On a silent night, a round of bending bright moon hung in the sky like a boat, and there was no one on the road, only the pale moonlight accompanied the path.The wind blew the leaves and sand, and the swallow flew through the silent night. A crispy shouted broke through the night sky, and her parents also went out.
On a silent night, a round of bending bright moon hung in the sky like a boat, and there was no one on the road, only the pale moonlight accompanied the path.The wind blew the leaves and sand, and the swallow flew through the silent night. A crispy shouted broke through the night sky, and her parents also went out.
Suddenly, the lights in the family were all dark, and I was startled, what's the matter! How can I stop the power at home? Help! I immediately rushed into the room and immediately drilled into the bed., I look iron, sweat, as if I was about to jump to my voice.What to do! What to do! I thought: Oh! Please! Let your mother come back! Don't toss me anymore! I grasp the quilt tightly, cover myself tightly, and finallyIt's quiet, so I feel more at ease, so I quietly opened a corner to peep at the static.Suddenly, I heard the sound of fine shattered sounds in the kitchen? Who is it? With curiosity, they gathered out of the quilt. Find a small flashlight in the bedside table, stomach to the door, a little bit a little bit a little bitPush the door away, lean against the wall, step by step towards the kitchen.Following the light of the flashlight, I faintly saw a small black shadow, approaching a closer, it turned out to be my own puppy.Ah! Amazing a shock.
Suddenly, the lights in the family were all dark, and I was startled, what's the matter! How can I stop the power at home? Help! I immediately rushed into the room and immediately drilled into the bed., I look iron, sweat, as if I was about to jump to my voice.What to do! What to do! I thought: Oh! Please! Let your mother come back! Don't toss me anymore! I grasp the quilt tightly, cover myself tightly, and finallyIt's quiet, so I feel more at ease, so I quietly opened a corner to peep at the static.Suddenly, I heard the sound of fine shattered sounds in the kitchen? Who is it? With curiosity, they gathered out of the quilt. Find a small flashlight in the bedside table, stomach to the door, a little bit a little bit a little bitPush the door away, lean against the wall, step by step towards the kitchen.Following the light of the flashlight, I faintly saw a small black shadow, approaching a closer, it turned out to be my own puppy.Ah! Amazing a shock.
When I thought everything was returning to peace, a footsteps came, and it was approaching me indefinitely.I felt that my feet were nailed to the place, and my heart was about to jump out of my body immediately.I seemed to see a dark shadow prying our door with a hint of evil charm on my face.I closed my eyes tightly and shouted, "Mom, save me!"
When I thought everything was returning to peace, a footsteps came, and it was approaching me indefinitely.I felt that my feet were nailed to the place, and my heart was about to jump out of my body immediately.I seemed to see a dark shadow prying our door with a hint of evil charm on my face.I closed my eyes tightly and shouted, "Mom, save me!"
"What's wrong with you, how are you scared like this?" The familiar voice came, it turned out that the mother came back!
"What's wrong with you, how are you scared like this?" The familiar voice came, it turned out that the mother came back!
On a silent night, a round of bending bright moon hung in the sky like a boat, and there was no one on the road, only the pale moonlight accompanied the path.The wind blew the leaves and sand, and the swallow flew through the silent night. A crispy shouted broke through the night sky, and her parents also went out.
On a silent night, a round of bending bright moon hung in the sky like a boat, and there was no one on the road, only the pale moonlight accompanied the path.The wind blew the leaves and sand, and the swallow flew through the silent night. A crispy shouted broke through the night sky, and her parents also went out.
Suddenly, the lights in the family were all dark, and I was startled, what's the matter! How can I stop the power at home? Help! I immediately rushed into the room and immediately drilled into the bed., I look iron, sweat, as if I was about to jump to my voice.What to do! What to do! I thought: Oh! Please! Let your mother come back! Don't toss me anymore! I grasp the quilt tightly, cover myself tightly, and finallyIt's quiet, so I feel more at ease, so I quietly opened a corner to peep at the static.Suddenly, I heard the sound of fine shattered sounds in the kitchen? Who is it? With curiosity, they gathered out of the quilt. Find a small flashlight in the bedside table, stomach to the door, a little bit a little bit a little bitPush the door away, lean against the wall, step by step towards the kitchen.Following the light of the flashlight, I faintly saw a small black shadow, approaching a closer, it turned out to be my own puppy.Ah! Amazing a shock.
Suddenly, the lights in the family were all dark, and I was startled, what's the matter! How can I stop the power at home? Help! I immediately rushed into the room and immediately drilled into the bed., I look iron, sweat, as if I was about to jump to my voice.What to do! What to do! I thought: Oh! Please! Let your mother come back! Don't toss me anymore! I grasp the quilt tightly, cover myself tightly, and finallyIt's quiet, so I feel more at ease, so I quietly opened a corner to peep at the static.Suddenly, I heard the sound of fine shattered sounds in the kitchen? Who is it? With curiosity, they gathered out of the quilt. Find a small flashlight in the bedside table, stomach to the door, a little bit a little bit a little bitPush the door away, lean against the wall, step by step towards the kitchen.Following the light of the flashlight, I faintly saw a small black shadow, approaching a closer, it turned out to be my own puppy.Ah! Amazing a shock.
When I thought everything was returning to peace, a footsteps came, and it was approaching me indefinitely.I felt that my feet were nailed to the place, and my heart was about to jump out of my body immediately.I seemed to see a dark shadow prying our door with a hint of evil charm on my face.I closed my eyes tightly and shouted, "Mom, save me!"
