
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:57 | 来源:语文通



重阳节的作文 篇1重阳节的优秀作文 篇2重阳节 篇3重阳节作文 篇4重阳节 篇5重阳节作文 篇6重阳节作文 篇7

重阳节的作文 篇1


The Jiujiu Double Ninth Festival represents everlasting life, and more importantly, we should respect and love the elderly. For the students to prepare home. The Double Ninth Festival composition 500 words: I hope that the Double Ninth Festival in my hometown will enable children to have a deeper understanding of respect for the elderly.


It is a traditional festival in China that the two suns meet on the ninth day of September, commonly known as the "Double Ninth Festival". As the saying goes, "I miss my relatives every holiday". Every holiday reminds me of my family and friends back home.


I like the Double Ninth Festival best in my hometown. On the day before the Double Ninth Festival, children would make parents or grandmothers cook tung leaf cakes. Fresh wutong leaves are picked from the mountains, washed for use, fried with peanuts, bacon, sausages and other ingredients, mashed with a little wild vegetables, brown sugar, wrapped with flour, kneaded into a shape of glutinous rice cake, wrapped in tung leaves, bundled, steamed or boiled, and then used. It tastes sweet, waxy, soft, fragrant, and unforgettable.


In the past, my hometown was very poor. Tongyeba could only be eaten once or twice during the Spring Festival. And they are mostly made of wild vegetables, few of which contain meat. If any child is lucky enough to eat the tung leaf cake with meat, other children must envy him to death. I remember once on the Double Ninth Festival, Grandma made some tung leaf cakes with wild vegetables and some flour, and left the only one with eggs to me. I held it in my hand. Although I was so greedy, I couldn't bear to finish it in one bite. I was afraid it would be gone next time. I wanted to keep it for a while. However, at this time, the family dog rushed out and took the Tongyeba. I was angry and worried. I chased the dog and beat it. Grandma saw it and scolded the dog while trying to get Tongyeba back. But people can't be faster than dogs. After a while, the dogs will carry the tung leaf cake without a trace. I cried bitterly. Grandma comforted me by saying that she would wrap me another tung leaf cake with eggs, but she could not find any more eggs after searching all corners of the house. On the Double Ninth Festival that year, I sat at the table with tears in my eyes and ate the coarse and hard to swallow potherb cake with adults. I couldn't tell what it was like.


But now it is different. In just over ten years, the face of my hometown has undergone earth shaking changes. When the electricity is on, the night in the mountain village is as bright as day; The road has been built, and the hometown is no longer poor and closed. The villagers' coke is broken because of the power connection! We celebrated the day by beating gongs and drums on the spacious asphalt road. Now on the Double Ninth Festival, there are not only chicken, duck, fish and meat on the table, but also fashionable drinks such as "Pepsi Cola". Tung leaf cake is naturally essential. But now the tung leaf cake is no longer just a kind of potherb that is difficult to chew, but a variety of fillings. It has all kinds of appearances and tastes great.


"I am a stranger in a foreign land". In order to study, I have left my hometown and come to Jishou. But whenever I recite this poem written by Wang Wei, I can't help thinking of the Double Ninth Festival in my hometown, and the memorable Tongye Ba.

重阳节的优秀作文 篇2


"I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every festival." In this crisp autumn season, chrysanthemums in full bloom ushered in the annual Double Ninth Festival on October 19 this year, which is also a traditional Chinese day for the elderly. This day is for the elderly to climb high for leisure, and also for people to carry forward the fine tradition of respecting the old and caring for the young.


My grandmother is a retired teacher. The school congratulated her on this day. It not only arranged wonderful programs and celebration etiquette, but also gave her a beautiful big cake! In the evening, Grandma invited all the family members to have a reunion dinner in the "hometown" and also celebrated the Double Ninth Festival. 18: At around 00, the second uncle, the second aunt, my brother and my family all arrived. Dinner started. Grandma cooked a table of her favorite dishes, including braised chicken, sweet and sour fish, Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, etc...... I was dazzled by the good color, fragrance and taste on the table. My mouth watered. I couldn't help but eat first. While tasting delicious dishes, we talked about the Three Seas Classics from all over the world. How intimate and harmonious they are! Then we raised our glasses to celebrate Grandma's birthday.


After we had enough food and drink, we watched TV programs about the Double Ninth Festival together in the hall. My brother and I couldn't stay idle. In order to make Grandma and Grandma have a happy holiday, we were responsible for beating their backs. After a while, Grandma gathered everyone together again before dinner. Guess what we are going to do? Eat cake! I put the candle on the cake first, my brother turned off the light, and then the second uncle lit a lotus shaped candle in the center, "Pa!", The lotus flower opened wonderfully, and everyone was startled. But then the wonderful birthday song music sounded, and everyone in the family smiled and sang along with the music. Grandma was excited. When the candles blew out, the second uncle and mother cut the big cake into small portions and gave them to everyone to eat. The sweet, creamy and fragrant cake was really attractive! My brother ate three times at a time, and became a real "big cat". Of course, I can't see it any better. Finally, my mother made a bowl of long-lived noodles for Grandma and Grandma respectively. I first wished Grandma and Grandma a happy life. They smiled, so contented, so kind, so happy.


