
时间:2022-11-03 13:11:41 | 来源:语文通



写事作文 篇1写事作文 篇2写事的作文 篇3写事作文 篇4

写事作文 篇1


Today is a sunny day, neither hot nor cold, and the sky is cloudless. It's really a good day! Early in the morning, I was awakened by the bird's "Beethoven Songs" chorus. Look! Magpies, cuckoos, sparrows and swallows are coming! They sing sometimes lyrically, sometimes softly, sometimes sadly... "Ah!" I said to myself, "Today is really good. Why don't I go to the Forest Park for a walk?" I told my mother this suggestion, and she applauded.


Wow, the forest park is so beautiful! Look! The peony flowers are in full bloom: red, white, yellow... The earth is also towering like clouds, the air is as fresh as the prairie, and some unknown wild flowers are clumps and pieces. Although they are ugly, they always bring people a little happiness. It is really a poetic paradise!


When we came to the pond, we saw a black patch and thought: What is it? It turned out to be tadpoles. As soon as I saw them, I was so excited as if I had seen my old classmates. I quickly took out the bottles I had just drunk and grabbed some. Mom smiled and said, "Can you really catch it?" "Of course, I am a famous tadpole catcher. For me, this is' Zhang Fei eats bean sprouts - a piece of cake '!" Then he started to catch it, but the tadpole was so clever that he had already heard something and fled. I'm not convinced. I'm going to try again. Wow, I'm almost there! I blocked them to a corner, and when I was ready to start, the tadpoles secretly "beat" and opened a "road of life" and left. It was really annoying. I was going to sit on a stone, but I accidentally sat empty and fell down. Alas! If you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, try again! First, I'm as still as a tiger, put the bottle into the pond, and then catch it after the little guy throws himself into the trap! One minute, two minutes... I waited quietly, wow! a crowd of! I was secretly happy. The little tadpole thought the bottle was his home, so they all went in. I suddenly fished it out. Oh, they all caught it!


Tadpole, I'm sorry. I just want to observe you closely. I will release you back to nature in a few days. I'm not a "human trafficker". You will be "reunited" with your mother in a few days!

写事作文 篇2


I remember when I was very young, I was full of curiosity and fantasy on the other side of the mountain. Finally one day I climbed up a mountain and saw that there was water on the other side of the mountain, and there was still a mountain on the other side of the water. I was born in a poor mountain village. I remember that when I was young, I forced my mother to borrow the money for tuition from Uncle's with tears. When I was eight years old, my mother forced me to collect wine bottles all over the village. At that time, a wine bottle earned two cents. What I still remember is that my father pulled a rickshaw to pull shavings from the pencil factory in the city, which caused many passers-by to sigh.


I started selling ice cream during the summer vacation when I was 12 years old. Riding a big golden deer bicycle, you can go through the streets and alleys in the countryside to sell and shout. Among them, I told you a few tidbits: once I went to a neighboring village to peddle, a 14-year-old girl came to me and said, "Young man, you are so handsome, let me be your daughter-in-law, and I will have ice cream every day.". I couldn't help but give her one. She clapped her hands in delight. She said that you squatted down and I told you something. I thought there was something secret. She kissed me on my cheek. The happiness flowed all over my body like a warm current. A lipstick of ice cream on his face. A little daughter-in-law beside Le smiled secretly with her mouth covered.


Coincidentally, once I handled the melted ice-cream, a group of small rural wives rushed to buy it. Round up my car. They scrambled to seize it. I said in a hurry that you should stop it. All the women laughed and said, "Stop it! Stop it! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" I was shocked. Am I right? How can I understand your adult's affairs as a young man in his prime of life? It took me many years to understand why they laughed so brightly that day.


I have also experienced unfortunate times. A big man bought two ice creams and forced me to take one, but I refused to let him scold me and hit me in anger. When I cried, I hid in a corner where no one else was crying. A kind aunt came to dissuade her from feeling better.


When I was 15 or 16 years old, I had the strength to sell vegetables on holidays. I carried 150 or 60 kilograms of vegetables to climb the slope and rushed to the city to sell them. At that time, I fell down in the mud and got up again. Finally, I came to the market because I was slapped twice because of an unexpected remark. Why is it that I always suffer more when I get hurt? How I hated poverty at that time. I planted the seeds of hatred in my heart: I must be successful when I grow up.


Now, I am comfortable in the tide of business. Although I am not rich, I also live a comfortable life. I suddenly found that all kinds of misfortunes in my childhood have become stepping stones and intangible wealth.


Now on the way of life, I still walk through the stars and the moon. I am convinced that the sunshine always comes after the wind and rain.


Walking to the mountain, there is a sky!

写事的作文 篇3


One afternoon, Grandma was sewing clothes. She accidentally lost the needle. She went back and forth looking for the needle, but still couldn't find it. She cried anxiously, "Xiao Ming, come and help me find the needle."


Xiaoming quickly ran over, touched his head and thought: The needle is made of iron, and the magnet can suck it up. Xiao Ming ran away. Grandma wondered why Xiao Ming ran away when I asked him to find a needle?


After a while, Xiaoming came back with a magnet. Xiaoming sniffed and sniffed. With a "ding", Xiaoming raised the magnet and shouted, "I've found it!" Grandma said, "My grandson has become smart!"

写事作文 篇4


On the long beach, a father and son walked slowly, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone two lines of footprints, one deep and one shallow. "Why are my footprints so shallow, Dad?" The son asked. "My dear child, because you are still young, when you grow up, you will have deep footprints like your father."




Late at night, the desk lamp is still on.


The pen was still in hand, but there was a kiss on the upper and lower eyelids.


"Alas!" Is it true that I am, as Grandpa said, "rotten wood cannot be carved"? Looking at the mountain of problem sets, I couldn't help locking my eyebrows. "I got stuck again. Why is this damn geometry problem so difficult?" I wonder if Edison has another way to become a talent. Why can't "genius=99% perspiration+1% inspiration" be verified by me?


It was dark outside the window. Alas! Perhaps, I really am not the material for learning!



"Ah! Finally, I got into the top ten. It's true that my kung fu pays off."


Although, it was just the tenth place, in Grandpa's words, "standing on the edge of the cliff, comrades still have to work hard". However, I am still happy in my heart. Anyway, "all night long", "all night long"... I finally got something in return. Although I still can not meet the requirements of my parents, it is enough to make me beautiful for a while.


It's sunny today!



"How can this happen?" I want to cry without tears.


The math paper with the score of "77" in my hand gave me a hard slap. My heart was very painful.


Alas! During this period, I was still intoxicated with the joy of the top ten, and I was a little distracted in class. Inadvertently, another month passed. This time, I really understood the truth that "modesty makes people progress, and pride makes people lag behind"! There is no room for negligence in the ninth grade.


If you want to study Chinese at night, you'd better recite the famous ancient poems. A temporary failure should not affect subsequent examinations. I silently warned myself.


But how can I calm down? Although the appearance is so relaxed and disdainful.


Tonight will be another sleepless night.




The right path in the world is vicissitudes of life. Maybe you are just a small tree in the dense forest, maybe you are just a small flower in the garden, maybe you are just a drop of water in the vast sea. However, although it is a tree, it can also resist the wind and rain, although it is a flower, it can also dress up the spring, although it is a drop, it can also form an ocean.


I am still ordinary, maybe I can only remain unknown forever. But I firmly believe that ordinary I may not always fail, and the sun will one day shine on the cold dark night sky. As long as I try my best, I will win a victorious self.


Gold always shines.


Looking back, the ups and downs, emotions and sorrows printed a series of deep and shallow footprints.