It is in the early morning, the faint mist shrouds the earth, with fresh soil and floral fragrance.There are not too many publicity, there are not too many flashy, but so refreshing-just because this morning is beautiful!
车辆在轻纱般的薄雾里穿行,一路颠簸着,朝着久别的老家的方向开。这可爱的雾弥漫在空气中,挡在车前,围着车身,追着车跑,挂在树梢上,藏在草丛里。我伸出手去抓它,它却吸溜一下,灵活地一扭就窜逃了。过了大约几分钟就要上高速了,路边的牌子上还能依稀的看到上面的字。不一会儿,车子也加快了速度,雾也越来越浓。好似拉了几层纱幕,娇羞得怕让人看到他的面孔。它轻飘飘的,细腻腻的轻拂着水、木、草、屋、人,浮来浮去 似仙境,似迷宫,让人沉醉在里,被白雾包裹着,畅快淋漓的享受一次“雾气浴”。
The vehicle walked in a light yarn mist, bumpy all the way, and opened in the direction of his hometown for a long time.This cute mist is permeated in the air, blocking in front of the car, running around the body, chasing the car, hanging on the treetops, hiding in the grass.I reached out and grabbed it, but it sucked and fled with flexibly.After about a few minutes, it will be on the high speed, and the sign on the roadside can still see the words above.After a while, the car accelerated, and the mist became stronger.It seemed like pulling a few layers of screens, and she was afraid to make people see his face.It fluttering, exquisitely brushing water, wood, grass, house, and man, floating and floating like a fairyland, like a maze, which is intoxicated in it, wrapped in white mist, enjoying the "fog bath bath smoothly."".
Gently, I closed my eyes, and the mist appeared in my mind. There was no flower on its body, a pattern, and there was no fragrance, but it was as gentle as a loving mother, and it attracted me to appreciate it.I walked over. Inadvertently, the fog was soaring, and I seemed to be floating. I didn't see the car of the car in the past, but I could hear the sounds from the depths of the fog, which made people think about it.I reached out and touched it again, but it flew up, flew to my face, stained my hair, drifted on my body, I felt it, it flew into my heart, which touched meheart of.I couldn't help dancing in the misty realm, feeling that I was gone, like a "fairy in the clouds."
惬意地,我睁开眼,车已下了高速,雾渐渐散去了,轻沙般的晨雾在流动,在减退,过了一会儿,我再也找不到它的身影了。晨光熹微时跳跃的它竟是如此的美,朦胧的让人心疼,柔软的让人心碎,然而,稍纵即逝。 车辆又驶入了另一个世界,在阳光里穿行,眼前是一望无际的茶田,荡漾着层层叠叠的深绿,绿茶芬芳醉人,乡野色彩悦人,水渠清波照人。一条条纵横交错的绵长田埂,好似纤纤如缕的琴弦,一排排稻田围档精巧而又别致,一直朝前方延伸,装饰着绿树掩映下,白墙黑瓦的农舍。乡野不再浑然一体,竟成了一幅色彩明丽,层次分明的图画。莫非这是晨雾洗过的清新的世界?
Cozyly, I opened my eyes, the car had gone down, and the fog gradually dispersed. The light morning mist was flowing.Its figure.It is so beautiful that the morning light jumps slightly. It is distressing, soft and heartbroken, however, but it is fleeting.The vehicle entered another world and walked through the sun. In front of it was an endless tea field, rippling the layers of dark green, the green tea fragrance was intoxicating, the native colors were pleasing to the people, and the canals were clear.The criss -crossed long fields are like a slim string, and the rows of rice fields are delicate and chic. They have been extending forward, decorated with green trees, and white walls and black tile farmhouses.The countryside is no longer integrated, and it has become a bright, layered picture.Could this be a fresh world washed in the morning fog?
The beauty of the world is the morning fog, the beauty of the fog, the beauty of the morning, the beauty of nature, the beauty of nothingness, the fleeting beauty, the beauty of the hometown.
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