
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:37 | 来源:语文通


六一儿童节游园活动作文500字 篇1欢庆六一小学作文 篇2欢庆六一作文 篇3六一儿童节游园活动作文500字 篇4欢庆 篇5欢庆六一儿童节优秀作文500字 篇6欢庆六一小学作文 篇7欢庆六一小学作文 篇8

六一儿童节游园活动作文500字 篇1


Children's Day is coming, and we are very happy.


Our school held a celebration of the June 1st holiday and a "garden tour". In the afternoon, each of our classes had several small games for us to play. If one game passed the test, we could get a lottery ticket, and a lottery ticket could be exchanged for a prize.


The game of the first grade is: Have a pig's head stuck on the blackboard, cover your eyes and stick the pig's nose to the right position, you can get a lottery ticket. The game of the second grade is: put three empty glasses under a table, hold three pencils in hand, aim and throw them down. Throw one pencil into the glass and you will get one lottery ticket. Throw two pencils into the glass and you will get two lottery tickets. The third grade game is more interesting: put the table tennis ball on the table tennis racket, walk around the classroom with the table tennis racket, and don't let the table tennis ball fall. The game of the fourth grade is to blow three ping-pong balls on the water to another washbasin within one minute. If they blow beyond the washbasin, they will lose and can't play any more. The game of the fifth grade is: their game is similar to that of the third grade, but it is a little more difficult than that of the third grade, that is, holding a table tennis racket with a table tennis ball on it, walking through two stools and preventing the table tennis ball from falling, they can get a lottery ticket. Our sixth grade game is to set up an iron ring. Each person has three iron rings in his or her hand. Standing at the designated position, he or she throws the iron ring into the designated position. If he or she throws one in, he or she will get a lottery ticket.


I played several games with several female partners from the first grade to the sixth grade. I played several games repeatedly. Finally, I got 17 tickets in total and went to the office to exchange 17 prizes.


This is my last June Day in primary school, and also the most enjoyable one.

欢庆六一小学作文 篇2


In the festivals of all sizes every year, the "June 1" Children's Day is my most anticipated and favorite one. Every year on the "June 1" Children's Day, the school will hold various activities. This year, the school held a large-scale garden tour.


When I walked into the garden area, I was shocked. What kind of garden activities are there? It's just a battlefield. What are the "Hundred Regiments War", "Agrarian Revolution", "Shooting at me"... aren't these all battles fought by the PLA uncle? Is it to let us go to the battlefield?


On the battlefield, it dawned on me that the so-called "agrarian revolution" was originally a jigsaw puzzle, and the "Hundred Regiments Battle" was a pinball game. Even the "Nanniwan Reclamation" had turned into a basketball game with a baton. My colleagues and I were amused by the creative name.


What makes me memorable is the "Hundred Regiments Battle", that is, you win when you pick out more than six marbles in the bowl in 20 seconds. At the beginning, I took three "enemies" at ease. The fourth "enemy" was wearing green uniforms and was very cunning. As soon as I grabbed him, he broke free. I had to turn around to catch three "enemies" in red uniforms and cut off the support of the "green general". When I jumped on the "green general" again, he obediently gave up. Ha ha, I won the battle and sang happily.


You see, all the students are happy and smiling. The Children's Day is really a symbol of happiness and happiness. However, you may not know that it came from a bloody slaughter on June 1, 1942... So we want to thank our great motherland for keeping us away from war and slaughter; We want to thank our father and mother for feeding us and loving us; We should thank our teachers for cultivating us and caring for us.

欢庆六一作文 篇3


On Saturday morning, I stretched on the bed, picked up my mobile phone and saw that it was almost seven o'clock. Today, I would also like to participate in a small reporter activity - to make cakes in Meimeizi!


After getting everything ready, I put my bag on my back and set out with my father! All the way, I sat in the car and told my father that I must make a beautiful cake for him and his mother.


It's beautiful! After signing, I couldn't wait to run upstairs. Wow, there are many small journalists here, and I saw my classmates!


At this time, a teacher divided us into two groups. The first group went down to make a cake, and I was in the second group. I had to listen to the baker's explanation first.


