
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:07 | 来源:语文通



When we are at a loss, there are always people who quietly prefer you.


At home, you may not be favored because of your brother and sister.Childhood things are pierced into our hearts like glass, and we have precocity for the reason. Even if they do not say exports, his behavior will reflect his excessive precocious precocious.


I remember I watched a video on the Internet. One composition was written by elementary school students. The article probably was that my parents were divorced and they married again, but they were very bad for me. They did not like me.I hate me ... The article is almost over, and his teacher wrote a few words in a red pen. Don't be afraid of the child. Come to the teacher's house. The teacher will take care of you. The teacher’s home is your home.It will glow at the age of thirty -four. Some people may not be precocious, but we are forced to grow up. We are all looking forward to growing up. We are all forced to grow up without waiting for us to react.


When preference is an exception, it is a gentleness, and it is also unique to you. Like is also an attitude, not a content.Just like my article is simple and easy to understand, it is true. I think everyone wants to be the favorite child. I am one of them. Sometimes we will ignore the love that our family gives us.When it is ridiculous, I just feel like I am very lacking in love. Maybe every time my parents promise you and wait for him to do it, he always uses various excuses to perfuse you. Every time he is like this, I am almost used to ...I have experienced many times in front of me, and I am also eager to be favored.After all, I am 15 years old. From the age of 11, I have been said to be precocious countless times. Until today I still do it. I do n’t know how to express love, I just know that I love someone and take it in my heart.Even if you have suffered how much grievances, it will not be fulfilled. Some people quietly leave and will not be found. They like to protect others like a boy, but do not know how to protect themselves.


I like, I don't, but I have grievances that I can't tell.I am just a girl who has just expired! I think everyone has different experiences. It turned out that in the hearts of someone, even if the wind and rain were beaten, I would remember every flower.Remember the moment that was favored.


I have never been favored, so I can only love myself, I try to find it.


I do n’t like it, but I am not an old man in your story. The reason for the precocity of time is that we have been injured somewhere in the bottom of my heart, and we are all forced to grow up.


To this day, I understand that the original preference is a unique tenderness of a person. Like is no reason to protect short protection and subconscious preferences.


Although in the night, I found a bouquet of light, and I was embarrassed to pass, but it was particularly ridiculous, as if time would erase you.Some memories, but I still remember the unbearable in my story.


In this world that likes reasonable things, we will always meet the people who are full of affection, love you and give you infinite surprises.



1、一种:一种读音为yī zhǒng,是指1.一个种类。 2.一个部族。 3.一样;同样。一种 yī zhǒng词典解释:1.一个种类。 2.一个部族。 3.一样;同样。分词解释:一样:1.同样;没有差别。 2.表示相似。 3.一种;一件。部族:①中国历史上对聚居的部落和氏族的简称或合称。②一般指还处于奴隶社会或封建社会时期的民族。不以血缘为联系,而以地域为联系并建立在私有制基础上,其内部已出现阶级对立及剥削现象。同样:相同,一样。一个:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。种类:1.根据事物本身的性质或特点而分成的门类。 2.犹种族。...一种怎么造句,用一种造句»

2、也是:也是读音为yě shì,是指小说类型都市小说内容简介人的一生为了什么?话说吃喝玩乐?这些不过是延续而已。 那么,我们真真的为了什么而活着呢?看主人公生命中的点滴,你就明白《也是》了……。...也是怎么造句,用也是造句»

3、偏爱:偏爱读音为piān ài,是指1.在几个人或几件事物中特别喜爱或单单喜爱其中的一个或一件。 2.指所偏爱的人或物。偏爱 piān ài词语解释:1.在几个人或几件事物中特别喜爱或单单喜爱其中的一个或一件。 2.指所偏爱的人或物。分词解释:事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。喜爱:对人或事物产生好感或兴趣。单单:1.副词。仅仅;唯独。 2.犹简单,单纯。一个:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。...偏爱怎么造句,用偏爱造句»

4、温柔:温柔读音为wēn róu,是指①温和柔顺。多指女性:性情温柔|温柔可爱的姑娘。也用于其他对象:温柔的风|温柔的阳光|温柔的小绵羊。②温暖柔软:温柔的小手|温柔的皮装。③指男女情爱:温柔乡|愿此生终老温柔,白云不羡仙乡。温柔 wēn róu词语意思:①温和柔顺。多指女性:性情温柔|温柔可爱的姑娘。也用于其他对象:温柔的风|温柔的阳光|温柔的小绵羊。②温暖柔软:温柔的小手|温柔的皮装。③指男女情爱:温柔乡|愿此生终老温柔,白云不羡仙乡。词语意思:柔软:1.软和;不坚硬。 2.柔和。 3.软弱,不刚强。 4.谓处事随和,凡事不多计较。 5.犹细软。指轻便而容易携带的贵重物品。仙乡:1.仙人所居处;仙界。 2.对别人家乡的美称。 3.借称所爱者的居处。男女:1.男人和女人。 2.泛指百姓。 3.指两性间性欲。 4.儿女。 5.旧时对地位卑下者的称呼。 6.旧时地位卑下者的自称。 7.詈词。终老:1.终身;到老。 2.度尽晚年;养老。...温柔怎么造句,用温柔造句»