
时间:2022-11-03 13:11:45 | 来源:语文通



描写雪的作文 篇1关于雪的作文 篇2描写雪的优秀作文 篇3描写雪的作文 篇4关于雪的作文 篇5

描写雪的作文 篇1


I remember that there was a heavy snow in Nanjing that winter. I made my father take my brother and me to the park to have a snow fight, and my father agreed. When I came to the park, I found that it had become a white world. It seemed that the sky and the ground were indistinguishable, and there was a beautiful scene wrapped in silver everywhere. I ran up excitedly and clumsily, leaving clear footprints on the thick snow.


There are already many people in the park. Some are having snowball fights, some are taking pictures, and some are making snowmen. How lively! We chose an empty place to fight a snowball fight. I was bending my head and holding the first 'shell'. I just felt that I was hit hard by something. I looked up and saw that my brother was attacking me secretly. He laughed proudly when he succeeded. At that time, I threw white shells at him at a lightning speed. Unfortunately, my strength was too small, and the snowball drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell at my brother's feet. This made a "hornet's nest". The irritated brother launched a mad fight back against me, and spherical shells like raindrops flew towards me, I became a "Santa Claus". I ran like a mouse, but the snow was too deep and thick. Every move was as hard as wearing iron shoes, not to mention fighting back. In a hurry, I sent SOS to my father who was busy taking pictures. What made me angry was that my father not only did not lend a helping hand to me, but instead combined with my brother to beat up my poor "drowning dog". I can't move any more, and I have no choice but to lie down on the snow. This battle without suspense declared my defeat with their laughter.


I vaguely remember that my hands were frozen cold by the snow, my face was slightly stung by the wind, and my shoes were completely wet, but I didn't feel cold at all. I just thought how interesting it was to have a snow fight heartily in the flying snow!

关于雪的作文 篇2


It was getting cold gradually. At dinner time, the sky was full of dark lead clouds. The north wind blew in gusts, and the raindrops with gray white snow particles fell down. Before long, the rain stopped, and the sparse snowflakes fluttered gently like small white feathers.


The next morning, when I opened the door, a white cold light stabbed my eyes. Ah, what a heavy snow, what a white world! Look, the earth is covered with silver, the roof is covered with a layer of white and thick quilts, and the firewood piles have become piles of white cotton hills. People get up early to sweep snow, and even children who like to sleep late get up early to play on the snow.


After breakfast, the snow began to fall again, one after another, like silver flowers, like white butterflies, flying all over the sky. Snowflakes sometimes drift to the left, sometimes pounce to the right, sometimes shoot straight down, sometimes fall slowly. They jump to the ground and drill into the window. People standing in the snow are like squatting under a ginning machine. Countless cotton comes and covers you with white clothes.


The sun came out. It seemed to be fascinated by the beauty of snow. It covered the snow with its bright red place, as if it was afraid of running away. Snow, however, was shy and blushed to retire quietly. Father Sun tightened his cover and melted the snow into his warm embrace.


Snow brings nature's skilled craftsmen. The bright and clean glass windows are embroidered with exquisite patterns. The dense layers of branches and leaves on the trees also show the profound natural beauty. Ah, beauty is in nature, beauty is in life! Don't people also create a better life? You see, in the spacious campus, children are wearing colorful down jackets. Some are playing snowball fights, some are making snowmen, and some are skiing... The laughter and shouting shook down the silver bars and snowballs on the trees. Under the sunshine, the jade like snow showed rainbows, which reflected the happy smiling faces of children and our colorful life

描写雪的优秀作文 篇3


My mother told me that the weather forecast said there would be snow on Monday, and my heart was full of expectations. Two days ago, it began to rain, which made people feel chilly. Yesterday afternoon, when my mother sent me to school, there were ice dregs as big as red beans falling on the ground, like firecrackers. After a while, it turned into snow grains, and finally it snowed. I was ecstatic and stepped on it, making a creaking noise.


At night, it began to snow like goose feather, and those snowflakes that fluttered with the wind had already floated to the ground and melted, probably because the ground temperature was high.


However, when I woke up the next morning, the whole world was covered with white snow. The snow on the ground was six centimeters thick. The land was white, and the sky was connected with the sky. But the snow was still flying all over the sky. The trees on both sides of the asphalt road were wrapped with shiny silver bars, while those evergreen trees were covered with heavy snowballs. The branches of poplars looked like beautiful corals. It's like the spring breeze coming overnight, and thousands of pear trees are blooming!


