
时间:2022-10-19 13:20:08 | 来源:语文通



五一劳动节作文400字 篇1五一劳动节作文400字 篇2五一劳动节作文300字 篇3五一劳动节作文400字 篇4五一劳动节 篇5五一劳动节作文400字 篇6五一劳动节作文400字 篇7五一劳动节作文400字 篇8五一劳动节作文 篇9

五一劳动节作文400字 篇1


Today is the annual Labor Day. I spent it at school. I thought that the teacher would let us have classes. Who knows God still loves us. Sure enough, the teacher said, "Today is Labor Day, everyone is centered on labor, and our topic is centered on labor. Now you can leave." After that, the students went their separate ways. Some went to the playground to sweep leaves, and some remembered planting trees on campus, I'm not idle, but I don't know what I want to do when I look left and look right? It seems that there is no place for me! It suddenly occurred to me that it would be better to have a thorough cleaning in the bedroom! It is appropriate not only to beautify the dormitory construction, but also to optimize the school style, not to damage the central content of today. Ha ha, it is really a double win!


I was too excited to take action. I immediately informed some friends in my bedroom to go to the bedroom. I threw all the unwanted garbage in the trash can, and then cleaned up my bed. Next, we went to tidy up our shoes and stopped some garbage. We carefully swept them away with our brooms. The room was much cleaner now, but I felt it was not good enough. I asked my friends to sprinkle water on the room, It is clean and convenient to lift the ground in this way. Although it is a little tired, we feel that labor is the most important and we should do it.

五一劳动节作文400字 篇2


One sunny morning, at my suggestion, my family held a guessing game.


The participants are: father, mother, grandfather and grandmother. Of course, the contest host is me.


At half past seven in the evening, everyone sat down and the quiz began.


I took out the competition list and solemnly read aloud: "The first item of the competition: playing music."


Then I turned on the radio. Suddenly, a beautiful song sounded in the room - the theme song of "A Rest of Wisdom". "Second, the official competition." I took out the competition topic from my pocket and began to set it. "Listen carefully. First question: leave tomorrow." "It's a month, isn't it?" No sooner had I finished the question than my father answered. "By the way, give Dad ten cents." As I said this, I wrote a 10 on the temporary scoreboard - the door panel - in the column of my father. "The second is river flow." "That must be an I." Mother was inspired by her father and said confidently. "That's right!" I said. "The third riddle is: one point, one horizontal length, one skim floating in the South, there is a person in the South, only one inch long." Now, we are puzzled. My father lowered his head and pondered; Mother pressed her forehead to meditate; Grandfather kept waving in the palm of his hand, but no one guessed at the end, so I had to tell you the answer was: Fu.


How happy it is to spend a good time with my family under such a beautiful starry sky!

五一劳动节作文300字 篇3


May Day is coming. It's my bad day again. Mother told me again and again: "You should work on Labor Day, and don't make trouble at home."


But I don't take this matter seriously, and play around at home. Mom saw it and cried out, 'Don't make trouble here, sweep the floor for me! "So I casually swept the floor. I waved left and right, and soon told my mother that I had finished sweeping. My mother saw the dust on the floor, and angrily criticized:" You still look like this. You don't pay attention to anything. You'd better wash clothes. "I wondered:" Why do I always do housework? Forget it, forget it. It's just washing clothes. It's OK after washing. " I also carelessly wash it. The clothes are really dirty! Just wash it. I'm really tired!


My mother saw the stains on her clothes were made one by one, and said dejectedly: "You still can't change this bad problem, count. You can play with you!" "Bad problems? Is there any?" I thought over and over again, and suddenly realized that my mother did these jobs every day, and did not cry out. I only did it once for such a long time, and I cried out bitterly. Mom is really hard!

五一劳动节作文400字 篇4


From a distance, which family on the street doesn't have big bags? Does this skew indicate that everyone's living standard and economic development level have gradually improved?


May 1st - a busy day! It seems that the beautiful flowers are blooming for today, as if the warm spring breeze is blowing for today, as if the colorful flag waving in the wind is flying for today... Everything on the big ground is as agreed by my colleagues, and they get together on May 1!


Look at the crowded city square, which is also full of traditional festival atmosphere! Clusters of flowers are colorful and colorful, and the green willows are swaying in the wind, giving full play to their vitality. The sound of electronic salutes is constant, playing a happy concerto in the new era! Taking a deep breath is a refreshing fragrance, and it is also a sweet fragrance that thousands of people have worked hard to obtain.


Everyone wore a smile, and their divine colors were flying. They celebrated the traditional festivals of workers themselves with smiles. Have you seen such a warm interface?


As we all know, in 365 days of the year, the Labor Day only takes up one of these days, but people will always use their own diligent hands to create a better future for everyone. This kind of happiness will not be limited by time!

五一劳动节 篇5


Mother said that May Day is called the Labor Day when we have to work. What should we do? So I decided to help my mother wash the car!


Mom's white car is almost black when it is dirty. I will wash it today.


I took a big bucket and filled it with water. Then I added detergent and dipped the mop with water to clean the front, body, rear and roof of the car. The dust on the car body was removed with the water flow, and the car began to show a little white, but the car was still very dirty.


We changed several buckets of water, up and down, left and left, right and right, wiped the car several times, and finally washed it "white".


