
时间:2022-08-15 13:08:50 | 来源:语文通



Hello, I will guess you a riddle first: a yellow seesaw, without sitting, it will only lead.I think you should guess, I am the famous banana!

Hello, I will guess you a riddle first: a yellow seesaw, without sitting, it will only lead.I think you should guess, I am the famous banana!


I am from Hainan and other places, Huang Chengcheng.I experienced an interesting journey.Originally I grew on the tree, bent, like a sickle hanging sickle.When I was still wearing a green shirt, I left the banana tree mother with my brothers and sisters. I was taken down and put it on the truck.Then we were transported into the city and entered a cave.The cave was dark, and I didn't see five fingers.When I was taken to the market, I found out that I had taken off the turquoise shirt and changed into Huang Cancan's coat.

I am from Hainan and other places, Huang Chengcheng.I experienced an interesting journey.Originally I grew on the tree, bent, like a sickle hanging sickle.When I was still wearing a green shirt, I left the banana tree mother with my brothers and sisters. I was taken down and put it on the truck.Then we were transported into the city and entered a cave.The cave was dark, and I didn't see five fingers.When I was taken to the market, I found out that I had taken off the turquoise shirt and changed into Huang Cancan's coat.

我的吃法so easy,不用像菠萝和梨那样要削皮,也不像芒果那样难剥皮,你只要从我的一头,将我那金灿灿的外套拨开,这时,你会发现我简直像一朵巨型油菜花,花中心那弯弯的,白白的,软软的,便是我的果肉。只要你轻轻地咬一口我的果肉,甜甜的,香香的,糯糯的味道,便在你的嘴中不停地回荡,并且渗入你的心田。咦?香蕉里面怎么会有“小蚂蚁”呢,是蚂蚁在偷吃香蕉吗?No,no。其实,这是香蕉子,它小小的,一粒一粒的,在果肉中,你可以常常看到它。不过你可不能小看那小小的“蚂蚁”,我们香蕉家族都是靠它才生生不息!香蕉子不像西瓜子是不能吃的,而香蕉子是能吃的。

My way of eating so easy, I don't have to peel it like pineapple and pear, and it is not as difficult to peel as mango. You just need to pull my golden coat from my end. At this time, you will find that I am likeA giant rapeseed flower, the center of the flower center, white, soft, is my flesh.As long as you bite my flesh gently, sweet, fragrant, and glutinous taste, you keep echoing in your mouth and penetrate into your heart.会? How can there be a "little ant" in the banana? Is the ants stealing bananas? NO, NO.In fact, this is banana, it is small, one -piece, in the flesh, you can often see it.However, you ca n’t underestimate the little “ant”. Our banana family rely on it to endure it! Banana is not eaten like watermelon seeds, and banana can be eaten.


If you like me and buy too many me at one time, you don't have to worry about it.As long as you make me a banana film, it is okay. First of all, you have to take off my golden jacket, then cut me into slices, and put it under the sun for a few days. The sweet and delicious banana slices will appear.If you want to eat banana slices, you will also sell it in the supermarket! However, I still have to suggest that you are the best fresh banana and eat less banana slices, because it will be lost because of making banana slices!


My nutritional value is also very good, but I have a special feature that other fruits do not have it, that is, it can make people happy. If you are unhappy, you can come to eat me! If you are happy, you have to eat more to eatI!


After reading my business card, do you want to eat me too? Then come, I will welcome you at any time!

After reading my business card, do you want to eat me too? Then come, I will welcome you at any time!



Hello, I will guess you a riddle first: a yellow seesaw, without sitting, it will only lead.I think you should guess, I am the famous banana!

Hello, I will guess you a riddle first: a yellow seesaw, without sitting, it will only lead.I think you should guess, I am the famous banana!


I am from Hainan and other places, Huang Chengcheng.I experienced an interesting journey.Originally I grew on the tree, bent, like a sickle hanging sickle.When I was still wearing a green shirt, I left the banana tree mother with my brothers and sisters. I was taken down and put it on the truck.Then we were transported into the city and entered a cave.The cave was dark, and I didn't see five fingers.When I was taken to the market, I found out that I had taken off the turquoise shirt and changed into Huang Cancan's coat.

