
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:26 | 来源:语文通



我的家乡变化 篇1家乡的变化作文 篇2家乡的变化作文 篇3家乡的变化作文 篇4家乡的变化作文 篇5家乡的变化作文 篇6家乡的变化的作文 篇7家乡的变化作文 篇8

我的家乡变化 篇1


At the noon of early spring, the warm wind sent the flowers to the brocade family, listening to a hundred birds singing in the jungle, gently high and low. The warm and humid air contains the fragrance of life, and the grass stretches its branches. Red, green and purple flowers sway the color of spring. I lay in the looming grass, bathed in the early spring sunshine.


Suddenly, a sharp cry broke the peace of early spring. Hey! Son, come back quickly and help your mother transport the fertilizer to the field. Hey, isn't this Aunt Wang? What are you shouting about? Grandma accosted. Alas, this man is really a bitch. The more comfortable he is, the more lazy he becomes. Back then, we carried a bag of fertilizer to the field without breathing. Now, it's really no good. Even walking is a problem. Who says not. Aunt Li of the neighbor agreed. The air boiled instantly, and soon several old maids got together to chat.


Yeah! Who would have thought that our hometown would have such great changes today.


In the past, there was only one path leading to our village. Even passing the carriage was frightening. If it rains, it will be even worse. The road is even more muddy, which makes people unable to get off their feet. If you don't pay attention, the mud will drown to the back of their feet. If you go a long way, you will be a perfect person when you come back. Clay figurines. Many old people fell and everyone complained. When will the bitter days end. It's a new thing in the village if a young man comes back from another place to work. The village will be lively immediately. That young man really glorifies his ancestors. I only heard adults talking about the Zhao family's son all day long. I've been wandering around for several years. Now I've learned my skills. My parents are more respectable. The bungalow is well built, and I have all kinds of furniture. I also brought my daughter in law from other places. If my son can be like others, I will live my life in vain. The young man talked with his neighbors when he was free. The outside world was wonderful.


The spring breeze of our motherland soon blew to our hometown. In order to get rich, we should build roads first. With the strong support of the government, mud roads are winding like dragons across mountains and mountains. The vehicles flow like ants, bringing wealth, knowledge and ideals to people. Beautiful ceramic tile bungalows have miraculously been erected. In the past, it was hard to find a junior high school student in our village. Now, there are high school students everywhere. If anyone wants a child to enter the university, that is called Guangyao Gate.


Aunt Luo shouted, "Look, Aunt Yang's son went out to work and learned skills. When he returned to his hometown, he taught his skills to the villagers.". Grandma Wang agreed. Isn't it difficult? Look at the old Liu family in the village. It used to be a famous low-income family. Since Aunt Yang's son taught him construction skills, the old Liu family now has everything they want.


Look, those old ladies are still talking. A few days ago, my family also added a washing machine, which is much more convenient than before. Aunt Zhang said. Mother echoed: Our days have become more prosperous.


The good policies of the Party enable people to move towards a well-off society, embark on the road of prosperity and live a happy life. Let my hometown be more beautiful and rich.

家乡的变化作文 篇2


When the scenery around me flew from both sides of the window, familiar faces and moving pictures gradually emerged in my mind. I understand that this year, like previous years, will be a peaceful and beautiful year. But this year, there are some unexpected small changes.


"Long Long", each excavator is like a roaring beast, nibbling at the bricks and tiles of the village one after another. After a few months, all that remains is land and memory; Instead, it is those tall buildings that have risen from the ground. The moss covered stone bridge is no longer there, and the neighborhood has changed to a large and convenient elevator; The old water wells along the river also disappeared, and every household used tap water with water purifiers. Although the villagers' farmland was used for planting saplings, they were all happily stuffed with pockets. The villagers have lived a well-off life, but my heart has a light layer of depression.


I remember lying in my grandmother's arms and listening to the story of my grandfather's work in the forest and wasteland reclamation: every sturdy young man, with a shovel or an axe, rushed to cut down trees and weed, hoping to get praise from others. Later, there were more and more residents in the small village, and the village became more and more prosperous, but now this is the past.


After the New Year's Eve dinner, I looked out of the window at the forest land which was originally a village. My father seemed to know my mood and looked at me with those deep eyes, Say: ’Isn't it desirable for villagers to roam in the green air when small villages develop tourism? " After listening to my father's words, the mist on my heart seemed to be dispersed by the sunlight in the forest.


One sunny afternoon, I set out for the forest that was hard to see before. What I saw, the green branches; I heard the clear singing of birds; I smell the fragrance of flowers; What I touched was a childlike heart to the mother of nature

家乡的变化作文 篇3


After ten years, there have been many changes in the countryside: the dirt road, which used to be potholed and muddy when it rained, has now become a wide cement road. Birds on the trees beside the cement road chirp as if to say, "Welcome my friends."


Ten years ago, when I looked down on the broken bridge, I saw a lot of garbage and fish floating on the water, all dead. At that time, the water was still green and very dirty. The streets are ugly. There are more than ten piles of garbage in each street, which can't smell any more. Because the garbage stinks, it attracts many flies.


Ten years later, the village has become better and better. People have lived without worrying about food, drink or clothing. There are trash cans in the street, and there is no garbage. The water in the river is clean, and small fish swim in the water.


Great changes have taken place in my hometown!

家乡的变化作文 篇4


My hometown is Bengbu City, Anhui Province, which is the pearl on the bank of the Huaihe River. After the changes of the market economy in the past 20 years, a new Bengbu, a new Bengbu symbolized by the sculpture group of the Huaihe River Cultural Square, the fire phoenix sculpture, and the awl mountain meteorological tower, is rapidly rising on the bank of the Huaihe River!


