高中中秋博饼作文 篇1中秋博饼小学生作文500字 篇2高中中秋博饼作文 篇3中秋节博饼作文 篇4高中中秋博饼作文 篇1
Every Mid -Autumn Festival, friends and relatives of every family are reunited with bloggers, which is a custom of Xiamen.
This is the dice game of six colors. Although it looks simple, it can win a burst of laughter.is not that right?A pancake party held this afternoon in our class, how happy it is!
“叮咚当 叮咚当”随着一阵骰子声,“开始”老师一声令下。我班的博饼大赛就正式开始了 。总共有 5个小组同时进行博饼,每个小组都博得很激烈。大家个个都全神贯注地盯着碗,生怕自己博了状元别人没看见似的。瞧!子豪还边仍下骨子边讲着:“保佑状元来一个”呵呵“谁知上帝不保佑他,还让骰子跳出了碗,停了一次!“唉!我运气怎么这么差”瞧他垂头丧气的样子。不过别灰心还是有机会的。轮到我了,我也暗暗请求上帝给我带来好运气,双手捧着六色骰子,轻轻往碗里一挣, 可惜一个也没博到。博了好几回终于博到二举,呵呵还挺不错的,终于有点收获了。“五子带三”“我是状元”子淇喊到!顿时教室里一片哗然,大家连忙一起鼓掌。“我是?堂”陈老师讲到。大家顾不上继续拍掌,一阵阵掌声和欢呼飘荡在屋子里。
"Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang" followed with a dice, "Starting" the teacher ordered.The Bo Cake Competition in my class officially started.A total of 5 groups were performed at the same time, and each group won very fiercely.All of everyone stared at the bowls, for fear that they would not see the champion.Look!Zihao still spoke while bones: "Bless the champion to come". "Oh," Who knows that God does not bless him, and let the dice jump out of the bowl and stop once! "Oh!Why are I so bad? "Look at his desperate look. But don't be discouraged and have a chance. It's my turn, and I also secretly ask God to bring me good luck, holding six -color dice with both hands, gently go into the bowl with both hands, and gently go into the bowl.I earned, but a unfortunate one has not yet arrived. After several times, I finally blogged to the two., Everyone applauded together. "I am?"Teacher Chen said. Everyone couldn't care about continuing to shoot, with applause and cheers floating in the room.
Although the cake activity is over, the laughter and dice will always stay in our hearts.
中秋博饼小学生作文500字 篇2
Bo cake is a traditional event in southern Fujian. During the Mid -Autumn Festival, the sea bowl with red paint was used, six dice were installed inside, all the dice were grabbed, and then rolled to the bowl.It is one show (showcase), two (rare), Sanhong (exploring flowers), Siyo (Jinshi), pair of champions), champion (champion inserted golden flower), and the prizes based on this, the prize is very attractive ...
Early in the morning, Teacher Ye came to the classroom holding a few sea bowls and some dice. Looking at our surprised gaze, Teacher Ye laughed: "Today, I have to observe the cakes!" "Great!"I can't help shouting.The entire classroom looks more mentally. No classmates read extra -class books. No one talks about the classroom. She watched the cakes attentively, and occasionally coaxed one or twice.
I hope to get to myself and look at the sea bowl on the podium.
When I counted it, I started to be a little fell asleep. I still reminded me of a kind classmate: "Go up, come to you!" I jumped up like a spring and ran to the podium.
I grabbed the dice, and a few dice slipped out of my fingers. I quickly picked it up, shaking the dice, my palms trembled slightly, I closed my eyes and loosened my hands until the sound of the dice hit the sea bowl disappeared, and the sound disappeared.I quietly opened my eyes and looked at the bowl: Second!My eyes were wide, and my mouth seemed to be unsuccessful. If there were so many classmates, I would like to tell the world immediately: my luck is so good!
I took a lot of rubber and looked at the smiley face above. I also laughed and smiled particularly brilliantly.
Bo cakes let me have a close contact with Minnan culture for the first time, and it brings me happiness and satisfaction.
高中中秋博饼作文 篇3
After school in the afternoon, my parents and I went to the company of Uncle Zhong, Quanzhou together. Here I had to engage in an event -Mid -Autumn Festival Cake.
At the company's courtyard, there were 30 tables of banquets in it. Each table was filled with gifts from Boxing. There were shower gels, laundry liquids, tea leaves, tea sets ... It didn't take long for the banquet to see the delicious meals., I gobbled."Ah, it's so delicious!" I called.When waiting for the third dish, the waiter took the bowls and dice used by Boshi cakes. Everyone wanted to get gifts and stood up.
My first shake, there is no gift, so disappointed.Everyone shook up one by one, and it was my turn, I shook it, hey!I shook a small travel daily suit.Everyone will applaud if you get a gift, no?Shake his head and sigh.Mom and dad also got a lot of gifts, and the bag could not be packed.In the end, there were no winners left in the last three prizes.I should shake it again, and an uncle said, "The No. 1 is yours!" My hand was loosened, and the dice was sprinkled. Mom saw: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, to the hall!" II rubbed my ears hard and thought that I heard it wrong. My uncle immediately gave me the card, so happy, too excited!
Although I did not get the champion, I was still very happy. Wu Baiyuan was a small number. It was the biggest money I got. I wanted my mother to exchange the card to deposit money. It must be useful in the future!
The harvest tonight is not small, haha!
中秋节博饼作文 篇4
The footsteps of the Mid -Autumn Festival are gradually approaching. In the class of Thursday afternoon, our class held a fierce blog cake event.In the afternoon, the loved mom and dad walked into the classroom with a large bag of small bags, and the students saw excitement.
Our blogging activities are divided into five groups, each group of ten people.Seeing a variety of gifts, the students couldn't wait to start from themselves, and finally decided to order the order by shaking the points.Along with Ding Ding's dice, Boxing activity kicked off.
In the first round, I played a show, haha, a small gain.I arrived at a pack of small biscuits, and I put it in the bag and was going to take it home to eat it for my sister.After several rounds of battles, wow, "The champion inserts golden flowers, five sons belts ..." The cheers of the students, laughing and laughing, the champion was born!I have also blogged the champion twice, but unfortunately, the point was smaller, so the champion was washed away, but I didn't feel regrets at all, because I knew it was the rules of the game.
This time, I not only received the fun of Bo Cake, but also got a pair of pairs and got a chess.Thank you Teacher, thank you for your hard work.
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