The baker came with a lovely little yellow cake. We hugged him and listened to the baker talk about how the cake was made. "The cake is made of flour, water, yeast, eggs, and then cut into pieces after baking..." After the talk, I couldn't wait. I wanted to make the cake quickly. After waiting for a long time, it was finally here. I put on a white apron, a hat, and started!


I came downstairs with everyone and found a place to sit down. The baker gave us each a yellow cake germ and some chocolate. We just need to stick the chocolate on the cake!


I carefully took out two pieces of eye shaped chocolate from the bag and stuck them on the upper side of the cake. Then I stuck my mouth, clothes, hands and feet. I was very careful with every move, for fear of damaging the cake. Finally, a lovely little yellow man! It opened a pair of big eyes and looked at me with a smile. It also had its little cowboy suspenders with its yellow little body. It was so cute!


Looking at my cake, I thought: It must be very sweet when it tastes

六一儿童节游园活动作文500字 篇4


On the day of June 1, the school organized a variety of activities to celebrate June 1, including June 1 performance and various garden activities.


Everyone came to the classroom early, lined up one by one to make up, and then lined up to go to the rain and wind playground. When we arrived at the stormy playground, the performance began. What impressed me most was Class 6 (1), who performed the "fashion show". Some of them wore ancient clothes, some wore the clothes of "chicken eating game", took the equipment in the game, and some wore the clothes of free design and self production, accompanied by various styles of entrance music. Each group of model students were very excited when they appeared. After the performance of Class 61, they received warm applause from the whole audience. There is also Class 5 (4), where the girls perform in the countryside and the boys perform in the circle of Love's Magic Circle. The clothes of boys and girls are the same, but the colors are different. It can be seen that they belong to the same class. In addition, the head teacher of Class 54 also came to help them. They danced very well, and got applause louder than all the applause before.


In the afternoon, each class has a game. Some classes have a toy tower on the ground and stand with five small circles. One of them has two rewards; Some classes put a bottle on the ground, lying on the table, holding five chopsticks and letting them go down. If one of them falls, there will be two rewards; There is also "bead clamping". Put some beads on the table, and two people will clamp together. No matter how many beads are clamped, there is only one reward. My friends and I happily played all kinds of activities in our grade and got many awards.


I like June 1. On that day, we can eat snacks, play games and watch movies. Hearing the arrival of Children's Day on June 1, everyone was very excited. I was very happy about June 1. How about you?

欢庆 篇5


Childhood is golden. Everyone has his own happy childhood. Today is the annual Children's Day, which is our children's festival.


Today's school is so lively! When I arrived at school early in the morning, everyone began to prepare for the celebration of Children's Day. Many students' parents also came to help the little actors make up. Each actor wore beautiful clothes, his face was full of smiles, and he felt very happy.


Those of us who did not have a performance, all waited quietly for the start of the art show. After the actors put on makeup, we began to queue up to watch the performance happily. After the actors performed several performances, it was finally our class's turn to perform. Everyone was cheering for them desperately. Their clothes were red, and even the little red flowers were on their heads. Their performances were wonderful. They recited the ancient poems to be performed at once. They not only had a sonorous voice, but also had just the right actions! The students were infected by their recitation, and each held a small palm to clap for them!


Not only did our class perform well, but all the students in the school performed very well. After all the students in the school performed, the host also announced the list of outstanding young pioneers and outstanding team leaders. Several students in our class became outstanding team leaders and outstanding young pioneers.


These outstanding cadres and outstanding Young Pioneers are enviable. They have all received prizes and certificates, which are the result of their usual efforts. I also envy them, so I also want to learn from them and strive to be an excellent student.

欢庆六一儿童节优秀作文500字 篇6


Today is the annual Children's Day, and every student has a happy smile on his face. We came to the school auditorium to participate in the Children's Day Singing Contest and compete with other classes!


