
时间:2022-10-20 13:05:31 | 来源:语文通



快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇1快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇2快乐的“六一”儿童节作文 篇3快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇4快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇5快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇6快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇7快乐的“六一”儿童节作文 篇8快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇9

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇1


This afternoon, our school held an activity to celebrate the "June 1". In the morning, the teachers and students dressed the classroom beautifully. The students also put on their favorite clothes and came to the classroom happily.


At 2 p.m., the activity began. First of all, let's draw lots of prizes, including red pens, blue pens, cartoon cups, pen boxes... I'm lucky to get a red pen. I'm so happy!


In this activity, the most important thing is to turn hula hoop. We are divided into two groups, the men's group and the women's group. The competition started, and all the students who watched shouted, "Come on! Come on!" I saw that some of the students in the competition turned faster and faster, and some only turned a few times, and the hula hoop fell to the ground. The students all tried hard to turn, but they were all sweating. The atmosphere in the class was extremely tense, and finally the winner was decided. Deng Boliang, who was very skillful, won the first place in the men's group, and Li Xiaoqi, who was agile and flexible, won the first place in the women's group. I really envy that they can turn around for so long. Then, the teacher asked the chorus of our class to sing a song: "Little Swallow, Wear Flower Clothes..." Listening to this beautiful song, my nervous mood suddenly disappeared.


Finally, the teacher cut five beautiful cakes, one for each, and ate the sweet and delicious cake. I think we are so happy!


The "61" activity ended in the laughter of the students.

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇2

今日,便是我们的儿童节,以往的儿童节,我们都是表演一下节目,大家乐一乐就差不多了 ,可是今年又增加了一个炒菜大家尝的活动,每组准备材料,选菜,选主厨,选后勤,我是主厨,嘻嘻。

Today is our Children's Day. On the previous Children's Day, we all performed a program, and everyone had a good time. But this year, we added an activity for everyone to taste fried vegetables. Each group prepared materials, selected dishes, selected chefs, and selected logistics. I am the chef, hee hee.


Because we are working in groups, we come in groups. The first group fried shrimps and eggs. Qian Chiyu really had the style of a chef. He was busy cooking while humming a tune. The two logistics staff beside him were so busy that they were confused and in a hurry. For a moment, the chef drank: salt. The logistics staff went to fetch salt in a hurry. For a moment, the chef said, "Give me sugar and vinegar.". The logistic staff squeezed out of the crowd, and it took a lot of effort to get back through the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties. The dishes they cooked are complete in color, aroma and taste. The color is yellow and white with a little red, the aroma is strong and fragrant, and the taste is incomparably smooth.


Now it's the third group's turn. The third group makes curry rice. At the beginning, they cooked carrots and diced potatoes. Then they put the white rice that had been approved into the pot, and then put in the special curry juice. After frying for a while, the fragrance permeates the entire corridor. The head teacher of Class 6, Mr. Chen, and the head teacher of Class 3, Mr. Wang, as well as Mr. Li Xiang, all smelled along the way and tasted it with interest.


Our second group was at the bottom of the list. We cooked scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I started slowly. First, I poured oil evenly. After a while, I put in onions. After a while, they smelled sweet. Then I put in eggs, and sprinkled a little salt on them. After they were cooked, I put in tomatoes, and then I added a little sugar to cook them. The color was yellow in red, and green in yellow, not to mention the taste.


This year's cooking activity on Children's Day not only made us very happy, but also made us realize that it was not easy for parents to cook.


This is really a different Children's Day.

快乐的“六一”儿童节作文 篇3


Children's Day is our children's festival. There will be many wonderful programs and meaningful activities on this day. The day I look forward to has finally arrived.


On May 30, the opening ceremony of the "June 1st" Children's Day of Dongjie Primary School officially began. All our teachers, students and parents gathered on the campus, and 42 lively "classes" walked with vigorous steps from the rostrum. You can see that they are all energetic and blooming in their own festivals. They shout loud slogans and walk past the rostrum, followed by the performance of the orchestra. How beautiful and exciting they are! You may not know how hard they practiced off stage for this performance. There is a saying: "Ten minutes on stage, ten years off stage". Do you hear the melody we are familiar with? The first song is "Singing and Smiling", the second song is "National Anthem of the People's Republic of China". The national flag team is coming towards us, and we held a flag raising ceremony in the solemn singing, Let me feel how happy I am as a young pioneer in the new era.


