
时间:2022-09-23 13:19:48 | 来源:语文通



小学生获奖作文 篇1小学生获奖作文 篇2小学生获奖作文 篇3获奖小学生作文 篇4获奖小学生作文 篇5获奖小学生作文 篇6小学生获奖作文 篇7小学生获奖作文 篇8小学生获奖作文 篇9获奖小学生作文 篇10

小学生获奖作文 篇1


Today we went to the little bee composition park, and soon passed the first or two lessons, which was our game lesson. The teacher said that the rules of the game were: "We use a spoon, one person moves 2 beans alone, and if it falls, it will gone without it.","


The game began. I saw someone like a turtle, because he was afraid that the two beans would fall, lost to girls, and some people moved quickly. I was afraid that the speed was not as good as girls, and I walked carefully and quickly.When I left for the first time, my heart was pounding, and I fell off one. The second time I walked quickly and concentrated, but I didn't drop the second time.Because some of our boys like a turtle, we lost to girls twice.But I am still very happy, this is really a happy game!

小学生获奖作文 篇2


I have a younger brother. He is very cunning. One day, my grandfather and I went to the square to play. I was going to run to a shop. Suddenly, my brother scared me inexplicably. I was stunned. I moved like a wooden man.Don't move anymore.My brother didn't know what happened to me. He took a thin and long wooden stick to touch me. I caught it as a wooden stick. My brother was so cunning. This is my younger brother.

小学生获奖作文 篇3


On Saturday, I watched TV at home, and my brother came from the computer and said, "Brother, let's play and seek, okay." Brother I agreed, hid behind the door, and my brother couldn't find me.I'm going to stool! "I came from behind the door. My brother found that the stool was gone. My brother said," I found you! "I found out that I was deceived. My brother was really tricky!I am very happy with my brother.

获奖小学生作文 篇4


Today is the last day of our tour. We went to the millennium ancient building in Fujian. It is a circular building with four floors. It looks very spectacular. We just walked into the Tulou. Due to the stagnant water on the rainy ground, grandma will be the grandmother.Sliding!


The situation was so ': It was raining at the time, and the ground was slippery.There are many steps there, there are high and bottom, my mother and I go ★ www.baihuawen.cn ★ In front of me, grandma is in the middle, grandpa and father are behind.Just listening to the "bombardment", the grandma's face fell to the ground.We were all shocked at the time!Hurry up and help your grandma.At that time, the grandmother's face was pale and the pain was unbearable. The boss on the roadside stalls enthusiastically sat down to the grandmother with a bench. After half an hour, the grandmother's face improved.Grandma just disagreed, and said that she was twisted, and insisted on visiting the Tulou with us.


When we returned to the hotel, the grandmother's arms were getting more and more painful, and the arm was swollen.But grandma held back the pain and didn't say a word.We rushed home early the next morning. Due to the high -speed traffic jams, it was delayed for a few hours, but Grandma didn't say it.


Finally, the grandmother was sent to the military region late at night.The next day, the doctor had surgery for grandma, but the grandma on the bed was weaker. At that time, I felt that my grandma was too pitiful.


My dear grandma!Wish you to recover soon!

获奖小学生作文 篇5


The class of "Dingkinhinhin" sounded, and our class was very straightforward. The crows in the classroom were silent, and the students were waiting for the arrival of mathematics teachers.


The math teacher came, and saw that he was holding a whole stack of test papers in his hand.Ah, I was nervous for a while, isn't this the test papers just tested the day before yesterday?Then the teacher said, "I read them one by one. I came to get a test paper when I read which classmate." Suddenly, the classroom became as chaotic as the vegetable market.The teacher's face became serious, and then reprimanded the classmates: "What kind of class is this? When it comes to the test paper, it is so" innocent and lively ". If this is the case, then I will not issue a test paper."


The classmates were panicked.I thought to myself: "The teacher rarely sees his temper. Why is it so fierce today? Is it the reason why our grades are not good?"


The teacher began to read the exam: 82 points of eyelashes, 86 points of end red, 81.5 points in Fuyang ... I felt like a little rabbit in my heart, thinking: I have been so bad, it seems that I have no hope.When I arrived, I only heard the teacher blurted out -Yuhan 92 points.what!I scored 92 points.I can't believe it all in front of me.I took the test papers. At first glance, all this was real. I did test 92 points. This time I could explain to my parents, and I finally relieved.


After the ringing bell rang, I returned home happily and told my mother that my mother praised me and told me to take part again and again.


This incident is deeply memorized in my mind, just as a test in life.