It is said that children's songs are sounds of nature. Sure enough, every class sang so well. My favorite is Insect Flying. The students stood on the stage, and the slow lyric music sounded, and everyone sang softly: "The dark sky drooped, and the bright stars followed..." We seemed to have really arrived at a fairyland like place, where there were fireflies shining faintly around us. The stars in the night sky flashed and the breeze blew us, as if telling a beautiful story. The fireflies fly and dance around us in a beautiful dance... After the song is over, we wake up and want to hear it again.


Finally, it's our turn to play! We walked onto the stage and smiled to the audience. The music sounded, and the crisp singing also sounded, flowing among the students. The first one is "Let's paddle". Singing, singing, everyone seems to be really sitting in a boat, rowing while singing. The boat floats and sings with the students until the music is over. Before everyone was able to relax, the lively music began to ring again. oh Snails and Orioles has begun. We immediately put on a happy smile and sang the song with great passion. Everyone seemed to be infected by us, and the witty smile spread on their faces.


The activity ended with the singing and laughter of the students. Although we only got the third place in the competition, the ranking is not important, as long as we are happy, isn't it?

欢庆六一小学作文 篇7


Today is the day we have been looking forward to for a long time - the "61" party. The "61" is the symbol of childhood, and the "61" is the witness of carefree joy. In childhood, we hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, together bitter and happy.


In today's PARTY, we will travel in the ocean of music and walk together in the magical forest. Let's start the party. After a short and amazing speech, let's listen to "Just Meet You" sung by Chen Qinwen and Ji Yuting. Wow, seeing is better than hearing, especially "We cried, we laughed." This sentence is very beautiful. Next, let's listen to the flute solo brought by pioneer Li Shenliang. Although it is a little short, I didn't expect that Li Shenliang not only learned well, but also played musical instruments well. The following is the magic I brought to you. I believe this magic will surprise you. How about, I not only brought magic to everyone, but also brought a tutorial. You can go home and perform for your parents.


Now let's take a break and watch the Insects Fly, which is brought by Sun Ying. Not only are people good-looking, but also they can sing and dance. Next, let's invite Wang Yanyu to bring a beautiful and classical zither to play and sing "Annual Rings". Wow, it's so beautiful. I seem to have traveled through ancient times. The following is the sad song "Love You" brought by Chen Qinwen and me. This is a difficult song. Although it can't be sung in high notes, I think it's already very good. We are the flowers of our motherland and the symbol of childhood and youth. Let's feel the vitality of youth together with Ji Yuting.


There is only one childhood and one youth. The joys and sorrows of childhood will be engraved in our minds when we grow up. Let us cherish the carefree childhood, cherish the vitality of youth, and cherish every minute and every second of childhood.

欢庆六一小学作文 篇8


"Birds lead the way, the wind blows to us, we come to the garden and the grass like spring......" When the Happy Festival rings in our ears, the annual June 1 International Children's Day comes again.


In the morning, when I came to the class, I saw lights and decorations everywhere: the classroom was decorated with streamers, balloons were hung on the windows, balloons were also hung on the blackboard, and the words "Happy 61" were written on each balloon; All kinds of decorations are hung around. The whole classroom has a new look!


In the morning, we took part in the celebration meeting of the June Day, watched the film and the June Day literary and artistic performance. We also received our favorite gifts. The students' faces are filled with happy smiles.


In the afternoon, a creative activity will be held to celebrate the June Day Food Festival. I went home and discussed with my mother: "Mom, the class will hold a food festival in the afternoon. What delicious food should we prepare?" We discussed for a long time. Suddenly, I remembered that my mother would make sago sauce? The sago she made tastes great. I excitedly said to my mother, "Mom, let's be Simi Dew! The students will love it. Mother skillfully made this food, and soon Simi Lu finished it.


In the afternoon, I went to school with my mother's food. Once in class, a burst of fragrance came. It's time to share delicious food. I showed the food I had brought, and the students gathered around. Several students asked curiously, "What kind of food is this? It's so beautiful." I told everyone it was Simi Lu. Students rushed to say: "I want a bowl, I want a bowl." After a while, Simi Lu disappeared. Watching my classmates taste my delicious food with relish, I felt very sweet. At the end of the stall, everyone still had endless aftertaste.


This year's June Day is so happy!