
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:27 | 来源:语文通



我最喜欢的地方作文 篇1小学作文1100字 篇2小学作文800字 篇3小学作文900字 篇4小学作文1200字 篇5小学作文900字 篇6小学作文800字 篇7

我最喜欢的地方作文 篇1


If you ask me where my favorite place is, I will definitely say that I want to count the beautiful and interesting Yiyuan near my home.


Entering the gate, the first thing you can see is the beautiful flower beds and pine and willow trees leading to Taiji Lake. The pine trees are like standing sentries guarding our safety, while the willows are bent one by one, as if they are welcoming our arrival; Its branches, like a little girl's braid, dance with the wind; Only its dense and tender leaves are inconspicuous, but when people are in the sun, it is like a cool umbrella, allowing people to sit under it and enjoy the cool breeze. Under the willow tree, there is an inconspicuous piece of grass. Although there is no slogan on it to protect the grass, people carefully step over them for fear of stepping on them.


In front of the flower bed is a lake called Tai Chi Lake or Tai Chi Diagram. It is a blue lake surrounded by irregular stones. Sometimes, you can clearly see some green brown stones, flowers, grass and trees from the bottom of the lake, which makes the Tai Chi Lake a beautiful big garland. In the poplars, you can often hear birds chirping, which is euphemistic and beautiful!


On the left side of the gate is where the swallows and butterflies live. They are accompanied by fragrant flowers, green grass, tall trees, and small and exquisite bees. The colorful flowers are so colorful! There are lilies, magnolias, butterflies... Every time when lovely children pass here, sunflowers will bow to them, say hello to them, smile at them, play with them, and dance with them! Like a world filled with dreams! Yo! Don't forget the grass and trees! Although the grass is very weak, it still has strong vitality. Just like the poem "Grass" written by Li Bai: "The wild fire is endless, and the spring wind is blowing again." Whenever the trees are full of fruit in autumn, I will take my little partner to sit under the trees and enjoy the cool breeze while eating


At the end of the Garden of Changes, there is a long pond full of small fish and shrimp. Therefore, I will come here every night to play with them and laugh with them. This is also a good place to watch the sunrise. Every morning at dawn, my parents and I, as well as my friends, will find a big stone to enjoy the beautiful scenery; Every evening, my little friends, butterflies, birds, dragonflies and swallows, accompany us to watch the sunset slowly set... Every day when I rest, I will ask friends to play, play games, chat, walk, do hide and seek, jump rope and run here, and every time I come here, I will stop and enjoy the beautiful scenery


I like Yiyuan very much. It is really a beautiful place and brings me a lot of happiness!

小学作文1100字 篇2


Hello, everyone. My name is edible salt, also called table salt. It is the most commonly used condiment.


I have a brother named Haiyan, who comes from the vast sea. My sister has a beautiful name - Huyan. She comes from far away Xinjiang. I am the most common well salt. I was salvaged from tens of meters or even thousands of meters underground by people with tools and processed into salt on people's table.


Although our origins are different, we are all indispensable condiments on people's tables. My main ingredient is sodium chloride, which is also an indispensable substance in the human body. From a physiological point of view, I can help people digest food. When I am eaten into the mouth by humans, I give people a salty feeling, which can stimulate people's taste and thus improve appetite. I can also induce vomiting, stop diarrhea, kill insects, diminish inflammation, nourish the kidney and relieve constipation, and have the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, cooling blood and moistening dryness. The Chinese ancients first thought of me as the seasoning agent. They said my importance: "If you make soup, you can only make salt plum". Among the five flavors, salty is the first, so I rank the first in the condiment family. If there is no me in a dish, no matter how skillful a cook is, he can't make it. I can give the dishes salty taste, improve the freshness of the dishes, and let people eat with relish.


If you think that I have only these functions, you are totally wrong. I can make the meat less perishable and better preserved. Add me to the milk to extend its shelf life. I can also remove soil, pesticides, insects, etc. from vegetables. Soak the fish in the water that I washed. It can eliminate fishiness and make it more delicious. I also have the effect of pain relief. Rubbing me on the scalded skin can reduce human suffering


Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Of course, I am no exception. Although I have so many advantages, eating me too much is also harmful to the human body. You humans are too greedy! Six grams of me per day is enough to meet your physical needs, but according to the survey, each of you eats 11.58 grams of me per day!