When I thought everything was returning to peace, a footsteps came, and it was approaching me indefinitely.I felt that my feet were nailed to the place, and my heart was about to jump out of my body immediately.I seemed to see a dark shadow prying our door with a hint of evil charm on my face.I closed my eyes tightly and shouted, "Mom, save me!"
"What's wrong with you, how are you scared like this?" The familiar voice came, it turned out that the mother came back!
"What's wrong with you, how are you scared like this?" The familiar voice came, it turned out that the mother came back!
在基督教里, 平安夜是救世主耶稣降生的日子。在这一天,英国人会吃烤鹅,美国人品尝火鸡,还举行丰富多彩的活动,法国人认为漫天白雪的圣诞时吉祥的图腾。可是当圣诞节传到中国,那种庄严和神圣便不见了,大街上人们拿着充气棒乱敲乱打,寒冬里的人们疯狂的打击素不相识的行人。在平安夜,对圣诞错误的理解的人还荒唐地搞什么party,闹得原本宁静安详的成都鸡犬不宁。
In Christianity, the Christian night is the day when the savior Jesus was born.On this day, the British will eat roast goose, Americans taste turkey, and also hold colorful activities. The French believe that the auspicious totem on Christmas in the sky is white.But when Christmas spread to China, the solemnity and sacredness disappeared. People on the street knocked around with inflatable sticks, and people in the cold winter crazy percussion of pedestrians.On Christmas Eve, what kind of party who understands Christmas errors is ridiculous, and the original Chengdu chickens and dogs are restless.
I know that in Christianity, Ping An Night is a day when Jesus Christ is born, and a sacred and solemn day.On the evening of the 24th, in order to increase the understanding of Christmas, my mother took me to Chengdu's largest Catholic Church.On the road, I fantasized the appearance of the church. I think there must be a cross in the highest place in the church! Entering the Catholic Church, a melodious sacred song "Harry Luya" floats into my ears, and the church spires.There is a cross, the moonlight is hazy, and the water is usually sprinkled on the roof of the church, which shows the cross.Through the long corridor of the church, a statue of Jesus stood lonely under the pale light. I touched its toes curiously, ah, it's cool, I left the statue.
In addition to the gate, entering the courtyard on the left is a Christmas tree more than 10 meters high, and there is a silver cross on the tip of the tree.The tree was covered with colorful lights, and angels, snowballs and snowmen were staggered.I scratched a cross on my chest and looked at this huge Christmas tree. I thought of the gods in heaven, did they have Christmas? "Child, what should I think?" Someone behind me patted my back, I was my back, I was my back, I was my back, I was my back, I was my back, I was my back, I was my back, I was my back, and I was.Turning his head, it turned out to be a wife.She said that she has believed in Catholicism for more than 20 years and is very devout."Nothing, just in a daze, I think there are fairy in the sky? Do they have Christmas too?"
"There are Gods and his angels in heaven, they are God, very great. Today is the birth of Jesus, maybe they are doing a mass ..."
I listened quietly, as if listening to a mysterious story and legend. On this special Christmas Eve, I got a comfort of my soul. My heart was calm on this night. My thinking was also drifting on this night.It's far away ... In fact, I know that there are no fairy and God in the world, but I respect the dedication and devotion of faith in the believers.No matter what we believe, we should be an integrity and kind person.
1、一夜:一夜读音为yī yè,是指1.一个夜晩;一整夜。 2.指某夜。一夜 yī yè词典解释:1.一个夜晩;一整夜。 2.指某夜。分词解释:夜晩:夜间,晩上。一个:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。● 一 yī ㄧˉ◎ 数名,最小的正整数(在钞票和单据上常用大写“壹”代)。◎ 纯;专:专一。一心一意。◎ 全;满:一生。一地水。◎ 相同:一样。颜色不一。◎ 另外的:蟋蟀一名促织。◎ 表示动作短暂,或是一次,或具试探性:算一算。试一试。◎ 乃;竞:一至于此。◎ 部分联成整体:统一。整齐划一。◎ 或者:一胜一负。◎ 初次:一见如故。◎ 中国古代乐谱记音符号,相当于简谱“7”。● 夜 yè ㄧㄝˋ◎ 天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:夜晚。日日夜夜。夜阑(夜将尽时)。夜盲。夜幕。夜宵。夜话。夜袭。夜行(xíng )。夜战。...一夜怎么造句,用一夜造句»
2、特别:特别读音为tè bié,是指1.不一般,与众不同。 2.格外。 3.特地,特意。 4.尤其。特别 tè bié词语意思:1.不一般,与众不同。 2.格外。 3.特地,特意。 4.尤其。(1) [special;out of the ordinary unusual;exceptional]∶不一般;与众不同特别的场合(2) [exceptionally]∶格外一个特别聪明的孩子(3) [particular;specially]∶特地;特意我特别提到那一点(4) [especially;in particular]∶尤其我喜欢乡下,特别是在春天分词解释:尤其:副词。表示更进一步:他各门功课都好,语文尤其突出|数量固然要紧,质量尤其重要。特地:1.亦作“特的”。 2.突然,忽然。 3.亦作“特底”。特别,格外。特意:1.不同的认识和看法。 2.表示专为某件事。格外:①副词,表示超过寻常:久别重逢,大家格外亲热ㄧ国庆节的天安门,显得格外庄严而美丽。②额外;另外:卡车装不下,格外找了一辆大车。...特别怎么造句,用特别造句»
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