获奖小学生作文 篇6


"Mom, I'm full, go to see Xiaoyu, okay?" "Go! Don't throw things into the water!" Mom agreed quickly, I pulled Grandpa's hand and got out of the door happily.When I came to the stream, Grandpa found a piece of wooden stakes just sitting down, only listening to "pop-" a small fish jumped out of the water and drilled back again."What is going on? Speak it!" I shook Grandpa's arm, anxious to know the answer.


"When you were young, there was a garbage here. People often chaotic garbage, the stream became dark, and the water surface often floated. As soon as the summer arrived, the flies and mosquitoes flew around, the wind blows, and a bad smell comes.Even you are often bruised everywhere. "" Why are that different now? "" Later, some uncle and aunts in green clothes came from the early days every day to clear garbage, plant trees, and renovate facilities. Neighbors of neighbors.The uncle also came to help. Everyone no longer threw things inside. Slowly, the water was clear, and the grass was green! "After listening, I seemed to understand it, but I knew I couldn't throw things in the water.


At this time, a gust of wind blew, the wicker fluttered gently with the breeze, and the water surface was green. I seemed to hear the streams beckoning to me, singing the song happily, and flowing towards the distance ...

小学生获奖作文 篇7


Do you know why my brother is so tricky?Let me tell you!Once, Mom and Dad fry the vegetables. Dad told us to wash his hands. My brother said, "Sister, please help my brother to take the watch." I agreed, when I left, my brother washed his hands to eat first to eat.When I brought my watch, I saw that my brother was already eating, and also eaten all my favorite cabbage.


Another time, my brother put soapy water on a floor at home. I know, I hid the place where my brother could not find. My brother said, "Mom is back, and buy your favorite cabbage." II hurried to my brother to make the floor of my hands and feet. I forgot the floor when I heard the cabbage. As a result, how do you guess?I fell down, wow, crying, after a while, my brother appeared, and laughed next to it. You see that the brother of the trick is like this.

小学生获奖作文 篇8


My sister is very cute and cunning. My mother tied a yaw -like braid on her back, and she had a pair of slippery eyes, as if a pair of "black grapes".When running, her braids swinged left and right, and sometimes fluttered with the wind.


One day, I found one or two friends with me to play and seek, and it was my sister's turn. I thought, "Why don't you call me?"


My sister said cleverly: "I want to go to the bathroom." I quickly got out, and my sister said, "I don't want to go to the bathroom."


On the next day, my sister said, "Let's play!"


I said, "Okay!" The sister lost.I punished her to make a frog and jump 20.She only did 10.She said, "The two of us are 20."


My sister's behavior made me cry and laugh.

小学生获奖作文 篇9


At a school sports meeting, I entered the finals. In that game, there was actually a big fat man, so I thought, how can a big fat man enter the final?As soon as the gunfire sounded, I kept watching the big fat man. Sure enough, the big fat man ran a circle less than everyone, and ranked first because he had no such strength, so he had to rely on some sneaky behavior.Come to win, I think this is an unknown thing, so I won't learn him anyway.Just when the person who sent the medal to the fat man made a medal, I wanted to tell the referee, but I was a bit dare not, so I let the person go this time.

获奖小学生作文 篇10


In the blink of an eye, the six -year elementary school career is about to end, and I have some sadness in my heart. Oh, no, it is a lot of sadness!At this moment, the incident appeared again in my mind


One day after class, Teacher Liu asked on the podium on the podium: "The family homework arranged last night -recite" Unforgettable Pour Water Festival ", which students have memorized it? Please raise your hand." I thought, let's memorize it last night.Cooked, do n’t raise it, the taste of criticism is not easy to think for a long time. I raised my right hand timidly, but God came to tease me — told me to recite.I stood up, and I couldn't help complaining that God was not close.But I cope with Teacher Liu, "Start back!" Teacher Liu's voice was gentle, but I sounded like a thunder.So I tried hard to search for the shadow of this text.I got stuck, and I remembered the whispering of my classmates. Dozens of pairs of eyes swept over. I couldn't wait to find a sewing drill in.But Teacher Liu said, "Don't be nervous, I believe you can do it." My heart seemed to overthrow the five -flavored bottle, which had a feeling of Teacher Liu


The feeling of inspiration, and I have a sense of guilt that I did not complete my homework on time.So, I looked up at Teacher Liu and was meeting with her eyes. The word "Trust" was written. I settled it. With the encouragement of Teacher Liu, the rest of the content was all remembered.


The epitome of unforgettable life has become the treasure of my beautiful life. It lingering, it will always engrave the depths of my childhood memories.