This is the most enjoyable and meaningful Double Ninth Festival for me.

重阳节 篇3


"September 9 is the Double Ninth Festival. Inserting cornel and enjoying chrysanthemums are busy..." We are welcoming the annual Double Ninth Festival again.


Respect the old on the Double Ninth Festival. The day before the Double Ninth Festival, I watched my grandfather busy making dinner in the kitchen. I decided to give my grandfather a gift on the Double Ninth Festival.


I went to the shopping mall, strolled around the tobacco and wine area, and looked at the food area. Finally, I stopped in front of the shelves selling books. There are many kinds of books. I didn't hesitate to choose marine books. Because my grandfather was a navigator before, I think he might like this kind of books. I looked carefully, and some stories were excluded. There were few left. I flip through this and look at that. My heart is tangled. I thought: Will grandpa not like this one? Would it be inappropriate to buy that one? I finally selected a copy of "Undersea Knowledge" after thousands of choices. I held it as if I had got a treasure and walked home with one bound. I thought: Grandpa must like it!


The next day I didn't dare to send gifts. I didn't dare to send gifts to Grandpa when he was cooking for fear that he would delay cooking because he came to accept my gifts; When Grandpa was sorting out his bags, I didn't dare to send them, lest he should forget what he wanted to bring; Even when Grandpa was looking at his mobile phone on the sofa, I didn't dare to give it away, for fear that he might forget what composition had just appeared on his mobile phone because of this incident... Finally, I chose a good time. Grandpa was looking at the blue sky and white clouds on the balcony. I quickly took out the gift from the room and crept to the balcony, thinking, would Grandpa not like it? Is it appropriate for me to send it now? I had just stepped into the balcony. Unexpectedly, Grandpa suddenly turned around and asked me with a smile: "What's wrong?" I was so scared that I put the gift behind me and said seriously, "I want to drink water!" Grandpa said "Hmm" and replied, "Pour it yourself." yeah! I waited for this sentence. I let out a long breath, hid the gift secretly, and returned to the room.


When I was in the room, I thought it would be better to give gifts sincerely. I shouted to the balcony: "Grandpa!" Grandpa went straight to the room, and I smiled and said to him: "Surprise! Happy Double Ninth Festival! A gift for you..." I handed the gift to Grandpa. "Wow, is this a gift from you? This is the book I've been dreaming of, thank you!" Grandfather said, a few tears gradually overflowed from his eyes, "My good granddaughter! My good granddaughter!" He held me high, and a smile opened on my face.


"September 9 is the Double Ninth Festival. Insert cornel and enjoy chrysanthemums." As long as I sing this song, I will never forget to give my grandpa a gift. The small gift conveys my deep respect for my grandpa, and I hope he will always be happy!

重阳节作文 篇4


Mother, I dreamed of you again last night. In my dream, you are young, I am young. I dreamed of you and the spring of that year, and the golden rape fields in spring


In March, in the fertile land of my hometown, large areas of rape flowers bloom brightly and warmly. You often hear about the beautiful rape flowers in the village, so you want me to take you to the rape fields to have a look.


On that day, you were leaning on a bamboo stick. I took your hand and led you to the rape field silently. Bathed in the warm spring breeze, you have been intoxicated by the fragrance of rape flowers before we reached the field. On the way, you were breathing with your mouth full, and you could not stop saying that the rape flowers were really fragrant, really fragrant!


Bend down at the edge of the rape flower field. When you gently approach the rape flower with your nose, I see that you are deeply smelling, tasting, and happily intoxicated. It seems that you want to absorb all the fragrance of flowers into your heart and store the beauty of spring in your imagination in another way. Touch the strings of rape flowers gently with your hand. When you ask me what color they are, I tell you that the rape flowers are golden. I know that in your world, there are no flowers or sunshine. You don't know what color golden yellow is. The eternal black covers you thickly, and your world is heavier and darker than the vast night.

我牵着您的手,在油菜花的田边静静地走。美丽斑斓的蝴蝶,在我们的周围翩翩起舞。蜜蜂的嗡嗡声,在我们的耳边忽远忽近)作文迷●www..cn(。我看见,您把我采撷给您的几朵油菜花放在自己的嘴里静静地品咂着。我知道,面对着金黄的油菜花,您是用心在看,用手在看,用耳朵在看,用嘴巴在看啊! 您比我的眼睛更真切地看到了春天,看到了阳光和花朵。

I take your hand and walk quietly beside the rape field. Beautiful and colorful butterflies dance around us. The buzzing sound of bees is far and near in our ears) Composition fan ● WWW.. CN (. I saw that you put some rape flowers I picked for you in your mouth and tasted them quietly. I know that you are watching with your heart, hands, ears and mouth when facing the golden rape flowers! You see the spring more vividly than my eyes, and see the sunshine and flowers.


