"Ah", I fell to the ground. I held my waist and climbed up, and my face wrinkled into the folds on the bun. I glanced at my whole body and patted it. This was not me. I was obviously much higher.
Suddenly, a group of people flew over to me and kept around me. I was panicked. In a hurry, I pushed away the crowd and ran away.I want to run away quickly, but I am wearing high heels, I endure the pain, and at the same time, my head is messy: Is my sin, others, others come to me?The people on the road looked at me in surprise. My heart trembled, was I a criminal?Thinking about it, I sweated coldly, my face was pale, and the crowd kept screaming and surging to the alley.Those people surrounded me, and those people kept asking me: "Anna, when will your lower drama be released?" And people said, "Anna, your last time in variety shows is really special." Oh, I am a big starI raised my stiff hands, signaled to the crowd, and asked everyone.Suddenly, outside the crowd, a savvy lady was squeezed in. My agent grabbed my hand and squeezed out the crowd.
I was sitting in the car, I was particularly disturbed and very nervous. The previous things had not slowed down. I was urged by the agent to make a movie. I also asked me to recite the script first. I had to exercise at night ...At full work, I can't help but miss the time of going to school. Although I have to write homework every day, I am full of laughter every day. Although I feel very tired, I am very happy. I want to go back to my teenager.Suddenly, I was dark in front of me and returned to my room.
I seem to understand that cherish my current life. Live a good present, don't always think of being worshiped and being an ordinary and happy self.
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