Such a heavy taste diet will cause stomach cancer. Although I don't have any direct substances that can cause stomach cancer, eating too much of me will damage the gastric mucosa, help those bacteria breed and cause disease, and finally make your stomach covered by cancer cells.


I will also harm the most important organ in your human body - the heart! Salty taste constricts small arteries and is harmful to the heart. The Inner Canon says, "If you eat more salt, your pulse will coagulate and turn pale. If you taste too salty, your bones will be damaged and your heart will be depressed."


These two sentences prove this truth.

吃我多了还有一个害处就是高血压,吃得越多,高血 压 发 病率越高。爱斯基摩人几乎不患高血压是因为在他们的生活中几乎见不到我。每天吃我的量超出标准4倍还多的日本北部居民,高血压已成了人人都有的家常便饭。这是因为我能使血管升压,敏感性增加。我还可以吸附水分,如水分过多,你身体中的血会要增加,血液加上钾和钠,使血变得越来越浓,增高血压。

The more I eat, the higher the incidence rate of hypertension. Eskimos hardly suffer from high blood pressure because they can hardly see me in their lives. For residents in northern Japan who eat me more than four times more than the standard every day, high blood pressure has become a commonplace for everyone. This is because I can increase blood pressure and sensitivity. I can also absorb water. If there is too much water, the blood in your body will increase. With potassium and sodium added to the blood, the blood will become thicker and thicker, and the blood pressure will increase.


Now you know, I am good for mankind, but also harmful. As long as you human beings use me reasonably, I still have many benefits. For your own human body, eat less of me and taste less. I sincerely hope that everyone in the world is healthy!

老师点评: 作者变换角度,以一粒盐的身份像人们展示着盐在生活当中的重要与弊端。想像奇妙,内容既源于生活,不失生活的真实,又高于生活,开阔读者的视野,充满了生活气息。选取角度新鲜奇特,不附平庸,一扫迂俗之气,令人耳目一新。文章还有一个提升点,加入食盐在生活中的一个小经历,会令文章增添许多色彩。

Teacher's comment: The author changes his perspective and shows the importance and disadvantages of salt in life as a grain of salt. Imagination is wonderful. The content is not only from life, but also higher than life. It broadens readers' horizons and is full of life. The selection angle is fresh and unique, without mediocrity. It can sweep away the pedantry and vulgarity, making people refreshing. The article also has a promotion point. Adding a small experience of salt in life will add a lot of color to the article.

小学作文800字 篇3


There is no feast that never ends. Mr. Zhang, our experienced and dedicated math teacher who has accompanied us for five years, retired and replaced him with Mr. Cai. Looking back on the five years we have spent together, it seems that it was yesterday.


Sign up on the first day of September and attend school the next day.


"Ding ding..." Class is over. Look at the timetable, math! "Can the new teacher Cai be very fierce? How is her class?......" At this time, a lot of questions came out of my mind. At this moment, "kick, kick, kick..." There was a sound of footsteps, and Teacher Cai walked into the classroom with a smile on his face.

真是不看不知道,没想到完全是我想多了。只见蔡老师中等个子,穿着一条宽松的碎花连衣裙。脸上,小舟似的眉毛下一对月牙似的眼睛散发出慈祥的光芒。最引人注目的是 https://www.d8qu.com/ 她那微微上扬的嘴角,让人感到很容易亲近。

I really don't know. I didn't expect to think too much. Mr. Cai was a medium height man wearing a loose floral dress. On his face, a pair of crescent moon like eyes under the boat like eyebrows emitted a kind light. The most striking is HTTPS://WWW.D8QU COM/Her slightly raised mouth makes people feel very close.


"Boys and girls, let's have a heart to heart talk instead of this class." Mr. Cai walked to the middle of the two groups, bent over and said to us kindly. What a surprise!


