sky, and the moon tonight is round and bright! The dark night set her off very brightly. I seemed to see a jade rabbit playing under the osmanthus tree. Wu Gang cut the osmanthus tree in vain. Every time he cut it down, the place where it was cut was immediately closed, so he cut it as he cut it, but the osmanthus tree could never be cut off

“独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。” 在这迷人的夜色中,望着天上的明月,我不仅想起了远在故乡的亲人们,不知道他们现在是否还好吧?是否和我现在一样在赏月呢?奶奶拉着我的小手,翻山越岭采蘑菇的情景又出现在我的眼前,家乡的一山一水那么让人眷恋,勾起了我的无限遐想……

"I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every festival." In this charming night, looking at the bright moon in the sky, I not only think of my relatives who are far away from home, I wonder if they are OK now? Are you enjoying the moon as I am? Grandma took me by the hand, and the scene of climbing mountains and mountains to pick mushrooms appeared in front of me again. The mountains and rivers in my hometown were so sentimental, which reminded me of my infinite reverie

八月十五,怎么能少了月饼呢。这可是团圆的象征,也是吉祥的象征,吃着印有 “银河夜月”、“三潭印月”的月饼,爸爸给我讲起了“玉兔捣药” 、“嫦娥奔月”的神话故事。一个个神奇的故事让我陶醉,我情不自禁地唱起了歌:“中秋节,月光光,全家一起看月亮。月儿圆,月儿亮,月饼甜呀月饼香。吃月饼呀看月亮,说说笑笑喜洋洋……”

On August 15, how can we lose mooncakes. This is a symbol of reunion and good luck. Eating moon cakes printed with "Milky Way Night Moon" and "Three Ponds Printing the Moon", my father told me the fairy tales of "Jade Rabbit Tamping Medicine" and "Chang'e Flying to the Moon". I was intoxicated by the magical stories, and I couldn't help singing a song: "On the Mid Autumn Festival, in the moonlight, the whole family looks at the moon together. The moon is round and bright, and the moon cakes are sweet and fragrant. Eat the moon cakes and watch the moon, talk and laugh happily..."


Just eating mooncakes, I always feel a little monotonous, so my mind turned around and I might as well write a poem! My father and I are alone. Although our poems can not be compared with those of great poets, we finally became poets on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. It is not so much a poem as a way for us to amuse ourselves, but it is enough to give us endless memories!


Apart from interest, my father and I played badminton on the playground. Although I had worked hard, I only caught five balls at most, which broke my record. I am proud of my progress! I'm glad to have such a Mid Autumn Festival!


I like the mood of the Mid Autumn Festival. She can bring me new feelings, new experiences and new gains every year. I would like to feel the love of my relatives, taste the philosophy of life, and experience the rapid changes in my hometown in this artistic conception. I hope that our relatives will be healthier, our hometown will be more beautiful and rich, and our motherland will be more prosperous and prosperous

中秋节有感作文500字 篇7


Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival, and I am alone with my grandparents at home to enjoy the full moon. My father went on a business trip and my mother went on a business trip. My grandpa went to bed and my grandma went to bed. I was the only one sitting on the balcony eating moon cakes and drinking milk, looking up to enjoy the bright moon. The breeze blew gently, moving the trees, grass, and my face. I closed my eyes and gently imagined how my parents would enjoy the moon? Suddenly, the sound of reading brought me back to the cruel real world from the wonderful fantasy world. I looked around and found that it was the neighbor's children reading ancient poems,. I am filled with endless yearning when I face the moon, which symbolizes reunion.


I think of my parents to the moon. I don't know if my parents will also be thinking of me in other countries and looking at the moon. It was getting late, and I felt a little sleepy. I hope I dream of reuniting with my parents when I enter the dreamland today.


I don't know why, my heart is always restless for a long time, and I can't sleep when I lie in bed. I have thought about many ways to sleep, but I can't sleep at all. I count sheep, one sheep, two sheep... But I have counted more than 1000 sheep, and I still can't sleep. They say the moon is bright and the stars are rare. I'll count the stars again. I can't count more than 100. Do we have to be together on the Mid Autumn Festival? Can't we sleep without being together? Can't I sleep because I miss my parents? Another sleepless night.


The sleepless night has passed, but my memory seems to stop on that day and that night. When I saw my elder brothers and sisters with their families, I couldn't help feeling a little jealous. But when my parents were not at home for the Mid Autumn Festival and everyone else was celebrating, I could not help but feel sad and sad. But I didn't confide to others. I could only express my sadness and sadness in my composition. I wrote my sadness and sadness with my pen.

中秋节有感作文500字 篇8


When it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival, I think of Chang'e flying to the moon. Chang'e swallowed the pills and flew to the moon in order not to let the bad guys take the pills.


This Mid Autumn Festival, my parents said they would take me to my relatives' home for dinner. I was very happy. After a while, I finally arrived at my relatives' home. I hopped into my relatives' home and saw that everyone was growing vegetables in the small garden. I followed. After I took off my shoes and put on my working clothes, I was ready to go out to grow vegetables.