我的吃法so easy,不用像菠萝和梨那样要去皮,也不像芒果那样难剥皮,你只要从我的一头,将我那金灿灿的外套拨开,这时,你会发现我简直像一朵巨型油菜花,花中心那弯弯的,白白的,软软的,便是我的果肉。只要你轻轻地咬一口我的果肉,甜甜的,香香的味道,便在你的嘴中不停回荡,并且渗入你的心田。咦?香蕉里面怎么会有“小黑蚂蚁”呢,是蚂蚁在偷吃香蕉吗?No,no。其实,这是香蕉子,它小小的,一粒一粒的,在果肉中,你可以常常看到它。不过你可不能小看那小小的“蚂蚁”,我们香蕉家族都是靠它才长出来的呢!香蕉子不像西瓜子,是不能吃的,而香蕉子是能吃的。

My way of eating so easy, don't peel it like pineapple and pear, and it is not as difficult to peel as mango. You just need to pull my golden coat from my end. At this time, you will find that I am like it.A giant rapeseed flower, the center of the flower center, white, soft, is my flesh.As long as you bite my flesh gently, the sweetness, fragrant taste, will keep echoing in your mouth and penetrate into your heart field.会? How can there be a "little black ant" in the banana? Is the ants eating bananas? NO, NO.In fact, this is banana, it is small, one -piece, in the flesh, you can often see it.But you ca n’t underestimate the little “ant”. Our banana family grows up by it! Banana is not like watermelon seeds, it cannot be eaten, and banana can be eaten.


If you like me and buy too many me at one time, you don't have to worry about it.As long as you make me a banana film, it is okay. First of all, you have to take off my golden jacket, then cut me into slices, and put it under the sun for a few days. The sweet and delicious banana slices will appear.If you want to eat banana slices, you will also sell it in the supermarket! However, I still have to suggest that you are the best fresh banana and eat less banana slices, because I make banana slices, but my nutrition will be lost.


My nutritional value is also very good, but I have a special feature that other fruits do not have it, that is, it can make people happy. If you are unhappy, you can come to eat me! If you are happy, you have to eat more to eatI!

My nutritional value is also very good, but I have a special feature that other fruits do not have it, that is, it can make people happy, if you are unhappy, you can come to eat me! If you can eat me! If you can eat me! If you can eat me! If you can eat me! If you can eat me! If you can eat me! If you can eat me! If you can eat me! If you are not happy!You are happy, you have to come to eat me even more!


After reading my business card, do you want to eat me too? Then come, I will welcome you at any time!

After reading my business card, do you want to eat me too? Then come, I will welcome you at any time!



1、名片:名片读音为míng piàn,是指拜访人或与人联系时所用的长方形硬纸片,上面有自己的姓名﹑职务﹑住址等。 谒见、拜访或访问时用的小卡片,上面印有个人的姓名、地址、职务、电话号码等名片 míng piàn词语解释:拜访人或与人联系时所用的长方形硬纸片,上面有自己的姓名﹑职务﹑住址等。[visiting card,calling card] 谒见、拜访或访问时用的小卡片,上面印有个人的姓名、地址、职务、电话号码等分词解释:长方形:平面上每个内角都是直角而长宽不相等的四边形。它的面积是相邻两边长的乘积。又称矩形。住址:居住的地址,指城镇﹑乡村﹑街道的名称和门牌号数。职务:职位规定应该担任的工作。上面:1.物体的表面。 2.位置较高的地方。 3.指次序在前的。 4.上首。 5.方面;里面。 6.指京师。 7.指官府,上级。 8.指家族辈分较高﹑年龄较大者。...名片怎么造句,用名片造句»

2、香蕉:香蕉读音为xiāng jiāo,是指单子叶植物,芭蕉科。多年生草本。地下茎球状;地上假茎高大,由丛生叶鞘包叠而成。叶长椭圆形。浆果肉质,长柱形。成熟时果皮黄色。分布于热带和亚热带地区。果肉柔软香甜,可生食或加工成果酱、果酒。假茎可作饲料,纤维可编绳、造纸等。 多年生草本植物,叶子长而大,有长柄,花淡黄色。果实长形,稍弯,味香甜。产在热带或亚热带地方。也叫“甘蕉”香蕉 xiāng jiāo词语意思:单子叶植物,芭蕉科。多年生草本。地下茎球状;地上假茎高大,由丛生叶鞘包叠而成。叶长椭圆形。浆果肉质,长柱形。成熟时果皮黄色。分布于热带和亚热带地区。果肉柔软香甜,可生食或加工成果酱、果酒。假茎可作饲料,纤维可编绳、造纸等。[banana] 多年生草本植物,叶子长而大,有长柄,花淡黄色。果实长形,稍弯,味香甜。产在热带或亚热带地方。也叫“甘蕉”分词解释:多年生:能连续生活多年的,如乔木、灌木等木本植物和蒲公英、车前等草本植物。叶鞘:稻、麦、稗草等叶子裹在茎上的部分。地下茎:指植物的茎生长在地面以下的部分。有根茎﹑块茎﹑鳞茎等。是地上茎由于环境条件的影响而引起的变态,其功能主要是贮藏养料。...香蕉怎么造句,用香蕉造句»