
时间:2022-07-22 13:25:24 | 来源:语文通



Today, the Starlight Ceremony of Pan'an-Medicine Fair, the medicine, bustling, car water, very prosperous.


There are many variety shows in the opening meeting, each with its own characteristics.The music fountain on the city square also blooms beautiful flowers, and the huge red balloon has also risen to heaven for this solemn celebration.There is no banner on the intersection of Chengjiao Street, and the streets are also sweet and delicious on the street.


However, when you see it first to hear the fragrance or belong to the Chinese medicinal materials.Before I came to the hall, there was a scent of medicine.After entering the lobby, there are many medicines, more people, and aroma exudes.On the second floor of the elevator, there are all kinds of Chinese medicine paving, some of which are from Yunnan Province, and some are from Ningbo City. In short, each has its own uniqueness.On the third floor, you will have a sense of pride surrounded by Shi Xiang and Yaoxiang.After the shooting and visiting exhibition, there are many small things that do not pay attention to the shooting or art painting by the "styling artist", and you will feel very beautiful.The art of calligraphy is also amazing. The grass that passes through is extremely beloved. The "Oracle text" like painting is also bright, and it looks so powerful and powerful.


Getting rid of the hall, not only seeing the autumn scenery in the distance, but also the rockery flowing nowadays, don't have a taste.For a while, a different fragrance came from nearby, and my partner and I walked with the fragrance.There are some specialty snacks such as grilled lamb, fried stinky tofu, chicken chop, and Guangdong intestine powder. Neither our two small cats do not know where to taste one by one.


There are special foods, and naturally there are performances!Everyone go all the way, play all the way, reward all the way, and keep this happy beautiful scenery in their hearts."I heard that there was a Pig Bajie's performance, let's take a look!" Everyone rushed to go, but was attracted by a moving scene in the middle.That is a group of angels who have not been nostalgic for the Creator. Even if they are helpless, they also have self -esteem.


My partner and I have been walking around. In the end, everyone went to the theater to find everyone to sit out, appreciate everyone's historic drama, dancing the group on the stands, and hearing the endless and long song.


One day came out, passers -by on the street never went, and the bustling scenery gradually faded away with the deep night. I only hope that the daily medicine town is so carnish!



1、交会:交会读音为jiāo huì,是指会合;相交:郑州是京广、陇海两条铁路的交会点。交会 jiāo huì词语解释:会合;相交:郑州是京广、陇海两条铁路的交会点。(1) [meet](2) 指交通路线交叉三条铁路在此交会(3) 对开的车辆相遇(4) [copulate]∶指交媾分词解释:铁路:也称“铁道”。供火车行驶的交通线路。由路基、道床、轨枕和钢轨构成,包括沿线的桥梁、隧道和各种辅助设施。世界上最早的铁路于1825年在英国建成。中国第一条标准轨铁道是1881年筑成的唐胥铁路(唐山至胥各庄,今京沈铁路的一段)。会合:聚集到一起:两军会合后继续前进 ㄧ黄浦江在吴淞口与长江会合。郑州:河南省省会。位于河南省中部,临黄河,在京汉、陇海铁路交汇处,市区面积1000平方公里,人口197万。为交通枢纽,黄淮平原物资集散地,中国新兴的棉纺工业基地。相交:1.相交往;结交。 2.相接,交战。 3.相好;好友。 4.交叉。...交会怎么造句,用交会造句»