
时间:2022-11-26 12:57:15 | 来源:语文通






Association, imagination, symbolization (expressing one's aspirations by objects), comparison, contrast, setting off, contrast, contrast, contrast, setting off, seeing the big from the small, expressing one's feelings by means of scenery (blending feelings with scenes), foreshadowing and foreshadowing, echoing back and forth (echoing), direct (indirect) description, and promotion and suppression (desire to promote first, desire to suppress first). The functions are as follows:


1. Symbolism (expressing one's will based on objects): expressing one's feelings through chanting objects, and often expressing the author's feelings tactfully and tortuously with the help of some specific characteristics of plants, animals, objects, etc.


Function: First of all, it represents abstract things as concrete and perceptible images. Secondly, it can make the article more subtle, and use the things in front of you to express profound meaning.


2. Set off: set off the noumenon from the front and the back with his body. Function: highlight the noumenon ×× features.


3. Contrast: To compare two opposite things or two opposite aspects of a thing.


Function: Distinctly highlighting the main things or aspects of things ×× features.


4. Lying by scenery: express the author's sincere thoughts and feelings by describing specific and vivid natural scenes or life scenes.


Function: Make the article poetic and picturesque.


5. First suppress and then promote: first deny or belittle the image of things, then deeply explore the characteristics and internal meaning of things, and then affirm and praise things. Function: It highlights the characteristics of things (people).


6. Profile (indirect) description: the profile reflects the character's ×× Character, character and skills make the structure of the article more concentrated and compact, and the expression more concise and concise.


The combination of direct and indirect description methods can make the characters or scenes described more distinctive and prominent.


7. Foreshadowing and foreshadowing: function: the content is consistent with each other, and the plot fits perfectly.


8. Note: Narrative: make the article integrated, with a strong sense of integrity, and highlight the theme.

  议论文:强化××论点。 散文:反复地抒发××情感,增加情感的深度。

Dissertation: strengthening ×× Argument. Prose: repeated expression ×× Emotion, increase the depth of emotion.


9. Association: The psychological process of thinking from one thing to another.


Function: enrich the content of the article, make the characters fuller, the character more distinctive, and the plot more vivid and moving.


10. Imagination: The psychological process of creating a new image on the basis of the original perceptual image.


Function: Serve for shaping image and expressing theme. Make readers accept the cultivation of beauty.


Writing techniques refer to all the techniques for writing a poem to make it good. It can have many aspects, such as rhetoric, expression, and expression techniques.



1. Narration


Describe the process of occurrence, development and change of characters' experiences or events.


"The tower boat crosses the Guazhou in the snow at night, and the iron horse leaves the pass in the autumn wind" (Lu You's book indignation)


Write a memorable story about his coming to the front line of the Anti Jin War in narrative form.




The specific description and portrayal of people, events and environments with vivid and vivid language


"The moon and the river are only a few feet away, and the wind lamp is lighting the night. The heron in the sand is silent with its fists, and the fish in the stern are rattling" (Du Fu's Man Cheng Yi)


The poem starts from the shadow of the moon in the water. It vividly describes that egrets bend their bodies and stay quietly on the beach under the moonlight. The big fish at the stern of the boat leaps out of the water and makes a sound of pulling out their spines, which forms a quiet beauty on the river.


2. Discussion


Opinions on the quality, right and wrong, value, characteristics and functions of people and things


"It's not that chrysanthemums are favored among flowers, but this flower is even more flowerless" (Yuan Zhen's Chrysanthemum)


These are the last two sentences of the poem, pointing out the reasons for liking chrysanthemums and praising the steadfast character of chrysanthemums after experiencing wind and frost.


3. Lyricism


It expresses the author's strong subjective feelings such as love and hate, likes and dislikes, likes and dislikes, likes and dislikes, and loves music. There are direct lyric and indirect lyric.


"In the morning, when we start to levy the Holy Land, we will mourn our hometown. The sound of chickens in Maodian and the moon, the traces of people on the bridge and frost. The mistletoe leaves fall down the mountain road, and the Zhihuaming Posthouse Wall. Because of the dream of Du Lingmeng, the flying geese return to the pond full." (Wen Tingyun's Early Trip to Shangshan)


In the first couplet, the sentence starts with the time, event and environment, which reflect each other and express the hardship of the passengers and the poet's feelings directly. Compared with "hometown", "guest travel" naturally generates a word of "sadness".