Later, she strode to the platform and wrote a big "person" on the whiteboard. "Boys and girls, this is what I will talk about at the beginning of each school year. To be a person of good taste, you must do the following three things: first, you must have good quality and cultivation, second, you must have a healthy body, and third, you must study hard, make progress every day, and be a person who loves learning." Teacher Cai then said, "Good quality should start from the small things around us, such as offering seats to the elderly, not littering, not damaging public property, etc. I believe that in our excellent class, everyone can do it." Then he smiled and looked around, as if encouraging everyone. "In addition, you should keep exercising and have a healthy body. Chairman Mao also said that body is the capital of revolution."


"Last but not least, learning is also the most important thing. I hope you can be like the heroes in Chairman Mao's works. You must study hard. When you grow up, you can be more useful to the society. Come on! After that, you look at us with confidence." Teacher, I will study hard and live up to your expectations! " Listening, I couldn't help but make up my mind.


Time passed quickly. After a while, class was over. During the break, I saw that some students took the initiative to chat with Mr. Cai, just like friends. Some students talked about it in groups. They gave a thumbs up to Mr. Cai instead of me bragging!


"Talents come from all over the world, and they have been leading the world for hundreds of years." Thank you for your first meeting with Mr. Cai! I hope that under the leadership of Mr. Cai, we can make a great achievement!

小学作文900字 篇4


In the afternoon, the teacher announced a good news: tomorrow's autumn outing. This is what we have been waiting for! The students are very happy; More happily, this time we went to Jiangbin Park for autumn outing.


Jiangbin Park was my childhood paradise. But this time, I went together with my classmates, and I felt different. The next morning, we walked out of the campus, holding the team flag, just like a large army. We carried our bags, water and snacks to Jiangbin Park.


When entering the park gate, the first thing you can see is a row of street lamps like brackets. Walking past the street lamp, there is a big fountain. The chrysanthemums in the border flower beds are so lively and vigorous, one after another, in clusters, competing for beauty against the autumn wind. In the park, green trees make shade. Although the sun is still burning in the sky today, the big tree stretches its branches and leaves are thick, just like a giant sunshade. Look, under the big tree over there, the lawn like a green carpet is our headquarters.


What a wonderful thing it would be to lie on the soft lawn and bask in the sun in the warm autumn! We took the tablecloth out of our bags and laid it, took out snacks, and opened the snack meeting. The students took out their long cherished snacks to share with the students. And I got a bucket of instant noodles from my bag. Add the seasoning bag in front of the students, pour in the boiling water and soak it. The smell was so delicious that everyone was attracted by the smell and wanted to taste it. So we shared happily, one mouthful of noodles and one mouthful of soup.


After the snack meeting, our team will catch insects on the grass and prepare for the big insect battle. There are many insects on the grassland, including grasshoppers, crickets, ants, mantis, etc. I used the bag to approach a grasshopper slowly. Just as I was about to pounce, it quickly dodged. Later, I thought of a way: lead it to a leaf, and then pull it into a sealed bag with that leaf. Yeah, success! It seems that as long as you are willing to use your head, there is nothing you can't accomplish. I can catch ants better. Ants like sweet food, so I sprinkle some sugar in the bottle. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the ants to tip off one by one and drill into the bottle one by one. I easily picked up the bottle and closed the lid. A group of ants became my "bottle". I also found mantis in the grass. I found a large transparent box and secretly approached the mantis. Before it realized it, I covered it with a box as quickly as I could. Students are no exception, there are also many insects recorded. Then we put the insects we caught together to fight. Look, the grasshopper has its back to the mantis. The mantis rushed to the grasshopper with its broadsword. While guiding their own insects to fight, everyone tried hard to cheer them on. Cheers and laughter filled the whole riverside park.


This autumn outing gave us enough time to do what we like, and let us feel the collective happiness. We are all very happy. It was getting late, and like a triumphant army, we sang all the way back to school.

