
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:14 | 来源:语文通



滴水的故事初中作文 篇1滴水的故事初中作文 篇2滴水的故事初中作文 篇3滴水的故事初中作文 篇4滴水的故事初中作文 篇5滴水的故事初中作文 篇6滴水的故事初中作文 篇7滴水的故事初中作文 篇8滴水的故事初中作文 篇9

滴水的故事初中作文 篇1


I am a drop of water. I live in rivers. Sometimes, I sang and danced with my brothers and sisters. Sometimes, I played hide and seek with fish and shrimp. Sometimes, I ran a race with the boat. When animals came to drink water and people came to ladle water, I would escape mischievously.


One day, I met a good friend before?? Lan Lan, he said, "After I left you, I was taken to water by a farmer. After watering, I slowly turned into steam, came to the air, and turned into rain into the sea. So, I did many things for people. Today, I came home from a distance." I heard that. I also want to make some contributions to people and feel the happiness of making contributions to others. So I swam quickly to see what I could do for people, but I didn't use it after a day of traveling. Suddenly, I saw a woman who was about to carry water by the river. I swam there quickly and was picked up by the woman. Some brothers and sisters and I were carried away in a big bucket.


This is a three story house. The woman put down the bucket, took out the mop, put it into the bucket, and brushed it out. Because of the short time and fast speed, I didn't hold the mop firmly. I couldn't envy watching my brothers and sisters step on the floor one by one. When the woman put the mop into the bucket, I firmly grasped the mop. When the mop was lifted, I lost my center of gravity, released my hand, and fell down again. After many efforts, I was finally lifted out. After dragging the floor, I became dirty. When the woman put the mop into the bucket, I fell down. When the ground was finished, I and the rest of my brothers and sisters were taken out again and fell on the ground beside the tree roots. The tree roots slowly absorbed me. I felt very tired and fell asleep. In a daze, I heard Grandpa Tree's words: "Ah, thank you for being my nourishment." After listening to Grandpa Tree, I smiled

滴水的故事初中作文 篇2


hello everyone! I am a drop of water, a drop of ordinary water.


One day, I was playing with a small fish in the river. When I was enjoying myself, a pair of huge hands held me up. I looked around in my hands and couldn't help admiring: "Wow! The world is so beautiful!" As soon as I finished speaking, I returned home. I told my mother what I saw outside. I was fond of playing. I went to play with Sister Reef. Before I could play enough, I suddenly found that I was getting smaller slowly. I hurried to find my mother and cried, "Mom, you, look at me quickly. Why am I getting smaller?" Mother stroked my head and said softly, "It's Father Sun who wants to take you to play the roller coaster! Because you can't fly, you need to turn into steam and fly to the sky, so you can play!" I looked at my mother's eyes and it seemed strange. At that time, I didn't think much about it. I was looking forward to playing the roller coaster.


When it was my turn, I was happy and a little scared. When I came down, the sky was full of dark clouds. I saw that my warm little home had become turbid, so I quickly changed direction and came to another home. I looked around and found my mother lying in bed with bruises all over her body. As I lay by the bed, I thought of my mother's strange eyes: in fact, my mother knew that my home would be destroyed, so she asked Father Sun to take me to the sky so that I wouldn't get hurt. Mom, I have grown up now and won't let you worry about me. After that, I looked after my mother day and night. Finally, my mother recovered. I hurried to tell Sister Maple the good news. Suddenly, a worker trapped me, my mother and other brothers and sisters in a bucket. We broke the bucket together, and the sun invited us to visit the sky. When we came back, it was winter. We became white snowflakes. Some of the lovely children made us snowmen; Some group us into a ball to have a snowball fight; Others made us into a small snow mountain.


Spring returns to the earth, all things revive, nourish all things, and contribute to their weak strength to make the flowers in the coming year smile more brightly.

滴水的故事初中作文 篇3


Water is the source of life, the foundation of life, and human health can not be separated from water. People can not eat for 3 days, but not drink water for 3 days. Now, there are 2 billion people in the world who are seriously short of water. The crisis of water has sounded an alarm to mankind.