Then we held a wonderful grade art performance, including folk dance, modern dance and Latin dance. Among them, the students who danced folk dance performed Mongolian dance. They galloped on the grassland like horses. How happy they were! There is also the Chinese dance of "Reunion" with red lanterns, which adds a festive color to today's festival; There are also people who dance modern dance, which makes people feel excited


The "June Day" passed away unconsciously. Although it was very short, I was very happy because this beautiful day will always remain in my childhood memory.

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇4


Today is International Children's Day, and a June 1 activity was held in the school. The activities are colorful and interesting!


At the beginning, we were playing with beads. Many people failed because the beads were too slippery. But the students are not afraid of difficulties and stick to the end. After many attempts, many of us also picked up beads. It is more interesting for blind people to beat drums. People in the front row succeed easily; However, people in the back row lost their way because of their confidence, making jokes. The drum hit, but it was the first group of drummers who hit the third group; The drummers of the third group hit the drummers of the first group on the back; Suddenly burst into a frenzy of laughter


Then we played stick nose, guessing riddles and catching frogs.


Every time we play a game, we can get a seal as long as we pass the pass, and we can draw a prize after we get three seals. So the students are enthusiastic and actively participate, and everyone is happy and full of fun!


This International Children's Day is really interesting, not only fun but also very interesting! It gives me endless aftertaste!

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇5


Happy Children's Day, we are happy elves. The time of class and after class is flipped, and everyone is ecstatic! On my colorful happy day, I put my worries and sorrows out of the sky. There is no annoying homework, no nagging from teachers, only gifts at your fingertips, and only sincere and considerate blessings! On my gorgeous happy day, I called friends and friends to play basketball. I couldn't finish playing my favorite basketball. We are alive and well,


Sweating profusely and gasping for breath, you can enjoy the pleasure of scoring goals, and every face is filled with an incomparable happy smile. On my lively happy day, crazy parties went on one after another, inviting birds on the branches to sing a song, naughty monkeys to perform stunts, and giant elephants to tug of war.


Everyone was immersed in a happy atmosphere, and even the teacher enjoyed the happy time of returning old and young. On my crazy happy day, the campus is an amusement park. The world of joy roams freely. My laughter flies. Every naughty angel has the most lovely face.


This unforgettable memory is an incomparable happy time!

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇6


International Children's Day is coming, my mother and my mother's colleagues went to Shenzhen Children's Palace. When I arrived at the Children's Palace, it was very beautiful and big.


An uncle stuck a sticker for me, which said Oman Pear. We first went to the Energy World, where we took a train to see it. There was a long queue, and I waited for twenty minutes before I got there. When I got on the train, the first thing I saw was dinosaurs, because dinosaurs were the first in the world. The second one is about reptiles. There is a tiger. Its teeth are very long and its body is very big. It runs very fast. Then introduced the ape man, they can only eat raw things. Later, a man invented drilling wood to make fire. Since then, humans can eat cooked things.


The third is hydropower, which generates huge energy by falling down from high places and then converts this energy into electricity.


The fourth is that humans found coal mines underground. Watt invented the steam engine, which can drive trains.


The fifth one is to use the tides at sea to generate electricity.


The sixth is that humans have built nuclear power plants to generate electricity using nuclear energy.

第七种介绍的是在陆地和海上发现了石油copyright ,从此,人类就可以让飞机在天上飞了,汽车在地上跑了。

The seventh is the discovery of petroleum COPYRIGHT on land and at sea. Since then, humans can let aircraft fly in the sky and cars run on the ground.


The last is the invention of the space shuttle and satellite, which can receive signals in space and transmit them to the earth, so that humans can watch TV and play computer games.


My mother and I also went to play the beautiful home, where the first pass can play computer games related to environmental protection. The second level is to watch a movie clip of "people who want to live on earth on other planets". At the third level, I can help them build a beautiful home on the computer. The beautiful home I designed got more than 40 points, which was very high, while others only got more than 20 points. The fourth stage is to demonstrate the leakage of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet Union, which was caused by rats. Watching the leakage of the nuclear power plant on TV, a big fire broke out, and the steel plate under our feet also shook, which made me jump.


I also played the Science Popularization Kingdom, where we mainly introduced some basic knowledge related to science popularization, as well as some small experiments that we can do ourselves. There is a kind of machine. If you press the power supply, a ball will float. I observed carefully. It turns out that the machine can blow air under it.


I also played with things that can generate electricity by shaking. At first, I shook very slowly. I only shook 120 mA. Later, I shook 180 mA. I made great progress. There are also two large plates, which are far apart. It's said that you can hear what you are saying on the other plate when you speak to one of them. It's really strange.


