
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:13 | 来源:语文通



国庆节的作文 篇1国庆节的优秀作文 篇2国庆节 篇3国庆节的作文 篇4国庆节的优秀作文 篇5

国庆节的作文 篇1


The annual National Day finally arrived, and our family went to the ancient city of Xinzhou to play.


In the afternoon when I got to the ancient city, I saw a helicopter hovering in the air as soon as I got off the bus. I rushed to it and saw that it said 399 yuan per person. Ah, it was too expensive! So he had to give up the idea of taking a plane and reluctantly walked to the ancient city.


The ancient city is crowded with people. There are sugar paintings, various handicrafts, and snacks from all over the country. I bought a phoenix sugar painting, and the uncle painted the phoenix as if it were real. Then another uncle took a glass rod and burned it on the fire. On the table in front of him were the twelve zodiac signs and various figures. They were very exquisite. If I hadn't seen them with my own eyes, I couldn't believe they were handmade by my uncle. Walking to the amusement park, there were all kinds of interesting things in it. The most attractive thing was the pirate ship, so my mother sat with me once. This game was both scary and exciting. When I fell from the highest point to the bottom, I felt that I fell forward and my heart was not in my stomach. I was really afraid. Fortunately, my mother encouraged me around and finally the challenge was successful!


It was night before we knew it. The ancient city was brightly lit at night. The red lanterns were like flames, making people feel warm and comfortable. Later, we tasted various local snacks.


I had a good time in the ancient city this time!

国庆节的优秀作文 篇2


Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally looked forward to the "National Day" holiday. I could not help but rejoice. I imagined that the happy time of hiking with my parents was coming. I was even more happy.


Before "liberation", I was so excited that I even spent my time in class thinking about this long vacation plan. A crisp bell broke my beautiful reverie. Teachers from all disciplines gathered together and wrote down their "achievements" on the blackboard without mercy. Sitting on the chair, I was intoxicated. When I saw the homework on the blackboard, it was like a swarm of ants crawling, and the "emotional index" immediately dropped a lot. I really hope that they can crawl away and make it easy to have a happy long vacation. Back to reality, I still had to do my homework. I copied the homework and summarized it, because I was happy at that time, and I thought: Can't I finish it after five or six hours of conscientious work?


On the first day of National Day, which is the 60th birthday of the motherland, I will do half of my homework on this day as a birthday gift for the motherland. Thinking of this, I buried myself in the work. I did it for two and a half hours without stopping, but the pile of homework around the desk was not reduced. Now I understand that the homework seems to be less, but it is still a lot. Then I worked hard for another hour, and I finished part of it. I tried to scribble a little, but I couldn't see it. I couldn't help it, otherwise how could I liberate? I had no choice but to show my mother the twisted words. Because the words were too scribbled, I had to rewrite them again, which made the speed even slower. This really conforms to the old saying "haste makes waste".


In addition to the troublesome "guy" of homework, something happened yesterday, which made me even more upset. Because we were so tired to rush to work these two days, my mother and I happily took the tickets issued by our teacher to Wanfangyuan Park to play. We happened to meet Li Qian and Prince Cheng, who were junior students. We took the tickets to play free games and then went to play on the hill behind the amusement park. I saw a big tree with crooked neck halfway, so I ran to it excitedly. We fought there and also showed the "booty" we just got from playing the game. "Hey, why don't we climb up the tree and take a picture?" Wang Zicheng proposed. Li Qian said, "OK, it also leaves a good memory. But Prince Cheng, take a picture." "No problem. He Yanjie, you go first." I have no choice but to come first. Because I was too heavy to be as dexterous as the two children, I stepped back for a small run-up, but before I could step out of the first step, I tripped over the tree root and slid forward for several meters. When I tried to stand up with my hands on the ground, I found that my right hand was not strong enough, and my wrist hurt deeply. At that time, I only had one idea: Oops! I broke my hand! After standing up reluctantly, I found that my wrists could not move at all, and I could not even lift my arms. The pain made me sick. But I held back the tears I wanted to shed, because I didn't want my mother to worry, and my mouth was still trying to comfort her. But the sweat on my forehead told my mother, and she immediately took me to the hospital. The result of the examination is that the bone is cracked and needs to be cast. Oh, my God! I haven't finished my homework yet! And how can I write with my left hand? I told the teacher the bad news, and the teacher comforted me: "It doesn't matter what you do with your homework. You should keep your hands well first." After listening to the teacher's words, I did not feel relaxed, but had a complex mood, and was not happy at all.


