
时间:2022-07-21 13:40:46 | 来源:语文通



"Wow! It's amazing! How is it possible?" This is our experiment! What experiments? Let's take a look together!

首先,老师拿出一个鸡蛋,又拿来一个塑料袋,哎呦,这又是要干什么?难道是分鸡蛋吗,不会吧?老师的葫芦里卖的什么药?接着便对同学们说道:“谁能借我一个水杯?”同学们便争先恐后地要把自己的水杯借给老师。最后,老师挑了几个水杯,把水杯打开。同学们一脸疑惑,有人说道:“老师,你这是要干什么?要把鸡蛋放进去吗?”“猜对了,老师微笑地回答。于是,老师把鸡蛋放了进去,然后要一位同学上来拿着袋子,随着老师的一声令下,同学们都躲了起来,有的躲到了桌子底下,有的走到了教室后面,这时,老师说:“放!”同学们立即蒙上了眼睛,然后同学们快速地围了过来,只见鸡蛋裂开了一条大裂缝,同学们便笑了起来 ……

First of all, the teacher took out an egg and a plastic bag. Oh, what is this to do? Is it divided into eggs, no? What medicine to sell in the teacher's gourd? Then he said to the classmates:"Who can borrow a water cup?" The students scrambled to lend their water cups to the teacher.In the end, the teacher picked a few water cups and opened the water cup.The classmates were puzzled, and some people said, "Teacher, what are you going to do? Do you want to put the eggs in?"Give up to hold the bag. With the teacher's order, the students were hiding, some hid under the table, and some walked behind the classroom. At this time, the teacher said, "Let it go!" The students immediately covered up.Eyes, then the classmates came around quickly, and saw the egg cracking a large crack, and the students laughed ...

老师还不服气,又拿出一个装满水的袋子,然后再把鸡蛋放进去,再拿出一包盐,把盐倒进去,袋中的清水渐渐变得浑浊,鸡蛋也慢慢“隐身了”,我们仔细找了找,发现鸡蛋正浮在了水中央呢!同学们都瞪大了眼睛,纷纷围过来,见证实验的奇迹,然后老师又说: “放!”等袋子落地时,老师便小心地拆开袋子,拿出鸡蛋,哇!鸡蛋竟然没有碎,同学们瞪大眼睛 个个目瞪口呆 。

The teacher was not convinced, took out a bag filled with water, then put the eggs in, then took out a pack of salt, poured the salt in, the water in the bag gradually became turbid, and the eggs were slowly "invisible."We found it carefully and found that the eggs were floating in the middle of the water! The students were widened and gathered around to witness the miracle of the experiment. Then the teacher said," Put! "Then carefully opened the bag and took out the eggs, wow! The eggs were not broken, and the students were stunned with wide eyes.

正当同学们百思不得其解时,老师揭开了谜底,将装满水的袋子里面放入盐,水的浮力就会增大,鸡蛋就会浮起来,当往下扔时,水完全抵消了冲击力,鸡蛋因为浮在水面上,所以完好无损 。

When the classmates couldn't solve their thoughts, the teacher revealed the mystery, put the salt in the bag filled with water, the buoyancy of the water would increase, and the eggs would float.The impact force, the eggs were intact because of the floating surface.

这个实验让我明白了一个道理,要经历很多次尝试才能取得成功,所以做事要有始有终,不要半途而废 。

This experiment made me understand a truth. I have to go through many attempts to achieve success, so I must start and end, and do not waste halfway.



1、鸡蛋:鸡蛋读音为jī dàn,是指鸡蛋又名鸡卵、鸡子,是母鸡所产的卵,其外有一层硬壳,内则有气室、卵白及卵黄部分。 富含胆固醇,营养丰富,一个鸡蛋重约50克,含蛋白质7克。鸡蛋蛋白质的氨基酸比例很适合人体生理需要、易为机体吸收,利用率高达98%以上,营养价值很高,是人类常食用的食物之一。...鸡蛋怎么造句,用鸡蛋造句»