
时间:2022-10-22 12:53:17 | 来源:语文通



传统节日春节作文 篇1传统节日春节作文 篇2传统节日春节作文800字 篇3传统节日春节作文900字 篇4传统节日春节作文 篇5传统节日春节作文 篇6传统节日春节作文 篇7

传统节日春节作文 篇1


Spring Festival is a major traditional festival for our Chinese people. It has a long history and bright cultural connotation. And many small old rules and small feudal superstitions in the Spring Festival are also explored by that person.


We should all know that one of the most important things in the Spring Festival is the offering. Don't underestimate this, everyone. It's important. For example, the fruits offered on the table cannot be careless. Not all fruits are suitable for worshiping ancestors and gods. Choose fruit that means good. For example, IPHONE is healthy and safe, oranges are popular and everything goes smoothly. Like pears, they cannot be used as tribute because some people think that pears and li are homophones. Therefore, it will not be warmly welcomed by everyone. There are also banana apples frowning. Therefore, some fruits can not be supplied.


Only a part of the fruit is also a tribute. Dumplings must be kept close to each other as tribute. When sugar is used as a tribute, hard candy should be put instead of sandwich candy. Because the sweetness is hard enough to disperse.

上供也要有喜烛,火纸,佛香这些,但是最重要的是火纸,火纸要被赢币压到才能够 烧,并且要一家之主压,这可能是感觉更为真心实意吧。

The offering also requires candles, fire paper and Buddha incense. But the most important thing is fire paper. The fire paper can only be burned when it is pressed by the winning coin, and it must be pressed by the head of the family. It may be more sincere.

无论这种是真的吗,但最少被老祖先们赞叹不已就一定有它的缘故。期待这种新春佳节中的小知识能够 让大量的八零后,九零后们了解新春佳节在我们国人心中中有多么的的至关重要。假如新春佳节沒有一切忌讳那麼也就代表沒有那麼多的人关心它。老规矩越来越能反映新春佳节的积极意义。

Whether this is true or not, at least it must have its own reason to be admired by the ancestors. It is expected that this kind of little knowledge in the Spring Festival will enable a large number of post-80s and post-90s people to understand how crucial the Spring Festival is to our people. If there is no taboo on the Spring Festival, it means that there are not so many people concerned about it. The old rules can more and more reflect the positive significance of the Spring Festival.

传统节日春节作文 篇2


Today is the New Year's Eve, when we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year, our whole family will get together and prepare for a happy reunion year!


Early in the morning, my father and I began to paste the Spring Festival couplets busily. The Spring Festival couplets are so interesting! Some wrote "Auspicious Stars", some wrote "Daily Progress for Gold", some wrote "Auspicious Dragon and Phoenix", and some wrote "Five Blessings Coming to the Door"... full of joy, each with a moral! Then, let me also post a happy Spring Festival couplet! I first took out a small bench, stepped on it carefully, and then stood on tiptoe and pasted the couplets with double-sided adhesive tape on the door. Guess what couplets I pasted?


Finally, the New Year's Eve dinner began. Grandma worked hard to cook a large table of dishes. It was very rich! There are "more than a year" fish, "bamboo shoots rising every day", "smooth roads" lotus roots, "auspicious chickens", and "industrious and happy" celery. How pleasant it is for the whole family to sit around and talk happily!


After dinner, the most exciting fireworks activity is coming! "Crack, crack, crack...", "crack, crack, crack...", "crack, crack...", All kinds of firecrackers sounded in front of the door. The incomparably beautiful fireworks bloom in the sky, like the brightest stars in the night sky, like the colorful flowers, short and gorgeous, touching and unforgettable! I want to become a fireworks, magical and beautiful!


Year by year, year by year, and year by year, I also unknowingly grew up a year old! The new year is coming. I hope I can be more independent, brave, strong and confident!

传统节日春节作文800字 篇3


"The New Year is coming! The New Year is coming!" The children all jumped happily, dressed in new clothes, and ran out of the house with red envelopes in their hands. Adults are all beaming with laughter like silver bells reverberating in the air


My father said that when they were young, they always looked forward to the New Year. Because they could eat good things that they could not eat at ordinary times, my grandfather would buy a few pounds of meat from the market, some melon seeds, peanuts, milk sugar, stir fry some dishes on the New Year's Eve, stew a chicken, cut ham, and a whole bottle of Sprite. The whole family gathered around the table and ate happily. It was inexpressibly pleasant and warm. Now the living conditions are good. There is a big table of meat and fish, but no one can eat it. So several of our cousins discussed and played with the custom of our hometown - stealing dumplings. On this day, children will be fully armed to steal other people's dumplings. Even if the family's dumplings are stolen completely, they will not be angry. On the contrary, it means that their families are angry and happy. Today, my sister and I plan to steal my uncle's dumplings.


