
时间:2022-11-15 12:50:57 | 来源:语文通



围城读后感500字 篇1《围城》读后感 篇2《围城》读后感500字 篇3

围城读后感500字 篇1

早就知道《围城》是一部现代文学经典小说,说的是有关男女婚姻的事,书中经典的就是那句“婚姻就像一座围城,城里的人想出来,城外的人想进去。第 一次了解《围城》,知道有这么一本书,知道中国文学有位叫钱钟书的作家,是大哥推荐了钱钟书的《围城》,其他的就不怎么记得了。不知那时是因为什么原因竟然未读。现在想来真是可惜啊!说到钱钟书,我觉得有点对不起他老人家,因为我一直把他和钱学森搞混淆。现在想起来觉得当时是多么的幼稚和无知,一位是当代的学者,作家,而一位是”导弹之父“,科学家。

I have long known that Fortress Besieged is a classic novel of modern literature, which is about marriage between men and women, The classic of the book is that "Marriage is like a besieged city. People in the city want to come out and people outside the city want to go in. I first learned about Besieged City, knew there was such a book, and knew that there was a writer named Qian Zhongshu in Chinese literature. It was his elder brother who recommended Qian Zhongshu's Besieged City I don't remember the others. I don't know why I didn't read it at that time. It's a pity to think about it now! Speaking of Qian Zhongshu, I feel a little sorry for him because I have always confused him with Qian Xuesen. Now I think how childish and ignorant it was. One was a contemporary scholar, writer, and the other was the "father of missiles", a scientist.

我一向不太喜欢读长篇小说,这也许跟我的性格有关系,总觉得太长了,没耐心看下去,平时也只看些短篇或微型小说。这可能与我经常喜欢写些东西有关,我写的多的莫过于一些心情杂文了。我想当初,如果多看些书,尤其是那些经典名著,那时我的作文修为可能更高一些。我一直不看长篇小说,直到这个暑假,恰好妹妹从学校带了本《围城》,我空闲之余就拜读起几年前本该早就读了的《围城》,并一口气读完了。其实上网的时候,曾看过《围城》,那时也只是在上网时断断续续读过,不过不知怎么,也不知为什么,后来就没有读下去,所以直到这个暑假我不算真正读过一部小说。尽管以前也曾翻阅过大仲马的《基 督山伯爵》、如梭的《忏悔录》、钱钟书的《围城》,但我以为这个暑假所读的《围城》,才是我真正意义上读的第 一部长篇小说。

I have never liked reading novels, which may have something to do with my personality. I always feel that it is too long and I have no patience to read it. I usually only read short stories or mini novels. This may have something to do with the fact that I often like to write something. What I write more than some mood essays. I think that if I had read more books, especially those classics, my composition accomplishments would have been higher at that time. I didn't read novels until this summer vacation, when my sister brought a copy of Fortress Besieged from school, I read Fortress Besieged, which I should have read years ago, in my spare time, and finished it at one go. In fact, I read Fortress Besieged when I was surfing the Internet. At that time, I only read it intermittently, but somehow or for some reason, I didn't read it later. So I didn't really read a novel until this summer vacation. Although I have read the Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas Dumas, the Repentance by Russeau, and the Fortress Besieged by Qian Zhongshu before, I think the Fortress Besieged I read this summer vacation is the first novel I really read.

《围城》读后感 篇2


Many book friends around recommended Fortress Besieged. The reason why the classic is classic is that the meaning expressed in the book has not changed over time. In today's era, I still feel that I benefit a lot from reading, because good things do not need you to remember, they will leave a deep impression.


"Marriage is like a golden bird cage. The birds outside the cage want to live in it, and the birds inside the cage want to fly out. Therefore, there is no end to tying and leaving."


When the city is besieged, people outside the city want to rush in and people in the city want to escape. No matter the siege of study or marriage, once you make a choice, don't regret it.


However, each broken fragment, in its own radio program, has the above and the following, which is not nonsense. You just have to make sure that a radio station listens to you, and you will understand its meaning. The same goes for us, strangers who don't know each other very well.


Fang Hung chien in the book is a person who doesn't want to make progress but just wants to live with the tide. He is ambitious, talented, and likes to brag. I have to say that the characters depicted by Mr. Qian Zhongshu are very vivid. Now I can't help laughing at the details described in the book.


Sun Jou chia, on the other hand, was a very scheming woman. The book described her leading Fang Hung chien into the game step by step. Her greatest success was to marry Fang Hung chien, and her greatest failure was to marry Fang Hung chien.


I prefer Zhao Xinmei's role. I fell in love with Su Wenwan when I was young. Even if I didn't love Su Wenwan, I wouldn't say anything bad behind his back. I mentioned that to my friends, he was very loyal and good at being a man. He had strong abilities in his work and was a talent in his career. I like one thing about him. He knows the world and is not worldly wise.

《围城》读后感500字 篇3


Some time ago, there were many people watching Fortress Besieged, so the memo was popular: "..." This extended to all fields, or "people in the city want to come out, people outside the city want to go in." In fact, I would like to say, "I will stand on the wall."


It's not easy to stand on the wall. If you don't pay attention, you will fall off. Therefore, you need some skills to stand on the wall. For example, first of all, you have to have several times of experience of attacking the city to know CN] Various interests. After comprehensive consideration, we have the first condition. Second, there should be tactics. This kind of tactics is not an absolute offensive and defensive tactic. When attacking a city, you should try your best to fight hard. When the people in the city are about to lose their hold, you should start to retreat, and then attack and retreat again.


In this way, we will neither be confused by entering the city nor panic because we did not enter the city. In this way, it really needs some self-control to stand on the fence.


This reminds me of myself. I was really excited when I entered the city twice, but as time passed, life in the city was really hard, so I couldn't wait to kill again. From then on, I didn't want to kill them again. Even though I wanted to kill them again sometimes, I didn't want to attack the city anymore when I thought about all aspects of the situation, such as food reserves and water sources.


If you want to say when to attack the city. Then it may be necessary to wait until the economy develops. At this stage, it is difficult to attack a city and even harder to defend it. In other words, the time is not ripe. It is not too late to attack when the weather is favorable and the people are harmonious. Besides, cities are everywhere, big and small, good and bad. Therefore, it is more important to choose carefully. After selection, we should make specific analysis and research, so that we can win every battle.