
时间:2022-07-04 13:32:15 | 来源:语文通



Warm does not need to be chanted with exquisite articles, and do not need to use excellent carving knives to carve, but warm.


After school at noon, the classmates went home, and only I only left my own job to review the classmates.Although I can cherish every day, I can cherish every day, and I have disappeared the beautiful sunset in the past.I hurriedly sorted out the schoolbag and stepped into the road of the looming country ...


At night, it gradually woven to the sky, climbing all things around the world.The world is silent and terrifying."Huh -Huh -Huh", only Fenger blew lightly and pouring loneliness.I have some inexplicable anxiety and worry in my heart.There was a unjust ghost in my head: long hair was scattered on the shoulders, hanging on the feet, and dressed in a thin and long white towels, clothes and pants.Blood was flowing in the eyes, and blood was dripping down on the mouth, and the gray black tendons on the pale face rose.The unjust ghost's eyes stared straight at me and floated to me!Hmm ... so horrible, the students said that there are more ghosts in this area!Seeing a dark mountain forest and the shadow of fluttering in the wind, I really want to cry loudly!


I back to my schoolbag, running day and night. "Hey, it hurts!" I wouldn't be stuck by a stone, and my feet were drawn to a deep loan mouth. I held my feet tightly, and my tears couldn't help but turn around! "You're okay, classmates! It's okay!" I didn't know when a high school brother had a high school paragraph. After seeing me falling, he ran back immediately, turned on the flashlight, carefully checked my feet, took out the red neighboring towel, and bandaged it carefully. I shrank back and said to my elder brother, "The big brother is okay. But, your red neighborhood scarf help me bandage, what should you do if you are studying tomorrow, otherwise, let me let me!" Big brother listen to it I said to me with a smile, "It's okay, I will buy another new one tomorrow!" Then I gradually helped me. As soon as I stood up, I was unbearable, and I crouched back to the ground. Big brother looked at me, immediately lifted the shoulder bag, squatted in front of my eyes, and said to me, "Come, tolerate! I carry you!" I didn't wait for what he said, the elder brother had already carried it Thick me! The elder brother helped me the flashlight, hung the two schoolbags on the chest, and said, "Go!" Then he trotted. Brother's back is spacious, so warm!


Accompanied by the moonlight, I saw the sweat of soybeans on the cheeks of the elder brother and the wet shoulders. The taste released by the sweat was so sweet, thick, and the heart of drilling directly!


The moonlight all the way should be cast for the elder brother!



Since ancient times, whenever the child learns, the mother has taught the children to read ancient poems, and there have been ancient poems in textbooks from childhood.After painting the literati, he will also write a poem next to the painting.Ancient poems, all the time around us.Let us from middle school to various philosophy of life and understand the world.


When I was young, my mother bought me a picture of "Three Hundred Tang Poems" with a picture. I was also "quite interested" in that book. As long as my mother did not pay attention, I would always draw a few on the tree.Or tear off a few pages, and gradually, I grew up, the original little thick book, but now it has become dilapidated. At this time, I was finally interested in the words in the book.As long as my mother cooks, I will move a small bench to sit in the corner to read poems.


At that time, I was fond of a "Back to the Hometown", maybe because of the painting above!"Children don't know each other, and laughing at the laughter." A grandfather laughed at the children, but the children did not know him and did not want to play with him. I only thought this old man at the time.It's so pitiful that no one cares about him, I feel sad for him.Now that I have grown up, I finally understand that this poem means that the author has been wandering for too long. The people in my hometown have changed, and few people know him.


Regardless of whether it is the past or now, the most familiar poem that people are again is just Li Bai's poem. The phrase "raise his head and look down on the moon, bow your head and think of his hometown" has spread all thousands of households, but it is more admirable. It is Li Bai's unruly personality.Only his heart is pure and indifferent to write poems that make the world amazing. Only her heart is really intoxicated in one thing, will he realize the truth in it.


Whether it is poetic fairy Li Bai, Poems Du Fu or Bai Juyi and Huang Tingjian, such as poetry literati such as Bai Juyi, Huang Tingjian, in various dynasties, various periods, there will always be a talented person in various places."Hundreds of years", our Chinese poetry civilization will be passed down from generation to generation to accompany each Chinese child and Yan and Huang descendants.


Whenever we think of the sound of familiar poems in your ears, we feel extremely warm and proud, and Chinese poems are always with us!



