
时间:2022-08-11 13:24:52 | 来源:语文通



Today, my mother, my aunt, three, came to Guhua Park to play.


As soon as I entered the gate of the park, there was a fresh and sweet autumn breeze blowing. It felt like a mother's kiss, sweet, cool and moist.There is a refreshing sweet -scented osmanthus fragrance in the park. I took a deep breath, so fresh! When I walked in, I saw a kid who was laughing and playing, the old man who turned the crutch, and the youthful strength.youth.


I ran in front of you cheerfully, and I saw the lush woods, colorful flowers, and the blue sky in front of me.We walked on the curved Jiuqu Bridge, some tourists sat in the pavilion to rest, and some people watching the fish in the lake. The fish in the river jumped in the water and played in the water.In the river, the little fish went around all at once, rushing to grab the bait.The people on the lake were leisurely scratching the boat, the willow of the lake surged down, and the green trees reflected. I couldn't help grabbing the camera hanging around the neck.Little photographer.


We then came to the playground again. We lined up and waited for the bumper car. It was my turn. I ran forward excitedly, took a car, and tied the seat belt. Today I am a mother's driver,We have fun.Then we came to the place where the boat was playing. After boarding the boat, I was at the helm, my mother and my aunt sat behind, and this time I was a little sailor again.The boat started on the lake. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery of nature. I was thinking that the earth is really beautiful. We must love nature and protect the environment.Decide to start from small things, protect the environment, and love our earth.


The time of happiness is always fast, and we have ended a day of play.Going home, watching the beautiful scenery in the camera, I feel that it is so beautiful.



1、公园:公园读音为gōng yuán,是指供公众游览休息的园林。公园 gōng yuán词语解释:供公众游览休息的园林。(1) [park](2) 古代官家的园林(任诚王澄)表减公园之地,以给无业贫口。——《魏书.景穆十二王.任城王传》(3) 城市或市镇经管作为风景区,供公众游憩用的一片土地北海公园森林公园分词解释:公众:社会上大多数的人;大众:公众领袖ㄧ公众利益。园林:种有花草树木,筑有亭阁台榭,凿有水池,堆有假山,供人游览休憩的场所。中国古典园林萌芽于秦汉,宋代以后成熟。按隶属关系一般分为皇家园林、私家园林、寺观园林三大类。休息:暂停体力劳动或脑力劳动或其他活动,以恢复精力。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...公园怎么造句,用公园造句»

2、古华:古华读音为gǔ huá,是指古华(1942- )作家。湖南嘉禾人。当过农业工人、技术员。1975年任郴州地区歌舞团创作员。后任中国作协湖南分会副主席。著有长篇小说《芙蓉镇》、中篇小说《相思女子客店》、中短篇小说集《爬满青藤的木屋》等。古华 gǔ huá 词语解释:古华(1942- )作家。湖南嘉禾人。当过农业工人、技术员。1975年任郴州地区歌舞团创作员。后任中国作协湖南分会副主席。著有长篇小说《芙蓉镇》、中篇小说《相思女子客店》、中短篇小说集《爬满青藤的木屋》等。分词解释:创作:1.亦作“剏作”。 2.制造,建造。 3.始创。 4.特指文艺创作或文艺作品。长篇小说:篇幅长的小说。它常常通过较多的人物和错综复杂的情节﹐反映一定历史时期社会生活的面貌和矛盾冲突。后任:在原来担任某项职务的人去职后继任这个职务的人。技术员:技术人员的职称之一,在工程师的指导下,能够完成一定技术任务的技术人员。作家:1.治家,理家。 2.节俭。犹言做人家。 3.从事文学创作有成就的人。 4.佛教禅宗对善用机锋者之称。 5.行家;高手。...