Hey! National Day ah National Day, in addition to laughter and laughter, there are heartbroken tears, as if nothing. no There is also delicious food cooked by my mother, and I have a desire to return to school. Yes, I should not be sad, because it taught me the truth of learning from a fall. At least, I learned to be strong from it.


"Ding, ding, ding", the annoying alarm clock wakes me up from sleep. I rubbed my sore eyelids, went to breakfast in a daze, and was ready to go to the bookstore to read.


I got on my motorcycle and went to the bookstore to read. The sun was shining, but the wind was blowing on the motorcycle, and I was shivering with cold.


Finally, I came to the bookstore. I looked left and right, picking and choosing, but I couldn't find any satisfactory books. Suddenly, I saw a book, Insects. I like dinosaurs and insects the most. I picked up Insects, sat down on the chair, and read it with interest. It didn't take me long to find an interesting insect. "Hard worker" - cricket. Why do we call crickets workers? It turns out that crickets are very hard-working, and their houses are not easily settled down or ready-made. Their homes are their own hard work, relying on the black front legs, hard to dig earth blocks, and carefully build their homes. For us, it may not take one percent of our effort, but for crickets, it is not easy.


There are also many interesting insects, such as dung beetles. In fact, they are "dung beetles". You must be disgusted to hear that. Dung beetle is a kind of beetle, but it is different from other animals. Its food is garbage or other animal excrement. Make these dirty things into balls, and this is its food. Young dung beetles do not feed themselves with food, but just enjoy their mother's sufficient food. But when they grow up, they will wait on their little dung beetles.


It was late, so I had to close my beloved book and go home reluctantly.

国庆节 篇3


In the golden autumn of October, the national flag was displayed and the whole country celebrated. Today, the people of all ethnic groups across the country are full of joy and welcome the 54th birthday of the People's Republic of China; All the Chinese people in the north and south of the Yangtze River are singing heartily, and deeply bless the ancient and young motherland!


This year's National Day, everything is new and unusual. Looking back at the turn of spring and summer, at the moment when the people of the whole country were striving to achieve the grand goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, China encountered a sudden SARS epidemic disaster. In the face of this severe test, the people of the whole country united as one, worked together to overcome the difficulties, vigorously carried forward the great national spirit, insisted on the prevention and control of SARS at the same time, and insisted on the economic construction at the same time, which won a major victory in the prevention and control of SARS at a stage, and maintained the good momentum of rapid economic growth. Experience the wind and rain, see the rainbow again. The struggle against SARS has greatly improved the courage and ability of our people to overcome difficulties and strengthened the cohesion of the Chinese nation.


Great motherland, economic development, political stability, social progress, national unity, showing a new atmosphere and a bright future. The first 20 years of this century are an important period of strategic opportunities for our country, which must be firmly grasped and can make great achievements. It is the goal of the Chinese people at the new stage of the new century to focus on building a higher level of well-off society that benefits more than one billion people in an all-round way. To achieve this grand goal is in line with the common aspiration and fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Only when you are rich can you be arrogant. Focusing on building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way to enable China to form a developed productive force is the material basis for the prosperity of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the material basis for our initiative in the increasingly fierce international competition, and the material basis for the prosperity of the country, the well-being of the people and the long-term stability of the society. Under any circumstances, we should concentrate on construction and development, firmly focus on economic construction, constantly enhance China's comprehensive national strength, and strive to create a new situation of reform, opening up and modernization.

国庆节的作文 篇4


The annual National Day is coming again. This National Day is very grand, because it is the 60th birthday of our mother.


This morning, I couldn't wait to turn on the TV and watch the wonderful parade.