Many people believe that water is inexhaustible and inexhaustible, but this is not the case. Although China is rich in water resources, most of them are sea water. The sea water is salty and can't be drunk. In addition, most of the fresh water is distributed in the cold south and north poles and the mountains with snow all the year round, so there is little fresh water to drink. However, it is not just China. With the rapid growth of the world population, increasing water consumption and increasing water pollution, many freshwater resources that could have been used have been destroyed. At present, 60% of the world is facing water shortage, 20% of the population is difficult to get clean water, and 50% of the population is unable to get sanitary water. Many countries are short of water. In recent years, the United States, Japan and some countries in Eastern Europe have all faced the problem of water shortage. Even Russia and Canada, which are rich in freshwater resources, have also experienced water shortage in some regions.


However, many students still do not know how to save water when they are already short of water or facing water shortage in real life. Some students do not turn off the tap after washing their hands and let the water flow, but they are not distressed at all; Some students often fight with precious water resources for fun; Others poured the leftover water from the bottle onto the ground and then collected it from the water dispenser again, which is a waste of water resources.


"Save every drop of water", we should start from myself and now. When you see the tap dripping, you must go forward to turn off the tap; When you see someone in a big water battle, you must go forward to stop him; You can also use the water after washing vegetables to water the flowers; Use the washed water to mop the floor


Our life is inseparable from water all day long. It is our responsibility to save every drop of water!

滴水的故事初中作文 篇4


Water is the source of life. What if the water is seriously polluted or used up by humans? In the future, if there is such a thing


In the summer camp, we didn't even have a drop of water. The voice was smoking, and we had smoked and washed our faces and feet for several decades. The whole camp was stinking. We couldn't stand the smell of the stink, so we ran to the Yangtze River. When we saw that there were piles of garbage in the water of the Yangtze River. The water was dark, and the stink was worse than the stink in the camp. We ran to the swimming pool again. The swimming pool was dirty and even moss was covered with white garbage. In this environment, we ran to the swimming pool again. We didn't feel like swimming, so we had to walk to the camp. Suddenly, I remembered that we used to waste precious water drop by drop, and some manufacturers discharged wastewater into rivers or sea water without filtering, which caused serious water pollution and soil erosion. Now, isn't there really a drop of clean and clear water?


I was so sad that I couldn't help falling a tear. Ah! I was shocked. This shock made me understand that the last drop of water was "tears".


We went back to the camp dejectedly and lay down in bed to sleep. Suddenly, I saw my family. In the bath, there was always clear water flowing on the ground. But once touching the tap, the water disappeared immediately. I tried to turn the faucet and kept saying, "Water, my water, my water..." At this time, I suddenly woke up. It was a dream.


Man! I beg you, please show mercy, cherish, save and protect the first water! When there is no water or water pollution, people will die of thirst when there is no water, and the ecological balance will be seriously damaged. Please cherish, save and protect this“


The water of life ". Because the last drop of water that humans see is "tears".

滴水的故事初中作文 篇5


My hometown is Tianshan Mountain, where is a pure ice and snow world. It is white everywhere, without any pollution, and it is simply a holy heaven of nature. I yearned for the outside world. Finally, when the global temperature rose by 0.3 ℃ every year, I was forced to bid farewell to my hometown - Tianshan Mountain and began the journey of life.


I flow into the river. My little partner and I rushed forward. But at the moment of jubilation, I suddenly felt that the environment around me began to deteriorate, with thousands of green bugs swimming around me. My skin was itchy and uncomfortable. My partner comforted me and said, "This is a phenomenon." Although I was a little scared, I had to continue to speak with half confidence.


With the acceleration of the water flow, I soon came to my second stop, the lake, with oil all over my body. The lake is as lifeless as a pool of stagnant water, with a disgusting smell. I can't breathe under the pressure of dirty things. I really regret coming to this ghost place.


I had no choice but to drift with the current and finally arrived at the destination - the sea. The oil in my body is decomposed by the salt, and I become a drop of blue sea water. Although this place is not as good as "hometown", I can see that the situation is getting better, and I still feel happy. But slowly I found that the surrounding environment was changing again. Tons of industrial and domestic waste water and garbage hit me again and again, making me regret it. I got sick, began to cough, and suffered from severe emphysema. I yelled, "I want to get out of here."


