
时间:2022-10-31 13:03:57 | 来源:语文通



初中语文作文教学思考的优秀论文 篇1初中语文作文教学论文 篇2初中语文作文教学思考的优秀论文 篇3初中语文作文教学思考的优秀论文 篇4初中语文作文教学论文 篇5初中语文作文教学论文 篇6初中语文作文教学论文 篇7初中语文作文教学论文 篇8初中语文作文教学论文 篇9

初中语文作文教学思考的优秀论文 篇1


1、 Guide students into social life


Social life is rich and colorful. Teachers should actively cultivate students' habit of thinking hard and observing more, so as to comprehensively improve students' writing level. At ordinary times, teachers can organize students to actively enter the social life, enter the nature, and feel the beauty of life in society and nature. For example, in spring, teachers can organize students to walk in the fields, carefully observe flowers, pear orchards, and wheat fields, and learn to describe spring in their own words, so that students can draw pictures of spring. When cultivating students' habit of observing things, teachers should guide students not only to limit themselves to the surface of things, but also to grasp the characteristics and highlights of things. For example, when observing the grass in winter, most students will only see the messy leaves and the withered and yellow appearance of the grass. At this time, teachers should actively guide students, so that students can associate the appearance of the grass with the buried roots, and then associate the roots with their silent dedication and tenacious vitality. The same is true when describing the characters. The good hearts of the characters can often be more effectively set off against the ordinary appearance. Therefore, teachers should actively organize students to observe the busy streets and tall factories, so that they can grasp their own characteristics in the process of constantly contacting people and things, and record them at any time, which naturally can effectively improve students' writing level.


2、 Choose flexible and diverse teaching methods


If teachers adopt a single teaching method, students will lose interest in learning composition writing. Therefore, teachers must make full use of flexible and diverse teaching methods, so as to exercise students' thinking ability, adaptability and participation ability in an all-round and multi angle way, so that students can constantly improve their composition writing level with high enthusiasm. For example, teachers can break the boundaries of the class, enable students to organize composition interest groups based on students' interests, and make full use of the time of two classes every Friday afternoon, so that students can actively discuss various problems encountered in composition writing. In this free discussion time, teachers must ensure that they do not use exam oriented education to restrain them, and they should fully stimulate students' interest in learning. At the same time, when designing the teaching content of each lesson, teachers must constantly update and actively adopt new teaching methods to stimulate students' creative inspiration. In the composition activity class, teachers should encourage students to speak out, and let students actively discuss and speak about an event or a topic, so as to effectively enhance students' ability of composition speculation. Teachers can also use multimedia to play some feature films, so that students can talk about the plot after watching them and tell their feelings. At the same time, they can also select students' excellent works for music recitation, which can effectively stimulate students' interest in composition writing and enable students to actively participate in composition writing. Through this teaching method, students can not only appreciate each other's excellent works, but also learn from each other and promote each other. Training students' writing ability in a lively teaching environment is bound to achieve twice the result with half the effort.


3、 Conclusion


The fundamental purpose of cultivating students' writing ability is to cultivate students' innovative ability and spirit. Therefore, teachers must pay full attention to the teaching of junior middle school Chinese composition, actively expand students' imagination in the specific teaching process, exercise students' thinking ability, effectively cultivate students' good habits of being good at observation and being diligent in observation, and enable students to actively participate in social activities, Get more experience, so as to have rich and colorful writing materials, which can ultimately improve students' writing ability comprehensively and ensure the effectiveness of composition teaching in junior high school.

初中语文作文教学论文 篇2


In the compositions of many junior high school students, we can hardly feel the unique spirituality and vitality of young people, see the sensitive feelings and rich imagination, read the flexible language and unique expression, and their compositions have lost their individuality. The so-called personality is a student's inherent and relatively fixed personality formed under the influence of certain social conditions, family conditions and education. Students can conceive ideas through their own way of thinking in their compositions, and can reflect their own personality from the content and language expression of the articles. I think this is a personalized composition. How to guide students to write their own personalized compositions? The author makes some preliminary discussions here.


1、 Encourage students to express their thoughts bravely and stimulate their writing emotions


Nowadays, students generally have a fear of difficulty in writing compositions, believing that compositions are difficult to write and have nothing to write. Therefore, at the beginning of teaching, students should be encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings bravely, express their inner emotional world bravely, and regard teachers as the objects of pouring out their thoughts, so as to ignite students' enthusiasm for writing. Teachers should follow the principle of encouragement and praise, pay attention to finding students' slight progress and individual advantages, and stimulate students' interest and confidence in writing. An equal platform for ideological and emotional communication should be established between teachers and students. Teachers should give students the opportunity to reveal their feelings, and at the same time, they should respect and care for their feelings. They should give timely guidance, comfort or communication to various psychological obstacles reflected in their exercises to promote the formation of students' healthy personality. They should not always act as judges with a straight face and beat students to death. A bold student once proposed in the composition class: "Can I write about love?" I immediately gave a positive answer and gave guidance. In this composition, several students poured out their concerns through the article.


The famous Austrian novelist Kafka said: "What is writing? Writing is to open up everything in your heart until you can no longer open it. Writing is to be absolutely frank, without any concealment, that is, to pour your whole body and mind into it." Mr. Lv Shuxiang also said: "For composition, we can first ask for real content, less' formula 'and less nonsense." The New Chinese Curriculum Standard also has a clear goal for the writing of middle school students: "Writing should be sincere, and strive to express their unique feelings and real experiences of nature, society and life." Writing is a kind of inner release, emotional catharsis, but also a kind of self-expression. Every author hopes that what he writes can be recognized and appreciated by others, and so do students. They are eager to get the teacher's attention and love for their homework. Therefore, if teachers show great interest in reading students' compositions, and give sincere and pertinent comments on their compositions, and the comments are permeated with their true feelings, it will be more effective than if you use thousands of words to emphasize the importance of writing to students. When writing comments, it is necessary to find out the writing advantages in the students' articles by all means, praise them vigorously, and then point out the shortcomings in a deliberative or hopeful tone, so that students can not only feel their own success, but also be aware of their own shortcomings, and promote students to constantly improve their writing level.


2、 Only by reading and observing life can you write brilliantly


Whether the composition has personality or not, the key is whether the thought has personality. On the basis of encouraging students to read literary masterpieces and books, students should also be encouraged and guided to carry out thematic reading. Every writer has his own world outlook, unique understanding of the world, his own unique writing perspective, and his own language style. Thematic reading can take writers as special topics, or writing styles, language styles, etc. as special topics to guide students to read and summarize, so that they can know different writers, different writing styles, understand the world from different angles, and organize and systematize scattered literary knowledge, thus forming their own world outlook and writing personality.