Maternal love is like a sunshine, illuminating our heart hall; mother love is like a flame of the bear, warming our body and mind; mother love is like pure water and purify our soul.Maternal love is both great and selfless.


In my growth process, my mother's care and love for me is inseparable; I can't do without my mother's careful care, care and companionship.It was my mother given me endless care. I stood up when I fell, forgotten my troubles, optimistic, and let me grow up happily, learn happily, and make my life full of happiness and satisfaction.


When my mother was always sick, she used her selfless love to warm me, influenced me, so that I quickly left the sick demon and play happily; my mother was always sad and sad, using great and selflessness.Mother loves to resolve all the unhappiness in my heart, solve my problems for me, be my strong backing, cover the wind and rain for me, and let me grow up carefree.


One thing that made me unforgettable was that night ...


It was something that happened in the fifth grade.One day in the fifth grade, the weather was hot, the heat is unbearable, and it was upset.Coincidentally, we were holding the monthly test that day, and the water I brought was not enough for the water in my body.After more than two hours, I could finally go home. I was happy to dance with the eyebrows. After saying goodbye to the teacher and my classmates, I quickly ran to the house.


When I got home, I didn't even have time to put a schoolbag. I quickly drank three glasses of water, and then breathed a few breaths. I slowly calmed down, thinking about today's test questions.


As a result, my stomach hurt that night, but I didn't care.Unexpectedly, at the night of the night, I suddenly felt a lot of pain and kept making a "snoring" sound. This sound woke up the sleeping mother. My mother got up and touched my head, and found that I had a fever., Think about going to the doctor now, the doctor will not open the door.As a result, my mother was so anxious that the ants on the hot pot turned around, and I faintly saw that my mother was still crying.My mother wiped my hands and foreheads with alcohol, and I retreated a little.The next day, I found that my mother's dark circles were hanging on her face.


I thank my mother and thank her for their selfless love.It ’s good to have mothers love to grow up!


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Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



From childhood to large, there is always a person in my life silently helping me and cared about me; I always enjoy the princess -like treatment, but she is exhausted every day; I always feel that it is taken for granted.back……


One day, a few partners and I went downstairs to play. Just after the rain, the road was slippery, and the ground was dirty, but I didn't look in it.When I thought of playing, I left my mother's instructions before going out.We played downstairs, were tired, rest, continue to play, make our shoes dirty, and finally feel bored, and then go home.


As soon as I arrived home, I looked at interesting cartoons. I didn't pay attention to my mother's move at all. I only heard the sound of shoe brushing from the bathroom.I thought that my mother was brushing her own shoes again, so I didn't control it.


The next day, I was going to school, but I couldn't find my own shoes. I was anxious to turn around. Finally, I asked my mother.Mom said that she saw my shoes all mud yesterday, so she helped me wash it, and now on the balcony.My eyes were full of tears. When my mother was washing shoes yesterday, I didn't know it. I can see that my mother's love for me is inevitable.Don't pay back to her.


In fact, everyone's mother is like this, always dedicating to their children silently without complaints.As our children, we should think about our parents, so that love will always accompany us!



Time leaps, in a blink of an eye, I have changed from young ignorance to a young man.But her hair was a little white. She was old and could not do a lot of things, but she insisted on this incident -giving me the most beautiful love.She loves me, so she is willing to give me an unnecessary time.She once knew English. Every time she listened to me, she was always helpless and scared to face the strange words. No matter how simple words were, she would think for a long time. I was impatient.Read a wrong word when you read.I always said to her angrily, "You read it wrong again! I read it wrong again! You are so stupid!" Whenever this is him, she seems to lose the majesty of a mother, flushed, whispered, whispered and whispered: "Right ... I'm sorry." And I said silently, "If you love me, I won't even such a simple word!" At that time, I actually knew meThat's wrong, but that kind of selfish heart, the kind of comparison heart, made me think my mother was shame to me until ...


On that cold night, what I saw made me have changed my mother and my jealous thoughts.At night, I was awakened by a slight cough, and I couldn't believe the scene in front of me.The mother held the flashlight in her left hand, held the book in her right hand, and looked at the phonetic symbols whispered.I pumped my nose fiercely and endured the tears in my eyes.I understand why my mother does not turn on the headlights, because my mother understands that even if I sleep, I wake up a little bit.She didn't want to be noisy to use the flashlight!


