Time is like an arrow. In a blink of an eye, I am already a third -year elder sister.I welcomed the arrival of the new semester with confidence.
On the first day of the new look at the new semester, we ushered in a new teacher.The teacher's surname is Zhou Mingjing, learning blog posts, gentle and kind, we like it.
Teacher Wang once said that the third grade is a watershed, which is easy to improve.I remembered this sentence firmly in my heart and thought: How to make progress without regression?I think planning will definitely help us, so I listed four plans to myself, and strictly asked myself to do it:
1. Listen to each class and write every word.
2. No late or early retreat, arrive at school at 7:20 am.
3. Take notes for each lesson and summarize after each exam.
4. Growing up in learning and learning in growth.
Classmates, let's cheer for the new semester together!
The new semester started, and all the students came to school with great interest, and I was also happy for the arrival of this new semester.
I think many students will prepare some of the new semester. For example, think about how to be a good student in this semester and how to do it to achieve their goals.What about me, I also figured out how to perform well in the future.
What I think is this: First, I have to learn well, listen carefully every day, and return home from school.EssenceReview the content of the teaching of the day, and get familiar with the back to the back of the text.I hope that all aspects can catch upstream.Second, the performance is good. No matter which classmates in the school, I have to do my best to help her (he).I also want to love labor and hygiene. Whenever I turn my turn, I have to clean my bag of dry zone clean.Good hygiene habits.
Okay, these are my starting school imagination, I hope I can work hard to do it
On the morning of the first day of the new semester, during the flag raising ceremony, a brother and sister of Class 3 (1) made a word.
I learned from their speeches that they went to Australia in the winter vacation.They learned a lot of knowledge and learned their own ability to take care of themselves.It also watched the beautiful scenery of Australia.
I am envious.I want to study English well, and I want to go to Australia in the future!
A relaxed and happy summer vacation passed.In the days when we entered the autumn wind, we ushered in a new semester of happiness.I walked into the campus with a brisk step and started a new journey.
The new semester has begun, and I want to lock the sadness, setbacks and unhappiness in my life, and start new memories again.I hope that in this semester, there should be no sadness, frustration, and disputes, so that the previous unhappy memories will be turned into ashes, so as to learn a happy study and live a happy life, and grow up carelessly like small saplings.
In every new semester, we will have new goals.In this new semester, the goal must be available.My goal of this semester is: In the study, do n’t speak giants, the dwarfs of action, and the owner of action.I must further improve their academic performance and strive to achieve the top ten in the class. It is best to win the first ranking, not to fall behind.I know that to achieve this goal, we must pay more efforts.Will there be gains if you pay.
In my life, I want to be a better child in the new semester.This year, Grandpa may not come to Changsha to take care of me. Only my father and I were in Changsha. I would like to help the family share a little housework as much as possible, do something that I can do with my own strength, and let my father work with your heart and work with peace of mind.
In terms of thought, in the new semester, I want to be a good student as always.I want to unite with my classmates, do not quarrel with them, do more good deeds, care and care for the collective honor of the love class, and strive to be an excellent young pioneer.
In short, in the new semester, I want to work hard to realize my wishes.This has to start with little by little, starting from every little thing, starting from now.As the saying goes: "The trip of thousands of miles starts at the end."
1、开学:开学读音为kāi xué,是指学期开始:开学典礼。 学期开始开学典礼开学 kāi xué词语解释:学期开始:开学典礼。[term begins] 学期开始开学典礼分词解释:● 学(學) xué ㄒㄩㄝˊ◎ 效法,钻研知识,获得知识,读书:学生。学徒。学习。学业。学友。学者。学阀。学制。学历。学步邯郸(讥讽人只知模仿,不善于学而无成就,亦作“邯郸学步”)。◎ 传授知识的地方:学校(简称“学”或“校”)。学院。学府。中学。大学。上学。◎ 掌握的知识:学问(简称“学”)。学术(一切学问的总称)。学位。学士(a.学位名,大学毕业生;b.古代官名)。才学。治学。学识。博学多才。◎ 分门别类的有系统的知识:学说。哲学。数学。小学(a.古代指文学、音韵、训诂学;b.现指初等学校)。● 开(開) kāi ㄎㄞˉ◎ 启,张,把关闭的东西打开:开启。开化。开诚布公。◎ 分割:对开。三十二开本。◎ 通,使通:开导。开窍。◎ 使显露出来:开采(挖掘矿物)。开发。◎ 扩大、发展:开扩。开拓。◎ 发动或操纵:开动。开车。◎ 起始:开始。开宗明义。◎ 设置、建立:开创。开国。开设。◎ 列举,写出:开单子。开发票。◎ 支付:开销。开支。◎ 沸腾,滚:开水。◎ 举行:开运动会。◎ 放在动词后面,表示效果:躲开。...开学怎么造句,用开学造句»
2、畅想:畅想读音为chàng xiǎng,是指敞开思路﹑毫无拘束地想象。 无拘无束地尽情想象畅想 chàng xiǎng词语解释:敞开思路﹑毫无拘束地想象。[think freely] 无拘无束地尽情想象分词解释:想象:亦作“想像”。1.缅怀;回忆。2.犹设想。拘束:①对人的言语行动加以不必要的限制;过分约束:不要拘束孩子的正当活动。②过分拘束自己,显得不自然:她见了生人,显得有点拘束。思路:思想的门径;思维的条理脉络。敞开:①大开;打开:敞开大门|敞开胸怀|敞开思想。②摊开,直截了当:有问题敞开说吧。...畅想怎么造句,用畅想造句»
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