When I was sleeping, my friend woke me up and said, "You are held up to the sky by the sun! You have become steam!" I am extremely happy and try my best to run to my hometown - Tianshan Mountain. I will never go far away because the pollution there is too serious!


I would like to warn mankind against the revenge of nature. Take a look at your living environment! If the debris flow, the sandstorm, the ozone hole, the drought and flood. If all come, then there may be no animals, no plants, no water and no human beings.

滴水的故事初中作文 篇6


In another parallel universe, the earth is extremely short of water, and the sea is dry and barren. An auction is being held here. A businessman is holding a glass of water at the auction, and finally one person paid five hundred million yuan. Oh, that was the last glass of water in the world!


The earth is called a water globe, so why is water still scarce? Although there are many water resources on the earth, most of them are bitter and salty sea water, which accounts for 97% of the total water volume on the earth. 47%, and the drinkable water accounts for 2% of the world. 53%, but there is still 1. 736% of them are not directly used by human beings, including icebergs and glaciers at the poles, and groundwater, only 0. 0.34% of drinking water can be used for human production and life. Compared with foreign countries, the water conservancy projects in our country have been quite perfect, which makes me proud.


In our life, there is often a waste of water. For example, some people like to scrub their hands all the time. They still scrub their hands after washing, so they waste a lot of water; Some students like playing with water. They wash their hands and throw water at other students, making others wet all over; Some people block the water outlet beside the water dispenser to spray water everywhere; Others drink half water and spray half.


In some areas of Shaanxi, people take baths at most three times a year. Why? Because there is a shortage of water, many people may not have a clean bath all year round. In Qinghai, a group of soldiers drive to deliver water every day. Each person carries about 3 jin of water.


Each of us takes in about 1800ml of water every day. One year we need to take in 657000 ml, or 657 liters. One billion people need 854.1 billion liters, or 854.1 million tons. If everyone saves 0. 0.5 ml of water, 1.3 billion people can save 65000 liters of water.


As the saying goes, "Spring rain is as expensive as oil." I suggest that we not waste water. Will you waste water after reading this article? Take action to make our life better!

滴水的故事初中作文 篇7


If I were a drop of water, I would like to drop in the river of time. Although I will leave with the passage of time, I know I have painted a dazzling light for this colorful world.

假如我是一滴水,我愿做雨后空中凝结成的一颗小水滴,和伙伴们聚集在一起,反射出太阳的光芒,映照出灿烂绚丽的七色彩虹。当一个孩子兴高采烈的说:“彩虹 多美丽时。”我们骄傲,我们自豪,因为彩虹是我们的杰作。虽然我们也明白孩子并不知道是我们这些默默无闻奉献一生的小水滴造出了彩虹婀娜多姿的身影。

If I were a drop of water, I would like to be a small water drop condensed in the sky after the rain. I would gather with my partners to reflect the sun's light and reflect the brilliant rainbow. When a child said happily, "The rainbow is so beautiful." We are proud, we are proud, because the rainbow is our masterpiece. Although we also know that children do not know that it is the little drops of water that we have made a rainbow.

假如我是一滴水,我原成为浓厚云彩中的一颗小水珠,降落在干旱的土地上,滋润一下土地的皮肤,使他来年孕育出更多更好的粮食。而农民脸庞上那朴实的笑容, 则是我们最好的酬劳。我更愿意降落在久旱无雨的缺水地带,看到人们拿着大盆小盆出来接水时,我就会滑落到盆里,给人们带来无限的喜悦。而我呢,也会更加的 自豪。

If I were a drop of water, I would have become a small water drop in a thick cloud, falling on the dry land, moistening the skin of the land, so that it can breed more and better food in the coming year. The simple smile on the farmer's face is our best reward. I prefer to land in a water shortage zone where there is no rain for a long time. When people come out to collect water with large pots and small pots, I will slide into the pots, bringing infinite joy to people. And I will be more proud.

假如我是一滴水,我愿意做自来水的一分子,帮助人们做饭,洗衣服。当一个大汗淋漓的孩子跑过来,用我来解渴时。我会感到我是真正的英雄,有了用武之地了。 但是,我有一个心愿,我希望大家不要任意浪费我。随手关紧水龙头,这其实是一个轻而易举的动作。将我重复用几次,对于你们来说是不费吹灰之力的。

If I were a drop of water, I would like to be a part of the tap water to help people cook and wash clothes. When a sweaty child ran over and used me to quench his thirst. I will feel that I am a real hero and have a place to play. However, I have a wish that everyone should not waste me at will. Turn off the faucet after hand, which is actually an easy action. It is easy for you to reuse me several times.