Sleep! "Yeah, you are going to sleep, you have to go to work at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning!But now Zhong has already said at 12 o'clock.I couldn't help it anymore, the tears stayed, and I remembered that it was much faster recently, and she seemed to be more tired ... Later, later, I listened to it even more.When she coughs, I will add a piece of clothes to my mother; when she is uncomfortable, I will pour a cup of hot ginger water for my mother.Every time I eat, I will not only care about my own meals, but also give my mother's vegetables and meat. I will pay attention to see if my mother is covered in the middle of the night.She is my mother.


Thanks to God for giving me such a heavy gift. There is a mother who loves me so much. I should thank you, but the word is so monotonous. My mother loves you, just like you love me.I just grow quietly in your great love.


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Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



If you meet you, you will eventually become Mo Ni.




The years are intertwined, Yunjiao Yunshu.For years, I have continued to grow.Because of you -book, my good teacher and friend, my world is hugged with youth.


Holding the book, the faint ink filled my heart.The book makes my thoughts accept the infiltration of history.The long river of the book has precipitated human wisdom in the thousands of years of civilization. The book of the book nourishes a touch of seedlings in the dry season;Essence


Reading has become a habit."The sky lotus leaves are infinitely blue, and the lotus lotus flowers are red." In the sun, the West Lake in June is infinite, and the blue leaves are linked."The best year of spring is the benefit of the spring, and the citizen of the willows will be the capital." Beyond the coastal embankment, the willow in March moved the wind and melodiously."Spring is full of gardens, and a red apricot comes out of the wall." A garden spring, full of floral fragrance, and unwilling red apricot look at the head."Do you know? Do you know? Should be green fat red and thin." After the wind and rain, the flowers were leftist, and the flowers were unlimited.


Read it and give me happiness.Li Bai told me: "Those who abandon me are not allowed to stay yesterday; those who mess with my heart today are more worried about today." Life is happy and fulfilling.Our youth is flying, we are free, we can be unrestrained, we can be unprepared, we can find ourselves, and find the happiness that we lose because of "talking for new words".


When loneliness, the book is a close friend with each other; when you are sad, the book is an open window; at the haze, the book is a bright sun; when the heart is gray, the book is the flame of the male ...


In the bright moon, the yellow roll was holding the left hand, holding a cup of strong tea in the right hand, and a bite of strong tea to listen to the echoes of the years of the rings, stirring the flowers of the heart, flashed with beautiful sparks, and remitted a rainbow and the bright moon.


Book, my good teacher and friend.With you, my world and youth embrace each other warmly.


Nice to have you!



1、成长:成长读音为chéng zhǎng,是指1.长大;长成。 2.向成熟的阶段发展。成长 chéng zhǎng词语意思:1.长大;长成。 2.向成熟的阶段发展。(1) [grow up;grow to maturity](2) 长到成熟阶段(3) 向成熟阶段发展分词解释:长大:1.体貌高大壮伟。 2.指体貌高大壮伟的人。发展:①事物由小到大、由简单到复杂、由低级到高级的变化:事态还在发展ㄧ社会发展规律。②扩大(组织、规模等):发展新会员 ㄧ发展轻纺工业。阶段:事物发展进程中划分的段落:大桥第一阶段的工程已经完成。成熟:①植物的果实或谷物生长到可收获的程度:成熟的高粱红透了。②比喻人或事物发展到完善的程度:他成熟多了|这想法不够成熟|待条件成熟了再干。...成长怎么造句,用成长造句»

2、温暖:温暖读音为wēn nuǎn,是指①暖和;不冷不热:气候温暖|温暖的阳光|共眠布被取温暖。②亲切关怀:温暖的集体|得到家庭的温暖。温暖 wēn nuǎn词语意思:①暖和;不冷不热:气候温暖|温暖的阳光|共眠布被取温暖。②亲切关怀:温暖的集体|得到家庭的温暖。词语意思:家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。集体:许多人合起来的有组织的整体(跟‘个人’相对):集体生活ㄧ集体领导ㄧ个人利益服从集体利益。亲切:1.切近。 2.亲近;亲密。 3.贴切。 4.真切;确实。 5.引申为准确。 6.形容热情而关心。布被:布制的被子。多以状生活清苦。不冷不热:指温度不高不低,冷热适中。亦比喻对人态度一般。...温暖怎么造句,用温暖造句»