Students find it difficult to write because they are far away from life and lack of life accumulation. Mr. Ye Shengtao once said, "The root of writing lies in life. Without life, writing is impossible." (Ye Shengtao's Collection of Chinese Education): The loss of the source of composition has led to the proliferation of compositions that are divorced from reality and moan about nothing. American educator Coresnik said: "The extension of Chinese learning is equal to the extension of life." Chinese comes from life, and life is full of Chinese classrooms. Reading life is to feel and experience life with heart. Among them, life observation is one of the important means to absorb the source of life and obtain composition materials. "For our eyes, there is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of discovery." The New Chinese Curriculum Standard also requires students to "observe life from multiple perspectives, discover the richness of life, capture the characteristics of things, and strive for creative expression." Teachers should guide students to observe more natural and social phenomena in daily life, record every point of feeling and experience, and make sure that they have a plan in mind to write brilliantly.


3、 Open your mind, show your personality, and encourage you to write free articles


The New Curriculum Standard of Chinese - "Reduce the restrictions on students' writing and encourage free expression and creative expression". In recent years, due to the one-sided pursuit of the results of the secondary school entrance examination, the composition teaching has gone into the error zone of "what to test and what to teach". The examinees have fabricated many compositions with "one face all" and basically the same writing mode, which is disappointing.


How can we avoid similar situations? First of all, it is necessary to break the stereotype and let students' minds fly. Breaking the set refers to breaking the content and thinking set of students. When some students mentioned good deeds, they immediately responded that they would give up their seats in the car and return the money they had found; When it comes to maternal love, it means sending an umbrella or carrying me to the hospital in the rain; Writing a narrative is a syllogism of "beginning - process - result"; Writing argumentative papers is the "total - minute - total" model. This lack of originality reflects the students' lack of life accumulation and personality. To solve these problems, we must pay attention to guiding students to do a good job in their daily life accumulation. In the composition class, there should be less "technical guidance", try to release students' minds, encourage students to write what I want to write, and write what I want to write, that is, more free essays. Let students write the spirit of freedom with free pen and ink, show their individual potential, and create opportunities for students to express themselves. At the same time, treat the students' creativity well, so that they have a sense of psychological security and success in writing. If students write their own colorful thoughts, their compositions will have their own personality.


In my composition class teaching, I often encourage students to "write what I want to write, write what I want to write", express their true feelings, and express their life experience. Give students a free space to talk about their feelings, and provide each student with a platform to freely and fully display their personality. You can specify the scope of writing, or you can set your own topic and write what you think can be written, regardless of content and style. In class, students often hear "Teacher, can I not write this topic?" The sound of. Because of the lack of many restrictions, students' exercises are various, and there are often wonderful works. As long as there are bright ideas, I will praise them.


Secondly, let language show personality. Language is the direct expression of life experience. As long as it belongs to the living language of individual life, it naturally flashes the color of personality. Cultivating students to have their own language is also a display of personality. The use of language varies from person to person due to their social environment, personal culture, personality characteristics, hobbies, etc. Therefore, we should advocate the diversification of language styles. Teachers can combine thematic reading, let students find their favorite language style according to their own characteristics, and form their own language through learning.


"Every student is a vivid picture". As teachers, we should respect students' personality differences and their life experience. Let students' hearts fly, let their personality fly, and create a broad and free space for their growth.




[1] The new curriculum standard of Chinese. Beijing Normal University Press.


[2] Ye Shengtao. Ye Shengtao's Collection of Chinese Education. Education Science Press.

初中语文作文教学思考的优秀论文 篇3


1、 The Teaching of Chinese Composition in Junior Middle School


(1) Arrange in order and pave "curved path"


When teaching Chinese composition in junior middle school, we should pay attention to the order of teaching practice. At the beginning of junior middle school teaching, teachers should make a composition teaching plan for three academic years according to teaching requirements, and then make a term composition teaching plan for each academic year. Specifically, the teaching plan can be made according to the theme, style and students' psychological development stage. In this way, build a composition exercise sequence. For example, for seventh grade students, the focus is to stimulate their imagination, so students should be encouraged to think freely and write freely. In terms of topic selection, it can be arranged from multiple perspectives, so that students can have the opportunity to think about different topics; For the eighth grade students, the focus should be on standardized writing, and they should begin to teach students several writing methods of main styles in a planned way, and comment on their advantages and disadvantages; For ninth grade students, they can return to free writing. At this time, free writing is different from the freedom of seventh grade students. Its purpose is to let students express their personality and ideas with the composition skills and methods they have learned. The role of teachers is to make students write better. Of course, in junior high school Chinese composition teaching, there is such a time arrangement, but also a strong operational teaching methods. For example, let each student have a growth record bag to collect and comment on each composition handed in by students. For example, in the first month of writing, students can already understand the meaning of the composition. In the second month of writing, the article has started to write around the center, and can highlight the central idea that students need to express. This kind of growth record is conducive to students' summary and review, and also constitutes a level training of writing. Students can better pave every "winding path" brick of "secluded" in their clear requirements and sequential writing.


(2) Emphasize personality, praise more, and be able to "pass through"


The traditional mode of junior middle school Chinese composition writing is that the teacher gives a topic and asks students to write a composition in one class. In the second class, the teacher will comment on the composition that has been completed well and criticize those that have not performed well. In this process, the students who write well do not get the teacher's "pen of light" in essence, because the teacher will not say how to write better, but basically just say where the article is good, which sentence is good. However, students who do not perform well, when they see that other students write well and are praised, they only have one or half bad comments on their articles. Students can not find ways to improve their composition level from the comments, but only know that they write poorly. In the long run, students will acquiesce in their poor writing, and even begin to get tired of learning composition. Of course, from the perspective of teaching, the correction and evaluation of compositions are teachers' patents. In terms of cultivating students' writing ability, students should be encouraged to check, taste and improve themselves. However, in the composition teaching at this stage, this link is generally skipped. Once the composition is handed in and the teacher has corrected it, the conclusion is basically reached. In essence, all famous writers make their own changes after writing, and only after several changes can others comment on them. Based on this, if students want to better express their thoughts and personality in their compositions and improve their language application ability, they can not lose the link of students' self-assessment. Then, after students' self-evaluation, teachers can make corrections. Teachers' comments are based on students' self-evaluation. Therefore, we can ignore the basic situations of wrong words, characters, and sentences. We only need to pay attention to what kind of method students use to express a sentence, and whether there is a better way to express it. Teachers can know students' own ideas and questions about this article through students' self-evaluation. At this time, teachers answer students' questions invisibly when correcting, and communicate with students. This kind of correction is more humanistic than the traditional teacher correction, and can also let students understand the shortcomings of composition writing more before making improvements. In this process, students will get self expression and learn how to "pass through" imperceptibly.