1. Metaphor


Compare one thing or situation to another. It can be divided into simile, metaphor and metonymy. It has the function of highlighting the characteristics of things and visualizing abstract things.


"Looking at the landscape of Dongting, there is a green snail in the silver plate" (Liu Yuxi's "Looking at Dongting")


The poem skillfully compares the "snail" with the mountain under the bright moon and silver light as the green snail in the silver plate. The color is elegant and the landscape is integrated.


2. Substitution


Borrow relevant things to replace the things to be expressed. Metonymy can be used to represent the whole, concrete instead of abstract, and characteristics instead of people. The use of metonymy makes the language concise and implicit.


"Do you know, do you know? It should be green, fat, red and thin" (Li Qingzhao's "Like a Dream")


In the poem, two colors, "green" and "red", are used to replace leaves and flowers respectively, describing the flourishing of leaves and the withering of flowers.


3. Exaggeration


Describe the image, feature, function, degree, etc. of things in an expanded or reduced way. It plays a more prominent and distinct role in expressing things.


"Three thousand zhang of white hair, like a long sorrow" (Li Bai's "Autumn Puge")


Sorrow gives birth to white hair. The poet used exaggeration to write that the white hair was as long as "three thousand zhang", which shows the depth of melancholy.


4. Duality


Use a pair of sentences or phrases with the same structure and number of words to express two relative or similar meanings. In terms of form, the language is concise, neat and symmetrical; In terms of content, the meaning is concentrated and implicit.


"The endless trees are falling and the Yangtze River is rolling" (Du Fu, Climbing High)


From the perspective of textual structure, this poem is composed of four couplets and eight sentences, all of which are in perfect harmony. "Boundless falling trees" and "endless Yangtze River" make the artistic conception of the poem broad and far-reaching, and the sound of falling leaves "Xiao Xiao" makes people feel more magnificent to the "rolling" water. More importantly, from here, I can feel the pain of the poet's youth and ambition.


5. Comparisons


The description of things as people is called personification, or the description of people as things is called mimesis. It has the function of promoting readers to associate and making the people, things and things described more vivid.


"Frost birds steal their eyes before they want to go down. Butterflies know that they are dead" (Lin Bu's Little Plum in the Mountain Garden)


This couplet uses personification. "Stealing eyes first" is a great description of the white crane's love for plum blossoms. Before it can fly off, it can't wait to peek at plum blossoms first; The word "He Duan Soul" describes that Pink Butterfly died because of her love for Mei De, exaggerating her love for Mei De to the extreme.


6. Ranking


Say several sentences or phrases with closely related content, the same or similar structure and the same tone one after another.


"The withered vine, the old tree, the crow, the small bridge, the flowing water and the family, the setting sun, the westerly wind, the thin horse" (Ma Zhiyuan's "Tian Jing Sha")


Pure noun combination to form a typical environment


7. Asking questions


Ask questions first, and then express your opinions. The introduction of questions drives the whole article. Questions are set in the middle, connecting the preceding and the following, and questions are set at the end to deepen the theme, which is memorable.


"Who is the hero in the world? There is a wine near the river, and Cao Gong is written horizontally." (Yuanqu Xiaoling, written by Aruwe)


It starts with a question, points out the theme, and leads the following to describe the heroic achievements of the characters of the three countries at different levels.


8. Interrogation


Express definite meaning in the form of questions. Used to strengthen tone and express strong feelings.


"Although the disciples of Jiangdong are here today, are they willing to collect earth for the king?" (Wang Anshi's "The Wujiang Pavilion")


The use of rhetorical questions in a cold tone emphasizes the inevitability of history.


9. Rising


Xing is to say something else first in order to arouse the chanted words,

  “锦瑟无端五十弦,一弦一柱思华年”( 李商隐的《锦瑟》)

"The brocade has no reason but fifty strings, and each string is a column for the Chinese year" (Li Shangyin's "The Brocade")


In the first couplet, a musical instrument named "Chinese New Year" was used to make the first couplet.