My sister and I changed into light clothes, wore a pair of soft soled shoes and carried plastic bags. In order not to leave fingerprints, we also specially put on gloves. Yeah, armed! We crept around the path to my uncle's house. About five minutes later, I heard a whistle, which was the secret signal between my cousin and us. We sneaked around the window. Seeing that the living room was really empty, we hurried in. Wow! Too rich! Each dumpling lies quietly on the plate, just like a modern Concubine Yang. She is plump, plump, and has a beautiful face. Wearing a snow-white dressing gown, she lies on her back in a charming manner. My sister and I were dazzled and salivating. We grabbed a lot of dumplings and stuffed them into plastic bags. Our cousin stood guard for us in the outer room. Our sister and we were very busy. We were looking at the empty table. When we were ready to return with a full load, we heard our cousin whistling hurriedly. We looked around in panic and found that there was almost nowhere to hide, so we hid under the Eight Immortals Table.


Uncle and several relatives swaggered in and pretended to be shocked and shouted: "God! Is it the dumpling that has feet? Why is there no dumpling left?" My sister and I looked at each other, covered our mouths and hid in the dark. Uncle listened carefully, and lifted my sister and me out of the table like an eagle catching a chicken, shouting, "Catch the thief! Catch the thief!" My sister and I shook our bodies, yelling and dying. All the relatives burst into laughter


Happy New Year! It's good to steal dumplings! Not only did they steal delicious dumplings, but also they "stole" the warmth and happiness of the family!

传统节日春节作文900字 篇4


In a broad sense, the Spring Festival in Tianjin starts from the 8th Laba Festival on the first day of the lunar month and ends at the beginning of February when Erlong rises. There is a folk saying in Tianjin that "New Year is celebrated until the first month". But in a narrow sense, Tianjin Spring Festival only refers to the New Year's Eve and the first day of the first month.


The Laba Festival is on the eighth day of the lunar month. On this day, every family began to cook Laba porridge, all kinds of beans, rice, dried fruits, brown sugar and white sugar for children. And Laba garlic. Peel garlic, soak it in vinegar, add sugar, and mix well. During the Spring Festival, everyone eats dumplings. When the dumpling is opened, the garlic will be green, adding a delicious flavor to the white fat dumpling.


Adults and children are busy preparing for the Spring Festival. Fu characters, hanging money, lanterns and window decorations are all to be bought (or made by ourselves). The children are more likely to pick and choose in front of the fireworks booth. They can't do without buying a large bag. Finally, adults took the children to buy all kinds of sweets, preserves and dried fruits. We should buy everything we can eat, wear, play and use.


The 23rd day of the lunar month is the new year. The children are eating sweet melons and waiting for it to get dark. After dinner, the adults took the children to set off fireworks. People in the house will not be bothered by the sound of fireworks outside. Those fireworks set off the night beautifully.


On this day, children also eat sweets. There are rectangular and melon shaped sweets sold on the street. These sweets are collectively called "sugar melons", which are children's favorite. They are sticky and sweet when they chew.


There is another legend about the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month:


It is said that there was a god named "Kitchen God", who was appointed by the Jade Emperor as "Kitchen Lord of Jiutian East Kitchen", who was responsible for managing various kitchen fires and was worshipped as a guardian god. Most of the kitchen niches are located in the north or east of the kitchen, with a statue of the kitchen god in the middle. There are no kitchen king niches in the family, and some gods are directly pasted on the wall. Some gods only paint the Kitchen God, while others have men and women. The goddess is called "Kitchen God Grandma". This is probably an imitation of the image of a human couple. Most of the figures of Kitchen God are also printed with the calendar of the year, with words such as "Master of the Kitchen", "God of Human Monitoring", and "Master of a Family" to indicate the position of Kitchen God. The couplet "Heaven promises good things, and the lower bound guarantees peace" is pasted on both sides to bless the whole family.


The Kitchen God has been staying at home since the New Year's Eve last year to protect and supervise the family; On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the Kitchen God will go to heaven to report the family's good deeds or bad deeds to the Jade Emperor of Heaven. The ceremony of sending the Kitchen God is called "sending the kitchen" or "saying goodbye". According to the report of Kitchen God, the Jade Emperor handed over the family's fortune in the new year to Kitchen God. Therefore, the Kitchen God's report is of great interest to the family.