2、 Concluding remarks


In general, the teaching of Chinese composition in junior middle school is a long-term process of infiltration. Teachers should encourage students and give them more opportunities to express themselves, so as to arouse students' interest in the composition world, and then take the initiative to learn.

初中语文作文教学思考的优秀论文 篇4


1、 On the teaching method of composition teaching for chinese teachers


1. Focus on sequence and grasp the goal as a whole


The teaching of Chinese composition should follow the sequence, make clear the different goals and requirements at different stages, and better improve the quality of work teaching. Therefore, Chinese teachers should start from the whole, and make a teaching plan for the composition of the semester or learning period. For example, in the first day of junior high, students' free writing is the theme. In the second day of junior high, teachers should standardize students' writing methods and propose corresponding operating methods. In the third day of junior high, students' independent writing is the main body. Teachers should formulate a series of goals to promote students' better development. You can also take the form of growth records. For example, students' compositions in the first month conform to the theme, and their compositions in the second month have a central idea. In a word, Chinese teachers should formulate clear tasks and put forward appropriate requirements so that students can truly feel the joy of writing through their efforts.


2. Stimulate students' interest in writing


Students' interests and hobbies are the biggest driving force to promote students' composition progress. The so-called interest is the best teacher to learn. Once students have an interest in composition, it is easy to form the best learning state. Teachers should pay attention to cultivating and stimulating students' interests in their daily teaching. The following aspects can be considered:


① Topic design. Composition topics that can resonate with students can often stimulate the students' interest in writing in junior high school Chinese composition teaching. Teachers can design writable and novel composition topics to stimulate students' desire to express.


② Emotional arousal. Teachers should be good at rendering composition scenes before composition, give students a certain emotional influence, and stimulate students' writing desire with emotion.


③ Use situations or objects to stimulate students' writing desire. These two points are similar to the second point. They both use specific content to cooperate with the guidance of teachers and create writing space for students.


3. Guide students to pay attention to daily accumulation


The degree of students' daily material accumulation determines their writing ability. In the past composition teaching, there has been a long-standing teaching disadvantage of focusing on writing rather than reading. Essentially, listening, speaking, reading and writing are an organic whole of teaching, and these four aspects complement and interact with each other. In the process of composition training, teachers should take textbooks as the main supporting content. On the premise of reading and writing as the main content, they should run through listening and speaking training, guide students to accumulate good words and sentences that are beneficial to composition at ordinary times, and require students to recite the accumulated content when necessary. In the process of accumulation at ordinary times, students should be encouraged to develop the habit of writing diaries, so that students can have a sense of life, Form the basis of composition through accumulation.


4. Use the articles in the textbook to run through the idea of composition


In junior high school Chinese textbooks, most of them are works of famous writers. Therefore, teachers should integrate writing reasonably in teaching, which is an important way to enhance students' writing ability. First of all, we should guide students to accumulate beautiful words and sentences in the article. If they can imitate them, they will get good results; Secondly, we should learn from the way we conceive and write the article, such as the skillful use of transitional sentences. In addition, we also need to expand and extend. First, teachers should guide students to carry out continuous training and continue to write stories that did not happen. For example, after learning the article "The Emperor's New Clothes", students can play the story of the emperor after he returned to the palace; Secondly, we should carry out extensive training. For example, some articles only provide a paragraph of opinion, at this time, students can be guided to enrich the content. Finally, I put forward my own ideas about the article, and improve the writing thinking through the cultivation of divergent thinking. For example, after learning the article "The Peach Blossom Garden", teachers can guide students to talk freely about environmental protection issues, which are all ways to improve students' writing ability.


5. Innovation in the Way of Composition Correction


Ye Shengtao once said that the priority of "correction" belongs to the author. Therefore, composition correction should not only be completed by teachers, but also let students try to modify their own articles and innovate the way of composition correction. First of all, teachers evaluate student reform. The teacher first evaluates the work and puts forward suggestions for modification, and then the students modify it. It should be noted that the teacher's modification requirements should be interesting, so that the students can accept them more easily. For example, the modification suggestions can be compiled into simple nursery rhymes, and then the evaluation is completed. Secondly, we should make group comments. Through group cooperation, the group leader organizes students to evaluate the composition of the group members. The author of the composition reads the composition first, and then the members evaluate it. When evaluating, students can be encouraged to score when they meet the requirements of the exercise. Finally, students should make comments. Students can go to the platform, read the articles they think are excellent, tell the success of the articles, and then put forward their own shortcomings.


2、 Conclusion


To sum up, the effective realization of Chinese teaching in junior middle school has a very important impact on the future development of students, and also has a positive significance to the strengthening of students' Chinese quality. Therefore, Chinese teachers must constantly innovate the teaching methods of composition, imperceptibly penetrate the concept of composition in the process of telling textbooks and articles, fully stimulate students' interest in writing, attach importance to the accumulation in daily life, and also innovate the way of composition correction to improve students' writing ability as much as possible.

初中语文作文教学论文 篇5

【摘 要】 作文教学是一项长期、艰苦、细致的系统工程,本文作者提出了初中生作文写作教学应注意的几个方面:1. 多写多练,激发兴趣;2. 丰富积累,提升素养;3. 以说促写,下笔成文;4. 写出真情,以情感人。

[Abstract] Composition teaching is a long-term, hard and meticulous systematic project. The author of this paper puts forward several aspects that should be paid attention to in composition teaching for junior middle school students: 1. Write more and practice more to stimulate interest; 2. Enrich accumulation and improve quality; 3. Promoting writing by speaking and writing; 4. Write the truth and move people with emotion.

【关 键 词】 兴趣;积累;语文;真情

[Keyword] Interest; Accumulation; language truth


Composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking.


It is an important means to cultivate students' ability of observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory.


Composition teaching is an important part of Chinese teaching, and it is also the core of Chinese quality education that we vigorously advocate.