At noon, I put a bunch of rape flowers on your temples and take you home with your bamboo stick. Butterflies and bees follow you enthusiastically. From the expression on your face, I understand your heart illuminated by the sunshine like rape flowers. Looking at the rape flowers inserted in your head, I feel that you are more beautiful than all the flowers in my eyes.


Now, it is March again, and the rape flowers in my hometown are in bloom again. Mother, I often dream of you recently. When I dream of you, I will call you in my heart. In this season, the scent of rape flowers you smell is my distant call and yearning for you. Ah! Mother, do you smell the fragrance of rape flowers? My calling and missing are flying in the warm wind, more mellow than birds' songs and more fragrant than flowers.

重阳节 篇5


The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a traditional festival in China, the Double Ninth Festival. In the ancient Book of Changes, "nine" is the number of yang, and "nine nine" is the same number of yang, so it is called "double yang". There are many customs of the Double Ninth Festival, such as climbing high to pray for blessings, autumn outing to appreciate chrysanthemums, wearing cornel, thanksgiving and respect for the elderly... Last year's Double Ninth Festival was unforgettable to me.


Before the Double Ninth Festival, the folk music teacher asked us to make preparations. The school would take us to the nursing home to perform for our grandparents. As soon as I finished my homework in the evening, I took out my beloved erhu and practiced the music I wanted to perform carefully. While pulling the erhu, I thought: On the day of the performance, I must play my best. Finally, the Double Ninth Festival came, and we went to the nursing home under the guidance of our teacher.


When I entered the nursing home, I was shocked. I thought the nursing home would be as big and luxurious as the hospital, but it was not what I imagined. It's just a simple two storey building, where many elderly grandparents live. The elderly who are not able to move are arranged to live on the first floor, while the others live on the second floor. Grandparents smiled when they saw us.


A big red banner was hung in the nursing home to welcome our arrival. The staff put their seats in order in advance, leaving a large space for us to act as a stage. Grandparents were placed in the corresponding positions, and a wonderful folk music performance was about to begin. Under the direction of the teacher of Full Score Composition Network, we performed Erhu "Horse Race" and "Golden Snake Dance" for our grandparents, as well as other students' various instrument performances. Finally, we played "My Motherland and I" together. Grandparents watched with great interest. Some followed the beat, some shook their heads, and some kept applauding. We are very proud of those smiling faces. After the performance, we took out the prepared fruit and gave it to the grandparents in the nursing home. A grandpa broke a banana, handed it to me, and said, "You too, little friend!" I quickly waved my hand, smiled and said, "Grandpa, no need. I have them at home. These are for you to eat." I saw some grandparents turn around and put them in their bags. Seeing this scene, I thought to myself: If more people care about their grandparents, they will be happier.


When I got home in the evening, I told my parents the story that happened in the nursing home. My mother hugged me and whispered to me, "The Double Ninth Festival is also called the Old People's Day, which is to show our gratitude and respect for the elderly. Today's event you are participating in is very meaningful, inheriting the traditional virtue of respecting and loving the elderly of the Chinese nation. My mother gives you a big compliment!" Dad nodded his head in praise. I thought to myself: In the future, I will put respect for the elderly into action, respect the elders at home, care for the elderly in society, and let the flowers of respect for the elderly bloom in the branches of gratitude!

重阳节作文 篇6


Today is the Double Ninth Festival. I didn't go hiking because I was ill yesterday, so I had to video chat with my relatives in bed to greet them about their recent health. As for enjoying chrysanthemum, I had to use a cup of light chrysanthemum tea instead.


This morning, the warm sunshine sprinkled on the quilt, looking warm. Lying in bed, I got up, dressed, and prepared to go downstairs to see the scenery. After all, I could not go too far after recovering from a serious illness. Walking on the path paved with stone in the garden, looking at the peaceful lake and the chrysanthemums in the bushes, I felt very happy. Looking at the sky in the distance, I was full of thoughts and concerns for my relatives in the distance, hoping everything was OK.

重阳节作文 篇7


The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional festival for us. In this festival, it's autumn. It's bright and cool. We can climb mountains, enjoy chrysanthemums, eat crabs, celebrate the Elderly's Day, and so on.


But the reason why I love this festival most is that it is still my birthday, so my nickname is Jiujiu. Every year on this day, my father and mother will buy me a big and beautiful cake. Grandma cooked my favorite food for me. Grandpa will buy me a birthday present. The birthday I remember most was last year. That time we went to Hangzhou, which happened to be the fireworks festival. We ate cake while watching fireworks by the river. Fireworks are beautiful. Some are like chrysanthemums, some are like meteor showers, and some are like twinkling stars.


I have been with my uncle several times. His nickname is Chongyang. You must have guessed his birthday! Every birthday, my parents told me to respect the elderly and care about them as sensible children. I love the Double Ninth Festival because it is not only my birthday but also the holiday of grandparents.