The kitchen is usually delivered at dusk. The family first went to the kitchen, set up the table, offered incense to the Kitchen God in the shrine on the kitchen wall, and offered to make sweet melons with malt sugar and noodles. Then tie the bamboo strips into paper horses and feed livestock fodder. Offering malt candy to Kitchen God is to make him sweet. In some places, he also smeared sugar around the kitchen lord's mouth and said, "Speak more good than bad." This is to put sugar in the mouth of the Kitchen God so that he won't speak ill of him.

传统节日春节作文 篇5


The Spring Festival is a lively and festive traditional festival. The streets are decorated with festive lanterns and Spring Festival couplets with various blessing words. The streets are immersed in the tide of joy. For thousands of years, people have made the celebration of New Year customs very colorful. Every year, from the 23rd day of the lunar calendar to the 30th day of the Lunar New Year, they will have fun cleaning. Every time we Chinese people have dinner with their families on New Year's Eve, they will turn on the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala and watch all kinds of wonderful programs. At the end of the program, we will count down with the hosts to 10, 9, 8. The New Year is coming!


When it comes to the Spring Festival, Chinese people know the story of the New Year. A long time ago, there was a monster called Nian. Its character was very violent. Every New Year's Eve, it would come out from the sea and eat people on the shore. Once a deity came down to earth and told the villagers that Nian was afraid of explosion and red light. From then on, the custom of setting off fireworks and pasting Spring Festival couplets came into being.


As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people. It's necessary to introduce the New Year's dinner in Xingning, Guangdong, our hometown. In general, the New Year's Eve dinner is relatively rich in a year. For example, last year, we ate the New Year's Eve dinner with Grandma, Grandma and Uncle in our hometown. The New Year's dinner in my hometown is not ordinary. Many vegetables are grown by myself, such as sweet potato leaves for frying, balsam pear in fried eggs, corn for frying corn, and white radish for frying radish. Among them, my favorite is fried radish, which is sweet and delicious, sweet but not greasy, but the most important thing is fresh. In addition to vegetarian dishes, meat dishes are also the highlights: white cut chicken (a native chicken raised in the countryside), fried pork, fermented tofu and very fresh fish balls. The soup food also includes: boiled eggs with moxa leaves and fried chicken with niang liquor, which is the most symbolic for Hakka people. It should not be too rich. The serving is enough for a dozen people. The whole family felt that the New Year's meal was more delicious when they saw what I ate.


By the way, I remember that I and my friends in my hometown were the best at setting off fireworks. Setting off firecrackers and fireworks is our favorite. The methods of setting off small firecrackers are endless. Sometimes it is stuck in the crack of the broken wall, sometimes it is stuck in the crack of the soil, and sometimes we will use the color cannon to light other firecrackers or use the color cannon to make a kind of color cannon flint. If it is at night, it will flash at the moment of explosion, which is very interesting and fun. When we set off firecrackers and firecrackers, some of our partners covered their ears, some ran away to other places, some were bold and did not cover their ears or run away. It seemed that they enjoyed listening to the firecrackers and explosions. Some of our partners covered their ears and tried to hide, but they still had to look at them, which was both surprised and happy. In the evening, we will let some bold partners use incense to light the small fireworks of the spray series, and there is a strange sense of decompression when the sparks come out of the triangular cylinder shaped paper bucket. It seems that all the grievances and unhappiness in the heart are sprayed out and disappear into the air. We also asked my uncle to help us light the large fireworks. After the fireworks were lit, everyone would rush out for more than ten or twenty meters to escape and watch the beautiful fireworks fly to the sky one by one, and then burst into pieces, like flying flowers. First, the buds grow and bloom quickly. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! A few more fireworks like grenades were launched into the sky. Bang! Bang! Bang! Burst. We also like traditional firecrackers. The firecrackers wrapped in layers of red paper have a saltpeter core inside. When a bunch of firecrackers are lit, they explode one by one, which is like heaven scattered flowers and snow drifting. When the smoke is gone, my friends and I rush forward, and we will find and light the remaining firecrackers without explosion one by one, without wasting any of them.


In the evening, it is the time to stay up, which means staying up all night and praying that the coming year will be safe. But our duty is to read books and eat some food for the New Year, or to lie on the balcony and look at the night sky, and then go to bed later.


Reunion, tradition, happiness and new hope, together, form the happy Lunar New Year for Hakka people.

