
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:08 | 来源:语文通



五一节作文 篇1五一节的作文 篇2五一节作文 篇3五一节的作文 篇4五一节的作文 篇5五一节作文 篇6五一节的作文 篇7

五一节作文 篇1


On Labor Day, my parents and I came to Xiaoya to take charge and experience life together.


I went to a cocoa shop and an ice cream shop to make chocolate and ice cream myself. I worked as a waiter in a hotel and made my own quilt. But what impressed me most was being a supercargo. There are eight of us, one of whom is responsible for keeping the money box and the other is responsible for security. We put on bulletproof vests, looked at nothing suspicious, got on the bus and went to the bank to withdraw money. When I got on the bus with the money, I didn't know where a robber came from and took away the money boxes of the children nearby. So I shouted, "Someone robbed!" When the security guards heard this, they quickly got out of the car one by one, chased 'chase' and fired. Finally, they caught the robber and asked the police to put him in prison.


This May Day, I not only worked, but also experienced life. How interesting! My parents worked overtime on May Day. Lying in bed, I just thought: Because it is Labor Day, I must work. Well, let's clean up and make up our minds and start working!


I washed the dishcloth, moved a stool with people, and wiped all the closets in the house from top to bottom. After a while, fine sweat seeped out from my forehead, and then the wardrobe flashed, as if they were laughing. I am sorry to say that although I am a girl, I always break down and my study is in a mess. My mother usually helps me clean up. Today I will demonstrate my skills. First, I put the book on the desk on the shelf, and then put other things on the coffee table. Then I wiped the desk with a rag, and put the pen container, pencil sharpener and other school supplies in order. At this time, clean learning seems to smile at me. It began to mop the floor. The appearance of the floor makes my heart ache. I blame myself for not noticing the stool every time I move it. It will leave scars. I gently wiped the floor with a broom. The floor was pale, and my face was more shiny. I picked up the mop. First, I wanted a whole army destroyed, and then I wanted a meteor to catch the moon! Hey, the floor looked at me and smiled. After my efforts, the room was finally clean and bright. I'm tired but happy. This is the magic of labor! I smiled happily.

五一节的作文 篇2


May Day is coming, and we are jubilant. It is a day worth celebrating, so we decided to go out and play.


That morning, we got up at 6:00 on time. Although this time is very early, you will be surprised by our departure time. Therefore, family affairs cannot be passed on. Hee hee! When we set out, we suddenly made a decision: "The soldiers are divided into two ways". After saying that, my father and I came unexpectedly, "hulu" and "ran away". I followed my father and my sister followed my mother. Then we said goodbye to each other and went to play!


My father and I went to Ginza first, strolled around and bought a box of chewing gum. When we went out again, there were a lot of people and cars outside. We didn't know anything about the situation at Mom's side. My father and I parked our car outside, and from the narrow slit, we got out of the crowded place.


On the way, my father told me a story about May Day: "May Day International Labor Day is also called" May Day ", which is on May 1 every year. It is a common festival for the proletarian and working people all over the world. This section originated from the workers' strike in Chicago, USA. On May 1, 1886, more than 216, 000 workers in Chicago held a general strike for the implementation of the eight hour working system. After a hard and bloody struggle, they finally won. In commemoration of this great labor movement, in July 1889, Second International announced that May 1 would be designated as International Labor Day. This decision was immediately responded positively by workers all over the world. On May 1, 1890, working classes in Europe and the United States took the lead in going to the streets, holding a grand demonstration, parade and rally to fight for rights and interests. Therefore, May 1st has become China's Labor Day. " Just after we finished, we met Mom. When I was about to open my mouth, my father tugged at my coat corner. I understood my father's intention, and then we pretended not to know each other. Who knows, when my sister saw us, she said to her mother, "Mom, look, it's my sister and dad?" At that time, it was already noon, and my mother said politely, "Let's go for dinner. Today is my treat!"


In the afternoon, we all had a harvest: I bought two pants and a suit, my father bought a suit, my mother bought two suits, and my sister was the most miserable. She only bought a pair of pants. Old sister, let fate prevail!


At about 5 p.m., we went home again "by two routes". This is the end of a happy day.


I wish everyone a happy Labor Day!

五一节作文 篇3


It's a beautiful day and the sun is bright. My parents and I go to the park happily.


As soon as we entered the Green Expo Park, there was a sea of people and a festive atmosphere everywhere. Ah, the Green Expo Park is holding a "May Day Carnival"! There are excellent puppet shows and cartoons, painting exhibitions to increase knowledge, kite flying activities made by families, and the live special program hosted by sister Linzi of Jiangsu Children's Channel - Children's Fun in Spring.