Therefore, it is an important task of Chinese teaching to attach importance to the training of composition teaching and improve students' writing ability.


How to improve students' writing ability? I have summarized some composition teaching methods from my usual teaching practice and discussed them with you.


1、 Write more and practice more to stimulate interest


Interest is the best teacher. Confucius said, "Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy." (The Analects of Confucius · Yongye) Su Shi said: "I have no pleasure in my life. I only write articles. As far as I can see, my writing skills are full of twists and turns. I call myself a pleasure in the world." Therefore, cultivating interest in composition is the premise of writing a good composition.


So, how to cultivate students' interest in composition?


The cultivation of interest in composition requires teachers to guide students to gradually cultivate in the learning process.


First of all, we should guide students to accumulate writing materials, that is, let students observe more and read more. With writing materials, students will feel it is not difficult to write, and their interest will increase; Secondly, in the process of guiding students' writing, we should make good use of students' success, encourage them in time, and let students experience the joy of success; Thirdly, let students practice writing more is also the key to improve their interest in composition.


So in Chinese teaching, I have a small brush practice every time I teach a text.


For example, when I was teaching the profile description in Zhu Ziqing's Spring, I asked students to write from the profile that the teacher gave a wonderful lecture, and students could seize the teacher's attitude and performance to write.


Through such exercises, students can consolidate their knowledge points and improve their interest in writing.


2、 Enrich accumulation and improve quality


If you are interested, you should also teach students how to collect composition materials.


Mr. Lu Xun once said, "You must pick a lot of flowers to make honey.


”In order to improve students' writing ability, we should guide students to read more articles. On the basis of reading, we should accumulate beautiful sentences, wonderful fragments, reading notes, and feelings after reading. When we accumulate more things, the language will flow like a trickle when writing a composition, and naturally "flow" out of the pen. That is why "reading breaks through thousands of volumes, and writing is like a spirit".


In addition to guiding students to read a large number of useful books, teachers should also guide students to be good at accumulating writing materials in life.


To master the method of writing a good composition, we must first learn from life.


Only by observing life diligently and experiencing life deeply can one improve his writing skills.


Mr. Ye Shengtao has long pointed out that "life is like a spring, and articles are like streams. The springs are abundant but not dried up, and the streams flow naturally and actively... Only by experiencing life in many ways, can we accumulate the social gains bit by bit. As we accumulate more, we can understand more deeply.


”[1] These words show the profound influence of life practice on language accumulation.


Therefore, teachers should guide students to write down the things that they think are particularly meaningful at any time: the joys and sorrows of life, good and bad things, and anecdotes can be written.


Such as the first cooking, mother's nagging, an outing, etc.


In the long run, these small streams of savings can be integrated into the source of endless writing.


Therefore, teachers should be good at capturing the combination of classroom and students' life, flying their minds, cultivating the good habit of students to practice and write more, actively guiding and applying what they have learned, so as to truly improve their Chinese literacy.


3、 To promote writing by speaking


Today's students are eloquent when speaking, but when writing, they struggle to write a paragraph. This is the difference between oral expression and written expression.


Yan Liqin said in the Introduction to Chinese Pedagogy: "Speaking teaching can cultivate oral expression ability, but also an important way to improve written expression ability." [2] Chen Maomei also pointed out in the Teaching Method of Middle School Chinese Textbooks: "One of the goals of middle school Chinese discipline is the ability training goal:


① Reading ability;


② Writing ability;


③ Listening ability;


④ Ability to speak. " [3] Speaking composition is a stage of gradually modifying the loopholes in conception, clarifying the ideas of composition, and transforming into written composition.


If students can speak compositions consistently, they will be able to speak out and their oral expression skills will be able to transfer smoothly to their written expression skills.


"Speaking" and "writing" can be unified in composition teaching.


Mr. Ye Shengtao, a famous educator, once said: "Language is a sound and invisible article, and article is a visible and silent language." Oral composition is the prelude to the composition and an indispensable part of composition teaching.


Oral composition is helpful to improve students' ability to use the Chinese language correctly, to cultivate students' oral expression ability, and to improve students' composition level.


After learning the article Kuafu Chases the Day, I asked the students to rewrite it into a composition fan.


In order to make the rewritten article as vivid as the original, I first asked some students to tell the story.


One student added rich imagination and a series of body language when telling a story. All the students in the class were impressed by his wonderful performance and repeatedly applauded.


Oral composition is flexible and simple, which requires neither adequate preparation in advance nor paper and pencil stationery. As long as we work hard and stick to it, you will find that students' oral expression ability and written composition ability will be improved with each passing day.


4、 Write the truth and move people with emotion


"What is composition? It is the beating of life! It is everyone's touch of their own life. Whether it is daydreaming, dialogue, talking, or mumbling, reveling, self blame reflection... it is the rhythm of the heart, the wisdom of thinking, the wisdom of emotion, and the wisdom of the mind. Therefore, the sincerity of feelings is very important." [4] Every good article has a strong appeal, because these articles are not only true and concrete, but also true feelings.


"Love" is an eternal theme in life. For thousands of years, I don't know how many writers and writers eulogize it and praise it.


The ancients said, "Articles are not ruthless things." "Those who move people's hearts should not start with emotion." An article without emotion is difficult to impress readers.


So, how can we make the article have true feelings?

1、 选取自己感受最深的材料,我们在日常学习和生活中,一定经历过许多事,其中有些事有教育意义或使人受到启迪,有的会使你感动,难以忘怀。

1. We must have experienced many things in our daily study and life, some of which are educational or enlightening, and some of which will make you moved and unforgettable.


If we choose the materials with the deepest feelings according to the requirements of the topic in the composition, it will be easy to express our true feelings.


For example, a girl in my class once wrote in her composition "A Letter to Grandpa": "Grandpa has gone (died), and the dog at home has not eaten or drunk for three days. Every day, she lies in front of the door and waits for him to come back. Looking at his tearful eyes, my heart is also in tears. Grandpa, come back soon..." The article is sincere, without any exaggeration or affectation, simple and touching.


In particular, those affectionate calls to grandpa in the article knock on the readers' hearts with every sound and sentence

2、 一篇优美的文章,如果把主题看作是它的灵魂,那么细节就是它的精髓。

2. If the theme of a beautiful article is regarded as its soul, then the details are its essence.


Detail is the catalyst of emotion. Vivid and moving details can convey emotion with details, which can produce a shocking force and convey the author's deep emotion.