小学作文1200字 篇5


I am a sixth grade student in primary school. In the eyes of others, my character seems to be a little "stubborn" or "brave". In fact, I believe in my heart that "persistence" is just a simple word, but it is difficult to achieve it, and I still need to be full of morale after countless failures.


Take fishing for example. Everyone thinks it is simple, but the knowledge here is great. It is far more than just played on TV and played in games. It is mainly about patience, concentration and perseverance.


One day, my father suddenly said he would go fishing. Needless to say, I will have my share! I was so happy that I jumped three feet high and finally could really experience fishing. I was inevitably a little excited. My mind was full of pictures of flying fish.


When we drove to the fish pond, I couldn't wait to pick up the fishing rod, hang up the bait and throw it down. I heard a sound of "Dong". The fish float disappeared. It was strange! At this time, my father said to me, "What's your hurry? The most important process of fishing is to adjust the float. If the float is not adjusted properly, you can't find the following movements of the fish, and you can't catch the fish.". I learned from my father to cut the lead skin with small scissors, and then threw it into the water to observe the position of the fish floating on the water. After repeated debugging, it was finally adjusted.


The first shot, after I threw the rod into the water, I saw the fish floating on the water, but I always felt in my mind that there were fish stealing, "Hum! As long as you eat the hook, you can't run away." So I started to play with insect dishes in the east and watch flowers and plants in the west. Suddenly, I saw the fish float sinking, and I slowly lifted my pole. Look closely, ah! There is only one empty hook left. Where is the fish? My father told me, "If you don't fish like this, you can't fish half heartedly. You must pay attention, carefully observe the movements of the floater, and react quickly." Just after my father said, he quickly picked up the pole, which was bent like a bow. ha-ha! The fish has taken the bait! He immediately got up and started a fierce fight with the fish. He didn't hurry and shook the fishing rod from side to side. He said that it was "fish walking", which would consume the fish's physical strength. When it was tired, it would swim in our direction obediently. In this way, Dad insisted on for seven or eight minutes before he caught the fish with the copied net.


In the second shot, I focused on the fish float with my eyes fixed on it. The fish beside me surfaced with bubbles, seemingly provoking me: "Come on! Catch me! A child, go play next to me! You can't catch us, you can't hold on...", "I won't be disturbed by you," I was angry and gnashed my teeth, "you wait and see!" Time passed slowly, and I firmly believed that I could catch fish. The fish float began to dance, and suddenly it all went into the water. I immediately pulled out the fishing rod and said, "Wow, it's so heavy! The fish got hooked!", I imitated the way my father walked the fish just now and shook the fishing rod from side to side. "Hum, small sample, catch you, who said I can't..." After a while, the fish was tired and surfaced out of the water, with bubbles in his mouth as if saying to me: "Please forgive me, I admit defeat...", ha ha! Who made you despise our children for being unable to persist and impatient? An aunt on the side said to an uncle, "Look, my children have caught fish. What about you?" Uncle blushed and nodded desperately, probably unconvinced. I was naturally happy. I turned to my aunt and said, "If you wait a little longer, you will catch fish!"


The next three, four and five shots did not catch fish because they did not control them well. But I firmly believe that as long as we persist and constantly summarize the experience of failure, we will definitely catch fish! Finally, let's count up the results: I caught seven fish in total and got a lot!


"Persistence" is just a simple word, but if you want to do it, you have to pay silently and taste the taste of failure again and again. Behind the persistence is the taste of harvest. I will persist in my future study and life.

小学作文900字 篇6


Everyone's inner world should be released, and they should be good at opening the door of the soul to get sunshine, so that the soul can put aside the cold and get proper adjustment. Many people like to close themselves in an untouchable world and refuse to contact with the outside world, thus forming their own sense of loneliness and depression. In fact, I don't think it is necessary to do so. We should be more open and let ourselves taste the beauty of the world. I believe we can achieve happiness by doing so. I believe this life will be meaningful. We should not bury everything in our hearts. We should give some advice to these sad things, and don't let them haunt us forever. Living in this world, we should learn to face everything optimistically. There are many sad things and many happy things in this world. As long as you think of those happy things when you are sad, or give yourself a deep comfort when you are sad, I believe that such a life will be as beautiful as the flowers in full bloom in spring; This kind of life will be like summer sunshine, martyrdom; Such a life will be as cool as the autumn wind; Only in this way can life be as white as snow in winter.


