
时间:2022-09-13 13:09:55 | 来源:语文通



我眼中的秋天的作文 篇1我眼中的秋天作文 篇2我眼中的秋天作文 篇3我眼中的秋天作文 篇4我眼中的秋天作文 篇5我眼中的秋天作文 篇6我眼中的秋天作文 篇7

我眼中的秋天的作文 篇1


One day, I went to the orchard with my dad.


It's almost, it's almost, it's almost the orchard!I rushed to the orchard.


As soon as I entered the orchard, I smelled the scent of the pear.I immediately ran to Liyuan.


I came to Liyuan.Look!The oval person is the characteristic of the oval -shaped person; there is also a crispy pear that is broken when you touch it. Although it is a little small, its taste is still good.Then came to the Apple Garden, and apples -like apples were hung on the treetops, like small sun.The bananas in the banana garden are both like a curved boat and a bending moon, which is really interesting.


My dad and I looked at it, and the time arrived.I was reluctant to look at the orchard again, and got on the car with my dad.


Autumn is really a beautiful season that is colorful, fruitful and bumper.

我眼中的秋天作文 篇2


Autumn is golden.The leaves have changed from dark green to golden yellow, and it is cold. This is a golden jacket given to them in autumn. On the ginkgo tree, a small yellow fan dances a cheerful dance under the blowout of the autumn wind.


Autumn is full.The fruit of autumn is big and sweet, with red apples, yellow grapefruit, bright red pomegranate, and purple grapes.The fields in autumn are harvesting, rice with waist, sorghum with red face, and long loofah.


Autumn is colorful, this is the autumn in my eyes.

我眼中的秋天作文 篇3

我眼中的秋天。.。.。.。清晨起床背上书包穿过小区行走在上学的路上。只见小区到处都是落叶,似乎下了一场树叶雨。凉风扑面儿来,让人觉得阵阵寒意。“萧萧梧叶送寒声,江上秋风动客情。”啊!秋天正迈着坚定地步伐朝我们来了。天高云淡,望断南飞燕。秋天是宜人的季节,也是亲人们重缝相聚的季节。皎洁的明月下人们吃着月饼,饮着桂花酒。思念着尚在远方的亲人。“遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。”人们从心中默默地祈祷:“但愿人长久,千里共蝉娟!” 一场秋雨一场凉,天凉别忘添衣赏!据报道:首场秋雾“迷”山城部分地区能见度仅400米。昨日,记者从市气象台获,受冷空气交汇,降雨等多种因素影响今秋出现首场大的雨雾。。 秋天就这样以它独有魅力出现在我的眼中,伴随着初秋、中秋、深秋,我象一棵小树在茁壮的成长。

Autumn in my eyes. .. .. .. Get up in the morning and go to the schoolbag through the community and walk on the way to school. I saw that the community was falling everywhere, and it seemed to have a leaf rain. The cool wind comes, making people feel chilling. "Xiao Xiao Wu Ye sent a cold voice, and Jiang Shangqiu was a guest." Ah! In the autumn, we are fighting firmly towards us. The sky is high, and it will break Nan Feiyan. Autumn is a pleasant season, and it is also the season when relatives reunite. In the bright moon, people eat moon cakes and drink osmanthus wine. Missing loved ones in the distance. "Knowing the brothers ascended to the heights and inserted one less person throughout the dogwood." People prayed silently from their hearts: "I hope that people will last for a long time, all thousands of miles together!" According to reports, the visibility in some areas of the first autumn fog "fans" is only 400 meters. Yesterday, the reporter obtained it from the Municipal Meteorological Observatory, due to cold air, and many factors such as cold air, rainfall and other factors affecting the first big rain and fog this fall. Essence In autumn, it appears in my eyes with its unique charm. With the early autumn, Mid -Autumn Festival, and late autumn, I look like a small tree growing up.

