When we explored the world for the first time, I found that my mother was a dandelion and a lot of my siblings.I understand that I will grow into a dandelion in the future, so I am very happy.Therefore, I diligently draw the nutritional ingredients produced by my mother.One day, my mother said to me, "One day in the future, you have to leave me and gradually your own travel." I look forward to the coming of the residential area of this day and rush to a beautiful and flower -scented area.
Hope, hope, the day I hope will finally come. That's a cool day. In the afternoon, my mother said to me deeply: "Now, you are going to leave me, I can't maintain you anymore. There are many difficulties on the road in the future. Remember? "I replied happily:" Yes, I remember. "Later, Uncle Feng hugged me where I didn't know where to send me. I go to that dense area with a happy emotions. After a long time, for a long time, I fell in the stone seam of a hillside. Suddenly, I was lost. I felt that the place I longed for was very happy, and it was actually lying in the gap between the black stones. How do I get a lot of nutrients in that natural environment. The surroundings are all dark and my eyes are wet. I don't know what to do below. I regret not to leave my mother. Think, think, I suddenly thought that my mother said to me. Yes, no matter how difficult it is encountered, you must not give up. This is what I agree with my mother. Therefore, I am full of self -confidence, and I firmly believe that I can better live in daily life. In the following days, I devoted himself to himself and absorbed a lot of nutrients. However, another difficulty quietly reaches me to me. When we must have a lot of nutrients when we sprout, I don’t know what to cover my forward road. I look for it. A "big stone". But I am not afraid of difficulties. Water can pass the stone through, but why is it not good? I firmly believe that I can. Every day I still persistently, and finally the heavenly worried, the "big stone" accidentally defeated. I broke the cocoon. But when I see the world time, I need to bear the fierceness of the mountain wind every day. On rainy days, I want to get wet from precipitation; sunny days, I want to get warm from the sun. I have done hard work, and I have become a white dandelion. I have the pain and hardships I have been for many days, in order to better this time today. I am far away from joy, joy I became a dandelion, and joy was not knocked down by difficulties. I always struggled with joy and did not give up.
Every day below, the breeze family stroked me, the sun's house was shining in me, and my sister and sister nourished me.Every day is very happy. I understand that there will be income if you have investment. This income will definitely have a pleasure.
1、蒲公英:蒲公英读音为pú gōng yīng,是指又称“黄花地丁”。双子叶植物,菊科。多年生草本。植株中有白色乳汁。叶倒披针形。秋季开黄花。果实成熟时像白色绒球,能随风飞扬。全草可入药,能清热解毒。 多年生草本植物( Tarax acum mongolicum ),全株含白浆,叶丛生,花黄色,果实褐色,上带白色软毛,可顺风飘散,全草供药用,能清热、解毒蒲公英 pú gōng yīng词语解释:又称“黄花地丁”。双子叶植物,菊科。多年生草本。植株中有白色乳汁。叶倒披针形。秋季开黄花。果实成熟时像白色绒球,能随风飞扬。全草可入药,能清热解毒。[dandelion] 多年生草本植物( Tarax acum mongolicum ),全株含白浆,叶丛生,花黄色,果实褐色,上带白色软毛,可顺风飘散,全草供药用,能清热、解毒分词解释:乳汁:由乳腺分泌出来的白色液体,不透明,含有丰富的营养物质。通称奶。多年生:能连续生活多年的,如乔木、灌木等木本植物和蒲公英、车前等草本植物。黄花:①指菊花。②(黄花儿)金针菜的通称。③指没有经过性交的(青年男女):黄花后生 ㄧ黄花女儿。植株:包括根﹑茎﹑叶等部分的成长的植物体。...蒲公英怎么造句,用蒲公英造句»
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