
时间:2022-10-19 13:20:07 | 来源:语文通



难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇1难忘六一儿童节作文 篇2难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇3难忘六一儿童节作文 篇4最难忘的六一儿童节 篇5难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇6难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇7难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇8难忘六一儿童节作文 篇9难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇10

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇1


This is our children's "June Day", and we should spend it happily.


On the day of June 1, my father took me to Xiaomeisha. The vast sea is beautiful!


There are many people. It seems that there are many children.


Dad is swimming in the sea. I pick up shells on the beach. If I'm lucky, I hope I can pick up beautiful shells. There are many children playing on the beach. Some use small shovels to shovel sand, dig crabs hiding in the sand, and some boys are building castles. Others bury themselves in the sand. More people bask on the beach. People who can't swim play in the sea and splash water on each other. It's so funny!


One of the wishes of the "June 1" Festival is to ask my father to take me to eat pizza. There are sausage, green pepper, beef... a lot of materials in the pizza, and the outside layer is a flat bread. But unlike other bread, it tastes crisp and delicious. I also want my father to take me to KFC, where there are chicken wings, French fries, ice cream, etc.


On June 1, my father gave me a gift. I hope it is a book I like, because I like reading best. Reading makes me smart and knowledgeable.


I like the "June Day" very much, because it brings me many different kinds of happiness!

难忘六一儿童节作文 篇2


In the sixth grade of primary school, on International Children's Day, I came to the school early. I saw colorful flags flying, drums and music singing, mountains and people everywhere, and the festive atmosphere everywhere. A few bees fly in the sky from time to time. They also come to celebrate the June Day!


The activity kicked off with warm applause. A sixth grader stood in the center of the stage and solemnly said, "Raise the national flag and sing the national anthem." The bright five-star red flag rose slowly with our beautiful singing. After a burst of singing, Grandpa Chen presided over and eulogized the "Chen Youwei Scholarship". The winners were radiant and enviable. I really regret not studying hard, Otherwise, I might also get this scholarship. When I was dreaming, the exciting performance began.


Among them, I like the military style performance best. The PLA uncles began to line up to perform. They were like pencils one by one. With the order, they turned left, right, stepped, and turned around as fast as they could, and their moves were equally symmetrical. Listen to that slogan again! It is also neat, which is earth shaking. Seeing this, everyone can't help applauding. Then, the uncles performed the martial arts of catching for us. With a command, they showed their strength and strength, and at the same time, they waved their iron fists and struck from bottom to top like lightning. Although all the uncles were sweating, none of them wiped their sweat, and they still practiced meticulously. Then the children danced, and the teacher dressed them up like a group of cherubs, which made them lean back.


After the wonderful program was performed in a joyful song and laughter, we had to reluctantly return to the classroom.

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇3


Life is like a kaleidoscope, colorful, and life is like a gourd jar, sour, sweet, bitter, hot, salty. There are many places in life that make us aftertaste and think deeply. This sentence is true. On a lucky day, I thoroughly understood the true meaning of this sentence.


June 1, 20XX is the last International Children's Day I spent in Xijiao primary school. On that day, I always feel strange. When I think of that Children's Day, I still remember it fresh and deeply imprinted in my mind. Now, let me review the happy Children's Day!


Finally, the annual Children's Day is coming. This is our children's festival, and we can play heartily in school. Thinking of these, I couldn't help but get excited. I laughed all night and didn't sleep all night. The next morning, I came to my school wearing a short skirt, with a good mood and good look, as usual, but with a few extra bags of snacks. At this time, the students are noisy. Some are blowing balloons, some are taking pictures around, and some are eating snacks On that day, everyone was happy, and everyone was filled with a smile that had never been seen before. What are those things on the platform? I couldn't help thinking about it, and plunged into it. It's a bag of snacks, big and small! It must be something for us to eat. I feel very happy when I think about it. After a while, our birthday party began and Teacher Cao came in. We were shocked and settled down like birds without souls, and then slipped to our seats like arrows leaving the strings. Now, we have prepared the classroom. When the teacher saw the lights and decorations in the class, he was very happy. The headmaster smiled too. He rated our class as the most beautiful one.


