It is 2100 now, and everyone has successfully moved from the earth to Mars, and there are so many items on Mars!Speaking of only what you are unexpected, what can you do without everyone?Now I am playing well on Mars. I want to go to many areas, and I will summarize it one by one.
My first area came to the new world of vegetables and fruits, and Mars did be planted by everyone.The vegetables and fruits here are very fresh, with many juice, big and sweet, and look very round.I ate some fruits and fruits and fresh fruits, and I think it is really good.
I have come to the global robot, and there are all kinds of robots with a variety of specifications and various effects.I can't help but be lamented: It's fun here!The types of robots here are so colorful, the robot is really high and big!Every robot is all my five -fold height ratio, and their weight is five times.In the end, I saw the brain that can be removed after the death of people, and then installed in the brain of the robot, enabling us to do the degree of immortality.I saw a robot doctor, a robot guardian, etc.
I came to the alien visit to the inspection hall, and there were many aliens in it.I also saw an alien inside, and felt that he was very similar to a little friend he knew on the earth, so I became the best friend with him.He brought me to their house, and I saw his parents, brothers and sisters, and elders. I was increasingly exposed to them with them. They liked me very much.At the same time because I like them very much.
Inadvertently, one day on the moon ended.It is a trip to the next moon. I am eye -catching to many innovative technological results.After that, I will continue to play again and come to me to talk about alien pot friends.
1、你好:你好读音为nǐ hǎo,是指用于有礼貌的打招呼或表示与人见面时的问候。 用于有礼貌的打招呼或表示与人见面时的问候你好 nǐ hǎo词语解释:用于有礼貌的打招呼或表示与人见面时的问候。[how do you do;how are you;hello] 用于有礼貌的打招呼或表示与人见面时的问候分词解释:见面:彼此对面相见:跟这位老战友多年没见面了◇思想见面。打招呼:1.用动作或语言表示友好或礼貌。 2.就某项事情或某种问题,通知或关照有关方面予以照顾。与人:合乎民意取得人心。问候:问好;问安。...你好怎么造句,用你好造句»
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