
时间:2022-06-14 14:10:44 | 来源:语文通



In the dark night sky, a disc was hanging like a bright moon, and the bright moonlight shot from the window, shot directly to the desk, and shown it on the book.I opened this book slightly like blooming flowers.For a burst of scent of books and exuding it, I looked at the book with interest.


This book is the "Little Fire Lelly Diary" by Jeff Kingson in the United States.The protagonist in it is Gray, which mainly writes the funny and interesting things that happened between Gray and Relly. After reading it, I promise to make you laugh.Each page, every line, each word shows the emotions of the characters at the time, and some words depict the hearts of the hearts.Each sentence is like a vine, wrapped around me.


I watched one of the chapters "Temporary Holding the Buddha's Foot", and Rolly usually took a serious class and went home to complete the homework on time. Of course, the exam did not need to spend too much attention to cope with the exam.However, Gray was just the opposite. The day before the exam, Gray and Rollene applied for review in the library.However, during the review process, Gray did not learn seriously, and also disturbed Rolly learning.In the process, Gray also painted Rolle's ugliness, and then Rolle also counterattacked. Two people fought like this ... When the exam, Gray had been copying Rolly's test paper, but even the name copied the name.Come down.Although Gray is a very interesting friend, he is not a qualified learning partner.


In fact, everyone can't absolutely say how smart and powerful they are, and no one will think they are not smart.Anyone's success is obtained through their own efforts.If you don't learn the wisdom of genius, it will be a waste.However, as long as you work hard, you can get brilliant honors.Therefore, "Reading history makes people wise, reading poetry is beautiful, mathematics is thorough, natural philosophy is essential, ethics makes people solemn, logical rhetoric makes people debate." Knowledge can shape a person's personality.And learning can make people get more knowledge, which shows that learning is particularly important.Therefore, we should study and work hard.


But Gray can also be regarded as a real child. He has the quality of all children, naughty, funny, innocent, and narcissistic.Although he has a bad grade and does not like to learn.In the eyes of adults, he is not a "good boy".But these disadvantages have made many people fall in love with this "bad boy".


This book is very interesting, from time to time to make you laugh.The characters in this book are written vividly and vividly.Gre their lives, just like we are in our lives, everything is closely related.


We can also insist on writing a diary to make good, bad, happy, sad, interesting ... all in the diary.Slowly you will find that writing a diary is also a very good thing.



1、小屁孩:小屁孩读音为xiǎo pì hái,是指字面意思是光屁股的小孩子。...小屁孩的近义词,小屁孩的同义词是什么»

2、日记:日记读音为rì jì,是指汉刘向《新序.杂事一》:“司君之过而书之,日有记也”。后称每天记事的本子或每天所遇到的和所做的事情的记录为“日记”。日记 rì jì词语意思:汉刘向《新序.杂事一》:“司君之过而书之,日有记也”。后称每天记事的本子或每天所遇到的和所做的事情的记录为“日记”。分词解释:刘向:(约前77—前6) 本名更生,字子政,西汉沛(现在江苏省沛县)人,经学家、目录学家、文学家,著有《新序》、《说苑》等。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。记事:①把事情记录下来:记事册。②记述历史经过。杂事:1.名类事情。 2.琐碎事务。 3.知杂事之省称。...日记怎么造句,用日记造句»