Time passed quickly. Soon, we distributed snacks and played games. The real theme was singing. Hearing the name, everyone started to shrink their hands. My heart was slightly shocked and I thought: It's over. It was decided that I would sing before, but now that so many people are looking at me, how embarrassed I am! Thinking about what will happen next, I began to be very nervous and looked at the students around me with dull eyes, afraid they would give me up. I really want to find a burrow to get in, but I'm not a puppy. But those who should come will come again! What should I do? As I expected, after the two teams finished singing, it was my turn. All the students around me cast strange glances at me. Somehow, those glances were so horrible, they seemed to laugh at me and said, "Come on! Who told you that you usually love singing? Now it's OK. We all support you to go up and see what you can do!" The whole team we had agreed on couldn't help shouting my name. I was nervous and wanted to get under the table, but when I came, I couldn't hide. "Let's invite Ye Cuiying to perform for us." Teacher, when did you become so terrible? " My heart is like fifteen buckets at once. The audience immediately broke into thunderous applause. I blushed and climbed over two heavy "mountains". In order to encourage me, Mr. Zhou also sang a song. My heart gradually calmed down, but I stood aside at a loss. When Teacher Zhou finished singing this song, I had already mustered the courage, picked up the microphone, and said to the students: "Today is our last Children's Day, and I hope everyone can be healthy and happy. Now we are going to sing invisible wings, let's invite Tan Yanxia to accompany me." The classmate also walked onto the platform with a smile in his eyes. Then we sang which song: "Every time, we are..." When we finished this song, the whole class roared with laughter, and even I couldn't help it, because when we sang, we didn't know which classmate sang out of tune, and some sang the wrong lyrics, because I seemed to copy the wrong lyrics. However, I don't think it's anything, because we can bring laughter to Ben after all. It's just a laugh.


I think the reason why we failed this time was due to excessive tension, but the last "June 1" Children's Day made me unforgettable, because it made me understand that the stage belongs to me, as long as each of us is brave enough to challenge, even if it is difficult for you, it will not defeat you.

难忘六一儿童节作文 篇4


Today is a very ordinary day with clear sky and cloudless sky. But today, there is an unusual Festival - International Children's Day, and there is also a grand celebration today!


Early in the morning, I came to the school with a small chair. Why should I bring a small chair? It turns out that the celebration is held outdoors, so we need to bring small chairs.


The June 1 celebration begins! It was announced by President Wang. With the loud voice of President Wang, the June 1 celebration officially began!


Time flies. Although we have just heard the wonderful lyrics and watched the energetic martial arts performances, we know that what we are looking forward to is not these literary and artistic performances, but the Jiangnan STYLE performed by Wu Yifei, the "bird uncle", with his classmates, because Jiangnan STYLE is our class's program.


The next program is our class, but the excitement just now has become the anxiety. Because there was an accident: the performers went upstairs to make up, but they haven't come down yet! The teacher stamped his feet and kept saying, "What should I do? What should I do?" But at this critical moment, they all came down again. It was really a close call!


You may think: I know so much, I must also be a dancer! But you guessed wrong! I'm not a dancer, but I have a special "job" - taking pictures of dancers! It started to jump. I found the best position and sat down to shoot.


I saw that they danced very well and played very well, which made the audience laugh. After they finished the dance, there was a thunderous applause from the audience.


I will never forget the June 1 celebration!

最难忘的六一儿童节 篇5


"61" is happy, "61" is happy. And the "June 1" I just passed is unforgettable.


That morning, as soon as I stepped into the gate of the campus, I felt happy and warm. Because today is Children's Day. I think: there must be no class or homework!


In the morning, it was not as cool as I thought, because there was still class. But it's different in the afternoon, because the school has an activity? Red scarf flea market. At the beginning of the first class in the afternoon, the teacher said to us: "The rule of this activity is to put your toys and stationery on the counter of the class for" auction ". You can also buy items from other classes. The items you bought belong to you, and the money is donated to Zhulin Primary School in Gansu. In addition, Zhulin Primary School has compiled a book called "Bamboo Complex". If you want to buy it, you can buy it. " Hearing this, the students cheered.


In the second class, it's finally our turn to shop in the third grade. I can't wait to run to the counter of our class to find out if my kaleidoscope has been sold. I saw that the kaleidoscope was gone. I knew it was bought back by someone else. I looked at the counters of other classes and bought a singing cat and two Santa Claus. After a while, I strolled to the counter of the sixth grade. A sister ran over and said, "Buy a copy of Little Girl, five yuan, OK! Give a love to Zhulin Primary School!" "I only have ten yuan, and I will buy" Bamboo Complex "later!" I said. After a while, I went to the brigade to buy a copy of "Bamboo Complex" from Mr. Yang


On that day, I not only offered a love, but also bought something I like. It was really unforgettable.