Before, I never dared to cry in front of others, because I didn't want to show weakness to them. I want them to see that I am strong. But every time they leave, I always cry in my room, so no one can see me. Every time I cry, I still can't see happiness. "The eyes are the windows of the mind" is quite right. That time, I was so sad that I cried in my room all night. When I went to school tomorrow, my eyes could not cover my sadness and finally betrayed me. When the teacher saw those listless red eyes, he knew that I was very unhappy, So he asked me to come to Fenglin to enlighten me: "I know you don't like to tell anyone about many things, but have you ever thought that you will be sad all your life? You should release yourself, and don't be so sad all day, which not only affects your study, but also makes you feel blue. When I was a child, like you, I didn't like telling others about myself. I always liked to cry alone. One rainy afternoon, I met a very sad thing. At that time, I was at a loss Walk in the rain until you come to this maple forest. I found it as lonely as me. I stayed here that afternoon and didn't go home. I vented all my sadness to Maple Forest. When I finished, I found that this was my happiest time. I will often come here in the future, and I still insist on telling all the happy and unhappy things here until now. Even if you don't tell others about you, I hope you can come here when you are unhappy. I believe this will be your happy garden. " Unconsciously, I found tears in my eyes. This is the first time that I shed tears in front of others since I was sensible. From that day on, I went to Fenglin every day to tell all the sad things in my heart. Finally, I found myself becoming more and more cheerful. At this moment, I found that the place I most wanted to live in was not my room, but the maple forest with my happiness and sadness.

小学作文800字 篇7


Waiting, perhaps heralds the arrival of joy; Waiting, perhaps foreshadowing the beginning of pain... That time, only a few seconds of waiting, makes me unforgettable.


I remember that in the fourth grade sports meeting, our class elected several "strongmen" to participate in the tug of war. Perhaps because of the shortage of staff, I was also among them. "Please get ready for tug of war contestants in the fourth grade!" With the physical education teacher shouting, I suddenly came to my senses, as if I had just woken up. I clenched my hands and clenched the rope. Looking at the tall and strong faces of my opponents, I cringed, but to think of it, it would be a shame for the class! So, I mustered up my courage and walked on the court. "The game... begins!" At the beginning of the game, I tried my best to pull the rope towards us. Although we had the upper hand at the beginning, the good times didn't last long. The other class soon overtook us. In the first round, they won an overwhelming victory. The second round also started soon. After a period of adjustment, we were ready to use all our strength. But when we went on the stage, we were stunned. The other class changed people, and some thin and small people came to play. We thought that we would win the game. But we never thought that there was so much power in their bodies. However, no matter how strong our bodies are, we can only win this game. Finally, the decisive game came. My exhausted classmates and I walked slowly onto the court. At this time, we heard a loud noise from the other side's camp. It turned out that two friends in the other side's class blamed the other side for losing the game just now. The most outrageous thing is that the students in their class even allowed them to make such a noise. The two students quarreled on the court. This time, after a hard fight, our class still lost.


On the day of the award ceremony, the students thought that there was no suspense. The winner must be the other class. But when the teacher talked about the tug of war champion, we still listened. I saw the other class students all stretch their necks as long as giraffes. The teacher smiled and said nothing. All the students asked anxiously, "Who is it?" For us, this kind of waiting is like a kind of suffering, which makes us restless. "Class 42!" "What?" We couldn't believe our ears, so the teacher had to say it again. "Class 42 won the championship of the fourth grade group competition!" "Why?" Obviously, many people in the other class expressed dissatisfaction. The teacher paused and said, "Class 42 is united and makes concerted efforts, while your classmates are quarrelling and do not unite and love at all. Friendship comes first and competition comes second. I hope you can correct it next time." The other students lowered their heads in shame.


Friendship first, competition second. This short wait made me understand what is worth remembering. Truth, I will always keep it in mind.