On this year's birthday, the elders gave me a big red envelope with 100 yuan in it. I am very happy.Mom said that I can use these 100 yuan freely. I have never tried so much money freely. How should I use it?
I want to buy a lot.I want to buy some snacks, but I found that a large Dove chocolate costs 13 yuan, and a pack of potato chips is close to 10 yuan. I can't bear to buy it; I want to buy some beautiful stationery, but I found that a Disney princess pen bag actually wanted20 yuan, a color neutral pen costs 8 yuan, I can't bear to buy it; I want to buy a McDonald's children's package, the original price is really not cheap.It turns out that the things that my parents usually buy for me are not cheap. How should my 100 yuan use better?
In the evening, my mother watched a video on the Internet. It was said that the poor children in the mountains were very poor. She was hungry at noon and was hungry at noon.Children are very happy.After watching it, I was distressed and moved. I hope that these children's lives can be better.But what can I do?I thought of my 100 yuan. After getting the consent of my parents, my mother helped me find a "free lunch public welfare donation" on the Internet and donated 88 yuan love lunch.It's right.
Now I have only 12 yuan left in my hand, but I am very happy because I did something meaningful.
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