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇6


Memory is like a huge net, capturing every sour and sweet thing in life. Bitter and hot past events, there are often many small things slip away from this network, but there is one thing that I will never forget! Every time I think of it, I have an unspeakable joy in my heart!


I remember that when I first entered the class, I was shocked and the whole class was completely new. The desks in the class are arranged in an "O" shape. There are four big characters on the blackboard: "Celebrate June 1". There are beautiful illustrations beside the words. Oh! The windows and walls are pasted with beautiful ribbons, pink, blue, light yellow, light green... just like a colorful butterfly, shuttling in the broad class.


The two teachers walked into the classroom with smiles on their faces. First they said they were happy, and finally they said their best wishes to everyone. The two teachers let the hosts Zhang Yiqian and Lin Yining step onto the platform and started our "Class 4 [1] get-together". First of all, we played "Stool snatching". Liu Jiawen, Lan Siying, Su Xin, Wang Yuxin and Lu Zhiling will compete in the first round. MUSIC rings and five girls circle around the four stools. Stop At the order of Huang Jie, the monitor, the five girls started to grab a stool --- Liu Jiawen was quick in hand and eyes, and immediately grabbed a stool. Ah! Lu Zhiling was too nervous to sit on Wang Yuxin's leg. Lu Zhiling lost. She went to the monitor to get two sweets. Sitting back in his seat, he had an expression of defiance on his face. The competition continued, and the champion was born, Su Xin. She proudly walked up to the platform, took three sweets, and returned to her seat with a happy expression


It's time to perform. Lin Hanghong performed his program "nunchakus". His smooth movements seemed to be a powerful nunchakus master. It's amazing to see. And the dance "Don't Don't Don't" performed by Yi Ning, Su Xin and Jia Wen. Their beautiful dancing is like three beautiful fairies dancing in the world


How fast the day goes! How I wish this day would never end!

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇7


Children's Day is my favorite holiday. Every year, my parents take me to relax on Children's Day. However, the "61" Children's Day in the second grade was the most unforgettable


It was the "Colorful 61" held in the school on June 1, XX. The content of the competition was "campus dance". Each class was limited to 30 students to participate in the competition. I was honored to be selected.


When we were close to the competition, the teacher stepped up our training. Every day after school, we had to practice until the fifth day. The teacher asked me to stand in the middle.


The day before the game, the teacher asked us to put on our clothes and try. Wow! How beautiful! A white vest is embroidered with a star, which must have been sewn on by teachers overnight. There is also a glittering pink belt on the skirt, hee hee, this glittering pink belt is provided by me.


Wearing this dress, I felt like I was dancing on the stage and won the applause of the audience... Later, I found that I came to try on clothes, not on the stage.


In the evening, I was so happy that I couldn't sleep all night. I thought to myself: Tomorrow is going to be a game. Come on! The students are waiting for us to win the prize! I closed my eyes and went to sleep slowly.


It was only a few hours before the match. The teacher quickly asked us to put on clothes and make up. "Ha ha! Look at the boys, their faces are red and they really look like monkeys' bottoms!" "How are you?" A boy made a face at us.


When it was time for the competition, my heart was very nervous. "Now let's invite Class 2 (4) to perform on the stage." At this time, I came to the stage with a nervous mood.


We listened to the music, followed the beat, and began to jump... Finally we got over this tense time. I felt proud to see the audience applauding! The teacher who was watching smiled and said, "You did well! Keep working hard!


Come on! " I am very happy! By the way, it was almost time for the award, so I calmed down and sat on the chair waiting.


Finally, it's time to present the award, which is also the most tense time. Listen: The first prize winner is:


Class 2 (4)! "Yeah!" The teacher and our faces showed the most brilliant smile!


This "June 1" Children's Day has left a classic in my life that I cannot but recall.

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇8


The annual Children's Day came again, and our school held a garden tour.


The project of our class is to "work hard". In fact, it is to top a water cup. Of course, there is water in the cup. The rules of the game are as follows: With a water cup on your head, you are not allowed to step over five stools on the premise that the water cup will not fall off. Step over a stool for two points. The full score is ten. Your score depends on your balance ability. The game was both thrilling and exciting, and we all enjoyed ourselves. Although I was a little scared, I decided to play. I slowly crossed over to the last cup and fell down, but the teacher said, as for the clothes, the water spilled on my feet.