传统节日春节作文 篇6


"The sound of firecrackers is a year old, and the spring breeze warms Tusu." Yes, today is the Spring Festival, which is my favorite traditional festival, because the whole family can get together and be lively!


The Spring Festival is also called the New Year. It is said that in ancient times, there was an evil beast called "Nian", who ate people at the turn of the new year and the old year! People are afraid to hide every New Year. At this time, an old man with white hair told people that he had a way! When the 'Nian beast' came out again to catch people, the white headed grandpa asked everyone to wear red clothes, put red paper on the windows, and set off firecrackers together. As expected, the red light and deafening sound of firecrackers scared away the Nian beast, and people finally had a good New Year! On New Year's Eve, everyone pasted red couplets, set off firecrackers, and the lights were bright. Slowly, this custom passed down to become the most solemn traditional festival now The Spring Festival is coming!


This year's Spring Festival, we still go back to Tianjin to spend time with our grandparents as usual! Early in the morning, we all put on new clothes and shoes. Under the "command" of our grandparents, we pasted red couplets on the door, festive window decorations on the window, and filled the tea table with delicious snacks! After the busy work, we began to make dumplings. Eating dumplings is the highlight of the New Year's Eve dinner! The whole family started to work together to make noodles. It was really fun to roll out the skin and mix the filling! By the way, there is another way to make dumplings in our house. We call cutting dumpling fillings "chopping villains" and pinching dumpling skins and saying "sewing villains' mouths". We all have good luck this year!


Ready to make dumplings! Now I'm a little expert at making dumplings. I won't make myself like a little cat in a hurry any more. First, I roll out a half slap skin, then put a spoonful of stuffing on it, gently pinch the skin, and then I can make a small dumpling like gold ingots! My grandparents praised me for my dexterity. I was very happy after hearing this! The process of making dumplings is warm and enjoyable!


At the New Year's dinner, we said auspicious words, ate delicious food and dumplings, and watched the Spring Festival Gala. The sound of firecrackers and colorful fireworks outside the window lit up the whole sky. How beautiful!


I like Spring Festival best. How about you?

传统节日春节作文 篇7


China is a country with a long culture. Even if it is just a small festival, it has a legendary historical story. Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.


The history of the Spring Festival is far away.


The Spring Festival is the most distinctive traditional festival in China. The Chinese people have spent the Spring Festival for more than 4000 years. There are many explanations about the origin of the Spring Festival, but it is generally accepted that the Spring Festival was born during the Yushun period. The Spring Festival generally refers to the first day of the first month, the first day of the year, also known as the lunar year, commonly known as the "New Year"; But in the folk, the traditional Spring Festival refers to the festival from the twelfth lunar month to the nineteenth day of the first lunar month, with New Year's Eve and the first day of the first lunar month as the climax. During the Spring Festival, Chinese Han and many ethnic minorities hold various activities to celebrate.


There are many sources of Spring Festival.


I know three sources of Spring Festival. The first one is popular in the Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province. In order to commemorate Maitreya Buddha, people call this time of the handover of the two Buddhas in early spring "Spring Festival". The second is because of the story of ten thousand years. Later, people also called the Spring Festival "New Year". Every time the New Year is celebrated, a picture of the birthday star is hung in the room to symbolize the new year and add longevity. It is also a way of remembering ten thousand years of great achievements and great virtue. The third one is among the people in Fujian Province, which is the one we are most familiar with. It is said that in ancient times, there was a ferocious monster with a huge body and horns like horns on its head; The eyes are round. It looks like two lanterns. A blood basin with a big mouth can swallow a person. The name of this monster is Nian.


There are many customs about the Spring Festival.


First of all, a few days before the Spring Festival, every family should prepare New Year goods. Some are bought and some are made by themselves, such as rice cakes. The taste varies from place to place. In addition to these, we also need to "sweep the dust", paste Spring Festival couplets, cut window flowers, paste door gods and so on. After that, the day before the Spring Festival is coming. This day is called New Year's Eve, and the night is called New Year's Eve. At this time, we should have a reunion dinner. After eating the dinner, we should stay up, which symbolizes staying up for the New Year. The next day, we are going to celebrate the New Year. On this day, we should get up earlier, and then go to set off firecrackers to welcome the New Year with the sound of beep beep beep. After dinner, we are going to pay New Year's greetings. Children can also get "lucky money" from adults!


As for the culture of the Spring Festival, there are still many things to be said. It can be said that one day and one night are endless. This is the broad and profound Chinese culture, which has a long history