我眼中的秋天作文 篇4


Soon, we ushered in a golden world -beautiful autumn, girls and geese sang songs together, danced, and came to this beautiful world happily, wow!As soon as the girl Qiu came, her loyal messenger -chrysanthemums scrambled to bloom!They are so dazzling, the ink is so intoxicated, white is so elegant, the purple is so beautiful, the green is so beautiful, the powder is so fresh and pure, the red chrysanthemum is like Jin Ge's fragrance, the white chrysanthemum is like a frost like a frostAt the beginning, the red chrysanthemum was like the sunset, and the purple chrysanthemum was like a cloud.At this time, I remembered the verses in "Over the Over -the -Holding Township" written by Meng Haoran: "When Chongyang Day, come, the chrysanthemum."


After that, the girl Qiu asked Uncle Feng to ask the baby to leave her mother together to play the fallen leaves again and again.Many red maple leaves, like a strange little sun, yellow and yellow leaves like ants' "tendon and clouds"!At this time, I thought about the verses in Li Bai's "Zi Ye Wu Ge Qiu Ge": "The autumn wind is endless, always jade is always affectionate."


In the end, the girl Qiu took me to play with the plants in the field, wow!How good the rice is!The strong stalks, fat leaves, and ears are thick and long; the tall sorghum raised the black -red and black face pets, like a drunk man, and a sang girl;With the pods, a laughed laughed, you don't let me, I don't let you, scramble to show my charm.The breeze blew, tossing the layer of harvest waves.


I look up, the sky is blue, translucent, blue frank, blue refreshing, always looks high, people feel refreshed, white clouds are strange, some are marshmallow who drools when they look at, and some are like cute little littleWhite rabbits, some seem to be thinking about the beautiful scenery on the ground and the Chang'e girl of her relatives ...


This is the beautiful, colorful, and harvest autumn in my eyes, I love autumn!

我眼中的秋天作文 篇5


Autumn, with a golden foot, quietly came to us with a light footsteps.


The tall sky is like washing, and the blue is like a Wangjiang water, like a blue silk, like a sapphire washed with water, and there are many thin and white clouds inlaid on it.The small fish swimming in the sea is really like a beautiful ink painting!


The maple leaves in autumn are so beautiful!They have different forms, some are like our delicate palms, some look like a small parachute, and some look like duckling's feet ... Every leaf on the maple tree is fiery red and fiery.The burning flames make people's hearts boil, like a brilliant morning glow, stained the sky, and it was like the burning Olympic flames, which illuminated the entire world.The breeze was blowing, and the sound of rustling made a sound of a pair of hands and cheering, and the small hands were red.Occasionally, a few maple leaves are falling, like a red butterfly dancing.Looking at such a prosperous scene, I couldn't help but think of Du Mu, the famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, Du Mu's "Parking Love Maple Forest Evening, Frosty Leaves in February Flowers". At this time, it is the most suitable.


The fields in autumn are really lively!There is a bumper scene everywhere. The rice is yellow. It looks like a carpet, and the breeze bent down as soon as the breeze blows down.The laughter seems to be saying, "Uncle Farmers raised us, and now he can finally repay them." And the peasant uncle was busy harvesting rice. Although it was very hard, he smiled because they were hard for their `And pride, the field of cheers.So lively!


The autumn in my eyes is beautiful, the harvest, colorful, full of vitality, gratitude, I especially like autumn.


This is the autumn in my heart!

我眼中的秋天作文 篇6


The opening and enthusiasm of Xia Yang, which faded in summer, precipitated some stability and coolness. In the autumn, it has come from the golden ginkgo and mortar autumn rain in the autumn.


"Since ancient times, the autumn is sad and lonely, and I say autumn to the spring."Who said that autumn is tedious, and the autumn in my eyes is more colorful than spring: if spring is painted with bold gouache, autumn is a subtle and profound ink painting.Look, look at the tree in that painting!The leaves on the branches are green and green, with mature and gorgeous golden yellow, elegant and fresh goose yellow ... the gentle autumn sun illuminates the leaves, with clear veins and crystal clear amber.Look at the sky that day, the high and clean blue brocade is decorated with a few white edges, which makes people feel refreshed.Looking at the small brick and Daishi hut in the distance, it really means "independence" in the field.Looking at the orchard full of the custard, the red and purple apples, the rushing golden oranges ... the colorful pictures suddenly appeared.


