
时间:2022-09-05 13:36:08 | 来源:语文通



Is the door lock? What if the thief is not locked? No, I have to go home to see it.

一下街舞课,我就抓紧时间,快马加鞭地赶回家。到了小区,人不多,我就打起了小念头:“现在骑车技术已经很不错了,单手扶把也很稳了,那就试试双手脱把吧!”我双腿夹紧车把,保持车的平衡,摇头晃脑往前骑。 “嘣”的一声,车子撞在石头上重重地摔在了地上,我一个鲤鱼打挺站了起来,拍拍身上的土,还好没事。“失败是成功之母”。我暗暗鼓励自己,打算再来一次,却发现车子怎么蹬也蹬不动了,只好垂头丧气把车推到楼下,尝试自己修理,可是整了一手黑油也无济于事。

When I got out of the street dance class, I hurried time and hurried home.In the community, there were not many people, so I took a little thought: "Now the riding technology is already very good, and the handle of one hand is also very stable, then try to take off your hands!"Keep your car balance, shake your head and ride forward.With a sound of "嘣", the car collided on the stone and fell heavily on the ground. I stood up with a carp and patted the soil on my body. Fortunately, it was okay."Failure is the mother of success".I secretly encouraged myself and planned to come again, but found that the car couldn't kick and couldn't move, so I had to push the car downstairs and try to repair it myself, but it was nothing to do with the black oil.


There was a smoking uncle standing opposite.Looking at him is amiable, you should be able to help.I hurried over to say to the uncle, "Uncle, you see that my car chain will move, but the wheels will not move. Can you help me see what is going on?"It's. "The uncle said that he threw away the smoke in his hand and agreed quickly.He found two pieces of waste paper, observed it with a closer look, and found the protruding part of the front wheels, pulling left and right, like pulling a large saw, pulling back a little bit, adjusting a little bit, and adjusting a little bit.Generally, "的" sucked back.


Because the mountain car needs to be adjusted, my uncle also helped me check it intimately.The left hand is adjusted, the right hand is rotated with the pedal, and the wrong voice is immediately adjusted immediately. A total of eighteen files, testing again and again, and adjusting it again and again.


The sun is like a fireball. As the uncle's body, the air around is also hot. I stand there without moving.The uncle's face flushed, and the sweat beads on his forehead fell down. On that land, it was just like the rain was just raining.Because of the longer squatting, his legs began to tremble.


A stranger, even I have never seen him, he can do so much for me, and he is irradiated with the sun to repair the car for me; he does not hesitate to repair his car.Suddenly I felt that my uncle's realm was tall."Well, guy, you ride." Uncle panting and let me try it.I rode around, and I tried it again, just like when I bought it.


I took a bottle of drink from the schoolbag and said, "Uncle, you have worked hard." He bowed to him."Raise your hand, you keep drinking yourself." Uncle waved his hand and rejected me.I said goodbye to him, he watched me go away.


When I met such a neighbor, I was really lucky, and happiness was beside me.