
时间:2022-11-05 12:47:56 | 来源:语文通


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快乐五一作文 篇1


On May 1, our classmates from Xiaojudeng went to Tongzhou Island in Fuyang to play. We talked and laughed all the way. Later we got up to guess riddles, later we sang songs, and some people just made up the numbers! It will be here soon. Do you want to know what happened to us? Then come with me!


Know the "old black". When we get to the corresponding ground, a black man comes to us. He may be the coach! He led us to a land full of weeds and began to introduce himself: "My family name is Chu. You can call me Coach Chu or Instructor Chu, or you can call me Lao Hei, because I am black!


Of course, I'm a very serious person. Anyone who doesn't listen will come up and do ten push ups! " When he said we could call him Lao Hei, we roared with laughter. When he said ten push ups, we were silent. Everyone opened their mouths in surprise. Ten push ups, is it killing us// Three "dances" and clan leader//Next, Lao Hei taught us three dances, representing happiness, anger and hunting. The process of dancing is really boring. It's interesting to choose a team leader.


Look, I don't look like a patriarch anymore. I finally chose one. The hat worn by the patriarch is the funniest one for boys, and looks like a girl! Alas, somehow, we all have to wear animal fur clothes. Some wear a "red scarf", some wear a "skirt", and some wear a "bracelet" to symbolize prestige// Hum, smelly crab.//Speaking of digging crabs, we have scrapped our shoes! Look! Our shoes all have a kiss with the soil. Either the soil sticks to the top of the shoe, or it brings a large amount of mud! Let me tell you something about crabs. These crabs are very cunning. Just about to catch them, they escaped to the cave. I sacrificed my fingers to catch three young crabs. There was another one, but I accidentally strangled it. Ah, do you think this crab is easy to catch?


After a short rest, we only took five minutes to remove a bone from the snack called Huaji. What a happy journey today!

快乐五一作文 篇2


May Day is here. On this day worth celebrating, my father and I went to the badminton hall to play play badminton.


When I got to the stadium, I opened my bag, took out my racket and badminton. When everything was ready, I served and my father and I started a game. I just trained in the badminton hall for three months, and my playing skills have improved a lot. Compared with me, my father will definitely lose.


The game started. I gave my father a very light ball. When he saw it, he quickly ran up. I think he must be unable to catch it. Who knows, he gently lifted his racket and the ball jumped over. Where can I accept this? Then, when the ball came in, I gave him a kill shot. The ball shot at him like a sharp arrow. My father did not hesitate to dodge and calmly returned a backhand to me. "What a level!" I said to myself. My weakness is backhand, but this time, I caught it. I played it without hesitation, but I heard the ball fall on my father's side. "Out of bounds!" It was his father's voice again. "Two to zero!" I said.


I was a little frustrated and a little dissatisfied, but I still wanted to win. The only hope for me was to keep going. So, my father and I fought against each other without giving up. Soon, the score was nine to seven. My father won one more point, but I wanted to win three points in a row. So I became very careful. I seriously caught every ball my father played and hit it where it should go.


Finally, I took the opportunity - my father gave me a lob, and I made a sharp spike, and the ball landed at my father's side, "nine to eight!" I shouted excitedly. However, my father showed no sign of weakness and killed a ball to me at the most critical moment. I missed it and lost to my father. The father said, "It seems that you should practice more in the future. Don't show off just after learning something!" Yes, we can make progress only if we don't know enough!


This May Day, I realized the fun of play badminton and learned how to be a man.

快乐五一作文 篇3


May Day is coming. My father and mother go to Yangzhou to play together. Along the way, all the people in the car spent a long time on the road playing mobile phones, games and other entertainment.


When we arrived in Yangzhou, the first scenic spot we went to was Yangzhou Paradise, the favorite place for children to play. It was said that only hard work can pay off. The same is true in Yangzhou Paradise, because it takes hard work in line to enjoy the project. The first project I played was flying in the sky. My father and I kept rising with the elevator. It was really enjoyable to fly in the sky. It seemed that we had a close contact with the blue sky. I raised my hand high and waved to the mother who was taking pictures below. From the height, the mother below felt so small, just like a cute dwarf! After landing, I just got off the chair and walked a step. I felt dizzy. I quickly grabbed my father's hand to calm down for a while. A little brother beside me was much more dizzy than I was. As soon as I came down, I knocked on the table and couldn't lift my head.


