Pick up a deciduous leaf gently, faintly release a refreshing soil gas field. It is the most simple elf in the world.
Falling leaves come back to the roots, and its hot heart and enthusiastic about nature are not waiting. Who can hear that it is the most exciting shouting.
Old saying cloud: "Flowers are not ruthless, and it is more beautiful to turn into spring mud." Isn't it that fallen leaves?But who knows that she can release her beautiful lady freely before the flowers fall, and even see her face until her life is over.What about falling leaves?There are no gorgeous decorations, and there is no large amount of charming figure. They just sigh. They accompanied the rhythm of the wind and the most beautiful dance steps to announce the global:
Life is dust, and death is hot soil!
Cut a period of chrysanthemum, send a writer who picks up chrysanthemum under the East Ri, the sun shines on the rolling small dew, and the tender flowers flexion and stretch.The first snow in the early winter, this burst of chrysanthemums poured into all my human body.The chrysanthemum is insignificant, but it still uses the selfless dedication of Yu Shi in this life.Better -to -one land, it is integrated with the soil, and silently contributes his body.
It is valuable that Tao Yuanming loves the chrysanthemum.This is the writer who has been full of "Daji Cangsheng". He rushed to Jiangzhou to sacrifice wine. Although he was a little official, he was ignored by many people because of his birthday.In the three years of Yuanxing, he invested in Liu Yumu as the town army to join the army and joined the army. He imitated Tian Chou's dedication to the dressed up and dressed up in the dynasty of the East Han Dynasty, completed his intention to fight for the capture.The black pupa on him made him chill again.The Moon Night of the Muyuki was successively.Only his weak shadow."Talking and relocation, the final student returned to the class." This chrysanthemum has passed a large glory, and it can be reflected.
Planting a chrysanthemum on the fence wall, to appreciate the world in the world, the precipitation drops down the breeze, and the water drops hit the flowers.Widely spreading so far, everyone's heart.Tao Yuanming, who loves the chrysanthemum, love nature, loves silent and selfless dedication, why is it unhappy to live such an early and greedy life!
"Seeing Nanshan, the ancient road west wind is thin horse" Tao Yuanming won the pursuit of perfection from the chrysanthemum, but I read the highest state of the fallen leaves from him and the chrysanthemum -the autumn to the leaves, but after a winter in the winter, after a winter, after a winter, after one winterIn the spring of 2022, the tender leaves inform everyone that the drift of fallen leaves is to create the fragrance of the next season.
1、有情:有情读音为yǒu qíng,是指1.有情感。 2.有交情;有情义。 3.指男女间互相有爱恋之情。 4.有情致。 5.佛教语。梵语sattva的意译。也译为众生。指人和一切有情识的动物。有情 yǒu qíng词语解释:1.有情感。 2.有交情;有情义。 3.指男女间互相有爱恋之情。 4.有情致。 5.佛教语。梵语sattva的意译。也译为众生。指人和一切有情识的动物。(1) [passion]∶指男女互相倾慕的感情。也指普通的感情天若有情天亦老(2) [interest]∶有意思、有趣曲外有情分词解释:动物:生物的一大类,这一类生物多以有机物为食料,有神经,有感觉,能运动。互相:副词。表示彼此同样对待的关系:互相帮助|互相尊重。意译:1.根据原文的大意,而不作逐字逐句的翻译。区别于“直译”。 2.根据某种语言词语的意义译成另一种语言的词语。区别于“音译”男女:1.男人和女人。 2.泛指百姓。 3.指两性间性欲。 4.儿女。 5.旧时对地位卑下者的称呼。 6.旧时地位卑下者的自称。 7.詈词。...有情怎么造句,用有情造句»
2、残菊:残菊读音为cán jú,是指衰败的菊花。...
3、落花:落花读音为luò huā,是指凋谢而落下的花朵。...落花怎么造句,用落花造句»
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