The stage was crowded with spectators. I finally squeezed in, found a chair, stood on it, and looked at it with interest.

看完节目,我们来到了江边。江边长满了茂盛的芦苇。我开心地喊道:“妈妈,爸爸,这里有许多的棕叶,我们摘一些回家包粽子吧!”妈妈说:“好啊!”说完,我便开始摘了起来,爸爸也帮忙摘了许多。突然,我的后背被什么东西击中了。我回头一看,爸爸正童心大发,把棕叶当箭射了。我急忙求爸爸,教教我。原来,箭是这样做的:把棕叶的顶端沿茎撕开,弯下来,右手拿住顶端叶片,左手夹住靠着茎的叶片,然后右手猛然一拉, “嗖”的一声飞了出去。我一会儿就学会了,和爸爸妈妈开开心心地你追我,我追你,相互射击。

After watching the program, we came to the riverside. The riverside is covered with luxuriant reeds. I shouted happily: "Mom, Dad, there are many brown leaves here. Let's pick some and go home to make dumplings!" Mom said, "Good!" After saying that, I began to pick up, and my father helped me to pick up a lot. Suddenly, something hit me on the back. When I looked back, my father was childlike and shot the palm leaf as an arrow. I hurriedly begged my father to teach me. It turned out that the arrow did this: tear the top of the palm leaf along the stem, bend down, hold the top leaf with the right hand, and clamp the leaf against the stem with the left hand, then the right hand suddenly pulled and flew out with a whoosh. I learned in a short time, and Mom and Dad happily you chase me, I chase you, shoot each other.


Playing, we unconsciously came to the Korean Garden. We entered the Red Arrow Gate, behind which was a small bridge with flowing water, and across the Wuque Bridge, there were thatched houses and interesting waterways for farmers to rest. After walking for a while, I was suddenly attracted by a small stone house. Isn't this the house Changjin lives in Jeju Island?


Then we came to Singapore Garden. There, we saw merlion, big shell and transparent blue pagoda.


This May Day I not only enjoyed myself, but also learned a lot!

五一节的作文 篇4


Humans all have May Day, and animals also want to have their own Labor Day. So, the forest tiger put forward a proposal: we should also have our own Labor Day, then what will the animals' Labor Day be like? How will they have a distinctive and colorful Labor Day?


Tiger suggested: "We should find one to lead everyone to work together. I am strong and fit for Labor Day."


The rabbit quit and said, "Why should you be? You've been in the forest. What's the use of being strong? What you want is a fast runner like me, which can save time!"


"What's so important? We can't just work on the land! There is garbage in the water, so I can lead my children to pick up garbage in the water and pick up garbage on the land when necessary. Who wants me to be an amphibian? It's better for me." Said the frog.


"No, no, I'll do it." The other animals were impatient, and were eager to do the first Labor Day.


We can't do this or that. Peacock thinks that none of us is fair. Let the human beings judge which one of us is most suitable for this Labor Day. We all agreed that it was fair for every animal, so we invited human beings to judge.


After some discussion, mankind has made a decision. So the names of the candidates were written on the paper. On the day of the announcement, almost all the animals came. Some are optional, while others are just for fun. The animals were all confident and waiting to read their names. The crow's good friend joked with him, "Maybe you will be chosen!" "How could I be chosen because I'm not beautiful, I can't run fast, I'm not strong, and I'm not an amphibian?"


Soon, human beings came. He now begins to announce his name: "It is an animal that pays for the environment. It is the hardworking crow. The crow was shocked. It never thought it was him, and other animals were also shocked. They did not believe it was a crow. After confirming it to humans, he really believed it was him. Because he pecked at the debris for humans, other animals were convinced. In order to contribute to the earth's environment, he was bound to become a crow.


It takes the lead in cleaning up, and other animals are also working hard, so the environment becomes more and more beautiful. Under the leadership of crows, we all had a happy, full and happy Labor Day.

五一节的作文 篇5


On May Day, everyone has different ways of living, so the harvest is different. Some people get the pleasure of traveling, some get the joy of labor, and some get nothing!