The new urban area used to be an airport, where weeds were everywhere, garbage and road surface were all muddy, and then to the south was uneven square. Now this area has been transformed into a new urban area. Tall buildings rise one by one, and the road is wide and clean. Especially at night, the lights blink like stars, making people warm.


With the rapid economic development, the high-tech development zone in the south of Zhanggong Mountain has been built with modern factories, which have made many contributions to the economic development of Bengbu.


Seeing the changes in my hometown, I was moved with joy and pride. I will study hard and work hard to become a talent, so as to build my hometown better in the future!

家乡的变化作文 篇5


My beautiful hometown is Jiayin. In the past few years in my memory, the beautiful hometown has undergone earth shaking changes and has become a place of yearning.


My hometown has changed a lot, of which the roads and houses in the county town are the most significant.


When I was just a freshman, there were only four concrete roads like "well" in the whole county, which tightly surrounded the county, and there was not much greenery nearby, making the whole county seem lifeless. At that time, most of the roads were mud roads. When it rained, the road to school was not easy to walk. My feet were covered with mud and my shoes were covered with mud. Sometimes my feet would slip if I wasn't careful. Now, the cement roads crisscross, some of which have been built to the front of their homes. There are sidewalks, non motor vehicle lanes, etc., and each road has been widened. Grass is luxuriant on both sides of the road. On the semicircular shelves, there are beautiful flowers. Big trees "stand" on both sides of the sidewalk. There are green grass under the trees, and all kinds of beautiful wild flowers. At night, the lights outside the buildings are on, accompanied by beautiful street lamps, More and more people are walking in the street.


In my hometown, people's living environment has also undergone amazing changes without the roads becoming wider, better and more beautiful. In the last two or three years, the buildings in the county town have risen one after another, and the bungalows have turned into high-rise buildings in a flash. People have moved into new buildings, and their faces are filled with happy smiles.


The ever-changing Jiayin is a good place to realize dreams. Happiness can be shared in my hometown; Singing can fly in my hometown.


My home, my hometown, I love the changing hometown - Jiayin!

家乡的变化作文 篇6


It was raining. My mother and I were walking on the path of our hometown with an umbrella. My mother could not help sighing, "How great the change is!"


"The road we took was originally a 'cement road' when it rained, but now it has been built into a real cement road." As I walked on, my mother seemed to see something and said to me, "Now the village is equipped with electric lights from door to door. When I was a child, I used to study by dim kerosene lights at night." When I came to a big ditch, my mother told me excitedly that this was their primary school. The classroom was the second room on the left. I looked at my mother's finger and saw a single storey house made of cement and bricks. It reminded me of our classroom - the building made of reinforced concrete.


Unconsciously, we came to the end of the village. Mother turned her eyes to a family at the head of the village. "This is incredible!" Mother sighed: "This family was the poorest in our village, but now they live in a two-story building." Just then, the owner, Uncle Li, called us into the room to have tea. "Sir, your family is developing too fast!" Mom talked with Grandpa in a joking and envious tone. It was obvious that Mom and Grandpa were very familiar. "That's not true. Two years ago, the state said that we should help the poor, and we helped our village first!" Mother nodded and smiled at him. After saying goodbye to Uncle Li, we went out of Uncle Li's house.


The changes in my hometown are really great. People's lives have become better, the environment has become beautiful, and life is full of happiness and happiness.

家乡的变化的作文 篇7


My hometown is Dazhou. Maybe not many people know this place. There are no places of interest here, nor can it be compared with other big cities. But in recent years, Dazhou is really changing, becoming more beautiful, more prosperous and prosperous.


In the past, the floor on Dazhou Avenue was always potholed. At night, it was dark and you couldn't see anything. Old people often fell down when they walked on the street because they accidentally stepped on the place where there was a pit. Moreover, because the road was potholed, after the rain, there would be a lot of water in the pit. If you walked on the roadside and a car came, the water in the pit would splash all over you, Let you become a real drowned rat. Now, after many repairs, the road has become flat.


I haven't seen you for several years. Dazhou is really impressive. I wish the people of my hometown keep pace with the times, forge ahead, be civilized and polite, and build Dazhou more brilliant!

家乡的变化作文 篇8


It is said that the changes in my hometown are ever-changing and earth shaking. Only those who have witnessed them are qualified to comment, and hearsay is better than seeing.


Rural primary schools are always far away from the development of modern education due to the constraints of regional environment, humanistic environment, educational information and other conditions. You think that rural schools still have no dining tables, only "natural" courts, no modern education, only cement blackboards stained with ink. Wrong, you are all wrong. We not only have one desk for one person, There are also scientific laboratories for practice, modern educational facilities and art studios. So you are ignorant. In fact, not only primary schools, but also our villages have changed.


The roads have changed. Cement roads have been paved from village to group and home. The roads extend in all directions, making it easier for people to travel. Houses have also changed, low adobe houses have become brick houses and buildings, and environmental sanitation has also been improved. The village has also built activity rooms, wide playgrounds, high walls, and public toilets. Several solar street lamps are installed around the activity rooms and village roads.


Of course, broadband networks have entered rural households. Every family has basically used smart phones. Some people have also added computers and connected to WLAN, so we can learn from them and make video calls with relatives in the distance! Changed! The old people all said, "It is the good policies of the Party that have changed our hometown."


Indeed, under the good policies of the Party in the new era and the hard work of the people in my hometown, my hometown will become a beautiful village in the new era.