I went to the side of the vegetable field first and sprinkled water on the soil in the same way as my grandfather; Then I took a hoe and kept turning it into the earth. The hoe was like a nine foot rake of Pig Bajie. I was like Pig Bajie fighting monsters. Finally, we need to clean up the vegetable field. Grandpa sprayed dirty water with a water gun, and I took the brush to brush there. Suddenly, I saw several centipedes, one by one, rolling around like ants on a hot pot. I felt that they were also celebrating the festival, hugging each other and celebrating the festival. But this happiness is no more than a basin of water. They are instantly washed away.


At mealtime, the dishes on the table are really delicious. There are a lot of delicious food. We get together, talk and laugh, and have a big meal. How happy we are! My aunt from Beijing and my aunt from Hangzhou are reunited from the ends of the earth. My Mid Autumn Festival is really happy and joyful, just like a moon cake. I am the yolk in it, my family is the stuffing in it, and my elders are the skin of the moon cake. Let's hold each other tightly. We love each other. What a happy family.

中秋节有感作文 篇9


When the Mid Autumn Festival comes, eating moon cakes and watching the moon have become a part of people's life. However, I think it must have a special charm to watch the moon in Li!


Under the dark blue night sky, several stars are blinking their eyes mischievously. The dark green hills look more beautiful and majestic against the broad night sky. In a twinkling of an eye, a bright light appeared. What was it? It was the moon peeping at me from the face! Because I am golden. Green County owners, so they attended their Mid Autumn party. The performances of the actors and actresses are really beautiful - there are flute playing, erhu playing and chorus. Of course, what I most yearn for is not this, but a lottery and a big cake. Unfortunately, I only got half a cake


We also went to Grandma's on the Mid Autumn Festival.


When we were at Grandma's house, we played a lot of things:


I want to catch some fish when I feed the ducks with water plants. After feeding the ducks, I pick up the net to catch fish, but I haven't caught any fish for many times. I can't help but throw it back into the river.


At noon, when I was feeding ducks, I found something that looked like duck eggs. I asked my grandfather to bring it to me. It was really duck eggs. Hee hee, my eyesight is good


After a while, the moon showed a small half of its face, like a boat buttoned upside down, and like an electric lamp, it shone the terrible night sky with colorful colors. Then, as if the moon was carrying a heavy burden, slowly, slowly climbed out. At last, he tried his best and finally jumped out. In an instant, the moon like a big jade plate shed bright moonlight. Suddenly, the earth seemed to be covered with a soft gauze, and the blue night sky now became light blue, so light. Ah! At this time, I really feel that the world is so peaceful and soft!


When I marveled at the moon, a dark cloud covered it again. Then all the good things went dark again. However, the moon did not want to be outdone, it still radiated light, and added a light to the dark clouds. A gust of wind blew, and the dark cloud had to float to one side, and the silver light lit up the whole.


In the following days, I can always see the moon that is covered by black clouds from time to time, and every time I see it, I always have my own idea: life is not like this! Some people encounter some setbacks in their studies, and they give up halfway, but some people overcome these difficulties and setbacks, and will shine brightly on the new road, won't they?

中秋有感500字作文 篇10


"When will the moon come? I'll stop drinking and ask."


On the way home from school, I looked up at the sky. The moon had risen very high. Looking at the nearly full moon, I can't help sighing: It's the Mid Autumn Festival again.


The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. On August 15 every year, relatives sit together, eat moon cakes, watch the moon, and talk and laugh about their recent situation. The bright moonlight shines on the earth, bringing a ray of brightness to the dark night. The moonlight is like water, and we are laughing and talking under the moon.


The moon has always been popular with people. "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs. It is difficult to complete this matter in ancient times. I hope people will live a long time and share the joys and sorrows of the moon." Su Shi's Water Melody: Mid Autumn Festival is a classic that people have always praised. The last sentence was praised as a famous sentence for thousands of years.


The origin of the Mid Autumn Festival is related to a fairy tale: Chang'e flies to the moon. Although beautiful, it is regrettable. The word "reunion" has always been expected by the Chinese people. Travelers who are far away from home cannot meet their relatives and look up at the moon: although they cannot be together, it is also a good thing to enjoy the same moon.


Nowadays, the meaning of the Mid Autumn Festival is getting weaker and weaker. Young people work outside and leave their parents and children at home. They don't see each other many times a month or even a year. During the Mid Autumn Festival, parents look forward to seeing their children and children look forward to seeing their parents. I waited hard for a phone call, answered it with joy, and hung up with disappointment and regret. It was nothing more than busy work and I couldn't go back. Even so, the person at this end of the phone still tells you to take care of your health.


Living conditions are getting better and better, but I forget the simplicity and happiness of the past. The festival should be happy, but now it has become a dispensable thing. Without the atmosphere, some old customs are gradually forgotten. How much of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation has been inherited?


Looking up at the moon, is the coming Mid Autumn Festival or the Mid Autumn Festival?