In this hot summer vacation, my parents took me to the beautiful Fangte.
I couldn't wait to come to Fangte's Dream Kingdom. I first came to the "Cosmic Warrior".Wait, it is our turn to get us turn. I put on 4D glasses. My mother and I took on a cartoon train carrying the launch device. As the train continued to advance, we shot all kinds of cute little monsters.So as to get different scores.
My mother and I started the game.At first, my mother hit more little monsters than me. When I saw it, her score was 1600, and I was only 900 points.I was very anxious and thought: I am going to lose now, what should I do? However, I will not easily admit defeat.So I aimed more seriously.Gradually, I found that I can shoot a high score monster. Compared with any monster, I can get a higher score. In the end, I scored 5,700 points, and my mother scored 3,400 points. I won my mother.I was proud! My mother said in surprise: "I kept shooting for a moment, my hands were sour, how could I lose?" "Haha, I have a secret weapon, I won't tell you!" I ran away with a smileEssence
We also played the exciting "roller coaster" and "pirate boat", and enjoyed the wonderful performances such as "Monkey King" and "Light of Life".
In a blink of an eye, this unforgettable trip was over. I reluctantly left Fangte. I really hope to come here next time.
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