I also went to the strange house where the floor is inclined. Once you go in, you will feel dizzy. It is also easy to fall. I fell accidentally. I don't know why this happens. My mother told me that people live on a very flat floor every day. If you live on a very inclined floor, you will definitely not adapt. This feeling will spread to your brain, and naturally you will feel dizzy and stand unsteadily.


I also entered a room where I wrote your shadow on the wall. After entering the room, there is a strong light shining for more than ten seconds. You can put your hands or other things on the wall. After a while, the light will go out and your shadow will be printed on the wall.


Today, I have not only gained a lot of knowledge, but also enjoyed myself so much. This International Children's Day was really fun!

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇7


International Children's Day is coming soon. People are in emergency rehearsal. Each performance is unique.


On the day when we are about to check and accept, we are more serious and dedicated, and each teacher becomes more serious. We can't help but become conscious. We are correcting one action at a time, and every teacher hopes to be the first! I am also making constant efforts in the fifth paragraph. Every morning I read, and the first lesson was rehearsed. In the scorching sun, we still insist. I believe that one pay, one gain.


Time passed quickly. The morning passed. In the afternoon, we went to Phoenix Square for rehearsal. The first part was from one to six. The first part was innocent and lively, the second part was poetic and picturesque, the third part was personalized, the fourth part was elegant, and we had everything, and the sixth part was affectionate. Everyone has his own advantages, and our performance must be very popular and shocking.


The performance of the third paragraph is also good, which is very exciting. Of course, other grades are also the best. I hope you can continue to work hard and perform better on the stage of June 1! And we are also very satisfied with this activity, which can not be separated from the teacher's contributions. Thank you, teacher.


We will make persistent efforts to make students look at us with new eyes. June Day is a children's festival. We must have a happy life. We must be the happiest. We will do our best to make ourselves better. It's hard to rehearse the program, but it's worth fighting for June 1. People often say, "First bitter, then sweet." Our hard work today will create miracles tomorrow. Everything is prepared for the prepared.


June 1st is a happy day. I believe that success must belong to you. The wonderful art activities are shocking and show your best.

快乐的“六一”儿童节作文 篇8


Today is Children's Day on June 1st, which is the children's favorite festival. On this day, my mother and I came to XX Park, where I had a good time.


After we came to XX Park, we saw the willows beside the road were green, and there were several small flowers growing on the grass, which were yellow, white and colorful. Walking forward, I saw a lake where I could fish, and a large amusement park where the games were more exciting and more horrible. It was too difficult to play, so I didn't play.


As we walked, we came to a small forest. In the tree, there was an uncle who sold diabolo. We bought a diabolo. I thought it was easy to learn this, because I saw the grandfathers nearby playing so well. I thought it should be easy to learn this. However, diabolo did not listen to me when it came to my hands. When I saw that I could not play, my uncle taught me hand by hand, One side said: "First cross the diabolo line, then slide it, and then swing the left hand and right hand up and down. Remember: the right hand is strong, the left hand is not." While playing, I heard an old man say, "There are thousands of ways to play diabolo. If you play one way a week, how many times will you practice it?" I practiced for a while, but diabolo didn't listen to me. I lost confidence. He said, "It's hard to play diabolo. I won't play anymore." Finally, after watching the performance of "raising the national flag" in my uncle's diabolo, I walked on and saw a pen holder seller. Grandma said it was two yuan, and Mom heard it was twenty yuan. When we asked, it was really two yuan. Grandma said, "I send this to a school for five yuan, and there are only a few left, so we can sell it cheaply." I thought it was very good, so I bought one, another one and a balloon, and gave it to my sister.


When I got to Grandma's house, I gave the balloon to my sister. After sleeping, I went home after dinner. Although I was very tired today, I was very happy because my mother bought me diabolo, penholder and books. I like them very much.

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇9


Today is Friday. I happily carry my schoolbag to school early in the morning. Although the schoolbag is full of textbooks for class as before, today has a different meaning for us, because today is the "International Children's Day", which is our holiday. There are garden activities in the morning and free activities in the afternoon. I think I can play in the morning and play again in the afternoon. Don't mention how happy I am. Let me tell you a secret. The skirt I wear today is new. My mother bought it for me. My grandma gave me a red envelope last night!


Walking briskly, I walked into the school. Every class was full of laughter and laughter, and the teacher looked very relaxed, without the seriousness of the past. First, we sorted out our classrooms, and then we went to participate in the garden activities carefully designed by the school for us.


Another happy Children's Day. I don't know whether I can remember today's happiness when I grow up. I asked my parents how they celebrated Children's Day when they were young. They all said they couldn't remember. Anyway, I would like to thank my parents and teachers for giving me a happy childhood. I will carefully remember this warm and happy scene and look forward to the coming of the next Children's Day.