Most of the students carefully passed this link, but some of them just couldn't do as they hoped. Some of them dropped their cups at the beginning, some half way through, and others at the last time. It's a pity. What impressed me most was a sixth grade boy. I accidentally saw that the top of his head was uneven, and the water cup could not be put on. He fell down before he started to step, and his pants were drenched. He tried again. His head was stiff and motionless, like a timid turtle. This time the situation was better than before, but the most sad thing was that the cup fell off before he had finished the last stool. It was a pity.


Later, Wu Shiying and I went to play Lucky Pinball, lion headed ball, dizziness, straw transportation and so on. One of the least interesting is pipette transportation. In my imagination, pipette transportation should be used to transfer the key like things to the next student, who then uses the same action to transfer them to the next student. However, the result was unexpected. It turned out that the table tennis ball was transported to the opposite side by the pipette on the mouth.

难忘六一儿童节作文 篇9


Our parents or teachers always tell us on Children's Day that the coming of Children's Day means that we are one year older. So I always think Children's Day is like a birthday. In the past, we have grown up one year. After this day, we will be more sensible and grow up healthier and happier.


This year's children's Day is unforgettable to me. In addition to the wonderful cultural performances, it is the cake war after the cultural and entertainment activities. Because it rained that day, the teacher arranged all the activities indoors. After all the students were seated, our teacher quietly took out a big cake. The teacher opened the cake box. It said "happy International Children's Day children's Day". We all applauded happily when we saw it.


The teacher asked a classmate to share the cake. A classmate said that she could divide the cake according to the requirements. The teacher asked her to go up and divide. The box of cakes said "happy International Children's Day children's Day". The student quickly cut the cake and divided it into each student's hands. So we ate happily.


At this time, some students quietly had bad ideas. They quietly ran to the back of a classmate who was eating a cake. When the classmate wasn't paying attention, they quickly extended their hands to wipe the student's face. In a flash, the student became a big face. The students who were smeared with cream were not angry, but smiled. He wiped his face. His hands were full of cream.


Ha ha ha ", a burst of laughter broke out in the classroom. You wipe me, I wipe you, wipe each other. Some even wiped on the teacher's face, and the teacher did not criticize us, but followed us. In this scuffle, everyone's face turned into a big face.


This year's International Children's Day children's Day is really the happiest one for us.

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇10


Today, in order to celebrate the June 1st holiday, our town held a large art show. All teachers and students of our three primary schools and a central kindergarten, and some parents gathered on the playground of Tangshenmiao Town Central Primary School. The playground can be said to be a sea of people


The first is the opening of the drum horn team. The drum horn team entered the stadium solemnly, and was filled with applause.


Then raise the national flag. We all took off our hats and saluted. All the people present stood up and sang the national anthem, which was very solemn. Watching the flaming five-star red flag rising slowly, I felt extremely proud.


Then Zhang Xu of the Central School made a speech, placing high hopes on us. Then organize the award ceremony. Of course, I won the award on the stage! I was excited to receive the certificate of award personally issued by President Zhang. I am determined to work harder in the future and try to receive the award next time!


The literary and artistic performance began. Better than one. I think the most interesting piece is My Dad. The plot is very funny. The most funny part is that when the teacher told me the question of digging a canal, two parents almost made me laugh. "How many canals can we build with 10 tons of cement?" The first parent said, "If you give me 100 tons of cement, I can build 80 canals for you - but I can't guarantee the quality." The teacher asked him what he did, and he said, "I'm the head contractor." Then the teacher told the second parent about this problem, and the parent said, "Why don't you build the canal? Let my son build it?" Then the two parents began to talk, "What do you do?" and "I'm the head contractor.", "What are you doing?" I killed a pig "," You go to one side for me ", and everyone's belly hurts when laughing. At last, I understand that parents' company has a lot to do with children, so I hope all parents can accompany children more in the future?


The last one was the singing of "Spring Dawn" by the chorus team of our central primary school, "Spring sleeps without knowing the dawn, and birds sing everywhere. The sound of wind and rain comes at night, and I know how many flowers fall." It seems that this poem that we recited at the beginning of the first grade took me a lot of effort to recite, which makes my memory fresh. This poem has more charm when expressed in the form of singing! As if we had gone through the Tang Dynasty and sang with Meng Haoran about the beauty of spring!


In this way, this year's June Day came to a successful end in reluctantly, and I look forward to the next June Day. Alas! How I want to live in my childhood!