If I were a drop of water, I would only like to be a drop in the ocean, and I would only like to be an ordinary and precious drop. We can just form a series of nine twists and turns, set off a tremendous wave, and form a magnificent momentum of surging waves. The beautiful and spectacular Hukou Waterfall and the magnificent Three Gorges of the Yangtze River are all built with our bodies and lives.


I can shout to the blue sky: I am great, I am proud, I am proud! Because I am a drop of water. Although I am unknown, I have created miracles and landscapes one after another.

滴水的故事初中作文 篇8


If I were a drop of water, I would call a group of friends to visit the farmer uncle, take away his tiredness, and sow a crystal source of life for his fields.


If I were a drop of water, I would ride my bucket and fly to Africa, which is short of water. Looking at the chapped lips of African people, my clear spring tears fell down one by one. I caught them with a bucket and gave them to the African people, and took away their sad faces and dry lips.


If I were a drop of water, I would go to a deserted garden, which is my hometown. The flowers all withered. I watched them and thought of the happy time when I was a child. I knelt beside the "corpse" and sobbed. Suddenly, a miracle happened. My tears flowed onto their stems. The tears merged with the soil, recalling its original memory. It slowly blossomed, restoring its former beauty and remembering me.


If I were a drop of water, I would go to the desolate desert, find the persistent young man, wash the dust off his face, let me see his face, full of strength and determination, he is so great, and accompany him across the desert.


If I were a drop of water, I would go to the fire station to "work". In each rescue mission, I would fulfill my mission, follow the firefighters to extinguish the fire, and live an extraordinary life in the next adventure of life and death.


If I were a drop of water, I would become a member of the ocean, and I would know more friends, play and play with it. Play tricks on an overbearing shark; Talk to the hermit crab who lives in the conch all the year round; Talk to the mermaid about life on land.


If I were a drop of water, I would go to the Wizard of Oz to help the protagonist defeat the evil witch who is afraid of water, so that the simple and kind Golden Man will no longer suffer, and I will share a better life with them.


If I were a drop of water, I would climb a mountain to clean the wound for the injured climbers, so that they would have less pain and still keep their original intention and forge ahead.


If I were a drop of water, I would

滴水的故事初中作文 篇9


On Tuesday, November 13, a drop of water will disappear from the earth forever. Before it dies, it will recall the past.


In a sunny early spring, a new drop of water was born that is me. I survived in the narrow river firmly. My favorite thing is to play with my friends and run on the slender river. But one day a little boy ran to the river and put his water gun into the river to fill it with water. But in the process of loading water, my grandpa was unfortunately sucked in. Our family were very anxious and wanted to save grandpa, but there was nothing we could do. We just stared at the little boy shooting grandpa into the grass in the hot weather, becoming fertilizer for flowers and plants, and died. This painted my childhood a layer of gloom, and the death of my grandfather is what I am very sad and heartache hate for doing to us. When our family moved to the upper layer of the cloud, we were far away from human aggression, but the cold weather brought us some danger. On the cloud layer, I saw some little friends playing in the river when they were young. They fell from the cloud, and I wanted to pull them. But my mother stopped me and said, "Don't go there, or you will fall." Until one day, a storm blew my parents away from the clouds and fell down. Unfortunately, they died. I hated the unfairness of nature to us. I was also blown down accidentally. When I woke up, I saw a beautiful blue world, and I could not help sighing: "The blue sky made me fall down with the wind, and the blue sea water gave me life. I went to the legendary broad sea. Isn't this the joy of life?" When I first joined here, other drops of water accepted me very much. There was not a piece of garbage on the sea. It was a peaceful scene. I lived in the sea for many years. Sometimes I miss my family and hope they are still alive. Until one day, the horn of the end of life blew for me. Unfortunately, I was swallowed by a fish and would soon be buried in the belly of the fish. There was no chance to resist any more.


When he finished recalling these things, he was already in front of the fish's throat, with a faint smile on his face, and fell into the abyss.