In narratives, capturing the details of images can best reflect the writing skills.


If a female student wrote that she ate fish at home, her mother took all the fish and meat to "me", while her mother continued to chew the fish bones, saying that "bones are fragrant and calcium supplements"... Proper details make the characters flesh and blood, distinctive personality and vivid.


Composition teaching is a long-term, painstaking and systematic project. In this project, we still have a lot of work to do.


In the future work, we should be brave to open up, continue to explore new ways of composition teaching, enhance students' writing ability and improve their writing level.



[1] 叶圣陶。 叶圣陶作文论[M]。 北京:人民教育出版社,1994.

[1] Ye Shengtao. Ye Shengtao's essay theory [M]. Beijing: People's Education Press, 1994

[2] 阎立钦。 语文教育学引论[M]。 北京:高等教育出版社,2007:237-238.

[2] Yan Liqin. Introduction to Chinese Pedagogy [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2007: 237-238

[3] 陈毛美。 中学语文教材教法[M]。 长春:东北师范大学出版社,2006:5-6.

[3] Chen Maomei. Chinese teaching materials and methods for middle schools [M]. Changchun: Northeast Normal University Press, 2006:5-6

[4] 王立根。 作文智慧[M]。 福州:海峡文艺出版社,2004:4-5.

[4] Wang Ligen. Composition wisdom [M]. Fuzhou: Strait Literature and Art Publishing House, 2004:4-5

初中语文作文教学论文 篇6


With the growing development of cultural economy, improving students' comprehensive Chinese literacy and strengthening students' writing level has become a major challenge in junior high school Chinese classroom. Although many teachers have actively changed their teaching concepts and adjusted their teaching strategies under the background of the new curriculum reform, the quality of composition teaching has not reached the ideal level. Schools should take corresponding measures to increase the class hour arrangement of writing teaching in Chinese classes. Teachers should make detailed teaching arrangements for students by stimulating students' interest in writing, encouraging students to read, etc. Students themselves should understand the importance of writing for life, so as to improve their writing ability and actively participate in writing learning.


1、 Stimulate students' interest through excellent topics


Interest is the best teacher in teaching. Students have sufficient interest in writing, and can enter the world of writing to generate inspiration. Use inspiration to organize the article structure, and then write. In the process of writing, strengthen the use of writing techniques, so as to gradually improve the students' writing level. In this way, writing is no longer a pressure or task for students, but a fun and conscious behavior. Chinese teachers should take inspiring students' interest in writing as the fundamental task, and try to eliminate students' fear of writing according to their daily understanding of students. Try to realize the transformation from "don't want to write" to "I want to write". A good essay topic can make students feel excited. However, in today's daily Chinese teaching, many teachers do not pay too much attention to the choice of the topic of the composition. They lack the overall awareness of improving students' writing level, so they use some old essay topics. Old essay topics often cause students to have no passion for creation. On the contrary, if we use some original and innovative topics that are in line with students' life, such as "Do it and cherish it", "That year, that day", "Be content", we can successfully mobilize students' enthusiasm for writing,. In fact, the proposition of composition not only reflects the success or failure of writing education, but also directly reflects the teaching quality of a Chinese teacher.


2、 The evaluation form should combine various forms


Research shows that most people are more likely to accept suggestions and ideas from their peers. Students modify each other, so that students have a deeper understanding of their own mistakes, and will also inspire new inspiration under the guidance of different ideas of other students. In the process of self revision, on the one hand, it is to improve students' ability and level of self-education, improve students' initiative to find problems, and their ability to think independently. On the other hand, it is to give students an environment to combine what they think with what teachers say in class, so as to achieve the secondary learning of knowledge. Mutual evaluation is more about gain, while in self-assessment, it is more important to understand knowledge again. On how to effectively carry out the teaching of Chinese composition in junior middle schools Lin Shancun, the teacher of No. 6 Middle School in Datian County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, often represents authority in the minds of students. For this, teachers should pay attention to the use of the "double-edged sword" representing authority, carry forward the positive role of composition evaluation, encourage more backward students, and strictly require students with higher grades. In addition, teachers' comments should focus more on principles or article structure and writing techniques. Teachers should respect students' own writing ideas.


3、 Encourage students to show themselves and use their imagination


Personalized education is to help students dig out and develop their own personality by observing the characteristics of each student, not only to "teach without discrimination", but also to "teach in accordance with their aptitude", so that each student can find what they are good at, so as to develop their strengths and avoid weaknesses. Writing a composition should also require students to feel life with heart and use their own unique perspective to describe it. In the process of writing education, teachers should encourage students to dare to write what they have in mind, to jump out of the fixed model and framework, and to give full play to their imagination and creativity. There is a truth engraved on the door of the Kennedy Space Center: "There is nothing that human beings can't do, only what human beings can't think of." Teachers should help students to carry out a series of strengthened training in thinking, so that students can stimulate their own interest in writing in the imaginary world, so that students can be good at writing and are more willing to write. For example, one student borrowed the image of crows and flowers in his composition on the topic of "dedication". The crows were greedy and unwilling to give any color to others, so they became black, which everyone did not like. However, flowers are willing to give their colors to others, so they are colorful. Finally, the importance of dedication is summarized. With the wings of imagination, the article has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, full of new ideas, and also fully reflects a beautiful appeal in the heart of a student, which is the goal we are committed to achieving.


4、 Read extensively to increase the reserve


"Reading breaks through thousands of volumes, writing like a spirit" is a valuable experience summarized by predecessors. Without a large amount of reading as a basis, articles written are like attics in the air, which can collapse in an instant. Articles written by intuition alone cannot stand the scrutiny of literature; The content of the article is limited only by one's own fortune. "Work hard in reading, but relax in writing". The structure of the article, writing techniques, and inspiration can all be obtained through reading. Once you need these knowledge when writing, they will flock to you for selection. There is a golden house in books. Reading is an important way to acquire knowledge and a way to quickly improve the level of writing.


As an art form, writing itself has strong instability, and writing teaching is also an unstable, diversified and complex teaching method. Rome was not built in a day, and success was not achieved in a day. The development and innovation of teaching activities were never completed overnight. As a teacher, we should be brave to innovate, not stick to the old rules, and strive to make every student play an important role in the classroom. According to the requirements of curriculum teaching, actively develop the relationship between schools, teachers and students, improve the quality education of junior middle school Chinese classroom, and promote the innovative development of teaching.