Qiu Yu always has sorrows in the writer's writing, and so is it in my eyes: Look, what do you woven the silk -like rain thread in the air?The weaving is a sad Internet cafe!"The flowers are drifting and the water flows, one acacia, and two sorrows." It is not appropriate to describe it in this word;A beautiful and elegant farewell.This scene alone makes people feel sad!


Although the rain curtain is sad, there is poetic, closed eyes and thought: such a weather, holding a paper umbrella, strolling on the simple blue stone slab road, falling red and clearing the rain under the feet, and listening to the ancient songs, then listen to the ancient songs, then listen to the ancient songs, and then listen to the ancient songs, and then listen to the ancient songs, and then listen to the ancient songs.Is it elegant?


The autumn in the rain is a girl with a clear and sad feeling. After the rain, the autumn is a heroic painter. He wiped the fog and painted the color of the sky.Rounding towards shallow, the green mountains on both sides are relative, like the Yangtze River in the sunset.I can't help but think of a poem: "The tide is wide on both sides of the strait, and the wind is full of sails." This is so atmospheric, the tenderness over there, the whole sky is pink, and the pink of different degrees is so beautiful.Nature is really wonderful.


The autumn wind is extremely beautiful, the femininity of different spring breeze, the fierceness of the summer wind and the 冽 of the winter breeze.It's just like the singing voice in the old voice machine, stretch your heartstrings, let your heart calmly relieved, and let you remember the past in this autumn scene, remember your "youth.


This is the autumn in my eyes.

我眼中的秋天作文 篇7


In autumn, although it does not have the springs of birds in spring; there is no vitality and leaflets in summer; there is no pink makeup and jade in winter, but it has a special beauty -silently dedicated.

秋天,树爷爷的叶子*作文迷 www..cn*像一个个小孩子,穿上了黄色的衣服。风儿一吹,叶子纷纷扬扬地落了下来,像下了一场黄色的小雨。地上,全是黄色的落叶,像一张黄澄澄的地毯。风从“地毯”上悄悄经过,就会发出“沙沙沙”的声音。我抬头仰望,发现大雁排着“人”了形往南飞。

In the autumn, Grandpa's leaves*composition fans www..cn*like children, wearing yellow clothes.As soon as Fenger blown, the leaves fell down, like a yellow rain.On the ground, all yellow leaves, like a yellow rug.The wind passes quietly from the "carpet", and it will make a "rusty" sound.I looked up and found that the wild geese flew south with "people".


Autumn is a bumper season.The rice in the field is ripe.From a distance, like a golden ocean.There were heavy valleys on the slender rice rod. The valley seemed to enjoy the joy of harvest and smiled happily.The purple -red crystal -like grapes are full of branches.The red persimmons, like small red lanterns, shake and shake, shaking the cool autumn.Autumn is really a pleasant harvest picture.A landscape in autumn is chrysanthemum.The cute chrysanthemum competes for opening, colorful: yellow in the yellow, black in the purple, yellow and flawless in the powder ... The gesture of chrysanthemums is different, some are buds to be placed, and some of them are upright.Some are sturdy, some are competing, some are full of attitudes, and there are shame ... The chrysanthemums in the chrysanthemum altar, you look at me, I look at you, as if attending a beauty conference!


In the autumn night, there is a kind of sinking beauty. The moonlight once again shines in my room. This kind of beauty has been set in my heart for a long time, and it is fixed in my life.I have never imagined that this natural beauty is out of noble prosperity, only simple and elegant.In autumn, beautiful season, harvesting season, golden season; as desirable as the spring in full bloom; as enthusiastic as the hot summer; as charming as the snowflakes in winter.


This is the autumn in my eyes!