
时间:2022-06-24 14:26:34 | 来源:语文通



The vine in my memory is surrounded by honey peaks and overflowing with fragrance.The sun reflects my unrestrained childhood through fallen leaves.That's my happy and short childhood.




Under the gray of the concubine, the flowers and birds were once my childhood.My sister and I often play lightly under the vine.I often bring us up the mountain to pick pine fat, go fishing in the reservoir, pick up radish in the field, and cool down under the vine.Therefore, my sister and I have a strong friendship and true feelings.Everyone has been intimate.In the kindergarten, everyone is one year apart, so I have been reluctant to separate. I always thought I could catch up with her, but I was helpless.Even sometimes, I can ask her to hide secretly, do not go to school, want to avoid it, but I have been arrested.


Xixia Xia


The sister was playing with the best of the tree, unrestrained, and felt that this summer didn't look at it, as if everyone's childhood would never be completed.On the midsummer night, I lay a fan on a casual lounge chair. My sister and I counted the stars aside. The idealization of the following was described. In the midsummer night, everyone was really ideal.The eyes are the vast vast stars.The midsummer, cicada sounding, fine wind, blowing away the irritability of the day, producing the freshness of the summer.It seems that this summer does not look at it, but I don't know, it is the last side.


Autumn · separation


At the edge of summer, the temperature has gradually become cold, and everyone has long changed from the innocent child to a young tender.And the cold and the summer, the vine remained unchanged.It makes people feel that the disappearance of years seems to have forgotten the vine, but I have never forgotten everyone.The time changes, brought some items, and what are the remaining?During the autumn, the fallen leaves fell down and sprinkled on the wide road.The mother -in -law has been growing old. The mother -in -law who made us feel extremely tall and big before was so thin and thin, as if it was vulnerable.Time, it has been unable to stop its hurried steps, which has been overwhelmed.


Cold · Delivery


In the cold winds, many elderly people could not resist the death of the cold, but the mother -in -law could not resist the severe cold. Following the pace of the industry in the same industry, they suddenly died.The sudden death of my mother -in -law made us feel at a loss. The mother cried and dull. The mother said, "Mom's mother died, because I will never know my mother again!"Go up the mountain to pick pine fat, go fishing in the reservoir, pick up the radish in the field ... The mother -in -law left, the mother -in -law who loved us left, waiting for everyone's childhood mother -in -law to leave.The severe cold, the leaves of Portuguese are zero, and there are no other ancients.


Children's vine, the yellow leaves fell down, and were completed as a child.In this article, I will take out my unrestrained childhood-Tail Ji



1、中的:中的读音为zhòng dì,是指1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。中的 zhōng de词典解释:1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。分词解释:中肯:《庄子.养生主》:“技经肯綮之未尝,而况大軱乎?”肯,着骨之肉;綮,筋骨结合处。肯綮为肢体紧要之处,后即以“中肯”指言论击中要害或恰到好处:你说的话很中肯|其言甚中肯,余深赞之。靶心:靶子的中心。目的:想要达到或希望得到的预期地点或结果:他说这话的目的是想提醒大家别忘了以前同学时的友谊。达到:1.到达。 2.达成;得到。多指抽象事物或程度。切当:贴切恰当。...中的怎么造句,用中的造句»

2、葡萄:葡萄读音为pú táo,是指多年生落叶藤本植物。叶子掌状分裂,开黄绿色小花。果实也叫“葡萄”,成串,味酸甜,多汁,可生食、制干、酿酒,是一种普通的水果。葡萄 pú tao词语解释:多年生落叶藤本植物。叶子掌状分裂,开黄绿色小花。果实也叫“葡萄”,成串,味酸甜,多汁,可生食、制干、酿酒,是一种普通的水果。分词解释:水果:供食用的含水分较多的植物果实的统称。为家庭或待客常用的果品。如梨﹑桃﹑苹果等。分裂:①整体的事物分开:细胞分裂。②使整体的事物分开:分裂组织。生食:1.未经煮熟的食物。 2.未煮或未煮熟而食。酸甜:1.酸味和甜味;又酸又甜。 2.元散曲家贯云石(号酸斋)与徐再思(号甜斋)的并称。两人齐名,后人合辑所作,称《酸甜乐府》。...葡萄怎么造句,用葡萄造句»

3、记忆:记忆读音为jì yì,是指①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。记忆 jì yì词语解释:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。分词解释:记忆犹新:犹:还。过去的事,至今印象还非常清楚,就象刚才发生的一样。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。过去:时间词,现在以前的时期(区别于‘现在、将来’):过去的工作只不过像万里长征走完了第一步。有些:1.有一些。表示数量不多。 2.犹有的。表示其中的一部分。 3.略微﹐稍微。...记忆怎么造句,用记忆造句»