【1】 Chen Guohua. The current situation and improvement strategies of Chinese composition teaching in junior middle school [J]. China Science and Education Innovation Guide, 2011 (9)


【2】 Liu Yingxia. Discussion on the teaching method of Chinese composition in junior middle school under the new curriculum standard [J]. Out of school education in China, 2011 (3)

初中语文作文教学论文 篇7




Writing ability is an effective means to evaluate students' Chinese learning ability. In the traditional Chinese composition teaching, teachers pay attention to the teaching of students' writing content, but ignore the teaching of writing skills. In the atmosphere of exam oriented education, there are many templates for students' compositions. Due to students' unreasonable use, Chinese compositions have some defects such as "empty", "false" and "big".



初中语文 作文教学 有效性 实施策略

The effective implementation strategy of chinese composition teaching in junior middle school


As the old saying goes: The canal is so clear that there is a source of fresh water. This sentence emphasizes the essential role of the development of things. In junior middle school Chinese teaching, if teachers want to improve students' writing level, they must start from the root of composition, let students take the initiative to observe and experience life, and promote life experience to the writing level. The article is the author's most authentic emotional experience and expression, as is the composition of students. Only when students integrate their own personality and true feelings into their articles can their compositions be appreciated by the marking teachers and get high marks. In this paper, the author will discuss how to implement effective teaching of Chinese composition in junior middle school Chinese teaching based on years of Chinese teaching practice.


1、 The present situation of chinese composition teaching in junior middle school


1. Serious fear of difficulties and lack of interest in writing


For the teaching of Chinese composition, the first thing to do is to help students get rid of the feeling of being afraid of difficulties in writing and stimulate students' interest in Chinese composition. Why does Chinese composition become a difficult point for junior high school students to learn Chinese? I think the biggest reason is that the composition is very comprehensive, and the students' comprehensive Chinese literacy is investigated. For the teaching of Chinese composition, it should include many basic Chinese teaching such as words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs. As a result, students' writing skills are generally poor, and students gradually lose their enthusiasm for learning Chinese composition, which makes it difficult to write excellent articles.


2. Mistakes in composition evaluation and neglect of key points


From primary school to junior high school, students may have written more than 100 articles. However, it is found that the students' writing skills have made slow progress, which is closely related to the effect of teachers' composition evaluation. In the traditional Chinese composition evaluation, teachers only focus on the guidance and correction of article writing, and do not teach students writing skills. Teachers only emphasize that students can write articles to guide students. The teacher seldom intervenes in the articles written by the students, paying attention to the correction of the composition, while neglecting the evaluation of the composition. Each composition is the emotional and painstaking effort of students, and they hope to get teachers' affirmation and suggestions. Therefore, it is far from enough just to correct the composition.


3. The teaching method of composition is backward and divorced from the essence


In the current Chinese composition teaching in junior middle school, teachers mainly use targeted and personalized composition explanations, lacking of writing system teaching. With the increase of the proportion of composition points in the Chinese examination, teachers have also noticed the importance of composition teaching, which also increases the length of composition teaching in daily Chinese teaching. However, teachers' teaching of Chinese composition mostly stays on the surface of composition, emphasizing the formal teaching of composition. The lack of in-depth analysis of the composition by teachers makes it difficult for students to obtain the desired writing skills training. Every time after the Chinese examination, teachers will always comment on each composition, but it is difficult to achieve significant results in the absence of systematic composition teaching.


2、 Effective ways of composition teaching


1. Reading training to cultivate students' interest in writing


Reading a book a hundred times reveals its meaning. If we want students to write excellent articles, we must train students to read. The students will make a qualitative leap in their articles only when they have accumulated the quantity. Therefore, in order to improve students' writing, the first thing to do is to strengthen students' reading training. According to people in the society, those who write excellent articles, their interest in writing and accumulation of articles are the key to their success. In terms of the selection of students' reading works, teachers can either be supplementary articles in textbooks or excellent works of students. In a word, any work that can improve students' writing can be used. The ultimate goal of Chinese reading is composition teaching, so is the goal of Chinese composition evaluation. Therefore, the comment teaching of Chinese composition is closely related to Chinese reading. In the interpretation of Chinese reading, teachers pay attention to the teaching of article writing ideas, writing skills and writing highlights. So as to realize the teaching of students' Chinese composition in a real sense, help students to learn and use articles flexibly, and integrate the essence of others' articles into their own articles to achieve flexible learning and use.


2. Combining theory with practice, using case teaching


In traditional Chinese textbooks, there is no lack of composition theory teaching. However, these theories are too boring to stimulate students. Resonance, leading to poor teaching effect of chinese composition. According to the author's years of practical teaching experience, the combination of theory with practice is an effective means of Chinese composition teaching. In the process of commenting on Chinese works, teachers should pay attention to the combination of Chinese composition theory and composition examples to improve the teaching effect of Chinese composition class. In the composition teaching class, the teaching of basic Chinese knowledge is integrated into it to achieve comprehensive Chinese teaching. For the excellent works written by students, teachers can select them as teaching cases and comment on them in the composition class. At the same time, you can choose counterexamples to show the problems in students' writing in front of students, and help students realize their own level, advantages and disadvantages. However, teachers need to respect the self-esteem and privacy of students, and should not blindly encourage or criticize them, so that praise and criticism can be moderate. In the composition review, we can adopt the strategy of student mutual evaluation to achieve highly targeted Chinese composition review and help students make progress together.


3. Encourage students to innovate and stimulate their original works

在语文作文的教学中,教师会给学生树立对应的模板。看到作文题目后,学生们需要及时敲定文章类型,记叙文、议论文是首选,至于散文之类的文章,是教师明令禁止学生们写的。如此一来,在阅卷教师眼中,学生作文就只有文章类型之分。加上教师选定的议论文格式、记叙文格式,初中作文就变得无比单调。在新课程理念中,学生们的创新意识培养成为素质教育的目标之一。在语文作文的教学中,教师必须积极鼓励学生创新。 “想别人之不敢想,为别人之不敢为”,只有这样,学生们作文才会给人眼前一亮的感觉。但是,这一切都是建立在学生的扎实语文功底之上的。此外,学生们的生活感悟和情感体验也是优秀文章素材的来源。教师需要鼓励学生敢于融入生活、体验生活。只有学生们获得最真实地感悟,才会写出见彩的文章,学生们的创新能力才会得以养成。

In the teaching of Chinese composition, teachers will set up corresponding templates for students. After seeing the topic of the composition, students need to determine the type of article in time. Narrative and argumentative articles are the first choice. As for essays, teachers expressly forbid students to write them. In this way, in the eyes of the marking teachers, students' compositions can only be divided into different types of articles. With the argumentation format and narrative format selected by teachers, junior high school composition becomes extremely monotonous. In the new curriculum concept, the cultivation of students' innovative consciousness has become one of the objectives of quality education. In the teaching of Chinese composition, teachers must actively encourage students to innovate. "Don't dare to think about others, and don't dare to do for others". Only in this way can students' compositions give people a bright feeling. However, all these are based on the students' solid language skills. In addition, students' life perception and emotional experience are also the source of excellent article materials. Teachers need to encourage students to dare to integrate into life and experience life. Only when students get the most authentic perception can they write interesting articles and develop their innovation ability.