Expression method:


10。 Allusion


There are two ways to use allusions and quotations from previous poems. It refers to the use of historical stories to express the author's thoughts and feelings, including the position and attitude towards some problems in real life, personal feelings and wishes, etc., which belongs to the use of ancient words to express feelings.


The purpose of quoting or using predecessors' poems is to deepen the artistic conception in poems and promote people to associate with each other and look for meaning beyond words.

  “想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎”(辛弃疾《永遇乐 京口北固亭怀古》)

"When I was young, I could fight like a horse and swallow like a tiger" (Xin Qiji, "Remembering the Past in Beigu Pavilion at Lejingkou Forever")


"The spring breeze is ten miles away, and the shepherd's purse and wheat are green" (Slow in Yangzhou, Jiang Kui)


In addition to recalling the author's experience 43 years ago, this word is all about using things. Liu Yu's heroic spirit in the Northern Expedition against the enemy was described as "like a tiger in a thousand miles". By praising Liu Yu, the author satirizes the shameless act of the Southern Song Dynasty's peace lords to humiliate and seek peace, showing the author's anti Jin proposition and determination to restore the Central Plains.


"Spring Wind Ten Miles" refers to Du Mu's poem, which shows the prosperity of Yangzhou's ten mile long street in the past; "All shepherd's purse and wheat are green" is a true description of the bleak situation seen by the poet today. These two contrasting pictures express the poet's feelings of prosperity in the past and decline in the present.


11。 association


Connect one thing to another related to it, or connect similar features of things to form a model.


"The jasper is made up to be a tree high, and thousands of green silk tapers hang down. I don't know who cut the fine leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors." (He Zhizhang's Ode to the Willows)


The poet thinks of the green ribbon from the drooping willow branches, and uses clever metaphors to create a new image with romantic color, which changes the symbolic meaning of willow expressing separation.


12。 imagine


The thinking process in which people create new ideas based on existing materials and ideas through association, inference, analysis and synthesis.


"The lake is in harmony with the autumn moon. There is no wind mirror on the surface of the lake. Looking at the landscape of Dongting from a distance, there is a green snail in the silver plate." (Liu Yuxi's "Looking at the Dongting Court")


This poem chooses the perspective of moonlit night, and through imaginative description, the scenery of Dongting Lake and Mountain is reproduced on paper with originality.


13。 selective focus


It refers to the reality of the scene, things and imagine the scene, things set off each other, intertwined together to express the same emotion.


The cicada is chilly, and the night before the Changting Pavilion, the rain has just stopped. Drink in Dumen's tent without thread, and the Lan boat in the place of nostalgia hastens. Holding hands and looking at the tears, there was no words to coagulate the pharynx (Liu Yong's "The Raining Bell")


In addition to "Read to go to thousands of miles of smoke waves, and the evening mist is deep and clear", the last film is about the real situation in front of us. The writer and the beloved can't bear to part but have to feel different. It is a real story; The next piece is about the vision of life after parting, which is a virtual description of the poet's lonely mood. The combination of falsehood and reality vividly describes the reluctance to part.

  14.衬托 或烘托

14. Set off or foil


It refers to using Party B to support Party A, so as to make the characteristics or characteristics of Party A more prominent. There are positive and negative linings.

  “大江东去,浪淘尽、千古风流人物。故垒西边,人道是、三国周郎赤壁。”(苏轼《念奴娇 • 赤壁怀古》)

"The river is going to the east, the waves are gone, the heroes of the ages are gone. To the west of the old stronghold, humanity is, the Three Kingdoms Zhou Lang Chibi." (Su Shi, "Chanting Nujiao, Remembering the Past in Red Cliff")


"Tonight, I can only look at the moon in Fuzhou. I pity my children from afar, but I don't know how to live in Chang'an. The fragrant clouds and servant girls are wet, and the jade arms are cold. When to lean on the false mask, and look at the tears dry. (Du Fu's Moonlight Night)


The character to be portrayed in this poem is Zhou Yu, but it starts from "heroes of the ages", which leads to "many heroes" during the Battle of Chibi, and finally focuses on Zhou Yu alone, highlighting Zhou Yu's main position in the author's mind.