There are thousands of snowflakes, some of which are like little elves flying in the sky, some of which are like willow catkins falling down in a whirl, like pen foam sprinkled from the sky, and the earth is like a thick white carpet. The small red fruit on an unknown wild fruit tree on the roadside is covered with a layer of crystal clear frost, which looks more charming and fascinating. I really want to swallow it and taste the fruit. Looking around, it seems that you have entered a poetic fairy tale world, which is extremely beautiful!


When I walked into the school gate, the teaching building, playground and lawn were all dressed in white clothes. It was really hard to describe in words, and it was pleasing to the eyes. The students have merged into the embrace of snow. Making snowmen and having snowball fights have become students' games. Snowballs were flying in the air one by one. The students were afraid of being hit by the snowball. Although it hurt to stop, they were still intoxicated with joy. Laughter, shouting, and jumping were heard throughout the campus. Just then, the bell rang for class and the students reluctantly left the playground.

描写雪的作文 篇4


It was drizzling outside the window when I wrote these words.

It was drizzling outside the window when I wrote these words.


Rain, I am familiar with it. When you sleep at night, you can hear the ticking sound of rain from time to time and sleep with it. Thinking flies away through the rain curtain. In the distance, the ripples on the lake, the clouds on the green mountains, the endless peace and far-reaching, gradually disappear into the hazy dream with the sound of rain.


I like rain. I like rain to baptize everything. I like the rain to calm my sadness and anger, especially the drizzle. It is quieter than light rain and more artistic than heavy rain. Look at the lotus in the rain. A pond of green clouds stretches out, with a distinctive red color, rolling in raindrops and burning in the dark sky. The rain washed away the dust laden lotus, just like an ordinary person. Only through the scouring of the secular world can we understand the truth of life and become brilliant.


The rain is sultry, and the autumn hidden in the rain is more charming. Under the desk lamp, I opened Ouyang Xiu's Autumn Voice Ode. After only looking at two lines, I felt choked. "At the beginning of the rustling, it suddenly rushed and clapped, like a rough sea and a sudden wind and rain. It rattled when it touched something, and both gold and iron made sounds. Another example is to go to the enemy's soldiers, take their titles and go quickly, don't listen to orders, listen to the people's voice." What a magnificent autumn sound, what a wonderful autumn!


On the first day of the New Year, I threw myself into ancient books with enthusiasm and recited many such words privately. It's ridiculous that I was young and ignorant. I used to know Qiusheng's sorrow, and I just wanted to learn some beautiful sentences to show off in my notebook.


Tonight, the rain falls from all directions, and there is a mottled autumn on the small building. Lights are like rain, worries are like rain. There are many waves between the lines, such as songs, tears, Ouyang Xiu's sigh.


It was drizzling outside the window when I wrote these words.

It was drizzling outside the window when I wrote these words.

关于雪的作文 篇5


Snow, so white and pure, has branded the deep and clear footprints in my memory on the spotless snow.


In the winter when I was seven years old, there was a heavy snow. What the kids like most is snow. Boys can enjoy snowball fights and girls can make snowmen happily. Although everyone's faces were blue and blue with cold, they were still happy and smiling. Several of our little sisters were making snowmen on the roadside. I suggested that we compete to see who was the most beautiful snowman. After I made it, I compared it with other snowmen and thought my snowdoll was the most beautiful.


Among the little partners, there is a girl named Hanhan. She is about the same age as me. She is a relative. She didn't pay any attention to us. She just rolled a tall and big snow pile aside. She was working very hard and looked at it intently. She worked on this side and that side. Finally, it was piled up. It was a snow mother. She put her red gloves into the snow to make her red lips; He made eyes with two pompoms on his hat, and took off his scarf to enclose it for Snow Mother.


She looked at Snow's mother and smiled happily. The uncles and aunts who passed by didn't look at our snow doll, but praised the beauty of the snow mother. At this time, her smile was more brilliant, and she murmured something to the snowman. A friend of mine was so jealous that he walked over and knocked her down, pretending to fall down unintentionally. Mother Snow. Haman cried loudly and shouted to my friend: "Give back my mother, give back my mother..."


Youleng was there. The footprints left by her father on the snow, accompanied by her little tears, and the friends who were in a daze, were branded into my memory. Later I learned that she had just lost her mother.


It snows again today. Haman, where are you? "Cher, let's get bigger. I have prepared red gloves and scarves... to make a mother and a girl for Hanhan."