Later, we went to play with the ogre, also known as the haunted house. Because of fear, I almost closed my eyes and held my father tightly. In the middle of the journey, a wolf head suddenly appeared. I bravely opened my eyes carefully and looked at it. The uncle beside me was not afraid of it, but shouted at it, which scared the wolf back. Everyone laughed and immediately relaxed.


At noon, we went to the restaurant to have lunch, and then went to see a 5D movie. The vivid screen pictures, coupled with moving chairs, made us feel immersive. Finally, we sat on the ferris wheel again. In the ferris wheel, a humorous uncle deliberately knocked on the glass and said, "No, it's plastic.


In a twinkling of an eye, the journey of the day ended. During this day, I cherish every minute of it, but time can't stand still. Finally, we reluctantly got on the bus and returned to our beautiful and warm home.

快乐五一作文 篇4


I spent this May Day at home, but I was still very happy. Do you want to know what's going on? Please come to my home and have a look.


"Dinner is over... Dinner is over... Big greedy cat, little greedy cat, come here for dinner." With my mother's cry, my father and I rushed to the table together. "Wow, today's dish is braised pork ribs with potatoes." I saw the golden potatoes, the tender ribs and the yellow potato soup with a thin layer of oil on it, which was really appetizing. As soon as I picked up the chopsticks to pick up the meat, my mother said to us, "How about we hold a meat competition today?" As soon as the speech ended, a new "meat competition" began.


"Wow, Dad, your meat is too big!" I cried out with anxiety. Looking at my father's proud eating of meat, I was "furious" and immediately picked up chopsticks and began to "duel". My chopsticks turned the rivers and seas on the plate. My father was shocked by my action, and the meat slices were all right in my stomach.


I looked at the plate and there was only one piece of meat left. While my father was eating, I picked up my chopsticks and rushed to the meat, but my hand shook and caught a small mushroom. At this time, my father's chopsticks also rushed over. Oh, no. My mother whispered to my father, "It seems that someone is calling you." While my father was looking at the door, I picked up the last piece of meat without error, ate it with relish, and said to my mother, "Mom is better." Dad had no choice but to say, "Hum, you have the ability." I was thinking that I was competing for meat with my big dad, but I always ate the most meat. What happened? In the evening, I couldn't help asking my mother, who smiled and said, "Silly boy, you are growing up now. My parents want to eat more." After listening to my mother, I felt warm in my heart.

晚上,我翻来覆去地睡不着,拉开窗帘,月光倾泻在大地上,照得到处亮堂堂的,我似乎看到了爸爸那会心的笑容, “爸爸,我爱您!”

At night, I could not sleep over and over. When I opened the curtains, the moonlight poured down on the earth and shone everywhere. I seemed to see my father's understanding smile, "Dad, I love you!"

快乐五一作文 篇5


May Day, which I am looking forward to, has finally arrived!


On the first day of the May Day holiday, my mother said to me: Today is Labor Day. At 8:30 in the morning, we go climbing Nanshan! At this time, I am very happy! Mom also said: Many people will go there! There are Zhong Yixiang, Miss Yang, Miss Zhong, etc. When I heard my mother's words, I hurried to finish my homework.


When my homework was finished, Miss Yang came. Miss Yang said: Let's go climbing! There are many people waiting for us at the gate of Nanshan! We came to Nanshan and saw a lot of people at the gate. We took some photos at the gate and went climbing. At first I walked in the front, I saw many trees on the road, so I asked my mother; Is this a forest? Mother replied: It's not a forest. The forest is very big.


When you get to the top of the mountain, you will know how big the forest is. I thought the mud road was better, so I walked on the mud road. Suddenly, I slipped, and I felt very painful. I continued to climb. Finally, we reached the middle of the mountain. We ate a little and then climbed again. We finally climbed to the top of the mountain! I finally saw the forest. I didn't expect it to be so big! We took some photos in the pavilion on the top of the mountain. It was very cool on the top of the mountain. After playing for a while, we went home again.


I finally climbed to the top of the mountain, which was my first time to climb it. It's so difficult to climb the mountain!!