The beauty of his wife written in the jaw and neck couplets sets off the poet's melancholy and painful mood.


15. Rendering


Describe the environment and scenery in many aspects to highlight the image and enhance the artistic effect.


"The wind is strong and the apes howl and mourn in the sky, and the white birds fly back from the sand on the clear shore", (Du Fu, Climbing High)


In the first couplet, six close-up shots were taken to highlight the characteristics of Qiujiang scenery.


16. Symbolism


The concepts, thoughts and feelings that are similar or similar to them are expressed through specific images that are easy to cause association.


"The green mountains seem to want people to live in, and hundreds of turns are surrounded by the county city" (Li Deyu's "Climbing the Cliff City")


These two sentences describe the green mountains surrounded by mountains and mountains, and the county and city where I am located are tightly blocked. It symbolizes the situation of being persecuted by political enemies, and writes the sadness of not thinking back.


17. Comparison


Compare two different things or situations with each other.


"Gou Jian, the king of Yue, broke Wu Gui, and the soldiers returned home in fine clothes. The palace maids were full of flowers, but only partridges were flying today." (Li Bai's View of the Ancient Times in Yuezhong)


The first three sentences describe the past prosperity and the last one describes today's desolation, forming a strong contrast, which makes readers feel particularly deep, and contains the poet's deep historical thinking.


18. Inhibition


Speak out the negative aspect to be belittled and the positive aspect at the same time, and highlight only one aspect to achieve the purpose of suppressing this and promoting the other. There are two types: first promote and then suppress, and first suppress and then promote.


"The young lady in her boudoir has no worries. In spring, she went up to the tall building with makeup. Suddenly, she saw the willow color on the street. She regretted teaching her husband to find a marquis." (Wang Changling's Grievance)


This poem uses the technique of "promoting first and suppressing later". It first describes the young woman's "ignorance of sorrow", and then says she "regrets". Through the description of the subtle changes in young women's emotions, it deeply expresses the sentimental and sad feelings of young women caused by touching the scene, and highlights the theme of "boudoir resentment".


19. Care


It refers to the necessary answer to the previous writing in the poem. Proper application of this method makes the structure compact and rigorous.


In the drizzle of Chu River, Jianye is at dusk. The desert sails are heavy, but the nether birds are late. (Wei Yingwu's "Give Li Zhou the Evening Rain")


The first two lines of the couplet write that the poet stands by the drizzly river at dusk, which points out the word "rain at dusk" in the poem title, as well as the word "send" in the poem title.


20. Dynamic and static


The dynamic and static description of things and scenery forms a kind of interest.

  沙头宿鸟联拳静,船尾跳鱼拔剌鸣。 (杜甫《漫成一首》)

The birds in the sand are still with their fists, and the fish in the stern are singing. (Du Fu's Man Cheng Yi)


The "movement" of the fish jump in the fourth sentence sets off the "stillness" of the first three scenes.


21. Front and side description


The direct and positive description of the object is positive description; Describe the things around the object, so that the object is more distinctive and prominent is the side description.


"A tree has thousands of spring wind branches, which are tender than gold and soft than silk. In the wasteland at the west corner of Yongfeng, no one belongs to him all day long." (Bai Juyi's "Yang Liu Zhi Ci"


"The desert is dusty and the sun is faint, and the red flag is half rolled out of the shaft. The former army fought in Taohe River at night, and has reported to capture Tuyuhun alive." (Wang Changling, "Follow the Army")


The first and second sentences of Bai's poem describe the beautiful shape of willows in spring by means of positive description.


The second sentence of Wang's poem describes the war situation in a lateral way. On the one hand, the poem has a great momentum, which makes it easy to roll up the red flag for quick march. On the other hand, the poem is highly alert and does not make public, highlighting the tense state of the war.


22. Express one's mind


Lying on the spot, expressing the poet's philosophical thoughts in the face of natural scenes.


"The day is close to the mountain, and the Yellow River flows into the sea. If you want to look a thousand miles away, you can go even further." (Wang Zhihuan, Climbing the Stork Tower)


The first two sentences describe the scenery, and the last two sentences directly express the feelings generated in such an environment. The natural situation, broad weather and the poet's philosophical ideas in front of this scene are integrated.