In a word, the composition literacy education for students is not a one or two day effort, which requires teachers' unremitting efforts and silent efforts. Composition teaching is the key to junior middle school Chinese teaching. In the actual teaching process, teachers also need to pay attention to cultivating students' innovative consciousness and life experience, and help students accumulate rich composition materials. At the same time, our junior middle school Chinese teachers also need to constantly improve their Chinese literacy. Only high-level teachers can teach high-quality students, and ultimately achieve the common progress of teachers and students.

初中语文作文教学论文 篇8


[Abstract] Composition teaching is very important for the comprehensive quality of junior middle school students, especially their language and writing level. At present, the teaching level of junior middle school Chinese composition in China is not satisfactory, which has become a major obstacle affecting the teaching quality. Therefore, we take the teaching dilemma as the starting point, and then explore the root and trace its countermeasures, in order to provide some reference for the improvement of current teaching methods.


[Key words] Composition teaching; Junior high school Chinese; teaching method


1. Analysis of the Predicament of Chinese Composition Teaching in Junior Middle School


1.1 Lack of innovation leads to a single teaching method


At present, the mainstream trend of template teaching is becoming more and more intense, so that there is a problem of simplification of composition template teaching. This method of obtaining rapid improvement at the expense of students' interests and thinking limitations to a certain extent is not worth the loss. We should fully recognize the seriousness of this problem, pay enough attention to it, and implement specific actions to propose targeted countermeasures for this dilemma.


1.2 Derailment from real life leads to "lack of source and lack of copy"


"Art originates from life". If it is divorced from real life, writing will become a water without source and a tree without roots. Separating from life in writing is fatal to the improvement of composition teaching and composition level. From the perspective of content, separating from life leads to the lack of authenticity and portrayal of the content of the article. From the perspective of emotional expression, separating from reality leads to the lack of appeal of the article. In general, separating from reality is the fundamental reason for the dull content and lack of creativity of the article, Only based on real life, can the creation of an article be higher than life, sublimated, and truly become a good article under innovative thinking and true portrayal.


1.3 The phenomenon of plagiarism cannot be ignored


In the current teaching practice, the problem of plagiarism in junior middle school language writing can not be ignored, and only by tracing to the source can the remedy be applied to the case. We believe that plagiarism in composition is a comprehensive problem caused by students' lack of initiative and independence in writing subjectively and students' busy schoolwork objectively. At the same time, due to the difference and fault transition between junior high school students' writing teaching and primary school students' writing teaching, students can hardly fully realize the boundary and nature distinction between plagiarism and reference in writing from primary school writing to the independent initiative of junior high school students' writing. In this kind of environment where students' subjective concepts are vague and there are many objective classes, students will choose plagiarism to save time.


1.4 Low interest in writing leads to students' limited writing level


In the process of junior middle school Chinese composition teaching practice, students will always encounter resistance to composition writing. Students are unwilling to write papers and complain about writing papers. Even if they write at the request of teachers, they tend to be perfunctory. Under the "hands on" teaching of teachers, they lack self innovation and follow the rules step by step, Starting from such popular methods as moral commanding heights or flowery rhetoric, students' nature is suppressed, which leads to the lack of writing interest, and finally becomes the bottleneck of improving writing level.


2. Strategies to improve the teaching level of Chinese composition in junior middle school


2.1 Promote the innovation and diversification of junior middle school Chinese composition teaching methods


From the perspective of teachers' teaching, the improvement of junior high school students' Chinese composition requires an overall and complete teaching goal. Based on this goal, we should formulate specific, feasible and operable plans, and finally implement the plans gradually. The diversification and innovation of teaching methods is a commonplace problem in teaching. Specifically, in composition teaching, we believe that we can develop students' imagination and innovation from daily teaching such as free diaries and text continuation. At the same time, teachers can carry out new teaching methods such as group discussion and situational introduction to arouse students' interest in learning, so that students can have a positive attitude towards the composition itself and the teacher's teaching process, Only in this way can we cooperate with teachers to achieve the teaching goal.


2.2 Thinking expansion and creating a good writing environment


A good teacher's teaching also needs the cooperation of students, the teaching subject, to give full play to its effectiveness. In the teaching process, we should pay attention to the writing environment and its influence, pay attention to the psychological environment of students when writing, make good use of this factor, cultivate and guide students' writing according to the situation, spread students' thinking, and develop their potential. In the specific teaching process, teachers should attach importance to the interaction and communication with students, listen to students' writing ideas, be a guide, attach importance to "guidance" rather than "teaching", avoid setting too many frameworks for students, and give full play to students' talents. At the same time, as a "guide", we can propose targeted improvement methods for students in specific methods, encourage students to experience life and express their feelings, and effectively improve students' writing ability and level in a healthy and good writing environment.


2.3 Focus on life and ensure the accumulation of writing materials


Real life is the source of art, so is Chinese composition writing. In teaching, teachers should focus on cultivating students' observation and taste of real life, and accumulate materials in life to lay a foundation for composition writing. From every bit of life, we can find the truth, the good and the beautiful, write the truth, the good and the beautiful, and then innovate the writing perspective; Learn the details and description of language expression from the "plants and trees" in life, and then improve the richness and authenticity of composition. Just like the life styles in Lao She's Teahouse, Lu Xun's Xianglin sister-in-law's expression is a short language. Life is the basis of composition writing. In composition teaching, teachers should guide students to connect writing with life closely, teach students to feel life, improve their writing level from the life class, and improve themselves.


