My friends and my friends
After the exam, I had a small agreement with my good partner, just to watch a movie together.On that day, we hugged tightly as soon as we met, because we hadn't met for more than two weeks, and I miss her very much.
Her name is Sun Qianran. She is a first -year child. She looks very beautiful. She always loves a ponytail and jumps up. The ponytail follows and shakes, cute.Her eyes were big and looked bright. I liked her in a princess skirt, like a doll.Although she is smaller than me, she is higher than me, and we look like it, and often mistakenly think that it is twins by passers -by.
I like her very much and want to be with her every day. We have a common dream, that is, to admit to Tsinghua University together, live in the same bedroom, and happily watch "Bear" together.
My friends_The second grade writer essay 200 words
My little friend is Sun Zhuo.She has black skin and a face of melon seeds.There is a pair of bright eyes under the black eyebrows.Thick lips.Long hair and a ponytail.Her front teeth are very large, like the teeth of rabbits.
Sun Zhuo often play with me.Once, my classmates were playing games, only I stood aside.When Sun Zhuo saw it, he ran over and asked, "Why don't you play with you?" I said, "They don't add me." Sun Zhuo said, "It's okay, let's play with the fitness device together." I'm happy. "I'm happyA promised.Since then, as long as the get out of class, she has played with me.
How about it?My little friend is good!
My friends
My family has a cute duckling, which is sent by my mother's students.Its furry body, yellow, so I called it "yellow".Two small eyes, flat mouths, walking up and swinging, it is very interesting!
Once, I returned home from school, put down the schoolbag, and started doing homework seriously."Huanghuang" may be boring. If you want to play with me, you will get into my pants leg.I felt itchy, so I took it down.It climbed into my trousers again.I was very angry and walked away.Where I go, where is it, like a fart.I couldn't take it, so I had to play with it.I put it in my clothes, and it crawled in along the clothes.I buckled my clothes buttons. It was anxious inside, climbing around, itching me laughed.I really couldn't stand it, holding it out and put it in the nest.It called "quack" again, as if saying, "Master, I'm hungry, give me a little food!" I ran to the kitchen and took a little food, feed it to eat, and pecked the food happily, and I was happy to eat.It seems to be saying, "Thank you, master!"
My duckling "yellow and yellow" is so cute!It is my good partner, I like it very much.But it was shit everywhere, making the room stinky.Mom doesn't like this odor, so she sent it away.I reluctantly rushed it to say goodbye!
Goodbye, "Huanghuang", I will always miss you!
1、作文:作文读音为zuò wén,是指1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。作文 zuò wén词语解释:1.撰写文章。 2.指学生的写作练习。(1) [write a composition]∶撰写文章(2) [composition]∶学生的写作练习分词解释:学生:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。写作:1.犹写成。指作诗文﹑绘画等。 2.书法和文章。 3.写文章;创作。文章:①单独成篇的文字作品:写文章。②文辞:文章尔雅,训辞深厚。③礼乐制度:考文章,改正朔。④花纹色彩:五色文章。⑤比喻隐含的意思:话中另有文章。⑥比喻可做的事;可用的办法:还有文章可做|抓住一点大做文章。练习:①反复学习,以求熟练:练习心算 ㄧ练习写文章。②为巩固学习效果而安排的作业等:练习题ㄧ练习本ㄧ做练习ㄧ交练习。...作文的近义词,作文的同义词是什么»
2、年级:年级读音为nián jí,是指学校中依据学生修业年限分学生为若干级谓之年级。如我国现行学制一般规定小学修业年限为六年,学校中就编为六个年级。学生入学第一学年为一年级,第二学年升入二年级,余类推。同一年级学生人数多者,再分成若干班,中小学一般分五十人为一班。年级 nián jí词语解释:学校中依据学生修业年限分学生为若干级谓之年级。如我国现行学制一般规定小学修业年限为六年,学校中就编为六个年级。学生入学第一学年为一年级,第二学年升入二年级,余类推。同一年级学生人数多者,再分成若干班,中小学一般分五十人为一班。分词解释:学年:学校的教学年度。一般从秋季开始,至次年夏季为一学年。在中国,一学年分为两个学期,即第一、第二学期,也称上、下学期。学制:又称“学校系统”。学校教育制度的简称。对各级各类学校的性质、任务、入学条件、学习年限以及它们之间联系的规定。小学:实施初等教育的学校。中国小学入学年龄为六周岁,学习年限为六年。同一:1.共一,合一;统一。 2.相同;同样。...年级的近义词,年级的同义词是什么»
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