23. Lying by scenery (blending feelings with scenery)


The thoughts and feelings that the poet wants to express are not a word in front of him. They are completely embedded in the natural scene in front of him and express his feelings through the natural scenery.


"A lone sail casts its shadow in the blue sky, and only the Yangtze River flows across the sky" (Li Bai, "The Yellow Crane Tower sends Meng Haoran to Guangling")


The figure of the old man became more and more distant, and finally disappeared completely. The rolling river was like a constant yearning for friends.


24. Express one's will by asking for things


On the basis of tracing things to the best of their ability, they blend into the author's feelings and express the author's will.


"A tree has thousands of spring wind branches, which are tender than gold and soft than silk. Nobody belongs to him in the wasteland of Yongfeng West Garden all day long." (Bai Juyi's "Yang Liu Zhi Ci")


It expresses one's ambition to express the sense that talents are buried.


25. Image


Image is the thing in the poem that has cast the author's thoughts and feelings.

  “缺月挂疏桐,漏断人初静。谁见幽人独往来?飘渺孤鸿影。 惊起却回头,有恨无人省,寂寞沙洲冷。”(苏轼的《卜算子 黄州定慧院寓居作》)

"When the moon is short, the trees will be scattered, and people will be quiet for the first time. Who can see the lonely people coming and going alone? The ethereal lonely swan shadow. When I start up, I will turn back. I hate nobody, and the lonely sandbar is cold." (Su Shi's "Bu Operator's Residence in Huangzhou Dinghui Academy")

"When the moon is short, the trees will be scattered, and people will be quiet for the first time. Who can see the lonely people coming and going alone? The ethereal lonely swan shadow. When I start up, I will turn back. I hate nobody, and the lonely sandbar is cold." (Su Shi's "Bu Operator's Residence in Huangzhou Dinghui Academy")

  词中“缺月” 、“疏桐”、“幽人”、“孤鸿”、“寒枝”等就是意象。

In the words, "lacking the moon", "sparse tung trees", "quiet people", "solitary swan", "cold branches" and so on are the images.


26. Artistic Conception


Through rich imagination, the author combines his thoughts and feelings with the life picture of his works to form an artistic realm. This is the integration of the poet's subjective feelings, feelings, understanding and understanding of life, the external appearance and characteristics of objective things, and the internal meaning.

  “缺月挂疏桐,漏断人初静。谁见幽人独往来?飘渺孤鸿影。 惊起却回头,有恨无人省,寂寞沙洲冷。”(苏轼的《卜算子 黄州定慧院寓居作》)

"When the moon is short, the trees will be scattered, and people will be quiet for the first time. Who can see the lonely people coming and going alone? The ethereal lonely swan shadow. When I start up, I will turn back. I hate nobody, and the lonely sandbar is cold." (Su Shi's "Bu Operator's Residence in Huangzhou Dinghui Academy")

"When the moon is short, the trees will be scattered, and people will be quiet for the first time. Who can see the lonely people coming and going alone? The ethereal lonely swan shadow. When I start up, I will turn back. I hate nobody, and the lonely sandbar is cold." (Su Shi's "Bu Operator's Residence in Huangzhou Dinghui Academy")

  如上例的意象与“独”、“缥缈”、“恨”、“寂寞”、“冷” 等词的感情色彩和“拣尽寒枝不肯栖”这个具有象征意味的诗句结合起来构成了孤独、凄凉的气氛,但诗人的心念却非常坚定,表达的是作者孤高自赏,不与愿与世俗同流的生活态度。

For example, the image of the above example combined with the emotional color of words such as "alone", "ethereal", "hate", "lonely", "cold" and the symbolic poem of "choosing all the cold branches and refusing to live" to form a lonely and desolate atmosphere, but the poet's mind was very firm, expressing the author's lonely and self-centered attitude towards life and not willing to go with the secular world.



The writing techniques, expression techniques and other topics in the article are the topics that we often lose points in reading and writing. The main reason is that students do not know what is the writing technique and what is the expression method, so they feel they have no way to start when doing the topic. Now I list all kinds of writing techniques and expression techniques below. The role of writing and expression techniques is also attached for your reference.