电视上,出现了我从来没见过的阵容。有女兵方阵、坦克······当我看见坦克时,眼前好像是许多巨大的神龟,他们背着大大的壳,向前冲去,好像在说:“谁敢来欺负我的祖国妈妈,我就 让他死无葬身之地!”不过,我比较喜欢的还是之前走过的女兵方阵。她们一个个精神精神抖擞,英姿飒爽,真让人羡慕。我真想长大后也当一名光荣的女兵,保卫国家。

On TV, there appeared a lineup that I had never seen before. There are female soldiers and tanks... When I see tanks, it seems that there are many giant turtles in front of me. They carry large shells and rush forward as if to say: "Whoever dares to bully my mother country, I will let him die without a place to bury himself!" However, I prefer the female soldiers' square array that I passed before. They are all energetic and brave, which is really enviable. I really want to be a glorious female soldier when I grow up and defend the country.


The National Day party was also quite wonderful, among which the "Light Cube" was more attractive. The Light Cube is composed of thousands of PLA uncles. The PLA uncle made various movements on the ground, constantly changing colors and turning into beautiful pictures.

看到这一幕幕,我不由得心潮彭湃,热血沸腾。想起以前外国人叫我们“东亚病夫”,真是可耻。而我们现在的中国已经非常强大,就像一条腾飞的巨龙屹立在世界的东方。作为一个中国人,我想 说:“我骄傲,我是中国人!”祝祖国妈妈生日快乐!

Seeing these scenes, I couldn't help feeling excited and excited. It is shameful to recall that foreigners used to call us "Sick Man of East Asia". Now China is very strong, just like a soaring dragon standing in the east of the world. As a Chinese, I want to say: "I am proud, I am a Chinese!" Happy Birthday to Motherland!

国庆节的优秀作文 篇5


On October 1 this year, we celebrated the 69th anniversary of our motherland. How I want to go to Tiananmen Square to watch the solemn and sacred flag raising ceremony! But because my father needs to prepare for the China Japan Korea Forum, I can't achieve my wish, so I have to watch CCTV live at home to fulfill my wish.


On October 1, I got up at more than 5 o'clock, turned on the TV, switched to CCTV, and quietly waited for the exciting moment to come


The announcer first introduced that in order to celebrate the 69th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, this year's Tian'anmen Square was decorated with a giant flower basket of "Bless the Motherland" with a top height of 17 meters. The basket is composed of more than 90 artificial flowers. The main flower material is red palm, which is shaped like a red heart. Each piece of red palm represents a red heart, and each bunch of carnations wishes the prosperity of the motherland. Secondly, the announcer said that since the early morning, nearly 110000 people from all over China have come to Tiananmen Square one after another. They hold national flags in their hands, and some people have national flags painted on their faces, just to see the exciting moment. Although the autumn wind is bleak, it can not break people's enthusiasm. Everyone waved the national flag and made their wishes. We sincerely wish our great motherland prosperity and happy birthday!


The exciting moment finally arrived. At about 6:00, 30 soldiers from the honor guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army first walked out of Tiananmen Square and stood on both sides of the Jinshui Bridge. On the upper floor of Tiananmen Gate, eight buglers from the PLA military band played the flag raising horn. 96 members of the honor guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army formed the flag guard team of the three armed forces. They set out from Tiananmen Square and passed the Jinshui Bridge in a neat manner. When the flag guard team reached the south side of the bridge, its steps were adjusted, from walking in unison to walking in a straight step, and from holding a gun to carrying a gun. Each step was forceful, until the five-star red flag was escorted to Tiananmen Square.


At 6:10, a soldier unfurled the national flag, and the magnificent national anthem sounded. Facing the rising sun, the bright five-star red flag rose slowly and flew high above the flagpole. At this time, I was excited beyond words. As the melody of "March of the Volunteers" sounded, the square became quiet, and people sang in unison. The singing echoed over the square and flew on the land of China. People looked up at the five-star red flag, and their eyes were filled with tears of excitement. The crowd was jubilant and the square was boiling.


After the flag raising ceremony, cheers broke out in the crowd. Tens of thousands of peace pigeons rose in front of Tiananmen Square. With people's attention and good wishes for the motherland, they flew to the blue sky and all directions of the motherland. People raised their mobile phones to take videos to record the moment when they were closest to the national flag flying over Tiananmen Square.


At this moment, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart. I am proud of the rapid development and growing strength of my motherland. From now on, I must study hard and contribute to the development of the motherland when I grow up!