
时间:2022-08-29 13:25:09 | 来源:语文通



During the summer vacation, experienced adventure enthusiasts Ye Bai, and the timid and timid Ai Xiaomin and me.We intend to go to a sea of sea to explore, and we took the equipment to start a yacht.


After we opened it for a while, the sea was suddenly windy on the sea, and the electric flashes were thunderous. Immediately, there was a heavy rain in the sky.


When I opened my eyes, I wanted to call them quickly, and they opened our eyes. We found that we were on the shore of an island. The sky was getting dark, and I said, "Let's find a place to spend the night!"I found a place to sleep.


The next day we found giant mushrooms when we explored the island. Xiaomin said, "You see a iron box here." Maybe because of the age, the iron box has been rusty.There is a yellowish paper, which says "The pinnacle of the cliff, under the crossbar", I am surprised to say, "This should be a treasure!" Ye Bai said, "What is it?"Seeing that this island had only one mountain, it went there.


As soon as we walked at the foot of the mountain, we had no food. We had been walking for three days when we walked to the foot of the mountain. We were all mud. We couldn't give up for so long.We accelerated.


It was dark, we were tired and hungry. At this time, Xiaomin, who was attentive, found a kind of fruit. As soon as he was about to eat, Ye Bai said, "Wait, let me see." After Ye Bai repeatedly confirmed, we dared to eatNot to mention, the sweet and sour is pretty delicious, and we rest after eating and drinking.


After another four days, we reached the top of the mountain. I thought: The "peak of the cliff" in front corresponds to the "crossed branches"?As soon as I thought, a wolf with such a big face appeared in front of us, and Xiaomin was so scared to hide behind us.At this time, the wolf spurs launched an attack and tangled with us for more than ten minutes.We were exhausted. At this time, the wolf spider jumped up, we hid beside him, and the wolf spider fell off the cliff.


Just as I was thinking about "under the crossbar", I lowered my head and saw the two crossed trees set by the little stone. I suddenly realized and said, "The cross tree is here, here!"The big iron box, opened the golden glittering gold, we were extremely excited.After putting the box into the backpack, we went down the mountain.


I met a group of wolves when we arrived on the shore, and we had to spend the night on the tree.


The next day we woke up and found a ship returning to China. We quickly took out a signal gun on the shore. The people on the boat found that we continued to wave on the shore and we were rescued.


The adventure journey was thrilling and exciting, but I never wanted to come for a second time.