In some places, the mop could not be cleaned thoroughly, so they found a duster cloth to carefully wipe and wipe the dead corners of the car, and then washed them with clean water. We also took the car vacuum cleaner to clean up the dirt in the corners of the car. We took out the mat and washed it with a faucet and put it in the sun to enjoy the sunshine. It was very comfortable. The whole car seems to have turned into a white horse after 20 minutes of hard work. It is shiny and beautiful.


But I was too tired to stand up straight. It was May Day!

五一劳动节作文400字 篇6


The May Day holiday was over. My father told me that we were going to go camping in Langzhong Gouxi River Wetland Park today. I was happy to hear that "one jump three feet high". We took the camping equipment and arrived at the Gouxi River Wetland Park after a two-hour drive.


I saw the limpid river flowing slowly, the green trees on both banks, and the fresh air coming to my face. Everyone boarded a small boat and the boat went ahead. Sitting in the bow of the boat, I saw waves rising on the river, many water lilies were in full bloom on the water near the bank, and wild ducks and waterfowl were "walking" in the river, which was relaxing. There are also old cows on the river bank who bow their heads and eat grass... What a beautiful pastoral scenery!


After a while, everyone docked. After choosing a lawn space, everyone took out the camping equipment and started to set up a tent. I followed my father to get busy. Father took out several pieces of sticks, like magic, and quickly connected them into a long stick, which was made into the skeleton of the tent. Then he took out his tent and covered it. Within twenty minutes, a tent was set up. I happily ran to the tent and lay down. It was really comfortable.


After a short rest, all the children went to the riverside to play sand and look for seashells, and ran quickly, chasing


In the evening, everyone took out a lot of food and baked it around the barbecue rack. The smell spread everywhere, making my mouth water


Ah, what a happy day!

五一劳动节作文400字 篇7


Lobster - everyone must have eaten lobster! Today, I will tell you about this happy May Day "lobster miracle"!


This morning, the sun is shining and the spring breeze is warm. The three of us went fishing for lobsters with ropes and pots. On the way, my brother and Lin Ling looked around. I asked them what they were doing? They told me with one voice: "Catch the pheasant and use it as bait."


When we reached a small pond, we stopped. The water in the pond is yellow. Now I have a question in my mind: shouldn't lobster be in the sea? How could it be in this small pond? This is really strange news! The two of them are busy. One day, they bundle pheasants, set off lines, catch shrimps, and then they have to take care of me.


Ha ha, now it's my turn to be a troublemaker! Brother, there is a lobster that has been hooked. I cried out and scared the lobster that just hooked away. The lobsters caught by my brother repeatedly were scared away by my "Lion Roaring Skill". He looked at me and had no choice against me. Who told him that he had such a naughty cousin like me!


Brother, I have defeated you. I want to show Lin Ling my "Lion Roaring Skill" again! Look, there is a lobster hooked, and I sneezed to drive the fat lobster away.


Ha ha, am I good? Finally, they went home dejectedly with the six lobsters that had taken three hours to catch.


This May Day is really happy!

五一劳动节作文400字 篇8

今天,大家一家打扫卫生 。我打扫我们的房间,母亲拿着吸尘器扫地,父亲拖地。

Today, everyone is cleaning. I cleaned our room, my mother swept the floor with a vacuum cleaner, and my father mopped the floor.


My task is to clean the floor of my study and the glass of my living room. With my experience in cleaning the study, I cleaned it in a short time. Then I went to arrange the books in the bookcase. I arranged the books below, but the books on the top were too tall. I was too short to reach them. I asked my father to carry me up. He quickly picked me up. When I reached them, the books on the top were also arranged. However, his father was very tired. He smiled and said, "Li Xiang, you should lose weight. It's too hard to hold you."


After putting the book away, I went to clean the glass in the living room. However, no matter how I cleaned it, the glass kept leaving scratches when it was dry. Finally, I tried to wipe it again with a soft dry rag, but the marks disappeared. My mother praised me as an intelligent child.


Mother sweeps the floor, sweeps out all the dust and fluff from the house, and then uses the vacuum cleaner to suck them all away. The house is so clean that I can roll on the floor.


Father mopped the floor and made tea tables and sofas. Father wiped the floor and tea tables and sofas clean and spotless.


After finishing the work, everyone was very tired. It was too late for lunch, but everyone wanted to fall down and have a good sleep. Although very tired, we were very happy to see our home clean!

五一劳动节作文 篇9


The long-awaited Labor Day has finally arrived. I plan to have a good time on this Labor Day. However, on the first day, I did a very embarrassing thing.


That morning, I got up vaguely and looked at the wall clock: "Oh, no! It's 7:40! I'm late for school!" Without saying a word, I quickly opened the door of the cupboard, pulled out the school uniform, and put it on my leg without looking. Suddenly, I found it was wearing backwards. Oh, it's too late. I rushed to the toilet, washed my face perfunctorily, and came to the room. When I saw that my schoolbag had not been packed, I almost cried. I quickly picked up the bread, went to the kitchen to get a loaf, rushed to the door, suddenly remembered that the Chinese book was still inside, turned back to the room, picked up the Chinese book and left hurriedly


At this time, my mother happened to get up to cook breakfast. Seeing that I was in such a hurry, she asked curiously, "Lu'er, how can I get up so early?" "Still early? It's too late!" I said and trotted. After listening, my mother looked at my schoolbag, holding bread in one hand and a Chinese book in the other. She couldn't help laughing, "Did you forget that today is the May Day holiday? Don't you have to go to school?!" "Hey, I slapped my forehead, and my belly hurt with laughter.


This funny thing added a lot of happiness to my Labor Day, but it seems that reading really made me a bookworm.