3. Conclusion


Writing is a key module in Chinese teaching, which is difficult to teach. However, at present, composition teaching has become a weak point in Chinese teaching. This article has not deeply discussed the difficulties and countermeasures of Chinese teaching in junior middle schools. I hope that all colleagues can pay attention to this problem, offer suggestions for composition teaching in junior middle schools, and effectively improve students' writing level.




[1] Li Linglan. On the Analysis of the Predicament of Chinese Composition Teaching in Junior Middle School and the Study of Countermeasures [J]. Academic Weekly, 2015 (3).


[2] Zhang Juanjuan. Analysis on the Predicament of Chinese Composition Teaching in Junior Middle School and Research on Countermeasures [J]. Education of the Times, 2015 (10).

初中语文作文教学论文 篇9


Abstract: With the continuous expansion and improvement of China's educational philosophy and teaching methods, the quality of junior middle school Chinese education has been improved more comprehensively, especially in the cultivation of junior middle school students' Chinese ability and Chinese quality. As an important part of junior middle school Chinese teaching, it is particularly critical to improve the effectiveness of junior middle school Chinese composition teaching. How to effectively expand students' Chinese composition writing ability, improve students' ability to use vocabulary and rhetorical expression, and comprehensively improve students' comprehensive Chinese quality are the problems that modern Chinese teaching must face, and also the key to Chinese teaching reform.


Key words: junior high school Chinese; Composition; Writing skills; reading ability


With the deepening of the concept of quality education, Chinese teaching is no longer confined to the level of theoretical education, but more to cultivate students' ability to grasp and use words and language. Composition is an important way to use Chinese knowledge and improve Chinese ability. To do a good job in the teaching of Chinese composition in junior middle school can not only effectively improve the students' comprehensive quality, but also, more importantly, improve their ability to live and practice. Only by combining Chinese teaching with real life, combining Chinese education with Chinese application, and combining Chinese knowledge with practical application, can we truly improve students' comprehensive Chinese ability and achieve the goal of Chinese teaching in junior middle school.


1、 On the Cultivation of Students' Basic Ability in the Teaching of Chinese Composition in Junior Middle School


1. It is the cornerstone of Chinese composition to improve students' vocabulary accumulation and expand their ability to grasp vocabulary. Therefore, teachers should actively train students' vocabulary accumulation. On the one hand, they should actively improve students' accumulation of key vocabulary, high-frequency vocabulary and basic vocabulary; on the other hand, they should do a good job in understanding and educating related vocabulary to avoid students' misuse, misuse, inappropriate use of vocabulary, etc, Avoid students' vocabulary mistakes.


2. To improve students' reading comprehension, especially their ability to grasp the language, language sense and context, teachers should actively expand their students' reading ability, especially their ability to grasp the language, context and language sense, and improve their accuracy in the reading process. They can guide students to read Mandarin aloud as appropriate. On the one hand, they should improve the accuracy of students' pronunciation, On the other hand, we should strengthen students' accumulation and understanding of vocabulary and improve their basic Chinese ability.


3. To improve the theoretical teaching of students' writing skills, improve students' understanding and mastery of rhetorical devices and expressions, teachers should also actively do a good job in theoretical teaching of students' writing skills, especially in the study and training of students' rhetorical devices, expressions, article structure and other aspects, especially in the training of students on argumentative, narrative, prose and other stylistic formats and requirements, To improve students' mastery of stylistic structure and main writing methods, and thus improve students' writing ability.


2、 Methods and expansion of improving students' enthusiasm and effectiveness in writing


1. Actively guide students to record and write daily life, enrich students' writing materials Teachers should actively guide students to record and write daily life, especially should cultivate students' habit of writing diaries, especially should do a good job in recording and using daily small things, life insights, famous sentences, and improve students' own unique writing materials, And then improve the enthusiasm and effectiveness of students in the writing process, and improve the richness and diversity of students in the writing process.


2. Teachers should actively guide students to write critical essays and improve their thinking ability. Teachers should actively guide students to understand and understand excellent articles, especially encourage students to write critical essays or make oral comments. On the one hand, students should improve their understanding of current events, on the other hand, students should improve their accumulation and expansion of writing materials, and improve their thinking ability, Expand students' way of thinking.


3. Actively guide students to carry out extended reading, especially reading excellent compositions, excellent literary works and famous works. Teachers should actively guide students to carry out extended reading, especially actively read excellent compositions, excellent literary works and famous works. On the one hand, it can improve students' accumulation of excellent composition structure, writing skills, expression methods, vocabulary use, etc., and improve students' ability to grasp and use language, so as to optimize students' vocabulary use and expression skills in the writing process.


3、 Strengthening the construction of students' chinese writing evaluation system


1. Establish an assessment system for students' daily writing, focusing on the assessment of students' writing enthusiasm. Teachers should actively establish an assessment system for students' daily writing. On the one hand, they should pay attention to the assessment of students' writing quantity, and more importantly, they should strengthen the assessment and expansion of writing quality. They should focus on the assessment of students' writing enthusiasm, so that students can be active, efficient and useful in the writing process, Comprehensively improve students' writing ability assessment in the process of writing.


2. To strengthen the evaluation and assessment of students, especially the construction of reward mechanism and selection mechanism, teachers should also actively establish the composition evaluation mechanism for students, especially the whole process composition assessment system for students in junior high school, and implement the point system or the point deduction system. At the same time, we should also actively strengthen the establishment of the reward mechanism for students' writing and the selection mechanism for excellent compositions. On the one hand, we should improve the reward for students' writing ability and writing quality. On the other hand, we should let students choose excellent compositions to study and discuss with each other, so that students can learn from each other and learn from each other. At the same time, when selecting excellent compositions and awarding, we should actively play the role of students' autonomy, let students evaluate, select and learn by themselves, and improve their ability to learn Chinese compositions by themselves.


4、 Concluding remarks


The teaching of Chinese composition in junior middle school is an important part of the teaching of Chinese in junior middle school. We should actively strengthen the training and education of students in terms of vocabulary accumulation, rhetorical devices, expression skills, and article structure. We should also let students develop the habit of daily writing and reading. On the one hand, we should improve students' enthusiasm and initiative in writing, and on the other hand, we should actively establish an assessment mechanism for students' compositions, Improve the standardization and scientization in the teaching process of composition writing. At the same time, we should also actively pay attention to the privacy protection of students, so that composition writing becomes a real interest of students.



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[4] Zhuo Wei. Walking out of the Predicament of "Biting the Pen" - Exploring the Effectiveness of Composition Teaching in Junior Middle School [J]. Reading and Writing Education Journal 2012