In the three days of May Day, I had the happiest and most relaxed life. Instead of playing all day long, playing computer all day, or going to travel, we "walk around" in the yard, which means that we can go to any family that needs help (regardless of the old, the weak, the sick or the disabled). On a sunny morning, several of our "comrades" had nothing to do after finishing their homework, so we got together to discuss what to do. Someone said, "Why don't we hang clothes for others?" "Come on, it's windy. Who is going to hang the clothes?" "Why don't we help the people in trouble?" Everyone cheered in unison. We'll be ready to go after discussion. We went to the first Hutong first and asked about it from house to house, but no one needed help. We also walked around the alley for several times, but we didn't find any problems. We didn't even meet anyone who asked for directions. The second Hutong was also free of problems, and there were no problems for nine consecutive Hutongs. It's so difficult to do a good deed. Just as we were about to lose heart, suddenly the clothes of the neighbor's grandmother were blown to the house by the wind.


Grandma is too old to climb up and down. There is no one else at home. She is in a hurry. As soon as we saw this was an opportunity, we patted our chests and promised the old granny that we would take her clothes back. One of our house climbing masters, a "fellow member" nicknamed "monkey", immediately said excitedly, "Grandma, just look!" After that, we didn't need our help. After three strikes, five strikes and two strikes, we went up to the wall and then went up to the roof like swallows. We were stunned and couldn't help sighing: Alas! It's really a monkey. He stayed in the room for 10 minutes before leaving. He not only took down his clothes, but also "seized" quite a few. A total of 6 guns and 60 rounds. After careful inspection, we found that it was our childhood that shot the bullet with a toy gun. This time, we were very proud. Each of us had a gun with 10 bullets. Grandma also happily brought us a lot of delicious food.


May Day this year is the Labor Day I decided to have the most harvest! Did you get anything on Labor Day?

五一节作文 篇6


Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, the May Day of 20XX has quietly arrived. Students may not know that the May Day International Labor Day originated from the workers' strike in Chicago. More than 210000 ordinary workers in Zhijiage City held a general strike in order to strive for the implementation of the eight hour working system. After people's hard struggle, they finally won the victory of the strike, in order to commemorate the unprecedented large-scale labor movement. International organizations have decided to designate May 1 as the International Labor Day.


If you want to say that the May Day International Labor Day can attract people's attention most, it is nothing more than a dazzling array of goods and many attractive advertisements such as "May Day" goods are paid for guests... "by manufacturers. The shopping mall is crowded with people, which seems to be an ocean of people. On the road, cars were streaming. Many drivers carry tourists from all over the world.


Today is May Day. Grandpa is still working hard in the field. I thought to myself: I was spoiled when I was young, and I never did farm work. Now it is May Day. Why don't I take this opportunity to learn?


My grandmother explained to me in detail: "Honey, we should get rid of the weeds in the field, and never get rid of the straw!" When I heard this, I thought, "Cut the crap, I'll start dancing." After a while, I picked up the heavy hoe and carefully removed the weeds.


At the beginning, I was full of energy to hoe a lot of weeds, but "weeds can't be burned out, and the wind blows again". These weeds seem to have nine lives. I just hoed them, and soon they grew again. Looking at the clusters of weeds, I sighed for a long time and thought: No, now we can only fight to the end. So I stole the guy and started again. After a while, big beads of sweat dropped from soybeans. I felt that the farmer uncle worked so hard every day, facing the merciless sun and doing farm work.


Finally, I ran home happily. Look carefully, God! It was only 5 minutes later, but my memory seems to have lasted several weeks.

五一节的作文 篇7


May 1st is Labor Day. Since it is Labor Day, we should certainly "work". Yesterday, my parents and I came to Grandma's house together, ready to go to the mountains to dig bamboo shoots (labor).


When we got to Grandma's house, we couldn't dig bamboo shoots for some reason, so we had to stay at home. My cousin and I played in the brook for a while. I went to the kitchen to help my mother cook because I was bored. Grandma's kitchen didn't have anything to burn with gas. It only used firewood to cook food, so it was inconvenient. It took a long time to cook a meal. When I came, my mother asked me to try to light a fire. I went to the firewood pile, clamped some wood that was easy to burn with a pair of tongs, lit it with a lighter, and put it in the place where the fire was burning. Then I put some more firewood into it and burned it.: "Oh, no, the fire is out!" I hastily put some dry leaves in, and the fire was "saved" by me. Then it burned again. When I saw it burning, I quickly stuffed some more firewood. However, after I put firewood in, the fire became smaller and smaller. I called my mother. Mother came over, picked up the fire tongs, took out some firewood, and blew at them again. well! The firewood unexpectedly burned again, and made a joyful shout.


What's going on here? I'm confused. Mother said: "It also requires skills to light a fire. If you put less firewood, the fire will not last long. If you put more firewood, it will not be breathable, and it will never burn." Oh, I see.


This "labor" has increased my knowledge. It's an unforgettable May Day.