
时间:2022-07-19 13:30:03 | 来源:语文通



"I used to cross the mountains and the ocean, and I have passed the crowds of people." A song once sang like that.Although the mountain is high and the sea is solid, it can not stop everyone's road.Is it possible to change your position?


The classmates of everyone's class collectively did a test: when a group of people's eyes looked at the same place at the same time, others would follow the same area.Although they don't know what they are watching, others still can't help but turn their heads to see. This is the well -known psychology.


If you pass by the vastness of the sea and anyone walks towards the same position, can you follow decisively, or calm down to analyze the interests and disadvantages?One picture explained this problem very well: a group of people walking on the spacious one of Sancha Road, only one person moved to the small one of the Sancha Road.Is it because he lonely and left everyone?No, this is not lonely, just choice.He chose an extraordinary way with the people walking away from the crowd of people.


Qiu Jin, a revolutionary hero, passed by in the middle of "people and mountains".Others laughed at her woman but became straightforward, but she did not play the weak and charming and charming and charming and charming, but she decided to join the revolution and finally made an excellent contribution to the revolution.Galileo also passed from the "crowd of people and people". He resisted the church's popularity at that time, regardless of the damage of others, regardless of the damage of others, regardless of whether others dare not believe it, and persistently and clearly put forward the sun.Now, in fact, he is appropriate.


Everyone also passed from the crowd of people.If you come to a large area of "learning and training are tired" and "no matter how hard work can work", will you attach it together and sink with them?Or do your own choice, work hard and work again?From the middle of the crowd, there are more or less psychology, but should it be blindly followed?Do your own choice, take your own road, and make people only turn into a hurry on the way, then I am afraid that the road you choose is only one Dumu Bridge.


Passing by people to make their own choices, be a real self, let others say it!



1、人山人海:人山人海读音为rén shān rén hǎi,是指人群如山似海。形容人聚集得非常多。 形容汇聚的人极多那粉头是西京来新打踅的行院,色艺双绝,赚得人山人海价看。——《水浒传》人山人海 rén shān rén hǎi词语解释:人群如山似海。形容人聚集得非常多。[huge crowds of people] 形容汇聚的人极多那粉头是西京来新打踅的行院,色艺双绝,赚得人山人海价看。——《水浒传》分词解释:人群:1.成群的人。如:人群渐渐离去。2.指平民、公众。聚集:集合;凑在一起:聚集力量ㄧ聚集资金ㄧ广场上聚集了很多人。非常:①异乎寻常的;特殊的:非常时期ㄧ非常会议。②十分;极:非常光荣ㄧ非常高兴 ㄧ非常努力ㄧ他非常会说话。...人山人海怎么造句,用人山人海造句»

2、路过:路过读音为lù guò,是指1.途中经过。路过 lù guò[pass by (through) a place] 途中经过 他每次路过总要来看望他的老战友 从天津到上海,路过济南路过 lù guò途中经过。 宋 苏辙 《梁山泊见荷花忆吴兴五绝》之四:“花开南北一般红,路过 江 淮 万里通。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九回:“前年进京时,路过 上海 。” 赵树理 《杨老太爷》:“村长问他说:‘你是请假回来看看呀,还是出差路过回来看看?’” ...路过怎么造句,用路过造句»